Reviews for Gems of Infinite Potential
OoOXylionOoO chapter 4 . 5/26
Thanks for the chapter. Keep up the good work.
OoOXylionOoO chapter 3 . 5/26
Pretty good chapter, my thanks to the author.
OoOXylionOoO chapter 2 . 5/26
Very nice writing.
Lazymanjones96 chapter 34 . 5/19
Interesting stuff looking forward to more
MajorParidae chapter 4 . 5/19
Black Widow in a Vibranium super suit equipped with Pym Particles

So Black Widow will become the greatest hero to walk the earth thanks to this guy. Or, well, greatest mercenary under one man's payroll.
Austrichh chapter 1 . 5/18
If you didn’t like Twelve Steps that’s fine, but you shouldn’t criticize it for doing everything with a SI story and then proceed to give your SI the same ass pull luck that you claim McCole had. At least Jessica didn’t sleep with everyone at Othrys.

Tbh in my opinion Twelve Steps is way better than this fic.
Icedev chapter 34 . 5/18
wholeheartedly believe this is a lot better fic than 12 steps
Antianti12 chapter 1 . 4/25
The fact that you think this is better than 12 steps, ha your hilarious it was alright but once the whole harem thing and with Natasha fucking every man there you lost me right their that was cringe.
Outgund chapter 34 . 4/23
This is a really good story I like the direction of widespread power versus personal omnipotence. The politicking and such is good too. The romance with Nat was a nice touch but her past did make me wince. Big oof. And her saying she fucked every half decent man made me jealous
PrincessMagic chapter 13 . 4/13
PrincessMagic chapter 8 . 4/13
Oooof nice
PrincessMagic chapter 1 . 4/13
Oooh wow. This is different to my normal reading habits but I can't wait to see where you take me!
Moi chapter 34 . 4/4
In the interest of making constructive and meaningfull comments to furhter your writing expertise I can only say "Noice"
Guest chapter 1 . 3/30
Dude. Fuck off. You or whoevers work this has nothing on 12 steps
highfist chapter 7 . 3/28
Bleh... I just can’t get behind the MCs motive, maybe it’s because I know for a fact I would hoard all that power and say fuck humanity so his whole reason for why he is doing it just turns me off
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