Author Notes:

Written a few short stories. This is my first time publishing on this site. Let me know what you think and how I can improve/fix things.

This will be a male SI-OC first person narrative. This will take place before the anime-game version of Sinnoh. I will use characters from those two and the manga. I will be loosely basing places around those three sources using OCs and new places to add my own spin.

Let me know what direction I should take this story. I'm still trying to find a good main plot to follow.

Right now, I plan to write a dark story. Don't know if I should add Team Galactic/Rocket, make it into a Shoenen/Tragedy, or have him travel with a known character, like a gym leader ect. I do know he's aiming for power, whether its personal or for strengthening his team.

Currently at 10K words written. Planning for 100K+ if this does well. Weekly releases are my goal, might release more frequently.


Small Edit: Removed third person "his" from this chapter. Change last sentences, making it flow better. Will come back after 100k and completely rewrite this chapter.


Chapter 1:

I rush through my exam. Scratching in answers.

Today is the last class of my semester's worth of lectures and homework.

Christmas break starts tomorrow and I could hardly wait a second longer.

What was I thinking when I thought being a physicist would be fun?

Mind numbing math and physics. Few lab experiments I could do, already performed thousands of times.

All I wanted was real hands on experience. Discovering new and exciting things. Instead I'm stuck here testing and proving other people's findings.

It made my lab final painful. Demoralizing my weakened spirit. I forced myself to sit down and finish the conclusion on my paper.

I strained my eyes away. Realizing the other's already left. Leaving the professor as the only one here with me.

He's an older man, white hair combed down, and wears a white lab coat to cover his plump body.

He didn't bother putting down his IPad. Addicted to Pokemon Go. Preventing him from hearing my grumbling.

Slinging my backpack on, I made my way over to his desk.

"Here." Slamming my paper down. "It's a little messy, but I think I got everything."

"No worries John. Others have worse handwriting than you." Not looking up. "I think I can handle it."

"I just wanted to make sure." I replied.

The man clearly wasn't interested in checking. Flicking his wrist abruptly. "Stay in the ball!"

His face began to contort. Biting his lips until a click came from the game.

"I finally got you Pikachu!"

Ending his parade. "I guess I'll be heading out Professor."

"Sorry about that Mr. Smith." Setting his IPad down. "I hope you have a good break."

"Thanks." Stepping out of the room. "You too."

The door closed behind me. I could hear my teacher talking to himself. Louder when he thought I wasn't near.

I held my head in frustration.

Would it at least hurt him to look up from his game?

Last night's cramming came back in waves of pain. Adding on my teacher's obsession with Pokemon further increased the pounding headache.

Only growing worse the more I thought about my day.

"Next spring will be different. No annoying teacher, more time to study and maybe I could make a real friend."

Stepping outside helped to calm my nerves. I can officially say my winter break was finally here.

The sun lowered in the sky. Shining on the dull Oak trees on campus. Showing brown crisp leaves falling from the cold breezes passing through.

Only a few cars remain in the parking lot. No one was outside to bother me.

A loud sound interrupted the peaceful atmosphere. Looking down, I found my stomach was the one acting up.

"Where's that vending machine at?"

Retracing my steps from memory, I followed alongside the building. Finding a familiar sight.

Trailing my index finger over the screen, I bought a bag of chips and water. Packing them away for dinner.

"Time for the walk home."

Closing my bag, I twisted around. Journeying down the sidewalk.

The sun dipped below the horizon. Dyeing the sky in a deep red.

Street lamps turned on one by one. Pushing away the approaching darkness.

A flicker reached me. Pulling my gaze over.

Laying in my path was a puddle. Sparkling in a gorgeous blue at every angle I looked from.

"What is this?" Creeping over. "It didn't rain."

It was clear the whole day. Sprinklers wouldn't been on during this time of year.

However, this puddle was here. No bigger than me, blocking the way forward.

"Step on me…"

Flinching. "Hello?"

Turning around I looked. Checking to see if anyone was near.

I stood still until I convinced myself I was imagining things.

I could go around. Having no soaked socks with a short walk through the brush. Or I could go against my better judgment and step forward.

I rose my foot, aiming to head around. Only to have my thoughts freeze in place. Replaced with a foreboding feeling taking control of my body. Swerving my foot over the water instead.

N-No… soaked s-socks… need to ru- must step into the blue, sparkly, amazing, glorious puddle in front of me.

"It's only a puddle John. Not even a big deal anyway." Leaning forward. "What's the worst that can happppeeeen!"

My whole leg was submerged. I fell on my butt, grasping the ground. Coming out of my trance.

"W-What happened?"

I remembered walking home, then… then a puddle?

I felt something swimming by my foot. Flicking its tentacles and wrapping around.

"Oh shit, oh shit!" Flopping on the floor. "Get away!"

I fought in desperation. Kicked and screamed, begging someone to come help. Then the force pulled, forcing me to drag my fingers through the mud. To live for a second longer.

Before long my torso disappeared. Then one arm before the other, sealing my fate.

I continued to cry out loud. Until water flooded over my face and into my mouth. Choking the words out of me.

Is this how it ends… Death by a puddle?

No one would know my struggle. They would pass by and see some upturned dirt. Not guessing I was murdered the night before.

All I could do was watch. Looking through the blue light. Noticing the puddle returning eerily still. Shrinking silently and leaving a single bubble. Where I rested, floating inside and flailing my arms to break out. Until it popped, sounding like a burp.

I swam, treaded water. Dragging my body to the surface. Breaking the hold on me. Coughing up water as I gasp for breath.

The current swept me away. Pushing me further down the dark tunnel.

I struggled against the rock walls. To keep myself upright as I search for a foothold in the darkness.

My mouth opened to scream. But I was too afraid to be forced under again.

Someone please help! I don't know what's happening!

My vision grew used to the darkness. Faint blue light spread out from algae coating the walls. Rubbing off onto me as I was dragged against the rocks.

I was inside an underground river. Stretching further than I could see with no end in sight.

All I could do was reserve my strength. Floating on my back as I bobbed up and down. Waiting for the rapids to calm down before I do anything else.

My ear brushed against the wall. Sending screams and howls of creatures verberating into my head.

I came to a realization. I wasn't dreaming.

Oh god no! Please I can't be dead, tell me I'm not in the river to the afterlife, that those aren't demons outside!

Doom weighed heavily over me. I refused to listen. To hear the creatures of terror waiting to maul me.

Time past by. The rapids calmed after miles of floating. I convinced myself I won't get by long without trying to find out what's happening.

My body was freezing. I had to swim and search for ground to rest on.

Something is near.

A black splotch was a head. On the only flat piece of ground I came across.

At first it was still. Blending in with the rocks on the floor. Then it moved, startling me.

The creature bent over, next to my face. Drinking water less than a meter away.

I held my breath. Allowing the water to sweep me under it.

Pretend. Pretend I'm dead.

Barely arms reach away. Only inches remain before I could get away.

It looked over. Crocking its head in my direction. Sniffing the air and grinning. Revealing a mouth filled with razor teeth.

"No get away!"

My legs flailed. Kicking to move my battered body. To push past my exhaustion.

This excited the demented creature. Making it run alongside the ledge next to me. Closing in and clamping onto my backpack. Before, pulling me against my will.

Is this how I die?

I laid limp on the rock floor. Shocked and heavily breathing. Watching the eyeless beast sniffing my bag. Scratching at it with its talons.

Bag… Bag? What does it want?

My eyes opened wide. I shuffled my hands behind me. Grasping the zipper as I avoided its swipes.

A crunch echoed out. Calming the beast.

Slowly my hand came out. Holding the chips I bought.

Sitting up. "Chips." Pushing it towards my captor. "It tastes better than me… "

The beast snarled. Biting down on the bag and tearing it away from my grasp. Throwing salted chips everywhere.

A gasp left my mouth. I felt my heart beating in my chest. Pounding hard as I watched.

It was more interested in junk food. Ignoring me completely. Allowing me to get a better look.

The creature stood on four legs with a blue body, was less than two feet long, with a face and horn covered in black fur.

"Wait…" Nearing it. "Are you a Pokemon?"

Deino didn't look up. Licking the salt off the bag.

"Deino… first form of the Hydreigon line." Picking myself up. "Thank god it was interested in my chips more than me."

Pokemon shouldn't be real.

I played Pokemon games, watched the TV show and was slightly obsessive over it. Not to the degree my professor was, but I knew enough to be competitive.

From a single glance, I could tell Deino is a dark dragon, weak to ice/fairy moves and extremely aggressive from what I remember.

A single growl told me this was real. Deino was baring its teeth nearing me.

"H-Hey… Buddy I'm not tasty." Trying to hold my ground. "We can work together. You don't need to kill me because… because I know where to find more chips."

Arceus please tell me Pokemon can still understand humans.

Deino stopped approaching. Ending its threatening tone. Clearly more interested in my offer.

"Yes. Chips taste really good." Lowering my hands. "If you want, I could show you where to find some more."

"Deino Deino… "

There was a problem. Deino could understand me, but I couldn't understand it.

Deino backed off for a reason. I could try working with that.

"Um, I don't know exactly what you said, but can we shake hands? Promising to not murder the other."


Raising my hand, I tried showing it.

Dammit. I forgot it was blind.

I was sighing because I had to get on all fours.

On my knees I managed to knock on the floor. Catching Deino's attention.

Slowly raising my arm, I got it to mimic my actions.

"Good. Now we shake our raised arms... I mean legs." Touching its taloned paw. "Up and down. There. Now we agreed on a truce."

"Deino Deino."

"I'm not able to lead you to where I got my chips right now."

"Deino?" it growled.

"Never said I wouldn't. We first need to leave this cave and go outside."

"Deion Deino?"

I realized it didn't know what I was talking about.

"We're inside a cave right now. Outside is a place so big, you won't ever run into a wall you couldn't go around."

The dragon must have lived down here it's whole life. The idea of a world outside these tunnels astounded it. Making Deino pace in place.

"If you follow me, you would see what I'm talking about. Just by looking around, you would tell the difference in a second."

"Deino Deino?"

"Right. You don't have eyes. That'll change when you evolve."

Mentioning evolution to it caused Deino to jump up. Brushing past it's earlier confusion.

"I know a lot Deino. Like how I know your final form is a Hydreigon, about what moves you could learn and everything about the enemies we could encounter down here."

The young dragon couldn't believe me. It sat on the ground thinking if I was telling the truth.

"Deino let's go." I stood up and walked to one of the many tunnels.

"Deino Deino."

It was trying to reason with me. Not willing to leave until it was sure. Wanting to evolve first, before it goes.

"You don't understand Deino. We might be here for years and you'll probably get killed before you have a chance to evolve."

The words killed and years made Deino flinch. Making it lay on the ground in thought.

It still doesn't trust me.

"Listen. Stay here and think for a while. If you decide you want to come along, we both have a better shot at surviving and leaving this place."

"Deino Deino."

It nodded to me, curling up.

"I'll head out and check if I can find a way to the surface."

It was up to Deino to decide whether wasting away in the caves would do it any good.

Will it be like those fanfictions of my first meeting turning into friendship?

I hoped those stories were right. Deino didn't look thrilled about my offer when I left.