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Author has written 3 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Fate/stay night, and Overwatch. Hello, as my profiles name suggests my name is LifeByTheCreed, or just Creed for short. As for my interests, this list would probably stretch on for eternity so I'll just put down series I feel familiar with enough to consider writing about. Dragon Ball Sword Art Online Teen Titans (Cartoon) Red Vs Blue Left 4 Dead Walking Dead (TV Show) Hellsing Justice League (Unlimited) Injustice: Gods Among Us Assassins Creed Fairy Tail Fallout Elder Scrolls Kingdom Hearts Star Trek Star Wars (Most Cannon, some Legends) Marvel Cinematic Universe Marvel Comics (Not as well as I'd want though) Fate Stay/Night (also Apocrypha, Grand Order, and a bit of Extra) Although for now I'd prefer to avoid overextending myself by writing a hundred different stories at once. Plus I am well aware that, though this is something I like doing, I have a very short attention span. There are a lot of ideas I'd really like to get out at once, but I always end up distracting myself with something else. In the interest of getting familiar with my stories, I'll be writing character bios for my OC's here First one being... Callio Species: Saiyan Height: 5'10 Weight: 160 ibs Age: 22 Biologically, 126 Chronologically (Time Travel) Affiliation: Saiyan Army/Frieza Force (Formerly), Time Patrol Callio, like most Saiyans has black hair, and eyes. His hair is spiky, most of the points directed directly forward, and downward. His mane-like hair trails back down to just above the base of his neck. He has some distinctive facial scaring. There is a large scar tracing from his cheekbone ending at his nose. He also has some burn scars covering the left side of his jaw. He had learned from most of the Xenoverse mentors however he does have a few moves of his own, and prefers only a few techniques out of those he learned. Though he will occasionally call back to his training for a certain situation. Moves Kamehameha Masenko Solar Flare Kienzan Makandosappo Dodon Ray Sprout Strike (Original technique) (Basically, a arrow headed homing ki blast barrage that spreads tens, to hundreds of blasts out from a single green beam to hit several targets, or a single target from multiple angles) Hiro Species: Saiyan (Hybrid) Height: 5'11 Weight: 180 ibs Age: 21 (22 Time Chamber) Affiliation: Z Warriors Basically a self insert, except he’s been modified to have saiyan DNA. He lost a lot of his memories from before, but is aware he’s in an anime. Got trained in martial arts by Goku. Basically Gohan's babysitter. Enjoys: Flying, Pork Buns, Fried Rice, Friendly Sparing, Cool Jazz, (Favorite Color) Mahogany Red, Most Anime (exception below) Dislikes: Killing enemies, Country Music, Harem Anime Moves Kamehameha, Sparking Kamehameha (Original technique), Burning Spirit (Original technique) Amary Species: Saiyan Height 5,2 Weight 120 ibs Age: 22 Affiliation: Frieza Force Amary is a Saiyan Princess, and sister to Vegeta. Before she was sent on her first extermination mission as a baby there was a computer error, and she didn't receive the same brainwashing that turned most saiyans into mindless killers, however her experiences on the planet she was sent to turned her into a natural one. She's clever, sarcastic, and daring. She's driven by a sense of honor, and prefers a fair fight. Her height is something of a sore subject for her, and is liable to get anyone who mentions it punched. Enjoys: Fighting Tournament Style (Lethal/Non-Lethal), Frieza Force Simian Dietary Supplement M-62, Leg Meat of Madaran Tree Lizard (Ever had Frog Legs? Kinda like that), A Strong Opponent, Theraso Blizzard-Wine (No real world approximation, fermented root fruit), Starship Design, (Favorite Color) Forest Green Dislikes: Being Called Short, Frieza's family, Turning Oazoru, "Electronic" Music, Moves Galick Gun, Blitz Cannon (Original technique), Galick Bomb (Original technique) Robert Orso Height: 5'9 Weight: 168 ibs Age: 17 Affiliation: NA Occupation: Master/Grail War Contestant, Magecraft User. Alignment: Between Neutral Good, and Chaotic Good. Origin: ??? Elements: ??? Another Self Insert, this time into the Fate Franchise. ... well, not exactly a typical version of it- but you get the idea. A new magic user, and Master of the Assassin Servant in the 5th Fuyuki Grail War, his main goal is mostly just getting out alive, and figuring out how the hell he got into this mess. Hopefully with more good people alive than not. Still new to combat, and the moonlit world, he still has much... much to learn, in a period of time growing ever shorter... Though without combat experience, he is familiar with basic tactics, and strategy. Preferring to outmaneuver his opponents rather than overpowering them. Mostly anti-social, not liking people. Actually borderline hating humans, but will fight like hell for the ones he does like. Believing humanity is for the most part a lost cause, but is worth protecting for the few among them that are decent. Dislikes violence as a solution, but will kill if he deems it necessary. Likes: Cool Jazz, Upbeat Music, (Favorite Color) Mahogany Red, Most Anime, Video Games, His Servant, Dango, Magecraft Dislikes: Country Music, Harem Anime, Magecraft (it's a love/hate sort of thing), interacting with people, Abilities (Largely still beginning his training, he is slowly developing more skills, such as-) Rune Crafting: As the name implies, he can craft a variety of runes through which he can create various effects, such as- Gandr-Sickness bullets. Isa- Stagnation. Can essentially slow time. Dagaz- Day/Dawn. Essentially a flashlight. Can also be used as a flashbang. Algiz- Protection. Creates a shield for a short period of time. Uruz- A strength booster. Thurisaz- Change. Basically a breakdown spell. Sowulo- Energy. A stamina enhancing rune. Othala- Home. Mainly used to help establish a bounded field. Hypnotic Suggestion: Basically a Jedi Mind trick Bounded Field Creation- Alters a certain space to allow for magic shenanigans. Warning System- Basically sets up a tripwire silent alarm. Hypnotic Dissociation- uses a passive hypnosis to keep civilians away. I hope that you enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoyed thinking of their worlds. |