A/N: Hey everyone! am back with a new story. After seeing quite of few good Self Inserts, I decide take my shot at it. Now, hopefully I did this right, it will not be gary sue. Also, this is not myself, this is simply a OC I created who is from our world, also, you will be noticing some Mandalorian related stuff in this. Anyway, hope you enjoy.

I don't own KOTOR or it's characters, I only own the OCs.

"... Yes! finally, I beat it!" Cheered a young man sitting on a chair, facing a computer.

My name is Wade, Wade Nilsson, am a fairly normal young guy living in Alberta Canada. Am 22, fair skin but I've been leaning on pale side lately, I like keep my hair short, helps with messy hairs, got very camo color hazel eyes, almost like looking in a forest. Am also at least 6 foot, at the normal height, but as for my body, I may look lean, but am actually very well build. Thanks to years of training in martial arts and going into the gym, am quite proud to say am ripped.

Anyway, I just recently beaten the Bounty Hunter class of SWTOR. I turn off the computer and lift myself from the chair, heading towards my bed. As you can see around my room, am a huge Star Wars fan, I played their games, read couple of the books, and etc.

However if you pay attention closely, most of the things are Mandalorian related. I've always been a huge fan of the Mandalorians, not just because how badass their armor is, but how their culture is like, how they treat family, how they live their lives.

Maybe it's because some of my bloodline goes down to some warrior cultures like Samurai or the Viking. Anyway, passing my desk, I sit on my bed and pull out a very interesting looking red note book with Mandalorian symbol.

It's a book am hoping to publish to the public soon as I finish. It contains just about everything you need to know about Mandalorians and few other things like bounty hunting or mercenary work, I made clear sure add things regarding Revan and the Exile, two of my most favorite Jedi characters.

I just needed add matters regarding the Legacy series and it was good to go. "Man, 4 months of hard work and it's about be done. Sure hope this gets publish." I mutter, going through the pages. I also added drawings of couple things in here, luckily am a good artist so it wasn't too much trouble.

However before I could start writing, I hear my phone ringing. "Oh god damnit, it better not be you Diller." Diller was a real piece of work jackass I know, treats women like objects and is a god damn pervert. As you can image, the two of us fight, I try avoid it but he really gets on my nerves.

However thankful it was not Diller, it was a odd text from someone on.. BioWare? "What the hell?" I mutter, confused why someone on BioWare would be texting me. I look into the text and was confused.

"How would you like to have a life time adventure?" I read out loud, a habit I sometimes do. I admit, I sometimes get bored with my life, I moved out of my parents house about 2 years ago, I have a job over a local A&W place. I don't have a girlfriend, never press into that, though I do have friends, just have a hard time being social enough.

I thought it over it, before I decide joke with the text, writing 'Eh sure, I was bored anyway, let me just grab my stuff', Now I would figure that whoever was talking to me would have seen that as a joke.

But I become little concerned with the next text came up. 'No need! We were be sending you important items to you in your adventure. Have a great day.', As soon as I was finish reading that, I started feel light headed for some reason, I try stand up but that only seem make it worst.

"God damn BioWare! I always knew you were always.." Before I knew it, I hit the ground hard.


".. Hmm, oh god, what happened?" Man did my head hurt, I felt like my head was used like a punching bag. I slowly open my eyes, things were a burly before I was able focus.

One thing I noticed, I wasn't in my room, in fact, I didn't think I was even my house. I weakly got off the bed I was laying on, feeling my legs were waking up. "Oh damnit! I hate it when it does that." I walked funny as the nerves in my legs woke up, I tell ya, it was not easy walking like that.

I looked around, it looked like I was in some apartment room, there wasn't really anything noticeable besides a strangely familiar footlocker. I didn't know why but it looked familiar for some reason.

Finally my legs started working right. I quickly checked my iPhone, finding it in my pocket, I found another text from whoever kidnapped me. 'Thank you for accepting my offer, everything you will need will be in the footlocker near your bed. Have a fun adventure in KOTOR.' Wait what now?

Getting curious, I opened the door of my apartment room, I was beyond shocked what stood at the end. Standing there were three thuggish looking people in some wired clothing. Thing is... They weren't human.

In fact, one of them was a freaking Twi'lek and the other two were Niktos from freaking Star Wars! They noticed me quickly.

One of them spoke in Nikto and pointed a blaster pistol at my face, I reacted. Before they knew it, I knocked the pistol out of his hand and punched him straight in his teeth. He went down fast, his buddies were in shock.

"Shit! Quick shoot him!" Shouted the Twi'lek in English, however I kicked him in the face, knocking him down, I barely dodged a shot from the other Nikto. Knowing it was him or me, I punched him right in the throat, he made some choking sounds there, dropping his blaster.

I grabbed his neck and snapped it, he went down to the ground, I knew I killed him right there. I didn't had time to realize what I did when I felt a very hot burning pain on my back. "Gah! shit!" I rolled to the ground, grabbing the dead guy's blaster, I pointed at the Twi'lek and I fired.

I hit him between his eyes, he dropped to the ground dead, I looked to the knocked out thug that try kill me, he was still out. Guess he didn't had a good chin for fighting. "Shit, I can't believe I did that." I weakly stood up, I never killed anyone before, I've been into fights, but I never killed.

But I was trained in martial arts to ready accept this fact, a moment in our lives may happen where it's either you or the other person. Though didn't mean I didn't felt the guilty killing them, though at least it was in self defense.

I dragged the bodies over a closet I found, making sure lock it. I kept the blaster as I went back in my room, I needed answers, and that foot locker may have them. I closed the door behind me, making sure lock it, I went over to the footlocker, didn't take long for me to see a button that would probably open it.

I was pretty shocked of what I found inside. "Holy shit, is that Mandalorian armor?" Sure enough, there was a green set of Mandalorian armor inside, the same kind I used for my bounty hunter class in SWTOR, there was also my notebook, I also noticed there was two other sets of armor in it.

The second was Neo Crusader, but unlike the others, this one was black, with the Mandalorian symbol on the chest, the other was a Mandalorian shock trooper armor, color blue and black. I noticed a note near the green Mandalorian armor, I picked it and read it out loud.

"Given how much of a fan you are of Mandalorians, we decide give you these two sets of armor. You may also chose summon other items by pressing the blue button." I looked to see a button inside the box, "however be warned, there is a limit, you may only summon 5 items each month. That is all." Okay, that didn't answer my questions but at least I will be wear something that can protect me.

Luckily I found some kolta like thing in the locker, but unfortunate.. I was not ready to feel the very painful feeling.

Anyone nearby, would have heard my pained yelled. "Jesus sakes! That fucking hurt!" I was glad though now that the pain of the blaster burn was going away. I turned to the green set of Mandalorian armor, finding myself looking at the helmet. "Now, what to do now?"

If am thinking things right here, am on Taris in Kotor 1, and that's bad news for me given what Darth Malak did to it. Which made me worried how far am I in the game. "No, not a game, not anymore." I could try join Revan and the Ebon Hawk, but am not sure if I could get myself to be trusted by them.

Given how Carth is, he'll more then likely know am hiding something, Revan will be a different story, I sure hope am dealing with a light side version, that would make things easier. Besides, I did mean I wanted do something in my life because I was bored, I know the dangers of this, but.. I couldn't help but feel excited for this.

I looked at the T visor helmet, I knew what needed be done.


"Wow, this feels awesome." I said to myself as I finish placing the chest plate of the armor. I was expecting this to be very heavy, however I was surprised to find it wasn't too heavy, just well enough for me move right.

I checked my new blasters I also found in the locker. I was starting to see some of the things in this locker were stuff from my bounty hunter class, it was starting make me curious why was that the case.

I walked over to where my helmet was, picking it up, I place it over my head. "Okay, here's hoping I don't end like Han Solo when he try Mandalorian armor." Luckily it wasn't the case, but it was still cool.

The visor from the inside was red, kind of like a predator helmet. I found few switches on the side of my helmet would help switch screens, I could make out a sensor on left side of the visor, if I remember right, that's probably what helps alert you that someone is behind ya.

Overall, I could see well as daylight, I decide switch the visor to normal screen. I walked over to the door, I found a interesting trick that footlocker could do, it could shrink itself to small size of a nickel, allowing me carry it around.

I placed it in my belt pocket. I took a deep breath, knowing this was gonna be dangerous heading out in galaxy of Star Wars. "Alright.. Let's go." I open the door, keeping a firm grip on my blaster pistol, I looked around, luckily there was no one around.

I walked out of the room, holding out my blaster pistol, I kept my eyes ready, making sure my helmet systems were online. But remembering what Boba Fett said to Mirta Gev, I kept my guard up.

'Hmm, guess everyone else is sleeping.' I thought as I finally reached where the door leading out of the apartment. I step out of the apartment, now within the Lower City.

I will say, it looked lot like Omega from Mass Effect, only I didn't see too many people around, I must have been in the apartment near the way into Upper City.

I went over my thoughts, I decide try hit off in the bar, I figure I could get some info from there. However as I walked to where the bar was at, I heard some fighting going on as I head further.

I had a feeling what it was. I started picking up the pace of my path, sure enough, as I heard where the Upper City elevator was at, were three Black Vulkers fighting two very familiar men.

One I knew right away was Carth, though seeing him now up course, he actually looked bit like Kaiden Alenko from Mass Effect, just different hair color and a beard, and of course the ugly jacket.

However my attention was on Revan, he looked just like from Swtor but no beard, his hair longer and the scars weren't there.

I was force to shack from my thoughts when I noticed another band of Black Vulkers then came charging in, figuring I should leave a good impression. I charged in.


"Well this is just great, already there's people trying kill us." Mutter Carth as he finishes off the last thug, his partner, Hondo Ghak nodded, also getting tried of all the assholes they were running into.

Carth didn't know what make of Hondo, he didn't act like some Smugglers his met, he was a privateer fighting the Sith, knows a hell lot of languages, and is skilled enough to take out squads of Sith troopers. Carth didn't know to trust him or not, he was still going over matters on Ender Spire.

However their attention was drawn away once they saw more thugs heading their way. "We got company!" Said Hondo, his accent was Corellian, he took his vibrosword and ready himself.

But before they could engage the thugs, a battle cry caught their attention, before a green blur passed them. "What the hell!" Said Carth, he quickly looked where the blur went.

When he did, he and Hondo were surprised. Attacking the thugs now was a fully green armored Mandalorian, he blast one of the thugs before he then unleashed his gauntlet knife and sliced the throat of a Twi'lek.

He finishes the remaining thugs with his flamethrower, burning them all alive. Carth wince as the thugs screamed in pain before dying, he saw that kind of being used lot in both wars.

The Mandalorian seemed to be distracted by something as he did not turn face them, Carth was keeping his blaster up ready, but Hondo place a hand on Carth's shoulder.

"Hold on, let's try talking here, he didn't attack us for a reason." Though Carth was unsure about this, he was little curious himself.


'Jesus, can't believe I did that.' I thought to myself as I glaze my handy work. I didn't know what to feel, knowing I killed those people like that, I should have felt something.

But I didn't, and that scared me. However my attention was caught away when Hondo and Carth made their way towards him. I turn face them, I place my blaster in it's hostler.

Well now, time to see what happens next. "Hold it! who are you, why you help us out?" said Carth, keeping a train eye on me, I could see his grip on his blaster was tighten, showing he was ready. Revan himself however looked like he was trying figure me out, "you helped us out with those thugs, care explain why you didn't chose attack us?" he said, I could tell he had a accent similar to Han Solo.

I figure the Jedi must have gave him a Corellian smuggler cover. I shrug, "Eh, I already run into a few on the way here, they ain't really into talking. I didn't see much point in attacking you. But am curious, what brings two Republic soldiers on a Sith control world like this?" that made Carth point his blaster at me, it took a lot of will for me not take out my.

Revan's face narrowed at me, he was probably thinking I was some agent of the Sith Empire. "How do you know that?" asked Carth, still keeping his blaster ready at me, I snorted. "Who you kidding? you're Carth Onashi, you're famous for you're doings in the Mandalorian Wars, a Republic War Hero, how could you not notice if anyone ever seen you're picture."

I got admit, it always bug how not many people notice this fact, given Carth's status as a war hero, you would think the Sith troopers or anyone whose seen his picture would have noticed. He scowl at me, probably the way of my tone was when I said it, but Revan quickly got involve. "Now that the thugs are dead, you gonna attack us?" I shook my head.

"There's no point. Lot of you people may think Mandalorians fight out of spit, but that's only true for some of us, it'll be quite racist to think all of us are like that." Carth shook his head, probably having his doubts there, I can't pre say I blame him there. There were quite a lot of dishonored Mandalorians during the Mandalorian Wars. "Okay then, then what do you want?" here it goes, here's hoping I can do this.

I cross my arms. "Something tells me something serious is gonna happen very soon. I don't know how I end up on this world, I was in my home before I found myself getting kidnapped, so am in a little bind you see. And by the looks of things, challenge is gonna be following you two, challenge I wouldn't mind being apart. I would like join you." that made the two eyes widen a little.

Before Carth made a big deal out of it. "Okay, why in the hell would we let you come along with us? we don't know anything about you, for all we know you could be working for the Sith." I had a feeling this was gonna happen, but I decide turn my attention to Revan, "that's up to your friend here, I get the feeling he maybe leading this. Besides, I got my share of reasons for disliking the Sith, I wouldn't half mind taking a piece of them, and you're probably gonna need all the help you're gonna get if you want leave this rock."

Revan was quiet, more then likely going over his thoughts. Me and Carth waited for his choice, I really hoped I could do this, I rather not be on this planet when Malak decides to destroy the hell out of it. Finally, he made his choice. "I..."


"This is a bad idea Hondo, I just know we'll gonna regret this." mutter Carth as I follow him and the now name Hondo to where we could find more info regarding the space pods. Yeah, I was damn glad I was able get on board. Luckily, me and Hondo here have been getting alone quite fine, turns out, we have same taste of how to fight. "Really? so you knocked a guy clean off from his feet and send him flying?" said Hondo, impressed from my story.

I was telling him how I used the inch punch on Diller when we were having an fight, he came at me drunk when I was in a bar, so remembering what me father taught me about how the inch punch worked, I used it on him when he try charge me. I send him flying across the table, smashed into some biker's table and spill all their drinks. "Yep, though that end up starting one big bar fight. I was able slip away while that happened."

Carth raise his brow. "You didn't stay to fight? thought you Mandalorians live for fighting." I shrug, "true but we all don't pick stupid fights, I didn't see much point. Besides, am not pre say a Mandalorian, more what you call someone who wishes to be one." that made Hondo frown, he was probably curious what I meant by that.

We were now getting to where the bar was at, I suggested we go there to get more info about the pods, for once Carth agreed with that. We passed the Rodian guard standing outside. "Well see, when I explain I didn't came here to Taris by choice, I find this set of armor with two others waiting for me in a footlocker. I've always been interested in the Mandalorian culture, it's a shame most people now get a bad impression because of the last war or by bad examples for the culture."

Carth was quiet there, likely thinking matters over about something. When we enter, I was damn glad I was wearing my helmet, I could see the air was filled with smell of smoke and all kinds of things, typical stuff you would find in a bar like this. We made our way through, I was getting looks from people, likely do to my armor. However as we get to the main area.

We spot a very short man in blue jacket, wearing a mushroom like hat and a pair of googles, he was corner by three Black Vulkers, two Rodians and a Twi'lek. I knew how this is gonna result, I pull Carth and Hondo back a little. "You may want step back, things are about to get little messy." the two shot me confused looks but they soon realized what I meant when Calo Nord began counting.

The three morons couldn't catch what he was talking about, before long, it was too late for them. "Three!" Calo threw a sonic grenade at the Black Vulker's feet, it goes off, blinding the three and just like that, he guns them down. Their bodies hit the floor hard, it was quiet within the bar now, I glared at Calo as he passes us, he must have notice it as he looks at me as he walks by.

If it was possible, there would have been lighting going off between our foreheads. Soon as he leaves, the bar goes back being lively. "Okay, I seen people killed, but that was quite something else." said Hondo, Carth nodded, narrowing his eyes where Calo left, he disliked those who kill in cold blood. I get their attention, "come on, we should try get some info, there's bound to be someone in this bar that has something." that shook them from their thoughts.

I had to say, the bar is bigger then it is in the game, and lot more people. I could Twi'leks, Rodians, Humans, Niktos, even saw a Trandosan in the far back. However as we try get to where the bounty board was likely at, Hondo was probably trying to see if there was anything we get money off. When we then noticed a very familiar blue Twi'lek girl being bugged by two Rodians.

Ah yes, Mission Vao, something tells me she and I are gonna get along just fine, but I got say, she's actually little tall for a 14 year old, I can say she would earn the attention of my young brother Ted, who around her age. "I told you to leave me alone, so give me some space will you bug eye? you're breath smells like bantha poodoo!" I chuckle at that, she's quite brave for a kid.

The two Rodians looked very insulted there. "Little girl shouldn't be in bar. If little girl was smart, you run back home." that made my eyes widen slightly, how the hell was I able understand that? last time I checked, I don't understand Rodian. What the hell did BioWare do to me?

Mission glared at the Rodian. "Who you calling little girl Chuba face!" that really set off the Rodians, "little girl need lesson in manners!" before Carth could step in, Hondo stops him, before he could ask why he stopped him, he pointed to Mission's wookiee friend that was sitting near her. I gotta tell ya, it was quite something to see a Wookiee in real life.

Zaalbar was tall, even when he was sitting, he was probably standing at me height. Mission turns to Zaalbar. "Just a second boys, Zaalbar, I need some help with ribbing these legs off." Zaalbar turns to her, saying something in his language, he looked upset as he was just beginning eat his food, Mission rolls her eyes. "Quit Complaining, you can eat later, besides you need the exercise, so get over here."

Zaalbar got up from his sit, showing he was at least 8 foot tall, I felt my eyes widen, I never met anyone that tall before, Carth had the same reaction as I did. The Wookiee walks over to where Mission was at, the two Rodians were shivering in fear at the sight of him. "We want no problem with Wookie! our problem is with you little girl." Mission grinned and place her hands on her hips.

"You fight me, you have a problem with Zaalbar. Unless you want fight with my fury friend here, I suggest you greenies hop on out of here." hehe, funny pun there Mission. The Rodians didn't need to be told twice and ran like hell, running pass us. "Huh, that's one way to deal with morons." comment Hondo, getting Mission's attention us, she raised her brow at us.

"Say, I don't recognize any of you, and I know just about everyone in the Lower City, and am pretty sure I would know any other Mandalorians here besides Canderous Ordo or Bendak Starkiller." she said, getting good look at all of us. Ah yes, Bendak Starkiller, am actually hoping Hondo may fight him, that jackass was probably one of the cowards who left the Mandalorians when things were going bad for them.

Mission smile at us. "Allow me to be your official welcoming committee!" ah there's the spunk of Mission is quite known for, it's good trait to have in a place like this. "Huh, you speak basic quite well." said Hondo, he must have been use to dealing with aliens who speak their own language, Mission shrug, "it's not that rare, most of us aliens just like speak their own language then basic. But I grew up on Taris, so I picked up on basic and just gotten use to using it."

Carth couldn't help but comment on her way dealing with the Rodians. "You show quite a lot of guts dealing with those thugs kid, you got a name?" Mission didn't seem to bother by Carth calling her a kid, she seemed not want start anything that would be rude. "My names Mission Vao, my Wookie friend here is Big Z or Zaalbar. Me and my friend would offer you a tour around the Lower City, but things ain't really safe at the moment. So whose your Mandalorian friend?"

Mission notice I was being quiet, I was actually expecting her to be bit more hostile towards me given the Mandalorian attack on Taris but her eyes didn't hold any hatred, just curious, though Zaalbar seem to be on edge. "You can call me Wade. Just someone trying figure out who would kidnap me and dump me on this planet." that made Mission's eyes widen a little.

"Wow, sucks to be you. Though who in the hell would kidnap a Mandalorian?" I shrug, who knows why BioWare send me that text and kidnap me. For couple minutes we talked, getting much as info we can from Mission, she told us bit about Calo Nord, Davik the local crime lord, and bit about herself and Zaalbar, before finishing off the last bits of info on the Lower City gangs.

Mission turn her attention on my armor, she was likely curious about it. "Say, I was here on Taris when the Mandalorians attacked, but I don't remember seeing any of them wearing that kind of armor you're using, what is it?" she couldn't help but be interested in the look, it looked pretty badass in her opinion.

I didn't see any harm of telling her, longest I didn't mention it's a model will be used in 300 years later. "It's call the RD-17A Master Striker armor, whoever left me here left this armor in a foot locker in the apartment I woke in." that made Mission raise her brow, wondering who would kidnap someone and leave them a gift. However Hondo decide they needed get back to what they were doing.

Mission looked disappointed but understand. "You going? yeah, this place can be boring, no action around here. Me and Big Z might as well getting too, come on Big Z!" Zaalbar looked upset, he was just half way through his meal, I don't blame him, I hated when people try stop me from eating, Mission tug on Zaalbar's arm when he complained. "Can't you think of something else besides eating every five minutes? come on, we'll see there's anything to eat in the Bek base."

Zaalbar finally gave up and left, leaving the bar with Mission. I turned to Carth and Hondo, "Well that was quite something else. We better go see if this Hutt has any information." but Hondo's eyes were on a black hair man in light blue and black clothing, he was in the other room where some Twi'lek dancers were dancing front of people. Not gonna lie, the Twi'lek women were in top shape and did caught my attention, their reveling clothing didn't help, though I quickly avoid glance there.

Stupid urges, why must Twi'lek women have bodies like that? "Hold on, that's probably Holdan that I told you about, be back in a sec." me and Carth watched Hondo go over to Holdan, getting his attention. We couldn't hear what was going on, but it looked like things were getting tension, finally we saw Holdan pull out a knife and try stab Hondo, however he grabbed his hand, twisted his wrist, and I was surprised when he used what I told him how Inch Punch worked.

Boom! he sends him flying out of the room, hitting a table near us, right where Zaalbar's food was at, he was cover in meat, sauce, and etc. I grinned and bump my shoulder in Carth's shoulder. "No action here huh? too bad Mission wasn't here to see this." Carth shook his head.

This was gonna be a long day...

A/N: Alright people! I hope you enjoyed this, I will hopefully be updating soon. Now, I need a chose, regarding pairings for Wade Nilsson here. Am stuck between three choices, a Mandalorian woman OC I plan, a Female Twi'lek OC, and a Canon Character. Now I will be leaving it up to you people to decide. Anyway, till next time.