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Joined 12-02-11, id: 3485080, Profile Updated: 08-21-16
Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter, and Naruto.

Sup, my little ducklings. Whilst I'm not 100% sure why you're here on my profile page - I beg you to enjoy yourself. And by that, I mean stalk my favorite stories page. There's some cute little hidden gems in there.

Alright-y, let's get this started, I'm Akari-chaan, writer, and all around bored-person. In real life, many more people call me Beca. I'm blonde, blue eyed, and Australian. I'm not sure what kind of mental picture I'm trying to produce here, but follow me on Tumbler: Akari-chaan . Maybe it'll bring a clear picture.

On a side note, find me on; deviantart! -- http: // akari- chaaaan. deviantart. com/ --(You might want to remove the spaces, Fanfiction somewhat hates website links).



Hey hey guys, the amazing TheBlackBand actually drew Willow from my story 'Ain't Never Had A Friend Like Me' and posted it on Deviantart! It looks amazing and they’ve captured Willow perfectly! If you want to see it, this amazing piece of work, here’s the link! (Remove the spaces!)

http :// www. deviantart. com/ art/ Ain-t- Never- Had- a- Friend- Like- me- Willow- Potter- 583486642

"What if we're all just the figments of someone's imagination?" He mumbled, eye's pondering the question; lips upturned as if he was contemplating something that required immense thought.

"...Then I fear for the sanity of that person," she replied, shuddering with horror. After all, who could think up people so twisted?

There is something I would like to say here, something that I feel needs to be thought about when we write comments onto people's works. The validity of what you're writing as a review. As a community, I've found this site by far the most rewarding in helpful comments, and defiantly the worst in flames. What's a flame you ask? It's an an attack, whether it be personal, or just general comments that attack/criticize a story.

For example, a flame could be something like; "Your writing sucks." "This story is boring." "The main character is stupid/a Mary(Gary)-Sue."

Things like this are not only detrimental to the growth of a budding writer that is using Fanfiction as a way to express the words in their heads on paper, but it cuts the small confidence any new writer actually has. It is difficult to publish something you've written online. It's hard to think someone might not like something you could've slaved over for hours, it's insulting when you spend days planning and writing out a story just to get a comment that says, "its sucks." Do you realize how much that can affect a person? The first flame I got, was 'you should quit writing, your writing is shit'. It left me completely devastated, because I loved writing. It was my only hobby at the time, and to have someone dismiss me like that? It quite literally, stayed on my mind for days. Of course, I'm stronger now and it takes more than 'your characterization sucks' to tear me down.

Though, if you feel the need to flame someone I doubt I can stop you with this. I will however, allow some of you to know that many of you will think that saying this is just 'their opinion', which, technically is true. Though I will tell you, that your opinion, in this case doesn't matter and you should go get a life.

Instead of these mindless flames, I have a few suggestions of saying that in a way that is actually constructive and not at all that demeaning. Using the above examples, you could instead write; "You have a few grammatical errors in this chapter, you need to watch your use of commas." or, "I've noticed that you tend to stick to far into cannon without changing much, maybe you can have Harry steal Snape's potion supplies, I bet it would be funny!' or even, "Your character Alice is a bit too perfect for my liking, she never gets anything wrong. The best characters are the one's we can find flaws in, and relate to."

Can you see the difference? One is helping a writer improve, one is destroying an authors confidence to write.

If ANY of you EVER get a comment like that, a mindless flame and you happen to be reading this; and if you want me too, I'll be happy to read your story and give you a few REAL and CONSTRUCTIVE comments that will help you as a writer. I don't care if its a fandom I don't normally read, character's I hate, or anything. Just PM me, I'm really nice, I swear.

You know you're an author when...

You talk to yourself a lot. (Most tend just to look the other way now.)
You talk to yourself about talking to yourself. (I feel that it scares off potential friends.)
When you talk to yourself you often talk to yourself like you're talking to someone else. (I find I give myself the best feedback.)
You'll check your e-mail every day of the week and then disappear off the face of the earth. (There will always be a complaint about how long it takes me to reply.)
No matter where you are in a room you never have to get up to find a pen/pencil and paper. (My dad is consistency telling me to 'clean it up',"
The letters on your keyboard are wearing off. (My backspace button doesn't exist anymore...)
You constantly start talking in third person, present or past tense. (It's the best way to really get into a story.)
You start thinking about making lists like this and start giggling for no "apparent" reason. (They just don't understand the wicked scene I just invented in my head.)
Your friends stopped looking at you funny for no apparent reason a loooooong time ago. (They have learned their lessons."

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Rising With The Breaking Dawn by fleeting . white . feathers reviews
Gen. SI. She died too early and was born too late. Her existence is a curse, a pebble in a tranquil lake. There is no turning back. There is only forward, to an uncertain tomorrow.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Family - Chapters: 18 - Words: 108,149 - Reviews: 315 - Favs: 1,023 - Follows: 1,359 - Updated: 20h - Published: 7/2/2014 - OC, Naruto U., Sasuke U.
Lies For My Protection by Tametiger reviews
Charlie goes missing while out hunting, he leaves a message for Bella to ring someone called John if he doesn't return. How will Bella feel when she finds out that she isn't the only member of the Swan family to be keeping secrets?
Crossover - Supernatural & Twilight - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 41 - Words: 192,929 - Reviews: 658 - Favs: 978 - Follows: 1,087 - Updated: 7/27 - Published: 11/1/2012 - Dean W., Bella
The Last Peverell by animerocker646 reviews
Being the Master of Death made life difficult, especially when you need to save all of magical Europe from inbreeding its way to extinction. At least Death was enjoying watching his Master attempt this over and over again. Harry didn't find it nearly as entertaining. Well, tenth times the charm right? (FemHarry)
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 84 - Words: 294,245 - Reviews: 2807 - Favs: 5,489 - Follows: 6,885 - Updated: 7/24 - Published: 12/1/2017 - Harry P., Sirius B., Remus L., James P.
Riddle Me This by xxlilmusicxx reviews
The war was lost. Voldemort had won, and her brother was dead, just as she should have been. But Fate decides to give Alexis Potter a chance to fix everything, sending her back in time sixty years. However, Fate never mentioned her having to parade around as Tom Riddle's twin sister. Warnings of False Twincest and Dumbledore bashing!
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 10,305 - Reviews: 498 - Favs: 1,492 - Follows: 1,918 - Updated: 7/17 - Published: 7/18/2013 - Harry P., Tom R. Jr., OC
Apartment 19 by Deceptive Lies reviews
Genma hated his new neighbor. She was a loud-mouthed, trouble-inducing, annoying little child. She regularly disturbed his peace, chased away his dates, and caused him untold amount of headaches. He did NOT feel bad for her. Not at all. Well, maybe just a bit. Naruto was kind of adorable after all. Fem!Naruto x Genma
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 9,000 - Reviews: 65 - Favs: 281 - Follows: 375 - Updated: 7/14 - Published: 2/24 - [Naruto U., Genma S.]
A Troublesome Proposal by Deceptive Lies reviews
Shikamaru Nara always had a plan, but this one was certainly going to be the one to get him killed. When Naruto Uzumaki is forced into accepting a loveless marriage proposal, Shikamaru sacrifices his own happiness to ensure the future of Konoha. But who knew faking a relationship with the troublesome blond would be so much fun? Fem!NarutoxShikamaru
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 6 - Words: 29,293 - Reviews: 271 - Favs: 748 - Follows: 1,045 - Updated: 7/13 - Published: 4/9/2019 - [Naruto U., Shikamaru N.] Naruko U.
Therapy by PuddinFreakyStyle reviews
"We're both trapped in this nut-house, Harleen. Only difference is, you're on the payroll." An act of kindness towards Arkham's most notorious inmate sparks a downward spiral which will send Harleen Quinzel's life spinning out of control. But in games of love and madness, how far can you go before you break? An in-depth take on Harley's origin story, with mature themes.
Suicide Squad - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 25 - Words: 97,149 - Reviews: 1181 - Favs: 944 - Follows: 861 - Updated: 7/13 - Published: 5/14/2016 - [Harley Quinn, The Joker] Bruce Wayne/Batman, OC - Complete
with bated breath (2008) by Noc007 reviews
A realistic look at those who appear in the Naruto world. A young woman awakens to find herself in a world she knows nothing about or its language. Not only does she faces the task of surviving in a strange and hostile world, but how will her appearance alter the original events in the story - especially with a presence like her own? OC Self-insert {{CURRENTLY UNDER REVISION}}
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 2 - Words: 298 - Reviews: 1152 - Favs: 794 - Follows: 1,003 - Updated: 7/9 - Published: 11/17/2008 - OC
Rewind by A-Lysdove63 reviews
The Fourth Shinobi War has lasted for years. The Shinobi Alliance lost their shinning hope when Naruto Uzumaki died and his tailed beast stolen from him. But not all is lost. He left his last unpredictable idea to the only person he trusted to pull it off. The only other person besides Kurama that had always been at his side. His twin little sister. Minashi Namikaze-Uzumaki.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Family - Chapters: 43 - Words: 254,230 - Reviews: 173 - Favs: 283 - Follows: 337 - Updated: 7/9 - Published: 10/18/2019 - [Kakashi H., OC] Kyuubi/Kurama, Sakumo H.
Lily and the Art of Being Sisyphus by The Carnivorous Muffin reviews
As the unwitting personification of Death, reality exists to Lily through the veil of a backstage curtain, a transient stage show performed by actors who take their roles only too seriously. But as the Girl-Who-Lived, Lily's role to play is the most important of all, and come hell or high water play it she will, regardless of how awful Wizard Lenin seems to think she is at her job.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Fantasy - Chapters: 73 - Words: 438,017 - Reviews: 4924 - Favs: 6,412 - Follows: 6,388 - Updated: 7/8 - Published: 12/8/2013 - [Harry P., Tom R. Jr.]
The House of a Thousand Dead Suns by SassySizzleMonster reviews
Happiness is such a fickle thing, especially to those deserving of it. [OC-Insert; Post-Uchiha Massacre]
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Chapters: 21 - Words: 84,947 - Reviews: 668 - Favs: 2,035 - Follows: 2,664 - Updated: 6/21 - Published: 12/21/2017 - [Kakashi H., OC] Naruto U., Sasuke U.
Where the Sky Meets the Sea by romancered reviews
One push was all it took for Emma to find herself sprawled on the deck of Jolly Roger - 300 years in the past. Pan's playing a game, one Emma can win if she finds her true love, which, given the circumstances, seems unlikely. Hook is out for blood as he grieves Milah's death, and it's up to Emma to pick up the pieces of his broken heart - if she wants to get home. Set after 3x06.
Once Upon a Time - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 18 - Words: 63,382 - Reviews: 573 - Favs: 757 - Follows: 736 - Updated: 6/11 - Published: 11/11/2013 - [Emma S., Killian Jones/Captain Hook] - Complete
To The Next by queenfirst reviews
"To the well organised mind, death is but the next great adventure" — Albus Dumbledore. Pretty words, yeah, but she didn't expect them to be so damn literal. Sorta-SI/OC.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Family - Chapters: 44 - Words: 198,766 - Reviews: 1173 - Favs: 3,059 - Follows: 4,044 - Updated: 6/11 - Published: 7/5/2017 - Harry P., OC
Divided by forthelongestday reviews
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed." — Carl Gustav Jung [Eclipse AU]
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 22 - Words: 101,005 - Reviews: 855 - Favs: 884 - Follows: 983 - Updated: 6/9 - Published: 4/25/2012 - [Bella, Peter] - Complete
Victoria Potter by Taure reviews
Magically talented, Slytherin fem!Harry. Years 1-3 of Victoria Potter's adventures at Hogwarts, with a strong focus on magic, friendship, and boarding school life. Mostly canonical world but avoids rehash of canon plotlines. No bashing, no kid politicians, no 11-year-old romances. First Year complete as of chapter 12.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Friendship - Chapters: 24 - Words: 174,159 - Reviews: 780 - Favs: 1,906 - Follows: 2,646 - Updated: 6/2 - Published: 11/4/2017 - Harry P., Pansy P., Susan B., Daphne G.
To Capture Mr Darcy by elizabethann.west.7 reviews
NOW in Kindle Unlimited. Nature's a fickle thing. When four days of rain occur earlier in Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice to trap Elizabeth and Jane at Netherfield Park, new romances, misunderstandings, and alignments are made. Volatile tempers never did well cooped up together.
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: K - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 4 - Words: 3,583 - Reviews: 647 - Favs: 926 - Follows: 725 - Updated: 5/21 - Published: 4/1/2016 - Elizabeth, Jane, Mr. Bingley, Mr. Darcy
Move Together by beavoicenotanecho reviews
*AKA "Boarders"*EDIT/REPOST* Bella, a restless teenager, has turned her gaze outward - beyond the borders of La Push. Enter Sam Uley, pillar of the community, who has amassed a notable following made up of La Push's young men. How will this snarky, yet fiercely loyal, teen handle the inescapable forces of fate that threaten to fix her in place? AU
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 12 - Words: 55,536 - Reviews: 1642 - Favs: 1,598 - Follows: 1,060 - Updated: 5/19 - Published: 9/6/2009 - Bella, Sam
Unconditionally by Carlet reviews
What if Regina adopted a five year old Emma, never knowing the truth about the little girl who became her daughter? What if Emma and Regina lived together happily as mother and daughter for many years? And what would happen when Emma inevitably found out the truth about her adoptive mother?
Once Upon a Time - Rated: T - English - Family/Humor - Chapters: 61 - Words: 127,938 - Reviews: 1276 - Favs: 796 - Follows: 1,119 - Updated: 5/18 - Published: 4/29/2014 - Emma S., Regina M./The Evil Queen
A Fresh Bouquet by Tsume Yuki reviews
Reborn into the world of Harry Potter, Poppy Evans has only one goal; make sure she's not the only magical Evans alive by 1982. And maybe save that smug Potter while she's at it. Regulus Black didn't fit into the equation; he wasn't suppose to be so distracting.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 27 - Words: 59,567 - Reviews: 2972 - Favs: 6,049 - Follows: 6,668 - Updated: 5/7 - Published: 11/9/2014 - [Regulus B., OC] Lily Evans P., Marauders - Complete
The Path He Chose to Follow by the little bit reviews
In another life, Harry made few choices. Here, he controls his own fate. Harry Potter's second year at Hogwarts involves a duelling club, an invisible man named Peter Pettigrew, an incompetent Defence teacher, and a deep suspicion that Albus Dumbledore might be a Dark Wizard. Smart!Harry. Independent!Harry. Neville as Harry's best friend. (sort of a self-insert, too)
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 12 - Words: 69,339 - Reviews: 176 - Favs: 425 - Follows: 570 - Updated: 4/20 - Published: 7/31/2014 - Harry P., Su L., Luna L., Neville L.
The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows by mello-hates-salads reviews
A long time ago in a land far, far away, I imagined myself living in my own art studio living life up as an elite female jōnin. Today, I am a twenty-one year old still taking commands from her mother. How sad and pathetic is that? Don't answer that.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 21 - Words: 59,417 - Reviews: 68 - Favs: 65 - Follows: 85 - Updated: 4/14 - Published: 12/25/2010 - Kakashi H.
grandloves by slexenskee reviews
the power the dark lord knows not. femHarry
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 79,872 - Reviews: 366 - Favs: 1,454 - Follows: 1,349 - Updated: 4/10 - Published: 1/29/2015 - [Harry P., Voldemort] Tom R. Jr.
Mendōkusei by Cocologic reviews
He just wanted to become a typical Jōnin, marry a normal woman, have two kids, boy and girl in that order, and live a relatively simple life. However, life doesn't seem to want to work out that way. Not when your wife is the future Rokudaime Hokage, Jinchūriki of the Nine-tails, and a trouble magnet. How troublesome. Fem!Naruto/Shikamaru
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 8 - Words: 44,527 - Reviews: 521 - Favs: 1,906 - Follows: 2,372 - Updated: 4/9 - Published: 5/9/2014 - Naruto U., Shikamaru N., Naruko U.
Child Borne of Spring by iaso reviews
Haruko Maito was a ballerina in her last life and finds herself as a ninja in her new one. No, she doesn't understand the connection either. She also doesn't understand why she's alive - if she's even alive in the first place - but she figures that she might as well have a bit of fun for as long as she's stuck on this disastrous ride. SI/OC as Gai's twin.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Family/Angst - Chapters: 13 - Words: 67,883 - Reviews: 826 - Favs: 2,867 - Follows: 3,662 - Updated: 3/21 - Published: 3/3/2018 - Kakashi H., Gai M., Minato N., OC
Loyalty by True Radical Dreamer reviews
Blind loyalty is simple. The problem only begins when the world makes you open your eyes. Sakura-centric, AU, pre-timeskip.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 38 - Words: 247,302 - Reviews: 1288 - Favs: 1,766 - Follows: 1,974 - Updated: 3/10 - Published: 8/19/2009 - Sakura H., Ino Y., Kakashi H., Anko M.
Sanitize by Sage Thrasher reviews
Basic medicine and sanitation are simple. During the Warring Clans era, they become revolutionary. [OC-Insert]
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 12 - Words: 81,247 - Reviews: 3683 - Favs: 10,744 - Follows: 11,982 - Updated: 2/21 - Published: 4/2/2017 - Madara U., Hashirama S., OC
The Legacy of Shunshin no Shisui by AlexNameless reviews
Harry is born with all the memories & life experiences of a dead 15 year old ninja from a place he'd never heard of called Konoha. His parents thought it was odd that he knows Japanese for instance but the Dursleys think its freakish. Will he find acceptance in the magical world? What will Dumbledore & Voldemort think of a shinobi-wizard like him? ABANDONED cont. as 'Body Flicker'
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 12 - Words: 36,674 - Reviews: 190 - Favs: 603 - Follows: 794 - Updated: 2/18 - Published: 9/10/2018
Merlyn by Kezelle reviews
What if Merlin was a sixteen year old girl? How would the legend unfold?
Merlin - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 127,823 - Reviews: 329 - Favs: 850 - Follows: 1,001 - Updated: 2/15 - Published: 9/8/2010 - Arthur, Merlin
Guarded Hearts by A Rose By Any Other reviews
Elizabeth and the Gardiners journey to Derbyshire the previous summer, merely a week after the events at Ramsgate. When they call upon the great house of Pemberley, who should happen to return suddenly but the illustrious Mr. Darcy and his heart-broken sister. Cover art by Shannen Conlon.
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 15,663 - Reviews: 294 - Favs: 436 - Follows: 1,218 - Updated: 1/29 - Published: 8/18/2015 - [Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy] Georgiana
All the Stars by NesMira reviews
In which Haruno Suzuran remembers another life and decides to make the most out of this one. (Fem-Harry as Sakura's older sister)
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 9 - Words: 22,313 - Reviews: 108 - Favs: 975 - Follows: 1,301 - Updated: 1/11 - Published: 4/15/2019 - Harry P., Naruto U., Sakura H., Kakashi H.
The Company of Trees by theroadkillcafe reviews
Sakura is bullied, a dead kekkei genkai is reborn, and things go a little bit...differently. Mokuton!Sakura
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 28,717 - Reviews: 446 - Favs: 1,048 - Follows: 1,342 - Updated: 1/2 - Published: 1/8/2016 - Sakura H.
A Second Chance by jokergirl2001 reviews
Yoshino Nara died after giving birth and her ending led to a quirky workaholic being given a second chance at life. This time, she was going to be happy. She just had to make sure to properly pull off the amnesia act. Slightly AU, Nara-centered. OC/SI.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Chapters: 4 - Words: 12,835 - Reviews: 240 - Favs: 1,010 - Follows: 1,367 - Updated: 12/12/2019 - Published: 10/28/2018 - Naruto U., Shikamaru N., Shikaku N., OC
Drowning Rain by AriesOrion reviews
Love is strange. It does not care for secrets, or things untold. It binds you, and tears at you until nothing is the same anymore. Poseidon is so very tired of repeating the same motions over and over again. He's almost given up hope, until he meets a woman with fiery hair and emerald eyes. Fem!Harry/Poseidon, drabble format
Crossover - Harry Potter & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 20 - Words: 16,772 - Reviews: 631 - Favs: 3,198 - Follows: 3,730 - Updated: 12/7/2019 - Published: 11/11/2015 - [Harry P., Poseidon]
After the Rain by Quill Q reviews
Naruto had never thought she would end up in the past. Not even the one who caused her to go back had anticipated she'd be dragged along for the ride. The Kyūbi had been trying to save himself - not her. She'd once said that the hero always arrive late, but this was quite the opposite. Naruto would be very, very early this time. (Fem Naruto story)
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 47 - Words: 525,303 - Reviews: 2560 - Favs: 3,710 - Follows: 4,251 - Updated: 11/29/2019 - Published: 5/5/2016 - [Shisui U., Naruko U.] Kakashi H., Anko M.
Telepathy And Other Kinds Of Mental Manipulations by cherryvvoid reviews
Because you have no idea how irritating hearing the thoughts of the people around you can get. Especially when they're concocting villainous plans and tend to mentally laugh manically. SI-OC. Yamanaka Kekkai Genkai Mutation!OC. Shikamaru/OC
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 25 - Words: 49,397 - Reviews: 1638 - Favs: 5,564 - Follows: 7,142 - Updated: 11/16/2019 - Published: 5/22/2014 - [Shikamaru N., OC] Ino Y., Team Seven
i'll carry you through by hpnutter reviews
Kushina is not pleased with Naruto's treatment in the village, and enlists the help of the Mistress of Death. Hari's goal is to make sure Naruto grows up well-loved and happy. She doesn't plan on growing attached to their ANBU guard, Inu, as well. Female Harry, KakaFemHarry. Future SasuNaru.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 3 - Words: 12,436 - Reviews: 162 - Favs: 1,338 - Follows: 1,826 - Updated: 11/14/2019 - Published: 10/27/2018 - [Harry P., Kakashi H.] Naruto U.
Harry The HufflePuff 4 by BajaB reviews
Not going to school would have been way too much effort, and besides, Harry had promised that since last year was a bit boring, he was going to not try to avoid everything this year..
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 4 - Words: 26,753 - Reviews: 666 - Favs: 3,001 - Follows: 3,592 - Updated: 10/14/2019 - Published: 3/10/2018 - Complete
If You Ever Did Believe by nannygirl reviews
The Formans and the group of friends, who grew up in their basement, are living their everyday lives in the new decade of the '80s until something happens that turns everyone's world upside down. Soon it becomes Jackie's mission to help everyone, especially Red, mend broken bonds, get answers, and hopefully find peace again. JH,ED,KB,RK,F?
That '70s Show - Rated: K+ - English - Family - Chapters: 32 - Words: 137,976 - Reviews: 568 - Favs: 121 - Follows: 168 - Updated: 10/9/2019 - Published: 5/22/2016 - [Jackie B., Steven H.] Red F.
Born from the Shadows by ninjakilla reviews
(SI/OC) When you're reincarnated, life isn't so bad and death isn't so scary. A not entirely lazy Nara and a whole world of potential. Starts with canon for a while, generally veering off the tracks as we go.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 23 - Words: 142,818 - Reviews: 318 - Favs: 1,930 - Follows: 2,457 - Updated: 9/29/2019 - Published: 3/29/2017 - Shikamaru N., Shisui U., Team Seven, OC
Black Demon of the Leaf by MerhppDerhpp reviews
She was a citizen of the fictional Konohagakure, member of a clan that shouldn't exist and an adult mind in the body of a child with some unusual traits. She wasn't good nor was she innocent, but Konohagakure will either redeem her or lead her further down the path of corruption. [Semi-AU/Canon AU. Dark/Insert OC. DISCONTINUED. Rewritten as, 'Kings of Limbo.']
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Family - Chapters: 7 - Words: 41,762 - Reviews: 305 - Favs: 701 - Follows: 837 - Updated: 8/28/2019 - Published: 8/19/2014 - Sasuke U., Kakashi H., OC
Walk Two Lifetimes by Coolio101 reviews
Surviving in the 78th district of South Rukongai was tough. When you were a ten-year-old girl with a baby to take care of, it was even harder. Getting reincarnated as Kuchiki Hisana after dying of cancer was never part of the plan. SI/OC, Pre-Canon
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Drama/Friendship - Chapters: 36 - Words: 360,641 - Reviews: 5330 - Favs: 6,941 - Follows: 7,106 - Updated: 8/5/2019 - Published: 7/27/2014 - [Byakuya K., Hisana K.] Rukia K., OC
The Son of Lord Voldemort by Shopaholic1369 reviews
Voldemort never killed Harry, instead he killed his parents and kidnapped Harry to raise as his own son against Dumbledore and the light. Dark/Slytherin Harry. Eventual M rating.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Family - Chapters: 35 - Words: 250,210 - Reviews: 2196 - Favs: 3,451 - Follows: 3,576 - Updated: 7/24/2019 - Published: 6/21/2012 - Harry P., Draco M., Voldemort, Daphne G.
Handprint On My Heart by tlyxor1 reviews
A series of unrelated ficlets in which fem!Harry meets her soulmate. Or, alternatively, that one in which fem!Harry has a different name in each ficlet. Soulmate AU. Various pairings. Various fandoms. Enjoy.
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 15 - Words: 16,107 - Reviews: 266 - Favs: 1,233 - Follows: 1,241 - Updated: 7/16/2019 - Published: 12/22/2015 - Harry P.
Can Your Friends Do This? by Watermelonsmellinfellon reviews
Tsume Yuki's, 'Ain't Never Had a Friend Like Me' prompt. MoD Hari is sealed inside a genie bottle and tossed into the Veil. Only the interference of Death stops her from being enslaved. When Naruto comes into possession of the bottle and frees Hari from her prison, she gets attached and decides to help him, changing everything we know. A/N: Har/kashi Naru/Sasu. Deal With It!
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 323,427 - Reviews: 1914 - Favs: 5,594 - Follows: 6,184 - Updated: 7/10/2019 - Published: 1/18/2016 - [Harry P., Kakashi H.] [Naruto U., Sasuke U.]
Detergent by cherryvvoid reviews
Her new father was the Shoten shop keeper from that one anime with the swords. Shimei could only wonder what woman was crazy enough to get it on with Mr. Hat n' Clogs? Because really, Kisuke Urahara was NOT father material. SI-as-Urahara's-daughter.
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 15 - Words: 27,505 - Reviews: 1077 - Favs: 3,028 - Follows: 3,842 - Updated: 6/16/2019 - Published: 6/7/2014 - Ichigo K., K. Urahara, Tessai T., OC
Bushidō 武士道 by cherryvvoid reviews
Getting reborn into Naruto-verse doesn't always mean you get the life of a Shinobi. Even if your father was a famous one. Oc!Jiraiya's Daughter. SI-Insert Samurai!Oc
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 12 - Words: 19,390 - Reviews: 513 - Favs: 2,042 - Follows: 2,673 - Updated: 6/16/2019 - Published: 3/7/2014 - Kakashi H., Jiraiya, Obito U., OC
A Witch's Guide To Dealing With The Dark Side (And Also Dark Lords) by cherryvvoid reviews
A handbook for the (un)fortunate. Results may vary. (SI-OC) Tom Riddle/SI-OC.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 15 - Words: 37,004 - Reviews: 940 - Favs: 2,625 - Follows: 3,256 - Updated: 6/16/2019 - Published: 4/18/2014 - [Tom R. Jr., OC] Voldemort, Albus D.
A Compromise by Deceptive Lies reviews
Naruto Uzumaki needed a roommate to help cover her living expenses. Shisui Uchiha needed a place to crash after long missions. So they reached a compromise. FemNarutoxShisui
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 10 - Words: 28,633 - Reviews: 327 - Favs: 1,457 - Follows: 1,742 - Updated: 5/28/2019 - Published: 8/27/2018 - [Shisui U., Naruko U.] Naruto U.
Chasing Colors by gonagonadalgona reviews
Iroha sees the world in two ways. An OC story, born as the younger sister of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke. Not a SI. Shikamaru/OC
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 6 - Words: 20,100 - Reviews: 64 - Favs: 335 - Follows: 506 - Updated: 5/23/2019 - Published: 4/16/2019 - [OC, Shikamaru N.] Itachi U., Kakashi H.
Embracing Lifes Riddles Without Asking Questions by Nemesis13 reviews
When Harry and Voldemort died at each others hands, Harry awoke in an alley as a ten year old girl. Perplexed at this turn of events but not overly surprised, she is taken to Wool's Orphanage. Now known as Iris Black, she is roomed with Tom Riddle, who she decides to befriend because honestly, why not see how things unfold from the other side? It might be fun.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 18 - Words: 36,337 - Reviews: 2064 - Favs: 6,841 - Follows: 8,280 - Updated: 5/18/2019 - Published: 3/19/2016 - [Harry P., Tom R. Jr.] Minerva M., Alphard B.
The Sword, the Singer, and the Vessel by TheCurat0r reviews
After saving Bella from a vampire, two hunters will take up a new job—protecting her from the crazy redhead bent on getting revenge. New Moon AU. Season 3 AU. Eventual Dean/Bella romance. Sam/Bella friendship. Episodic format.
Crossover - Supernatural & Twilight - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Romance - Chapters: 27 - Words: 111,949 - Reviews: 724 - Favs: 1,009 - Follows: 1,235 - Updated: 4/25/2019 - Published: 6/25/2011 - [Dean W., Bella]
A Beautiful Seduction by Deceptive Lies reviews
If one were to ask anybody who knew him, they would scoff at the idea of the laziest ANBU in history, Shikamaru Nara, being placed in the Seduction Squad. But Shikamaru was surprisingly good at his job. Very good. Until he was assigned his most difficult mission yet: Seduce the newest Konoha ninja, Naruto Uzumaki, and uncover her loyalties. Fem!NarutoxShikamaru
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 7 - Words: 17,922 - Reviews: 129 - Favs: 632 - Follows: 897 - Updated: 4/24/2019 - Published: 1/15/2019 - [Shikamaru N., Naruko U.] Naruto U.
The Space in Between by Slow.Burn87 reviews
The infinitesimal shift in the tense lines of Rio's jaw tells her that he has seen the movement. Even as his hooded, black gaze continues to burn heatedly into her own. The tiniest flicker of a smile curves the corner of his beautiful lips as he raises an eyebrow and challenges again, "You think you got what it takes?" (Post Season 1 x 10)
Good Girls, 2018 - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 9 - Words: 37,261 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 48 - Follows: 82 - Updated: 4/7/2019 - Published: 8/4/2018
As Simple As by Deceptive Lies reviews
When Shikamaru does a small favor for Naruto, the entire future of the Shinobi world is changed. Who knew something as simple as providing shelter could change everything? "There's no way I'm leaving you to sleep in the streets. You can stay with me, you damn troublesome blond." FemNarutoxShikamaru
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 12 - Words: 34,093 - Reviews: 302 - Favs: 1,708 - Follows: 2,143 - Updated: 4/5/2019 - Published: 4/18/2018 - [Shikamaru N., Naruko U.] Naruto U.
Dreaming of Sunshine by Silver Queen reviews
Life as a ninja. It starts with confusion and terror and doesn't get any better from there. OC Self-insert. No pairings.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 151 - Words: 716,431 - Reviews: 23809 - Favs: 18,272 - Follows: 18,167 - Updated: 3/28/2019 - Published: 9/2/2011 - Naruto U., Shikamaru N., OC
Like a Sister by tealitful reviews
Because I can't enough of the "Elizabeth meets Georgiana before Darcy" trope. Just to be clear: written while tipsy and never edited. No plans to edit either! I'm afraid grammar mistakes, misused titles, and omitted words are here to stay.
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 18 - Words: 29,475 - Reviews: 437 - Favs: 927 - Follows: 1,473 - Updated: 3/13/2019 - Published: 4/4/2016 - [Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy] Georgiana - Complete
Tale of A Golden Girl by Kisaragi Senketsu reviews
Kurama interfered with Naruto's death, leaving the blonde alone and stranded. Things will look up though, because even though the blonde's been screwed over, he- she is determined to make the best of it. She will carve a better future for all of her loved ones. (Don't take this fic too seriously). FemNaruto/Timetravel. KakaNaru. END OF MANGA SPOILERS/Dark themes.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 10 - Words: 57,042 - Reviews: 587 - Favs: 2,690 - Follows: 3,215 - Updated: 2/24/2019 - Published: 10/3/2015 - [Naruko U., Kakashi H.] Minato N., Sakumo H.
Blind Stars of Fortune by 100demons reviews
Thirty year old Kakashi was supposed to have been killed by Pein during the Invasion. Instead, he wakes up in the body of his twenty year old self. (It gets a lot more complicated.) Time travel.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 14 - Words: 81,824 - Reviews: 1517 - Favs: 6,254 - Follows: 6,236 - Updated: 2/15/2019 - Published: 2/13/2013 - Kakashi H. - Complete
A Political Perspective by VJ Riddle reviews
Hatake Kakashi was a shinobi, and as a shinobi, the only people who could give him orders were his military superiors. The idea that a Council made up of civilians and peers was under the impression they could give him orders...displeased him. Or: He was ordered to pass Team 7. He was fine with that, until they actually passed.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 12 - Words: 52,680 - Reviews: 720 - Favs: 5,116 - Follows: 5,832 - Updated: 1/7/2019 - Published: 6/27/2014 - Naruto U., Sasuke U., Sakura H., Kakashi H.
BloodStream by Esm3rald reviews
Harry Potter sacrificed herself to kill Voldemort. But this wasn't the end. Now in another world, she has the chance to start over. Her life seems normal and though her parents aren't in her life, she has family and she's happy. But then the Salvatore Brothers show up and her world is turned upside down. Oh, and she's a witch, again.
Crossover - Vampire Diaries & Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,527 - Reviews: 83 - Favs: 519 - Follows: 657 - Updated: 1/7/2019 - Published: 1/2/2013 - [Damon S., Harry P.] Elena G., Stefan S.
Joyous Children by UnderneathXtheXunderneath reviews
I cannot move a single muscle as I stare at the piece of cloth hanging on the wall right across from my crib. A sheet with an all too familiar symbol stitched smack in the middle of it, its red and white coloring in a stark contrast against the dark blue surrounding it. I'm an Uchiha now. How is this even my life? Rated M for violence.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Friendship/Family - Chapters: 35 - Words: 176,991 - Reviews: 1433 - Favs: 3,271 - Follows: 4,166 - Updated: 1/3/2019 - Published: 1/16/2015 - Kakashi H., Sakumo H., Obito U., OC
Fitzwilliam Darcy - Earl of Matlock by CressidaLane reviews
FIRST THREE CHAPTERS ONLY - Mr. Darcy arrives in Hertfordshire the day after Mr. Bingley meets Jane Bennet and her sisters at the Meryton Assembly. While visiting his friend's new home at Netherfield Park, Miss Bennet and her sister Elizabeth are taken ill, and Darcy receives some surprising news. (FULL NOVEL IS AVAILABLE ON AMAZON)
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 5,401 - Reviews: 476 - Favs: 596 - Follows: 794 - Updated: 12/29/2018 - Published: 5/17/2017 - Elizabeth, Jane, Mr. Bingley, Mr. Darcy
i'm with you by hpnutter reviews
"I have a mission for you, Kakashi. You will protect Potter Harry from all threats until the completion of her task." Before his death, Dumbledore arranges for Harry to have some extra help on her hunt for the horcruxes. Falling in love with him wasn't part of the plan. Kakashi/female!Harry. post-HBP, pre-Naruto.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,724 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 235 - Follows: 324 - Published: 12/18/2018 - [Harry P., Kakashi H.]
Full Moon Rising by BeautifulMessenger reviews
Alice wakes up thirsty on an empty beach, remembering nothing about herself. What will she do when she realizes she thirsts for blood? Who was she before she woke? Will she ever meet the compelling blonde man from her dream? This is Alice before Twilight.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 43 - Words: 146,081 - Reviews: 235 - Favs: 159 - Follows: 140 - Updated: 11/26/2018 - Published: 2/13/2012 - Alice, Jasper
Underneath the Underneath by KuriQuinn reviews
As observant as he is, it takes Kakashi years before he realises he's in an actual, adult relationship. (T for now, rating could change) [Part of the Legacy of Fire Series]
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 16,584 - Reviews: 125 - Favs: 463 - Follows: 667 - Updated: 11/21/2018 - Published: 4/28/2017 - [Kakashi H., OC]
It's A Beautiful Love by xtaylorrandi94x reviews
Doctor Harleen Quinzel was fresh out of college and already one of the most well respected doctors at Arkham Asylum so of course her boss is very proud and decides to reward her with the one thing she's always dreamed about, having an actual criminal as a patient. It doesn't get more criminal than the Joker himself. Rated M for language, violence, and sexual situations.
Suicide Squad - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 11 - Words: 9,758 - Reviews: 116 - Favs: 212 - Follows: 317 - Updated: 11/15/2018 - Published: 8/11/2016 - Harley Quinn, The Joker
Rebirth by Lady Crimson and Black reviews
Dumbledore claimed that death is only the next great adventure. Uchiha Meika, formerly Harriet Potter, finds out that he was right, yet again, the hard way.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 9 - Words: 18,728 - Reviews: 523 - Favs: 2,829 - Follows: 3,671 - Updated: 10/2/2018 - Published: 3/6/2016 - Harry P., Itachi U., Shisui U.
Goddess of Death by Nemesis Luna reviews
As mistress of Death Harriet Potter lived a long life. After watching her world's death, she decided to take her role as Goddess of Death. She died and born as daughter of King Odin and Queen Frigga, sister of Thor and Loki, princess of Asgard. A vacation on earth change both her and Tony's life forever. Powerful, strong, Goddess Harry. Tony/FemHarry paring
Crossover - Harry Potter & Avengers - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words: 19,731 - Reviews: 383 - Favs: 2,939 - Follows: 3,897 - Updated: 9/24/2018 - Published: 12/23/2014 - Harry P., Iron Man/Tony S.
Sidewalks by Coolio101 reviews
Extra scenes and snippets from my story Walk Two Lifetimes. Originally posted on tumblr.
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 19 - Words: 26,709 - Reviews: 514 - Favs: 1,326 - Follows: 1,462 - Updated: 9/17/2018 - Published: 1/17/2016 - Rukia K., Byakuya K., Hisana K., OC
Uzumaki Nori by AkaNoKarasu reviews
My name is Uzumaki Nori – no, I'm not the twin of Uzumaki Naruto. By what I have concluded, I'm his replacement. (semi-SI! as Fem!Naruto; AU!)
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 14 - Words: 39,505 - Reviews: 409 - Favs: 1,997 - Follows: 2,502 - Updated: 8/25/2018 - Published: 6/14/2015 - Sasuke U., Hinata H., Naruko U., OC
Pomegranate by nottonyharrison reviews
Then his mama tells him the myth of Persephone and Hades for the thousandth time, and he's left wondering if maybe Beth is Hades in this situation.
Good Girls, 2018 - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,881 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 8/22/2018 - Published: 8/20/2018 - [Beth B., Rio] - Complete
Slippery Slope by Yemam2422 reviews
A smutty alternate ending for 2x09. What if Beth followed Rio into the warehouse?
Good Girls, 2018 - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,860 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 23 - Updated: 8/21/2018 - Published: 7/29/2018
Riddled by Killing Curse Eyes reviews
On a class trip to London Harriet Lily Potter found a little black book lying on the ground, and suddenly, destiny shifted. Fem!Harry Diary!Tom Eventual TMR/HP Currently in year 5. On Hiatus. (but not abandoned)
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 30 - Words: 139,096 - Reviews: 1376 - Favs: 4,227 - Follows: 4,999 - Updated: 8/18/2018 - Published: 9/16/2014 - [Harry P., Tom R. Jr.]
The Next Great Adventure by suchsweetaddiction reviews
Years after the war, Mia Potter's 'saving people thing' is still very much alive and Death has no compunction in using this fact to its own purposes by offering a deal to its Mistress that she will never be able to refuse. MOD!Fem!Harry. AU!
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 19 - Words: 102,208 - Reviews: 770 - Favs: 3,133 - Follows: 4,004 - Updated: 8/10/2018 - Published: 6/19/2017 - Harry P., Naruto U., Itachi U., Kakashi H.
A Bit of Both by nottonyharrison reviews
"Is this really just a social call, or do you want something?" She digs through her bag for a few moments, trying to make herself look busy and and stop her hands from shaking. Eventually she clasps her fingers around a packet of Mentos. She pops one in her mouth and turns around, offering the roll to Rio. "A bit of both."
Good Girls, 2018 - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,779 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 25 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 7/23/2018 - Published: 7/22/2018 - [Beth B., Rio] - Complete
I didn't say it and yes I meant it by entwinedloop reviews
They may not be spelling it out for each other, but they don't need to.
Good Girls, 2018 - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,471 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 47 - Follows: 25 - Published: 7/13/2018 - [Beth B., Rio] - Complete
Effloresco Secundus by romanescue reviews
Harry was never the only person with a penchant for tripping into the most absurd of situations. Reincarnated!Hermione. Somewhat darker than the usual take on Naruto. Political machinations. Character progression. Strong friendship, no romance.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: M - English - Drama/Friendship - Chapters: 34 - Words: 216,750 - Reviews: 4187 - Favs: 6,902 - Follows: 7,869 - Updated: 6/15/2018 - Published: 9/14/2012 - Hermione G., Sakura H., Team Seven
A Life Once Lived by Sigy Artyn reviews
She had a life once, but she doesn't remember. All she knows is the ashes and blood she tastes as she wakes up yet again - She's got one more try to get it right. Haesel hadn't quite thought of this when she'd accepted Death's 'chance to live with those she'd lost'. AU, time travel, fem!Harry, T for now? Discontinued until further notice (not abandoned!) (extra info inside)
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 33 - Words: 146,146 - Reviews: 863 - Favs: 2,460 - Follows: 2,933 - Updated: 6/11/2018 - Published: 11/28/2014 - Harry P., Sirius B., James P., Lily Evans P.
A Little Ghost Girl by Kuchia-chi reviews
Naruto didn't remember when she began seeing them. The see-through people. Only that as she grew up there was always a warm hand. Nothing made her happier when she was able to see the ghosts of the deceased, despite the tragedy behind each one she saw. Fem!Naruto Semi-AU
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Family/Friendship - Chapters: 9 - Words: 37,797 - Reviews: 221 - Favs: 1,166 - Follows: 1,533 - Updated: 5/12/2018 - Published: 4/6/2015 - Naruto U., Kushina U., Naruko U.
Shinigami's Child by Madrigal-in-training reviews
Naruto Uzumaki dislikes ghosts. She especially dislikes the ghost of that absurdly cheerful Uchiha boy who refuses to leave her alone. Shisui x femNaruto
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 10 - Words: 38,991 - Reviews: 821 - Favs: 3,792 - Follows: 4,609 - Updated: 3/30/2018 - Published: 12/13/2014 - Naruto U., Sakumo H., Shisui U., Naruko U.
Treacle Tart Girl by alrightginger reviews
Muggle AU. George Weasley would describe his life as fine. He doesn't need to be setup on a date with the mysterious treacle tart girl that frequents his mother's sweet shop and he certainly doesn't need to be setup with Euphemia Potter's granddaughter. Everything is just fine. That is until the day he decides to go to the cinema alone and meets the love of his life. Fem! Harry
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,792 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 153 - Follows: 46 - Published: 3/29/2018 - Harry P., George W. - Complete
Te Amo by TheDarkLadyEris reviews
Blaise contemplates life with his soul mate after the war. Fem!Harry. Soulmates. Soulmate-Identifying Marks.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,083 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 175 - Follows: 86 - Published: 3/24/2018
Royalty by Don't-Insult-My-OTP reviews
what is the punishment for disrespecting the Joker's Queen? what happens when Harley gets hurt? what if the Joker went back for Harley on date night? how did they meet? what about that helicopter crash? a series of one shots and prompts- please request! X
Suicide Squad - Rated: T - English - Romance/Crime - Chapters: 25 - Words: 27,516 - Reviews: 649 - Favs: 811 - Follows: 846 - Updated: 3/18/2018 - Published: 8/7/2016 - Harley Quinn, The Joker
The Right to Live by Eilwynn reviews
Freed from her cage, Uzumaki Naruto sets out to show the world all that it takes for granted. Rated for safety. WARNING: FemNaruto, with eventual romantic relationships with male characters. Will remain unfinished. I DON'T WRITE HERE ANYMORE.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 30 - Words: 130,437 - Reviews: 1743 - Favs: 3,107 - Follows: 2,462 - Updated: 3/17/2018 - Published: 2/13/2009 - Naruto U.
Harry the Hufflepuff by BajaB reviews
Luckily, lazy came up in Petunia's tirades slightly more often than freak, otherwise, this could have been a very different story. AU. Not your usual Hufflepuff!Harry story.
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 6 - Words: 29,190 - Reviews: 1559 - Favs: 9,302 - Follows: 3,201 - Updated: 3/12/2018 - Published: 11/10/2010 - Harry P. - Complete
Harry the Hufflepuff 3 - Harry's Year off by BajaB reviews
Sequel - Read the others first, of course. Lazy!harry is back for another year of doing nothing. This will not be a long story. Sorry for the wait.
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 6 - Words: 23,981 - Reviews: 691 - Favs: 3,662 - Follows: 1,655 - Updated: 3/10/2018 - Published: 11/23/2014 - Complete
Falling Autumn by AriesOrion reviews
A drunken night with his best friend has consequences Urahara Kisuke is not quite sure they are even ready for. Shihōin Kimiko on the other hand, is born during autumn into a noble clan of assassins in a fictional world, and a century away from two major wars. SI, Worldbuilding
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Family/Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 7,381 - Reviews: 44 - Favs: 259 - Follows: 317 - Updated: 3/7/2018 - Published: 12/11/2017 - K. Urahara, Yoruichi S., OC
Into Your Gravity by sockyferret reviews
When Luna makes a terrible mistake and ends up in a time she never imagined she'd been in, what will happen before she gets back? And what will she do when she realizes that Tom Riddle is in her year? Rated M for language, violence, sexual content. *This story is in the process of an edit for more canon compliance & (hopefully) better writing. 12/32 chapters edited.* Sequel now up.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 33 - Words: 76,279 - Reviews: 1242 - Favs: 1,997 - Follows: 1,019 - Updated: 3/2/2018 - Published: 8/8/2007 - [Luna L., Tom R. Jr.] - Complete
My Safe Haven by ShineBrightNetwork reviews
Death's Mistress has asked him to bring her someone who could help her in her current endeavors. Who better than her Soulmate?
Crossover - Harry Potter & Avengers - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 15,136 - Reviews: 452 - Favs: 2,750 - Follows: 3,503 - Updated: 3/2/2018 - Published: 5/21/2017 - [Harry P., Loki]
Of Cutting Cords and Forging Chains by RosesToPaint reviews
The Chuunin Exams are almost in sight and Hisana is faced with her biggest challenge yet: Keeping Sasuke in Konoha and Orochimaru out of it! And then there's Itachi, who's a class all of his own. Part II of "Of Bonds and Hugs like Chokeholds". OC-insert.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 17 - Words: 49,216 - Reviews: 514 - Favs: 1,671 - Follows: 2,236 - Updated: 2/27/2018 - Published: 9/23/2016 - Itachi U., Kakashi H., Team Seven, OC
Firebird by NorseFan1 reviews
Anastasia Potter was thought to be a squib after an accident in her second year, so her parents pulled her from Hogwarts. She left as soon as she could to America, the curious gold rune that marked her as a soul mate of one of the gods the only thing giving her true hope. This is the story of when they meet. Fem Harry, WBL. Unlikeable Potters and Dumbledore.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Avengers - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 21 - Words: 46,220 - Reviews: 942 - Favs: 5,224 - Follows: 5,071 - Updated: 2/11/2018 - Published: 1/1/2014 - Harry P., Loki - Complete
Daughter of Broken Vows by Just A Drop In The Ocean reviews
Rude, rebellious delinquent Andronika Jackson didn't expect to have the word goddess added to the list of epithets used to describe her. As if finding out she was the daughter of Poseidon and Artemis was not enough, the Fates saw fit to saddle her with a curse, a prophesy and a destiny greater than she could have ever imagined. Fem!Godly!Percy/ Apollo
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 29 - Words: 104,642 - Reviews: 917 - Favs: 2,073 - Follows: 2,319 - Updated: 2/10/2018 - Published: 5/14/2013 - [Percy J., Apollo] Poseidon, Artemis
Turning Tables by heyOB reviews
When Harry is eight he wins a camera and begins to photograph the neglect and abuse he suffers. He flips the tables on the Durselys blackmailing them into treating him reasonably. Harry is very perceptive and anyone will have a hard time trying to manipulate him. Smart!Manipulative!Grey!Slytherin!Harry, Manipulative!Dumbledore, some Weasley and Dumbles bashing. BEING REWRITTEN
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 8 - Words: 33,075 - Reviews: 672 - Favs: 3,189 - Follows: 4,164 - Updated: 2/5/2018 - Published: 7/17/2014 - [Harry P., Daphne G.] [Neville L., Tracey D.]
Not You Again by transientfireworks reviews
No more aliens. That's what Gwen had hoped for when she transferred to Bancroft Academy. But, she soon realizes that the past has a funny way of catching up with you. Now, Gwen is stuck in the middle of everything she tried so hard to avoid.
Ben 10 - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 16 - Words: 74,720 - Reviews: 124 - Favs: 67 - Follows: 86 - Updated: 2/5/2018 - Published: 2/19/2011 - Gwen T., Kevin
Wild Inuzuka Rose by FoxBane1191 reviews
Nobara Inuzuka always knew that pack came before anything else, that team mates could make or break a mission. Raised with the knowledge that her team mates were going to be family, no matter what, she still wasn't prepared for Naruto and Sasuke. But she's nothing if not determined! One stubborn kunoichi can make a world of difference, especially to two lonely orphans. Shika/OC
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 27 - Words: 100,884 - Reviews: 900 - Favs: 2,880 - Follows: 3,184 - Updated: 1/12/2018 - Published: 10/18/2013 - [OC, Shikamaru N.]
The Devils in the Details by Idratherbereading29 reviews
Jasper Whitlock has been alone a long time, when he finally finds his mate. Bella's move to Forks could provide the perfect opportunity to approach and change her, if it weren't for the other vampire family already there as well as other people's agendas.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Romance - Chapters: 27 - Words: 56,533 - Reviews: 307 - Favs: 323 - Follows: 381 - Updated: 1/2/2018 - Published: 6/5/2011 - Bella, Jasper
Shinobi Rules by Squishfie reviews
Everyone was always taken away from her; her parents, then Sasuke, later Jiraiya, and before long her village and Country. But this time, she was taken away from them. She is taken back years before the Kyubi attack ever happened where her parents are still alive. She fights for her new friends, her family and her village to change the future for the better. Time travel KakaFemNaru
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 19 - Words: 163,737 - Reviews: 1139 - Favs: 3,898 - Follows: 4,148 - Updated: 12/28/2017 - Published: 7/28/2012 - Naruto U., Kakashi H.
Intermissions by ksuzu reviews
Naturally, Kushina decides to ward off Minato with an assortment of pointy objects. [A love story told in bits and pieces.]
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 58 - Words: 49,126 - Reviews: 522 - Favs: 636 - Follows: 454 - Updated: 12/21/2017 - Published: 8/25/2012 - [Minato N., Kushina U.] - Complete
A Past Retold by Namikaze Kakashi reviews
Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto becomes the Rokudaime Hokage during the war, but what use is it to be Hokage if Konohagakure was burnt to the ground with all the villagers still inside? Kurama makes a huge sacrifice and Naruto finds herself in the past, determined to set things right and not allow her counterpart to live through the hardships she did. Fem!Naruto possible eventual Kaka/Naru
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 15 - Words: 59,358 - Reviews: 535 - Favs: 2,829 - Follows: 3,566 - Updated: 11/21/2017 - Published: 8/9/2014 - [Kakashi H., Naruko U.] Naruto U.
saltkin by slexenskee reviews
Little Harriet Potter is a quiet and clever young girl with nothing she cares to live for, but no real reason to die. So when the voice in her head asks her to assist him in regaining his body, it seems like reason enough to remain among the living, at least for a little while longer. fem!Harry/Voldemort, eventual Nercomancer!Harry, dark themes
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 24,621 - Reviews: 212 - Favs: 1,565 - Follows: 1,739 - Updated: 11/9/2017 - Published: 1/27/2016 - [Harry P., Voldemort] Tom R. Jr.
Piece of Paper by gotosleeplove reviews
After Edward's departure Bella was left heartbroken and distraught. But a certain vampire pays her a visit with the need to apologize for a slip up that might have caused the entire mess. A single piece of paper could be the reason for the future to play out a lot differently than anyone expected. Jasper x Bella
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 25 - Words: 94,623 - Reviews: 787 - Favs: 1,437 - Follows: 1,845 - Updated: 10/23/2017 - Published: 3/9/2017 - [Bella, Jasper] Charlotte, Peter
The Jokes on Them by Fautus8 reviews
"Live for me and I'll build you an empire." A collection of one shots centering on ayerverse Joker & Harley. Rating will change depending on the muse. To me the sexiest part of Gothams power couple is their simple interactions and inexplicable pull towards each other. Please enjoy and review!
Suicide Squad - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 10 - Words: 5,291 - Reviews: 97 - Favs: 331 - Follows: 365 - Updated: 10/20/2017 - Published: 8/5/2016 - Harley Quinn, The Joker
Overheard by Halo221 reviews
What if Elizabeth had overheard the conversation about herself and her family while she was staying at Netherfield? How might her reactions and the outcomes change if she knows early on Darcy admires her eyes and Bingley's family is opposed to Jane? Regency setting, multi-chapter story, WIP. Rated T to be safe.
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 29 - Words: 122,899 - Reviews: 1275 - Favs: 1,684 - Follows: 3,131 - Updated: 10/3/2017 - Published: 1/7/2012 - [Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy] [Jane, Mr. Bingley]
Lovely Ashes by Violet Nightmoth reviews
The final Horcrux has eluded the Golden Trio; instead, someone else has been tasked to find it. Now she must travel back in time and trick a teenage Tom Riddle into revealing its whereabouts.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 26 - Words: 117,783 - Reviews: 936 - Favs: 1,108 - Follows: 1,118 - Updated: 9/29/2017 - Published: 9/28/2009 - [Tom R. Jr., OC]
Underneath the Leaves by Cha's Aegis reviews
Naruto learns things are easily hidden deep underneath the dead, fallen leaves. Before she can achieve her dreams, she must uncover the truth, revealing things aren't what everyone believed they were nor are what they appear to be. Fem Naruto. AR **REVISED**
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Drama/Mystery - Chapters: 21 - Words: 206,060 - Reviews: 208 - Favs: 511 - Follows: 586 - Updated: 9/29/2017 - Published: 9/15/2010 - Naruto U., Kakashi H., Naruko U.
Original Sin by Sweet Little Darling reviews
Post AoU. Seven years after Voldemort's death, Healer Helene Potter was just minding her own business working at St. Mungo's and trying to avoid the nickname of the 'Girl who Lived'. When Nick Fury arrives and offers her a job working for him, she immediately accepts in order to escape her own nightmares. She never expected to fall in love with a billionaire. Fem!Harry/Tony Stark.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Avengers - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 27 - Words: 34,997 - Reviews: 472 - Favs: 1,736 - Follows: 2,071 - Updated: 9/15/2017 - Published: 8/23/2016 - [Iron Man/Tony S., Harry P.] - Complete
A King Will Do Anything for His Queen by wannabe-an-author1864 reviews
When Amanda Waller had first started gathering up bad guys to become a part of her plan. Harley Quinn had never been a part of that plan. Waller was always after one person. One person, she knew she could never control. One person, she knew who on a whim would sabotage her entire operation and one person she knew she had to have on her team. The king of Gotham himself, the Joker.
Suicide Squad - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 40 - Words: 50,795 - Reviews: 738 - Favs: 665 - Follows: 843 - Updated: 9/5/2017 - Published: 8/9/2016 - [Harley Quinn, The Joker]
The Russian Princess by Heart of Sorrow reviews
Who would've thought that doing one good deed and dying for it would get me reborn; impossible, right? What's more impossible is getting reborn into a place that was supposed to be a figure skating anime. Apparently I was born as a known ice skater's little sister; this should be VERY interesting, wouldn't you think? (SI/OC)
Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated: T - English - Humor/Family - Chapters: 3 - Words: 13,546 - Reviews: 53 - Favs: 305 - Follows: 382 - Updated: 9/2/2017 - Published: 4/21/2017 - Yuuri K., Viktor N., Yuri P., OC
Threads Of Time by gr8rockstarrox reviews
When Bella Potter meets Death, she takes him up on his offer to be placed in a parallel universe. She wakes up to find herself in Godric's Hollow on October 31st, 1981. Her mission: save and protect Harry Potter, and give him the life she never had. Simple, right? But with a certain doglike man always at her heels, universe-hopping isn't all that easy anymore. Fem!Harry/Sirius
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 14 - Words: 76,054 - Reviews: 447 - Favs: 1,540 - Follows: 1,913 - Updated: 8/16/2017 - Published: 11/21/2015 - [Harry P., Sirius B.]
The Next Adventure Forward by Ichigo0-0Rose reviews
You think a guy would get a hint when you're not interested in him, but no, he has to be SUPER dense! Helen not only has to save the planet again, but the entire universe; all while fending off Thanos from his advances. Oh, and let's not forget how angry she is at him for brainwashing her lover, Loki. This is so not what she asked for on her next great adventure. FEM Harry (MOD)!
Crossover - Harry Potter & Avengers - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 7 - Words: 19,600 - Reviews: 189 - Favs: 1,780 - Follows: 2,507 - Updated: 7/21/2017 - Published: 4/28/2016 - Harry P., Loki
Emerald and Gold by pikarii reviews
After the final battle, Harriet faces some troubling circumstances as her hold on her magic seemingly slips away. Now, she has to leave behind her friends and family to regain her precious magic. How does Forks help? And are those vampires? Shape shifters? What's going on! Forks may not have been the safest choice to relocate after all... Fem!Harry, Smart!Harry, Powerful!Harry...
Crossover - Harry Potter & Twilight - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 19 - Words: 33,014 - Reviews: 355 - Favs: 1,485 - Follows: 1,920 - Updated: 7/13/2017 - Published: 12/17/2016 - [Harry P., Edward]
To Kill a Bull by Discoabc reviews
"At least the other clan kids of the series had something to protect themselves with practically from birth. Sakura was blessed with the oh so helpful gift of a larger than average forehead." The remedy is often worse than the disease it cures. I refused to be that remedy. OC-insert as Sakura Semi-AU
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 26 - Words: 160,964 - Reviews: 2392 - Favs: 4,613 - Follows: 5,399 - Updated: 7/12/2017 - Published: 7/26/2016 - Sakura H., Shikamaru N., Kakashi H., OC
Crave by MissQ reviews
Dr. Quinzel never thought she'd be face to face with the infamous Joker, let alone fall in love with him. Her life is turned upside down as she follows behind the Clown Prince of Crime's footsteps and wrecks havoc into Gotham City. Harley POV.
Suicide Squad - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 24 - Words: 61,649 - Reviews: 331 - Favs: 482 - Follows: 628 - Updated: 6/30/2017 - Published: 7/18/2016 - Harley Quinn, The Joker
Rekindled by Insanity-Red reviews
When phoenix tears aren't enough down in the Chamber of Secrets, Fawkes is forced to take drastic measures. This results in a Fem!Harry with new powers and no control. In a new place, separated from all she knew, how will Harry cope - with her situation, and her new abilities? And what will happen back at home while she's away? At least the local fauna seems friendly.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 8 - Words: 24,337 - Reviews: 243 - Favs: 1,515 - Follows: 1,859 - Updated: 6/12/2017 - Published: 6/2/2012 - Harry P., Sirius B., OC
Recondite by caratrosin reviews
Recondite – dealing with very profound, difficult or abstruse subject matter. In the mind of a 24 year old professional chess player, apparent death and reincarnation into a world of ninja certainly falls under the category of "recondite". Semi SI / OC insert
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 10 - Words: 56,188 - Reviews: 369 - Favs: 1,152 - Follows: 1,621 - Updated: 6/1/2017 - Published: 12/1/2015 - Naruto U., Ino Y., Shikamaru N., OC
Beyond the Horizon by Esm3rald reviews
At King's Cross station Rosalie Potter made a different choice and boarded a train. She's reborn in 18th Century London as Rosalie Norrington, whose father is an Admiral of the Royal Navy and whose mother apparently died in childbirth. After her father's death, she and her brother James sail to Port Royal. That's the first time Rose sees the Black Pearl but it won't be the last.
Crossover - Pirates of the Caribbean & Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,472 - Reviews: 38 - Favs: 578 - Follows: 812 - Updated: 5/29/2017 - Published: 12/17/2013 - [Capt. Jack Sparrow, Harry P.] [Elizabeth S., Will T.]
here (in your arms) by hpnutter reviews
Hari and Kakashi meet when they're both dealing with things, and one night will change everything. Female Harry, KakaFemHarry. Past Drarry. Canon divergence.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,949 - Reviews: 64 - Favs: 542 - Follows: 734 - Updated: 5/19/2017 - Published: 5/4/2017 - [Harry P., Kakashi H.]
Deliria by Cetanu the Wraith Master reviews
Alice Lily Potter thought her seventh birthday was turning out to be the worst one yet. At least it was until a gift given to her long ago begins to unwrap itself in her mind and changes the course of her miserable life. The Wizarding World is not prepared for what is to come. Fem!Harry, Dark!Harry, Slythern!Harry. Currently in Second Year at Hogwarts.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 24 - Words: 101,577 - Reviews: 83 - Favs: 499 - Follows: 588 - Updated: 5/12/2017 - Published: 11/21/2016 - Harry P.
Arvum by Hanamaki reviews
Time-Travel. Naruto didn't believe such a thing was possible. Gender-change. Another matter he believed was impossible. Yet, here he was ten years old again and he was no longer a boy. Female NarutoxKakashi. Clan Restoration Act elements included (No Reverse Harem however). Possible smut as well. Read to find out!
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 9 - Words: 57,012 - Reviews: 552 - Favs: 2,483 - Follows: 3,009 - Updated: 5/6/2017 - Published: 4/3/2016 - [Kakashi H., Naruto U.] Naruko U.
The Unsinkable Poppy Potter by Autumn0Sprite reviews
Poppy Potter was raised by the TV and grew up running from her whale of a cousin. Among her early achievements: slipping extra oil into Vernon and Dudley's food in an attempt to send them to an early grave and growing her trafficking of stolen goods and racketeering business. Was it any wonder she didn't turn out to be the the type of Girl-Who-Lived that the people wanted?
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 3 - Words: 8,621 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 143 - Follows: 211 - Updated: 4/29/2017 - Published: 3/15/2017 - Harry P., Draco M., Tom R. Jr., Gellert G.
Mind the Gap by Sage Thrasher reviews
A psychiatrist is reborn—and promptly diagnoses the Naruto world as clinically insane. [OC-Insert]
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 10 - Words: 69,460 - Reviews: 808 - Favs: 4,688 - Follows: 5,861 - Updated: 4/25/2017 - Published: 12/12/2014 - OC, Inoichi Y., Kakashi H., Naruto U.
Touch The Skies by Whispers Of A Mad God reviews
Ash was going to make this Magikarp a champion or die trying. (Flying-Specialist!Fem!Ash. Kanto/Johto.)
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Crime/Family - Chapters: 3 - Words: 22,454 - Reviews: 56 - Favs: 359 - Follows: 440 - Updated: 4/24/2017 - Published: 5/24/2016 - Ash K./Satoshi, Steven S./Daigo, Karen/Karin, Gyarados
Sakura by Darkpetal16 reviews
Dying and being reborn into Sakura Haruno's body at the start of Naruto can really put a spin on a girl's perspective. Self Insert, single OC warning & actual summary inside. -COMPLETE-
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 56 - Words: 258,845 - Reviews: 4118 - Favs: 6,579 - Follows: 3,319 - Updated: 4/23/2017 - Published: 9/30/2012 - Sakura H., Kakashi H., Akatsuki, OC - Complete
Meddling In Fate by Kushinada Uzumaki reviews
AU; Fem!Harry: After dying of old age, Death decides his mistress' next great adventure should be special. So Violet Potter is reborn as Uzumaki Sachi, and her story writes itself anew.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 10 - Words: 60,794 - Reviews: 626 - Favs: 3,575 - Follows: 4,358 - Updated: 4/8/2017 - Published: 1/19/2015 - [Harry P., Shisui U.] Karin U., Team Seven
Once More With Feeling by Unstoppable Hanger reviews
24-year-old computer programmer is reincarnated as a background character. Her first life was nothing special, but she's determined her second one will be. OC Self-insert.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 18 - Words: 79,782 - Reviews: 574 - Favs: 1,722 - Follows: 2,191 - Updated: 4/6/2017 - Published: 10/26/2014 - Naruto U., Sasuke U., Shikamaru N., Ami
Altered Beginings by Trixfan reviews
Mr. Darcy attends the Meryton Assembly. Far from insulting Miss Elizabeth, Darcy accepts Bingley's challenge to dance with the lady. Lizzy has other ideas to make the man less prideful and condescending. What follows is a low angst, heart warming story of a love that will endure. PIP, completely new material from Ch 17.
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 28 - Words: 59,403 - Reviews: 736 - Favs: 1,153 - Follows: 1,268 - Updated: 3/23/2017 - Published: 6/1/2015 - Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy - Complete
Because of a Scar by abbymickey24 reviews
It's amazing how one thing can change everything. AU-Starts the summer between James's attack and Bella's birthday.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 23 - Words: 88,634 - Reviews: 2909 - Favs: 3,020 - Follows: 3,506 - Updated: 2/1/2017 - Published: 6/23/2011 - [Bella, Jasper]
Inheritance by MidnightEmber reviews
Salazar Slytherin bound Earth, Air, Fire and Water to himself and through him to his descendants. Now that Voldemort has been resurrected he shall assume his inheritance. But who are his elementals?
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Mystery/Angst - Chapters: 20 - Words: 111,336 - Reviews: 2614 - Favs: 4,765 - Follows: 5,446 - Updated: 1/30/2017 - Published: 10/28/2009 - [Voldemort, Harry P.] Draco M., Luna L.
A Play With Words by XER9AF reviews
A normal, though rather vertically challenged, young woman appears in the Naruto world through what she thinks might have been a freak accident. Problem is, she knows absolutely nothing about said world. Somehow she manages to burn Google translate into her own brain, and also have everyone out for her blood...literally. OC Self-insert. Incomplete Story.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 30 - Words: 117,669 - Reviews: 2214 - Favs: 3,534 - Follows: 3,385 - Updated: 1/24/2017 - Published: 5/17/2012 - Naruto U., Team Seven, OC - Complete
Before the Dawn by BookwormBaby2580 reviews
After her mother's wedding in Mexico, Bella encounters a vampire with less altruistic motives than the those held by the vampires she might have met in Forks under drastically different circumstances. One bad decision, she discovers, can change her entire life. AU E/B
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Horror/Romance - Chapters: 33 - Words: 245,554 - Reviews: 2011 - Favs: 1,479 - Follows: 1,756 - Updated: 1/3/2017 - Published: 3/12/2012 - Bella, Edward - Complete
A Moment to Regret by MeantToBe4Evermore reviews
Harley/Joker, Harley/Deadshot. Spoilers for Suicide Squad (2016) It only takes a second to make a decision you'll regret for the rest of your life. Harley thinks that the Joker is dead, so she spends a drunken night with Floyd. The Joker is not amused. Two-Shot. Please Review!
Suicide Squad - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,049 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 98 - Follows: 109 - Updated: 12/27/2016 - Published: 8/10/2016 - [The Joker, Harley Quinn] Deadshot, El Diablo - Complete
Girl in the War by astridfire reviews
Who says you can't fight evil and be pretty? A Girl!Harry AU, starting with Rose Potter's first year at Hogwarts.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 26 - Words: 165,092 - Reviews: 1066 - Favs: 2,708 - Follows: 2,963 - Updated: 12/27/2016 - Published: 1/31/2012 - Harry P., Draco M.
A Twist in Destiny by IAMGinny reviews
AU: Voldemort won the first war. Harry grew up in a Rebel Camp. When Harry is captured during a routine scouting mission, they meet. And neither is expecting the outcome. Father/son story. Being rewritten on a new thread! On my profile! Better summary on rewrite.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 31 - Words: 64,738 - Reviews: 543 - Favs: 785 - Follows: 946 - Updated: 12/23/2016 - Published: 2/17/2012 - Harry P., Voldemort
From a Cradle to a Grave by Sweet Little Darling reviews
Fem! Harry. Seven year old Holly Potter is thrilled when the Dursleys' are forced to bring her along on Dudley's birthday trip to California. During a trip to the Stark Expo, Holly gets lost among the sea of people only to run into billionaire Tony Stark.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Avengers - Rated: T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 25 - Words: 33,410 - Reviews: 702 - Favs: 2,643 - Follows: 2,943 - Updated: 12/16/2016 - Published: 11/4/2015 - Harry P., Iron Man/Tony S., Pepper P. - Complete
The Way It Ought to Be by OnlyaNovel reviews
The impulse of a moment in Netherfield's drawing room leads to a more hasty proposal, and consequences that are painful, and humbling, and eventually happy. - I have removed the larger portion of this story due to plagiarism concerns. Will probably publish before long. Sorry!
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,526 - Reviews: 750 - Favs: 332 - Follows: 801 - Updated: 12/12/2016 - Published: 9/29/2016 - Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy
My Nobody by PizzaAngel99 reviews
"They told me that to make her fall in love, I had to make her laugh. But every time she laughs, I'm the one who falls in love." My take on Joker and Harley's first meeting, and everything beyond. (Suicide Squad) "Anything you say can and will be held agaisnt you. So only say my name."
Suicide Squad - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 12,594 - Reviews: 138 - Favs: 562 - Follows: 705 - Updated: 11/23/2016 - Published: 7/30/2016 - Harley Quinn, The Joker
Duty Demands by PemberleyFan reviews
Elizabeth is compelled to marry Darcy after her father's death. Starts on their wedding night. Now a completed story available on Amazon on 11/15/16.
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,845 - Reviews: 1672 - Favs: 498 - Follows: 1,107 - Updated: 11/14/2016 - Published: 5/10/2015 - Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy - Complete
Boyfriends by IzzyV12 reviews
And when Yūri asks about their relationship, Viktor laughs. But only because he thought it was obvious. Viktor/Yūri. Lime/Smut.
Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,199 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 166 - Follows: 43 - Published: 11/8/2016 - [Yuuri K., Viktor N.] - Complete
To want it all by Lia-Osaka92 reviews
There was no one but Katsuki Yuuri to blame for Victor's current predicament. Or the "victor vaguely masturbates while pining for yuuri" fic no one ever asked for
Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,497 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 190 - Follows: 57 - Published: 11/6/2016 - Yuuri K., Viktor N., Maccachin - Complete
Tip Of The Iceberg by atarashiishousetsuka reviews
Victor finds Yuuri's hidden posters of him by accident. They help Victor to decide what he wants to be to Yuuri. But how can he make that clear to the other man? Yuri! On Ice. Yuuri Katsuki x Victor Nikiforov (Victuuri). Fluffy and cute one-shot. [EDIT: This story now also has a Russian translation, done by ShiYoru. See author's note for link and info]
Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,028 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 128 - Follows: 53 - Published: 11/5/2016 - Yuuri K., Viktor N. - Complete
Impulse by IzzyV12 reviews
Yūri wasn't really thinking when he jumped on Viktor's bed, he needed Viktor to hear the song as soon as possible. And then the song ended. Viktor/Yūri. A yuri on ice fanfiction.
Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 951 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 173 - Follows: 52 - Published: 11/4/2016 - [Yuuri K., Viktor N.] - Complete
Reward by Kotori Yui reviews
[Yuri! On ICE - Victuuri] - "A-Ah r-reward right? I… I'm very sorry!" He decided to just be honest. Lying wasn't his policy, much less if it was lying to Victor. "But I'll make sure to give you whatever you would like. So, can you tell me what it is?" Victor took Yuri's words and his own feelings into consideration. (just my fantasies and extreme fangirling after episode 3)
Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,520 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 117 - Follows: 56 - Published: 10/28/2016 - [Yuuri K., Viktor N.] - Complete
Sophia Jackson and the Lightning Thief by WelshGirl4Life reviews
Sophia Jackson was what you would call an average ADHD and dyslexic 12 year old girl. Well, she had been until she went to that stupid museum with her school. From there, everything went to hell. Literally. Fem!Percy
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 21 - Words: 113,401 - Reviews: 141 - Favs: 749 - Follows: 374 - Updated: 10/23/2016 - Published: 11/13/2011 - Chiron, Grover, Percy J., Will S. - Complete
The King Marries his Queen by truebie1989 reviews
After the events of Suicide Squad, the Joker realizes he is ready to commit to his Queen full-time. But, of course, as it usually is for these two, it would never be a conventional honeymoon. Rating will change.
Suicide Squad - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 5 - Words: 15,554 - Reviews: 108 - Favs: 273 - Follows: 273 - Updated: 10/20/2016 - Published: 8/12/2016 - Harley Quinn, The Joker
Genie by autumnassassin reviews
Harri ends up being screwed over by the ministry and some of her closest friends. She's then bound to an old lamp and tossed into the Veil. After being passed around for years, she ends up being dumped unceremoniously unto one Naruto Uzumaki. Things won't be quite the same by the end. Based on Tsume Tuki's prompt "Ain't Never Had a Friend like Me."
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 13 - Words: 53,387 - Reviews: 237 - Favs: 1,186 - Follows: 1,657 - Updated: 10/18/2016 - Published: 4/29/2015 - Harry P., Naruto U.
Ever Dance With The Devil by Harley Quite reviews
Young Dr. Harleen Quinzel is determined to make a break through with The Clown Prince of Crime. But is she willing to do unspeakable things in order to further her career. Or will she give it all up for love? Or will she end up loosing it all as she dances with the Devil himself...* Rating will go up*
Suicide Squad - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 13 - Words: 17,163 - Reviews: 94 - Favs: 147 - Follows: 209 - Updated: 10/17/2016 - Published: 7/19/2016 - Harley Quinn, The Joker, OC
Mr Collins' Bride by Green Ribbon reviews
What if the Bennets' situation was worse than was generally known? What if to save her family from a life in the poor house, Elizabeth decided she had no other option but to marry Mr Collins. How would Darcy react when he discovers that the woman he is in love with is engaged to another man? And more importantly what will he do about it?
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 43 - Words: 95,824 - Reviews: 734 - Favs: 562 - Follows: 1,310 - Updated: 10/13/2016 - Published: 1/31/2011 - Elizabeth, Mr. Collins, Mr. Darcy
Unraveled by PabloVotesNo reviews
AU. Time couldn't be stopped, but it could be reversed. Naru, Shikamaru and Choji were proof of that. They were also proof that war even corrupted the kindest of people. Sent back to their genin days, they want to be prepared for the 4th War, something that is inevitable. But they now have the chance to make everything right. But hatred lurks everywhere. Beware. Fem!Naru.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 9 - Words: 38,101 - Reviews: 310 - Favs: 1,651 - Follows: 1,848 - Updated: 10/5/2016 - Published: 12/19/2013 - [Shikamaru N., Naruko U.] Chōji A.
Those Bennet Girls by ATaleOfTwistedSuspense reviews
An event so horrible occurs that it changes the Bennet's forever, Altering the course of Pride and Prejudice as we know it. Regency. Multiple Character Pairings! (Elizabeth/Darcy) (Jane/Colonel) (Kitty/Bingley) COMPLETE!
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 30 - Words: 101,310 - Reviews: 790 - Favs: 963 - Follows: 983 - Updated: 10/4/2016 - Published: 6/18/2015 - Complete
Rumors by withered reviews
"Miss Eliza Bennet has finally received an offer of marriage!" Oh, Miss Bingley, you really should not be so excited about such a prospect. Even if it is just a rumor because sometimes, it isn't.
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,212 - Reviews: 97 - Favs: 454 - Follows: 96 - Published: 10/3/2016 - [Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy] Caroline, Georgiana - Complete
Of Bonds and Hugs like Chokeholds by RosesToPaint reviews
The ultimate dream: being born into your favorite manga. But the ninja life is in no way as romantic as it looks. But it's also not all that terrible. Hisana is fervently working on keeping it that way. An OC insert. Sequel up.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Friendship/Family - Chapters: 50 - Words: 145,176 - Reviews: 1008 - Favs: 2,989 - Follows: 2,475 - Updated: 9/21/2016 - Published: 3/4/2015 - Kakashi H., Team Seven, OC - Complete
Crazy by AhoyCapnTia reviews
The transformation from Harleen to Harley inspired by the Suicide Squad movie, comic books, video games and cartoons. Eventual Suicide Squad.
Suicide Squad - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 24,839 - Reviews: 70 - Favs: 137 - Follows: 198 - Updated: 9/12/2016 - Published: 8/11/2016 - Harley Quinn, The Joker
Seeking You by williamsangel88 reviews
AU, Fem!Harry. What if the Dursley's hadn't been Rose's only living relatives? Petunia sends Rose to the Haruno's in the Hidden Continents, partly because she wants to believe that the girl will live a better life there. A different take on Harry living in Konoha. Starts after the Second War ended. DISCONTINUED/HIATUS/UPFORADOPTION you pick
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Family - Chapters: 9 - Words: 40,756 - Reviews: 265 - Favs: 1,046 - Follows: 1,399 - Updated: 9/9/2016 - Published: 12/13/2013 - Harry P., Sakura H., Kakashi H., Mebuki H.
Zest for Life by bunbun08 reviews
Harriet Potter leaves the Wizarding world behind, starting a new life in the Elemental Nations. Seeing how neglected little Naruto is, she takes him in and helps him out. UzumakiHarry! FemHarry! Slight Weasley/Hermione bashing! Possible parings with Itachi, Iruka, Genma, & Kakashi.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: M - English - Family/Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,372 - Reviews: 133 - Favs: 835 - Follows: 1,159 - Updated: 9/8/2016 - Published: 8/26/2016 - Harry P., Naruto U., Sasuke U., Kakashi H.
Arkham's Razor by V.T. Reaver reviews
"Desire becomes surrender, surrender becomes power. Do you want this?" Origin Story of Harley Quinn in her POV. Followed by the Movie Events in Joker's POV.
Suicide Squad - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 9 - Words: 15,782 - Reviews: 84 - Favs: 220 - Follows: 271 - Updated: 9/3/2016 - Published: 7/23/2016 - Harley Quinn, The Joker
Let Fire Reign by xHarleysAngelx reviews
Harley Quinn has been freed from Belle Reve by her beloved Joker. Take a peek inside her twisted head and at her complex relationship with the Clown King of Gotham as they plot their revenge against the Batman. It's a world built on mental illness, drugs, and a pingpong game of psychological torture between the king and queen and it only gets better and better. First DC fanfic. R&R
Suicide Squad - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 11 - Words: 22,975 - Reviews: 40 - Favs: 84 - Follows: 99 - Updated: 9/1/2016 - Published: 8/8/2016
King and Queen of Gotham by QuinnOfConeyIsland reviews
This is a series of one-shots taking place during the events of Suicide Squad. Follow Joker and Harley in moments unseen. Expect a lot of fun and a lot of crazy! (With occasional fluff and feels.)
Suicide Squad - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 5 - Words: 5,792 - Reviews: 115 - Favs: 344 - Follows: 365 - Updated: 9/1/2016 - Published: 8/4/2016 - Harley Quinn, The Joker
Play With Me by Crystallinee reviews
Harley loves the dangerous games. Making the Joker jealous is a certain thrill, and one time she goes too far. Smut and sexual themes. Set in Suicide Squad.
Suicide Squad - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,183 - Reviews: 70 - Favs: 334 - Follows: 196 - Updated: 8/24/2016 - Published: 8/10/2016 - [The Joker, Harley Quinn]
Another Shade of Blue by Madrigal-in-training reviews
The boy was from a foreign village, had just threatened to kill his own siblings, and didn't even look at her twice, but there was something screaming inside Naruto Uzumaki to not let him walk away. "W-wait," she called out, catching an indifferent teal gaze, "Who are you?" fem!Naruto, GaaNaru
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 7 - Words: 25,153 - Reviews: 522 - Favs: 2,674 - Follows: 2,921 - Updated: 8/21/2016 - Published: 8/15/2016 - Naruto U., Gaara, Kyuubi/Kurama, Naruko U.
Dauntless by Allora Gale reviews
Lelouch had been quite happy with his life. Sure they were living in obscurity, but he and Nunnally were safe. All of that changes however, when his identity is revealed and Lelouch is forced back into the fold of the Imperial family.
Code Geass - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 98 - Words: 674,275 - Reviews: 8224 - Favs: 6,138 - Follows: 5,486 - Updated: 8/21/2016 - Published: 7/25/2010 - Lelouch L.
For Who Could Ever Love a Beast by sofia313 reviews
Bruce Wayne can't deny that he's intrigued by the Joker's "queen".
Suicide Squad - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 531 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 86 - Follows: 46 - Published: 8/12/2016 - Harley Quinn, Bruce Wayne/Batman - Complete
Dryer by HashtagLEH reviews
"Normal is a setting on the dryer. It's not meant for people like us." But the Joker has made his peace with that. Because if he was normal, he never would have met Harley Quinn - and wasn't that a dark thought?
Suicide Squad - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 766 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 202 - Follows: 68 - Published: 8/6/2016 - [The Joker, Harley Quinn] - Complete
The Joker's Wild by MeantToBe4Evermore reviews
One-Shot. Joker/Harley. Spoilers for Suicide Squad (2016). Harley knows that the Joker only has eyes for her... right? In which Harley gets jealous, the Joker's plans are foiled, the Joker has unhealthy coping methods, and mad love wins the day. Full list of warnings inside. Please Review!
Suicide Squad - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,098 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 229 - Follows: 76 - Published: 8/6/2016 - [The Joker, Harley Quinn] - Complete
Until Forever Quietly Slipped Away by Amaryllis D. Namikaze reviews
My tenth life started with sand, a marriage contract and legally-accepted assassins. It almost made me miss my other bitter endings. Almost. SI - Self-Insert Itachi/OC
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 3 - Words: 10,267 - Reviews: 76 - Favs: 651 - Follows: 960 - Updated: 7/25/2016 - Published: 10/20/2015 - [Itachi U., OC] Shisui U., Gaara
Tales of a Gutsy Ninja by Kwizzic reviews
Kakashi doesn't understand his genin team. (He hopes he never will.) Featuring: strip poker, deceptive puddles, several books, two conspiracies, and no ducks.
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 8 - Words: 32,723 - Reviews: 195 - Favs: 860 - Follows: 888 - Updated: 7/13/2016 - Published: 4/24/2015 - Naruto U., Sasuke U., Sakura H., Kakashi H.
Affari Nascosti - A Potter Story by njeha reviews
Something happened that changed Caius Volturi's eternal life. Decades later, a Potter is born. Is what happened to Caius related to the birth? This is a story about love and war. Friends and enemies. But most important of all, family. This is also a story about how a little girl's life changed when vampires moved in next door and magic knocked FEM Potter. Powerful/Grey Potter.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 20 - Words: 99,009 - Reviews: 531 - Favs: 1,807 - Follows: 2,044 - Updated: 7/10/2016 - Published: 1/26/2016 - Harry P., Albus D., Caius, Jasper
Perfect by GreenEyedBlondie07 reviews
Moving to Fork's was for protection after the war, merging into a new school was uncomfortable, falling for a vampire that was out of her control.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 11 - Words: 28,530 - Reviews: 55 - Favs: 249 - Follows: 331 - Updated: 7/10/2016 - Published: 11/6/2013
Deer tracks by Hermionechan90 reviews
Harriet Potter has to flee from England better yet, she has to vanish from this World. An acquaintance has a solution for the problem but is she really ready for what this entails? Fem Harry Potter
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: M - English - Family/Adventure - Chapters: 13 - Words: 28,431 - Reviews: 1429 - Favs: 5,169 - Follows: 5,815 - Updated: 7/9/2016 - Published: 5/12/2014 - Harry P., Shikaku N.
Underneath the Underneath by Crazy Hyper Lady reviews
"Quick question," Kakashi started again, "Why do your teammates think you're a boy, Naruto-chan?" he raised his visible eyebrow. The adventures of Uzumaki Naru! Yes, that does mean fem!naru. Butterfly-effect AU-ness starting from academy graduation. Chunin exam test 3 Prelims in progress.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 16 - Words: 55,871 - Reviews: 961 - Favs: 3,402 - Follows: 3,866 - Updated: 6/28/2016 - Published: 5/30/2011 - Naruto U., Naruko U.
Harry Potter and the Mirror of the Soul by DrizzleWizzle reviews
(6/7) After Voldemort was revealed at the Department of Mysteries, open war erupted in the wizarding world. Dumbledore has offered to take Harry as an apprentice, with the goal of teaching Harry sorcery - the manipulation of magic in its purest form. Harry is happy to learn, but Dumbledore seems to have another agenda...
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 3 - Words: 12,977 - Reviews: 234 - Favs: 614 - Follows: 959 - Updated: 6/24/2016 - Published: 5/13/2016
The Ferret and the Weasel by Phoenix Soar reviews
Draco Malfoy will do anything to win over Harry Potter's heart, even if it means having to "befriend" Ron Weasley first. Too bad his new attitude and attempts to get close to Ron keep giving the red-head constant heart attacks ... Implied Draco/fem!Harry
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 9,399 - Reviews: 70 - Favs: 283 - Follows: 278 - Updated: 6/24/2016 - Published: 7/13/2011 - [Draco M., Harry P.] Ron W.
Blackdog by Atlantis Sinatra reviews
After a life of war and adventure, all she wanted to do was live a fairly quiet existence running her little café and avoid inquiries on future children from Mrs. Weasley. She didn't expect Tony Stark to wander his way into her life and decide to never leave. FEM!Harry/Tony Stark
Crossover - Harry Potter & Avengers - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 6 - Words: 24,966 - Reviews: 1379 - Favs: 7,443 - Follows: 9,792 - Updated: 6/8/2016 - Published: 7/11/2012 - Harry P., Iron Man/Tony S.
Glory by Eiruiel reviews
Now discontinued. Please make your way over to its rewrite, "Hearts Stand Still."
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 34 - Words: 159,278 - Reviews: 434 - Favs: 1,181 - Follows: 1,349 - Updated: 6/3/2016 - Published: 6/26/2014 - Kakashi H., Minato N., OC - Complete
Picking Battles by nannygirl reviews
In "The Acid Queen" Kitty advises Jackie about 'picking battles' and both Kitty and Jackie end up sending Red and Hyde out to buy some magazines. When Red and Hyde end up meeting at the drugstore, Red has some of his own relationship advice to pass on to Hyde.
That '70s Show - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,920 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 102 - Follows: 15 - Published: 5/10/2016 - [Red F., Kitty F.] [Steven H., Jackie B.] - Complete
To Live is to Fight: To Fight is to Live by A Dyslexic Writer reviews
He knew the moment he saw her green eyes that she was a fighter. That she would do anything to say alive, press herself beyond her limits. He took her under his wing, taught her the sword, and show her how to survive. Dumbledore will be in for a surprise. Female!Harry
Crossover - Harry Potter & Bleach - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 6 - Words: 13,628 - Reviews: 91 - Favs: 914 - Follows: 1,186 - Updated: 5/3/2016 - Published: 4/22/2016 - Harry P., Renji A., K. Zaraki, Yachiru K.
I Was Blind Before I Saw the World Through Your Eyes by longingparadise reviews
Shikamaru always knew that he would marry a girl from another village. When he is twelve, he finds out that her name is Naruto. When he is sixteen, Naruto comes to Konoha. ShikaFemNaru, ArrangedMarriage!AU, Rated M for chapters to come
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 21 - Words: 92,888 - Reviews: 1255 - Favs: 2,971 - Follows: 3,266 - Updated: 4/22/2016 - Published: 5/21/2015 - [Naruto U., Shikamaru N.] Naruko U.
Welcome to a Utensil by bunbun08 reviews
Penelope died in our world and woke up in the Twilight world as Bella's twin sister. She kept all her memories from our world, though they're a bit foggy since she wasn't a huge fan. What will happen to the twilight storyline with Penny there? Will she try to change things around or stick as close to the story as she can? Penny/Garrett. Self-Insert/OC
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Drama/Humor - Chapters: 7 - Words: 18,290 - Reviews: 172 - Favs: 765 - Follows: 889 - Updated: 4/15/2016 - Published: 1/11/2016 - Bella, Edward, Garrett, OC
How To Swoon by LadySnowTheStark reviews
!HIATUS! As the new girl underestimates his power over girls, the playboy embarks on a mission to show her how wrong she is. Unfortunately, falling for her wasn't part of the deal. Sarcastic, bitchy and cynical versus one Sirius Black. This should be fun. SBOC
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 38 - Words: 67,738 - Reviews: 279 - Favs: 293 - Follows: 340 - Updated: 4/13/2016 - Published: 7/17/2010 - Sirius B., OC
The Road Untravelled by the-fairy-godmother reviews
This little idea niggled me. What would have happened if Gothel had never met Maximus in the forest, and just continued on her trip. What would happen to Rapunzel and Eugene and how would the story change? Please Rate and Review. Rated M for later chapters for violence, smut, swearing and other bodily things. Under editing.
Tangled - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 47 - Words: 148,908 - Reviews: 995 - Favs: 815 - Follows: 911 - Updated: 4/3/2016 - Published: 2/18/2011 - [Rapunzel, Flynn R.]
Ironies of Life by Hanamaki reviews
He took a gamble. To save himself and his container, time had to be rewritten. (Time-travel Fanfiction!) Fem. Naru x Kakashi
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 28,812 - Reviews: 196 - Favs: 1,347 - Follows: 1,647 - Updated: 4/3/2016 - Published: 1/13/2016 - [Kakashi H., Naruto U., Naruko U.]
Opposites Attract by Chaparrita reviews
"Y'know, you're really cute and dainty. But then you open your mouth. It completely ruins the effect." I don't believe in love at first sight. Not even a little bit. But I am a firm believer in annoyed at first sight. And Fred Weasley only furthered that belief.
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 16 - Words: 43,478 - Reviews: 129 - Favs: 203 - Follows: 291 - Updated: 4/1/2016 - Published: 7/16/2015 - [Fred W., OC] George W.
Magical Relations by evansentranced reviews
AU First Year onward: Harry's relatives were shocked when the Hogwarts letters came. Not because Harry got into Hogwarts. They had expected that. But Dudley, on the other hand...That had been a surprise. Currently in 5th year. *Reviews contain SPOILERS!*
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 71 - Words: 269,602 - Reviews: 5981 - Favs: 7,384 - Follows: 8,973 - Updated: 3/9/2016 - Published: 3/18/2007 - Harry P., Dudley D.
For Lack of Better Options by Madrigal-in-training reviews
Having determined Miss Elizabeth Bennet of Hertfordshire to be an entirely unsuitable bride for him, Mr. Darcy resolves to find the woman he admires an acceptable husband of high station. Unfortunately, no one manages to reach his high standards for Elizabeth. Darcy x Elizabeth
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,596 - Reviews: 195 - Favs: 627 - Follows: 174 - Published: 3/8/2016 - Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy - Complete
A Father First, Damn It! by Madrigal-in-training reviews
An hour after Dumbledore told them about the prophecy, James had his entire family- including the dog- bundled up on a Muggle ferry to France. Because there's valiantly dying for the greater good, and then there's good parenting.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,800 - Reviews: 318 - Favs: 3,054 - Follows: 1,096 - Published: 3/8/2016 - Harry P., Sirius B., James P., Lily Evans P. - Complete
Making Arrangements by CrownsofLaurels reviews
It takes a Village to make a relationship-Or, at least, a bunch of over-reaching grumpy old farts, a military leader with a bit too much to drink, a nosy but well meaning kunoichi, eight ninken, and the power of youth. And a really cranky chakra monster with nine tails and a penchant for swearing. Kakashi/femNaru
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 23 - Words: 202,710 - Reviews: 1958 - Favs: 5,464 - Follows: 3,733 - Updated: 3/5/2016 - Published: 9/27/2013 - Naruto U., Kakashi H., Naruko U. - Complete
Death Is Only The Beginning by Captain Hair reviews
9-year old Ichigo lived and died about 100 years ago. Sent to district 78 of South Rukongai, Inuzuri, you can guess who he'll meet. He was the one who changed her world. But now he's going to change it, right from the very beginning. Perhaps in death, they'll find happiness. It is but the next great journey...
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 51 - Words: 296,883 - Reviews: 2185 - Favs: 2,823 - Follows: 2,926 - Updated: 3/5/2016 - Published: 5/13/2012 - Ichigo K., Rukia K.
Sanguine by Lady Hallen reviews
Fem!Harry. Harry didn't know what a vampire was. Was it any wonder she thought drinking blood was normal? Rated T for insinuated graphical images. No longer a one-shot.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 6 - Words: 17,414 - Reviews: 336 - Favs: 2,722 - Follows: 2,731 - Updated: 3/4/2016 - Published: 7/20/2015 - Harry P.
LADY MALFOY by greatest.wit reviews
AU. NON-MAGIC. Set in 19th century, it is a story of a young woman who sacrifices her future to save her family from utter poverty. See whether her sacrifice turns out to be a blessing or not. Draco/fem!Harry.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 25 - Words: 241,630 - Reviews: 1088 - Favs: 1,364 - Follows: 1,493 - Updated: 2/16/2016 - Published: 6/6/2009 - Harry P., Draco M.
Tied to the Bell Tree by polyptera reviews
On the day that Suzuki is born, somewhere in another universe a young woman laying in a coma dies. Unfortunately Ann can't accept her death and the impossibility of reincarnation. Suzuki must deal with the consequences as she clashes with her past life while trying to find her place in the secretive world of the shinobi where no one is what they seem. OC Self-Insert.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 3 - Words: 5,756 - Reviews: 217 - Favs: 688 - Follows: 934 - Updated: 2/15/2016 - Published: 7/4/2013 - Jiraiya, Kakashi H., Shisui U., OC
Stolen by TheBlackSeaReaper reviews
ADOPTED What if Naruto was a girl? What if she found out that Madara was involved with the Uchiha massacre? What if the gods gave her a chance to kill him? What if Zetsu was willing to help her? What if she took his Tobi identity for herself?
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 7 - Words: 8,079 - Reviews: 207 - Favs: 533 - Follows: 493 - Updated: 2/4/2016 - Published: 10/28/2011 - Naruko U.
House of Snakes by FlitterFlutterFly reviews
At 30 years old, Harry doesn't have the life he'd always dreamed would come after defeating Voldemort. A chance discovery allows him an opportunity to go back in time and change some things. Wherein Harry raises his younger self, dances the political dance with Death Eaters and a resurrected Tom Riddle, and searches for a way to stop the destruction of the magical world. OldHP/TMR.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Family/Drama - Chapters: 12 - Words: 74,293 - Reviews: 1365 - Favs: 7,348 - Follows: 8,635 - Updated: 1/31/2016 - Published: 6/24/2013 - [Harry P., Tom R. Jr.]
Reluctant Fangirling and Other Seductions by Madrigal-in-training reviews
It was probably the strangest proposition he'd ever received. "I'm really sorry about this, but I've decided to become your fangirl." "My fangirl?" "Yes, and I think it's only fair to warn you beforehand." fem!Naruto, no Uchiha Massacre, Shisui x Naruko (An Ideal World Fic)
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,825 - Reviews: 427 - Favs: 5,437 - Follows: 1,750 - Published: 1/29/2016 - Naruto U., Shisui U., Naruko U. - Complete
Enter Naruto Naru Uzumaki: Time Traveler! by Chryselephantine38 reviews
Fem!Naru. Time Travel. Naru has hit a slump - She's finally Hokage but finds she's not entirely happy with the way things turned out. There's an obvious distance between her and the villagers, her love is hopeless and her home is empty. Kurama might just have a jutsu that can solve all her problems. Past Fem!NaruSasu. Eventual Fem!NaruKakashi.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 8 - Words: 67,993 - Reviews: 93 - Favs: 683 - Follows: 840 - Updated: 1/18/2016 - Published: 12/23/2015 - Naruto U., Kakashi H., Minato N., Obito U.
Fireborn by HarleyChase reviews
Built like an assassin. That's how most would stereotype her. Unfortunately for her superiors, with the qualities of a killer come the qualities of someone who doesn't like to follow orders, and she was never one to conform with the darkness of Konoha anyways. Not even if the prodigy with the Sharingan tries to stop her. Of course, she never anticipated him taking her side. AU.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 54 - Words: 256,602 - Reviews: 1406 - Favs: 2,413 - Follows: 1,909 - Updated: 1/13/2016 - Published: 12/30/2013 - [Kakashi H., OC] - Complete
Tempting Fate by JessieJay13 reviews
In this long-awaited sequel for To Be A King, secrets will be uncovered, old friends will show their true colors, and loyalties will be put to the ultimate test.
Merlin - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 17 - Words: 62,081 - Reviews: 297 - Favs: 522 - Follows: 352 - Updated: 1/5/2016 - Published: 11/12/2015 - Merlin, Arthur, Mordred, Kara - Complete
By Faith Alone by kansas2texas reviews
Fifteen year old Emma Swan has been on her own her entire life. Growing up in the foster system she's hardened herself to the world. But when she get's sent to Storybrooke Maine to live with her new foster mom, Mary Margaret, things start to change for Emma. AU - follows similar storyline of show up until the curse breaks, diverges from there.
Once Upon a Time - Rated: T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 88 - Words: 358,351 - Reviews: 1864 - Favs: 629 - Follows: 724 - Updated: 1/4/2016 - Published: 11/5/2012 - Emma S., Snow White/Mary M. Blanchard
As You Command by Oh My Cabbage reviews
Betrayed by the ministry and taken from her friends, Harry spends years floating in a void, then being tossed from one place to another before ending up in the hands of a small blonde boy whose life so far strikes a little too close to home. Being trapped in a lamp had some unforeseen assumptions. "You're like a genie right?" Fem!Harry Based on a prompt by the amazing Tsume Yuki!
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: K - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,032 - Reviews: 67 - Favs: 471 - Follows: 699 - Updated: 12/28/2015 - Published: 3/30/2015 - Harry P., Naruto U.
0800-Rent-A-Hero by brainthief reviews
Magic can solve all the Wizarding World's problems. What's that? A prophecy that insists on a person? Things not quite going your way? I know, lets use this here ritual to summon another! It'll be great! - An eighteen year old Harry is called upon to deal with another dimension's irksome Dark Lord issue. This displeases him. EWE - AU HBP
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 21 - Words: 159,580 - Reviews: 3754 - Favs: 10,923 - Follows: 12,718 - Updated: 12/24/2015 - Published: 4/4/2015 - Harry P.
Red John's New Obsession by TheBlackSeaReaper reviews
Fem!Harry. Abby Potter moved away from Britain when the war ended to escape. Red John found the one girl who is unlike any other. Patrick Jane is curious of John's new target.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Mentalist - Rated: K - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 9,370 - Reviews: 112 - Favs: 516 - Follows: 480 - Updated: 12/20/2015 - Published: 1/19/2012 - Complete
We Met in Hunsford by prhood reviews
Elizabeth is sent to London to enjoy the fall season and does not return to Longbourn until Christmas of 1811. (This is a relatively short story - about 25K words - and it focuses almost entirely on Darcy & Elizabeth.)
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 26,243 - Reviews: 279 - Favs: 600 - Follows: 397 - Updated: 12/15/2015 - Published: 11/24/2015 - Complete
The Child's Name by Rose Lupus reviews
Rumpelstiltskin snatches a young Emma from her foster care home to manipulate her parents in a different world and time . He returns her, but there's a consequence he didn't forsee. Emma now knows exactly where she belongs, and she's heading to Storybrooke - 24 years ahead of schedule.
Once Upon a Time - Rated: T - English - Family - Chapters: 37 - Words: 27,604 - Reviews: 633 - Favs: 634 - Follows: 817 - Updated: 12/12/2015 - Published: 4/13/2012 - Emma S., David N./Prince Charming, Snow White/Mary M. Blanchard
Somewhere Over The Rainbow by Queentakesjack reviews
Four siblings get more what they bargained for after a trip to a Harry Potter Exhibit. While they attempt to find a way home, Evangeline, the eldest, decides it might be fun to court the Devil himself. TOM RIDDLE x OC. M for later chapters. Part 1 of 4 of a series.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 40 - Words: 221,484 - Reviews: 542 - Favs: 653 - Follows: 697 - Updated: 11/29/2015 - Published: 7/23/2010 - [Tom R. Jr., OC] Voldemort
To Be A King by JessieJay13 reviews
When Merlin discovers that his father was an estranged prince and he himself is now the only heir to the throne of a magical kingdom, he is forced to leave Camelot for the perils of a royal court. Will Merlin be able to win Arthur's favor again before Morgana launches an attack on a defenseless Camelot? Will he be able to defend his own kingdom at the same time or will all be lost?
Merlin - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 28 - Words: 131,709 - Reviews: 710 - Favs: 1,524 - Follows: 673 - Updated: 11/12/2015 - Published: 8/9/2014 - Merlin, Arthur, Mordred, OC - Complete
Timeless by EmeraldRomance reviews
Falling through the time portal alone, Emma must find a way back home without disrupting the course of her future. Despite her intentions of avoiding the past versions of all her Storybrooke acquaintances, a chance encounter with a persistent pirate captain may prove that true love really is timeless. Canon Divergence from 3x21/ Captain Swan
Once Upon a Time - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 21,937 - Reviews: 153 - Favs: 199 - Follows: 425 - Updated: 11/10/2015 - Published: 5/26/2014 - Emma S., Killian Jones/Captain Hook
Il Silenzio Delle Stelle Cadenti by Felicity Dream reviews
In a fated meeting, Giovanni becomes quite taken with Henrietta Potter, which ensues in a chaotic chase as "Hades" takes after his "Persephone." But Harry has her own troubles, after the abandonment of the Wizarding World and lingering wounds, and won't let herself be taken so easily. Has the Rocket Boss taken on too much this time? Fem!Harry/Giovanni.
Crossover - Pokémon & Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 15 - Words: 74,148 - Reviews: 442 - Favs: 1,406 - Follows: 1,303 - Updated: 10/30/2015 - Published: 8/12/2014 - [Giovanni/Sakaki, Harry P.]
Silent Symphony by Eye Greater Than Three reviews
As a gifted seer, Cassandra Trelawney knew how the wizarding world would change because of Albus Dumbledore Dumbledore. His actions would lead to the birth of Lord Voldemort and the decline of Hogwarts. Forcing herself into the cycle of reincarnation, she became Hepatica Potter. female!Harry. Part of The Halloween Collection.
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,830 - Reviews: 33 - Favs: 429 - Follows: 468 - Published: 10/25/2015 - Harry P., Sirius B., C. Fudge
Daughter of Lightning: Tale of the Defender by Rainy Ravenclaw reviews
Alex Potter used to think she was just a normal girl. But then she found out she was a witch. Now, shortly before her thirteenth birthday, she's discovering an entirely new side to herself. She's a demigod and belongs partly to yet another world; one with monsters, gods, and vengeful titans. What will happen? With so many twists and turns, an interesting life is a given. Fem Harry!
Crossover - Harry Potter & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 8 - Words: 41,238 - Reviews: 182 - Favs: 872 - Follows: 976 - Updated: 10/18/2015 - Published: 1/21/2013 - Harry P., Percy J.
The Scarecrow's Secret by worldtravellingfly reviews
"He knows she is his the moment their eyes meet." (AU) (Fem!Harry) (KH/HP)
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,853 - Reviews: 75 - Favs: 1,704 - Follows: 605 - Published: 10/15/2015 - [Harry P., Kakashi H.] - Complete
Freakishly Beautiful by zombieapocolypse696 reviews
Jiraiya makes an unlikely friend during his travels, and she causes some interesting reactions within the village. Fem!Harry, Reincarnated. THERE WILL BE NO JIRAIYAxFEM!HARRY ROMANCE. Rated M for later and language. Vote for pairing. No poll, do it in reviews.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 3 - Words: 11,766 - Reviews: 591 - Favs: 2,164 - Follows: 2,657 - Updated: 10/1/2015 - Published: 1/29/2015 - Harry P., Jiraiya
Shock by zombieapocolypse696 reviews
When a human was bitten by a vampire, they stop being human. Their heart stops beating, their blood stops pumping, and they need to feed on blood. That's it. No other way about it. But then, when did Mari Potter ever follow the rules? Fem!Harry(duh)
Crossover - Harry Potter & Twilight - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,080 - Reviews: 157 - Favs: 761 - Follows: 884 - Updated: 10/1/2015 - Published: 5/5/2015 - [Harry P., Caius]
The Perks of Not Being the Mistress of Death by worldtravellingfly reviews
Instead of immortality and power over Death, Carry Potter brokered a deal with the aforementioned entity: the Deathly Hallows in exchange for time to say goodbye. The catch: Fate is not happy about how her life turned out. So our lovable heroine is sent to aid Kakashi Hatake in changing the future of a newly founded Konohagakure, after he died the first time. AU Fem!Harry D. Travel
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 18,960 - Reviews: 146 - Favs: 1,855 - Follows: 1,707 - Published: 9/27/2015 - [Harry P., Kakashi H.] - Complete
The Owl Princess by worldtravellingfly reviews
Yoshino has died shortly after giving birth to Shikamaru due to an assassination by Iwa. After nearly completing the standard mourning period, Shikaku now must consider marrying again, hounded by fangirls, ambitious kunoichi, and his Clan Elders. Enter a herd of intelligent deer, a confusing Owl Summons Clan, and one world-traveling witch in search of a new purpose. (AU, Fem!Harry)
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 22,546 - Reviews: 280 - Favs: 5,214 - Follows: 2,378 - Updated: 9/27/2015 - Published: 6/26/2015 - [Harry P., Shikaku N.] Hedwig, Shikamaru N. - Complete
Those Times When You Just Thought 'Huh' by VivyPotter reviews
These magical folk do seem to have a problem with sensible thinking, and 'wizard logic' just isn't an excuse! Not anymore, anyway. Join me, on my cynical and nit-picking quest to make a general nuisance of myself, in... Those Times When You Just Thought 'Huh' (Or: The Harry Potter Cast Have OOC Moments Of Logic) - A kind of sequel to TMHPOLH
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 8 - Words: 6,789 - Reviews: 215 - Favs: 342 - Follows: 445 - Updated: 9/16/2015 - Published: 12/30/2014
Changes by Crysania reviews
Tumblr prompt: I was thinking of how Belle thought Rumple was gay. She doesn't find out he's not gay until she has to bathe him (maybe he's hurt?) and she feels his...rather large estate. [the 5th in the Ambiguously Gay Rumple series]
Once Upon a Time - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,521 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 40 - Follows: 11 - Published: 9/10/2015 - Belle/Lacey, Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold - Complete
The Girl Who Fell From the Sky by MadameLeQueen reviews
They both thought there was a ghost flitting around their house. Little did they know, the two were merely worlds apart and meant to clash one day. When she finds herself in that predicament, she must force herself to learn in order to survive. KakashixOC
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 23 - Words: 122,626 - Reviews: 450 - Favs: 590 - Follows: 715 - Updated: 9/4/2015 - Published: 9/2/2011 - Kakashi H., OC
A Shepherd's Daughter by ashleewframe reviews
CS AU. The Evil Queen's reign of terror needs to end. Emma, the daughter of a shepherd, decides that she is the one who will end it. She enlists the help of the pirate, Captain Hook, on her quest. Unbeknownst to Emma, there is more at stake than the kingdom, such as the life of the mother she never got to know. New summary, same story.
Once Upon a Time - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 21 - Words: 61,036 - Reviews: 197 - Favs: 37 - Follows: 104 - Updated: 9/3/2015 - Published: 1/13/2015 - [Emma S., Killian Jones/Captain Hook] David N./Prince Charming, Snow White/Mary M. Blanchard
Shelter From The Storm (Under Rewrite) by tlyxor1 reviews
To be deleted. Refer to profile for Version 2.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 18 - Words: 27,222 - Reviews: 211 - Favs: 796 - Follows: 825 - Updated: 9/2/2015 - Published: 2/11/2015 - Harry P., Neville L., Blaise Z., Cedric D. - Complete
Holly Bears the Crown by Caitlinlaurie reviews
Instead of a son born in summer, a daughter is born in winter. There is still a prophecy and Privet Drive, but for Holly Ivy Potter nothing is quite what it could have been had a brother been born in her place. Girl Who Lived fic.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Drama - Chapters: 20 - Words: 91,952 - Reviews: 335 - Favs: 961 - Follows: 1,091 - Updated: 8/28/2015 - Published: 2/2/2013 - Harry P.
(Abandoned) Tender Sea by Strange Obsession reviews
ABANDONED!(rewritten) Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki grew up to become one of the strongest Kunoichi that had ever existed. Recently married and close to achieving her lifelong ambition, everything is ripped from her grasp. Friends have fallen and the Elemental Nations is no more. She chooses to abandon her identity and go back to fix it all. Time-travel!, Fem!Naru, Eventual Kaka!Naru.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 32 - Words: 130,795 - Reviews: 947 - Favs: 2,408 - Follows: 2,643 - Updated: 8/21/2015 - Published: 4/22/2013 - [Naruto U., Kakashi H.] Kyuubi/Kurama, Naruko U.
Unanswered Prayers by somandyjo reviews
The classic twist of Mr. Bennet dies, Darcy offers a marriage of protection, and he and Elizabeth must work through their pride and prejudices without being able to escape one another.
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 24 - Words: 102,093 - Reviews: 1042 - Favs: 1,166 - Follows: 1,939 - Updated: 8/15/2015 - Published: 11/22/2014 - [Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy] [Jane, Mr. Bingley]
Aurora by Nia River reviews
WIP. Alice Lily Potter survived the war, but not unchanged. Pursued by those who regard her new prophetic ability as a valuable resource, and aren't willing to take 'no' for an answer, Alice makes a difficult choice which sends her tumbling into the unknown. There, she finds a whole new world to explore… and love just waiting to be found. Fem!Harry(aka Alice)/Jasper.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 11 - Words: 38,756 - Reviews: 846 - Favs: 2,620 - Follows: 2,957 - Updated: 8/9/2015 - Published: 3/5/2015 - [Harry P., Alice, Jasper]
The Tribulations of Cross Academy by JacklynnFrost reviews
Yuki is never changed into a human so has lived with Kaname all her life. This is how it could have been. Mostly Vampires and Vampire hunters. Yuuki, Love, drama and a touch of angst.
Vampire Knight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 8 - Words: 25,904 - Reviews: 104 - Favs: 276 - Follows: 302 - Updated: 8/4/2015 - Published: 8/22/2012 - Kaname K., Yuki C.
Second chances by Paralelsky reviews
When her son came barging through the door claiming that there was a wounded man in their backyard, Harry had rushed forward not knowing what she was going to find. Little she did know at the time that the man will change her life forever. Fem!Harry, HarryxLoki - It's complicated
Crossover - Harry Potter & Avengers - Rated: T - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 12 - Words: 23,319 - Reviews: 444 - Favs: 2,351 - Follows: 3,364 - Updated: 8/3/2015 - Published: 11/28/2013 - Harry P., Teddy L., Iron Man/Tony S., Loki
Anytime by life is short so am I reviews
No matter what, his response would always be the same. Whenever she said thank you, his reply would always, always, be anytime. A series of drabbles wrapped up in a oneshot that lead up to Kakashi and Naruto getting together. Because I love this pairing and there just isn't enough of it.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,627 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 485 - Follows: 141 - Published: 7/13/2015 - [Kakashi H., Naruto U., Naruko U.] - Complete
Beautiful Tragic Love Affair by thenoblehouseofblack reviews
What if Emma didn't leave Hook tied up there? What if she let him come with her? What if slowly their walls started to fall down? A story about revenge and redemption, trust and love, and the steps it takes to get there.
Once Upon a Time - Rated: M - English - Fantasy/Romance - Chapters: 29 - Words: 92,921 - Reviews: 646 - Favs: 844 - Follows: 1,238 - Updated: 6/28/2015 - Published: 11/4/2012 - Emma S., Killian Jones/Captain Hook
The Green Beastling by sweetlilsunshine reviews
If you think being reborn in Kohona is tough; try being reborn as the spawn of it's infamous 'Green Beast'. Let me tell you, my life got a whole lot more difficult when my disease finally finished me off. -Self Insert-
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 9 - Words: 26,000 - Reviews: 263 - Favs: 1,343 - Follows: 1,573 - Updated: 6/27/2015 - Published: 11/25/2012 - Gai M.
Cast The Little Prince by Tsume Yuki reviews
Regulus Arcturus Black dies a tragic death in a cave, trying to stop Voldemort. The Fates decide he deserves another chance for his heroic efforts. He is reincarnated, as Harry Potter. Now armed with the memories of his past life and mistakes he sets out to stop Voldemort and change the Wizarding World. Prompt by savya398
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 3 - Words: 22,411 - Reviews: 729 - Favs: 3,409 - Follows: 4,141 - Updated: 6/23/2015 - Published: 5/9/2015 - Harry P., Regulus B.
Beautiful Star (Or: why studying equals Ramen) by worldtravellingfly reviews
A barely 18 years old GWL must learn quickly to navigate the Elemental Countries, as well as to raise her baby godson, the only one who tags along on her Next Great Adventure. Heavily injured, starving herself to feed the little six-month-old, Harry is ready to give up when an unexpected person helps her out. Now, what the hell did she get herself into this time? (Fem!Harry) [AU]
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 23,229 - Reviews: 481 - Favs: 2,909 - Follows: 3,631 - Updated: 6/22/2015 - Published: 5/17/2015 - Harry P., Teddy L., Naruto U., Anko M.
It's a Mad Mad World by Memory25 reviews
Funny thing about being reborn in the Naruto world... SI/OC insert. Crack treated seriously and realistically.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 15 - Words: 44,846 - Reviews: 813 - Favs: 2,247 - Follows: 2,559 - Updated: 6/15/2015 - Published: 10/16/2013 - OC
Toppings by worldtravellingfly reviews
This is a side-fic of 'Beautiful Star (etc)'. I will post all the little snippets that don't fit my concept for the main story here. For example: Auntie Anko's Matchmaking Mojo.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,253 - Reviews: 66 - Favs: 607 - Follows: 607 - Published: 6/15/2015 - Harry P., Teddy L., Kakashi H., Anko M.
He's Just a Little Bit Late by Tsume Yuki reviews
Uzumaki Naruto dreamed of becoming Hokage from a young age. Yet, it doesn't stop her from feeling like a damsel trapped within her tower at times, drowning beneath piles and piles of paperwork. Luckily, her prince seems to be on his way. He's just a little bit late. FemNaruto ONESHOT
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,741 - Reviews: 89 - Favs: 1,484 - Follows: 437 - Published: 6/13/2015 - [Naruto U., Kakashi H.] - Complete
Merlin: Sorceress Extraordinaire! by Lady Blade WarAngel reviews
How would things change if Merlin were a girl! Find out here. AU! Eventually Arthur/Fem Merlin, Gwen/Lancelot, Morgana/OC, and other possible pairings.
Merlin - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 11 - Words: 150,025 - Reviews: 364 - Favs: 970 - Follows: 1,125 - Updated: 6/6/2015 - Published: 11/5/2011 - Merlin, Arthur
A Summer Fling, and Something More by Nia River reviews
COMPLETE. Hattie Potter is consummately professional on the job, even if her bastard ex-husband is a co-worker. Nonetheless, circumstances conspire against her and she finds herself put on paid leave against her will. Andromeda thinks this is perfect, and sends Hattie off to southern Italy with orders to sunbathe, flirt with cute boys and maybe have a summer fling. Fem!Harry/Blaise
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 10,226 - Reviews: 107 - Favs: 1,813 - Follows: 590 - Published: 6/4/2015 - [Harry P., Blaise Z.] - Complete
But Baby Nobody Has Ever Kissed As Well As You Do by Tsume Yuki reviews
Because it's kind of a given that it took someone literally magical to really catch and hold Kakashi's interest. KakashixFemHarry
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,258 - Reviews: 146 - Favs: 2,771 - Follows: 1,236 - Published: 5/30/2015 - [Harry P., Kakashi H.] Team Seven - Complete
Soul Bond by Princess of Red reviews
Formerly known as Broken Soul: Leigh Potter (Female Harry Potter) moves to a new town in hopes to relax from the pain of the war against Voldemort, but she'll soon realize that the Elder Wand needs her in order to stay alive. Can she stay quiet for long? Doubtful, considering she chose a town that is not as muggle as she originally thought.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Bleach - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 18,612 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 356 - Follows: 438 - Updated: 5/24/2015 - Published: 7/30/2011 - Harry P., Ichigo K.
Rumpelstiltskin by GallonsoftheStuff reviews
He was all she ever wanted, and she knew exactly how she could have him - even if it would not be real. Then a stranger made her an offer she could not refuse, for a price that seemed like a joke at the time. Was it really just a teasing remark though? Or would her deal cost her more than she ever wanted to give up?
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Family/Fantasy - Chapters: 2 - Words: 9,231 - Reviews: 55 - Favs: 195 - Follows: 154 - Updated: 5/23/2015 - Published: 5/17/2015 - [Merope G., Tom R. Sr.] Harry P., Tom R. Jr.
Harry Potter and the Something Something by Legendary Legacy reviews
Hey, wouldn't it be cool if someone took as many fanfic cliches as possible and stuffed them all into one story? No? Well, I went ahead and did it anyway. Multi-chapter Mockfic. This summary is actually a lot better than I originally thought.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 10 - Words: 26,891 - Reviews: 446 - Favs: 734 - Follows: 628 - Updated: 5/4/2015 - Published: 7/18/2011 - Harry P.
Clarity by ElectraSev5n reviews
It's all about your perspective, really. She may have been kidnapped by a lunatic, or this might be an interesting new employment opportunity. She'll hang around for now- she doesn't have anything better to do. This is the sequel to 'Vapors', an OC story that loosely follows the conventions of a SI. I don't recommend starting here, I really don't.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 24 - Words: 226,831 - Reviews: 1235 - Favs: 1,780 - Follows: 1,517 - Updated: 5/1/2015 - Published: 7/20/2014
A Change in the Wind by nowforruin reviews
As Emma's twenty-eighth birthday approaches and Henry becomes more and more distant, Regina decides trusting in her wicked abilities will no longer do – Emma Swan must be stopped from ever reaching Storybrooke. Lucky for her, a certain pirate would do just about anything for revenge. AU, Captain Swan.
Once Upon a Time - Rated: M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 24 - Words: 69,501 - Reviews: 358 - Favs: 332 - Follows: 221 - Updated: 4/12/2015 - Published: 2/27/2015 - Emma S., Killian Jones/Captain Hook - Complete
Butterfly Effect by GaleSynch reviews
AU: They say a flap of a butterfly's wings can cause a hurricane on the other side of the world. In other words, one small difference can change some major event. Did I believe it? No. I didn't. Not until the day I died. Self-Insert in pre-Riddle era.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Family - Chapters: 4 - Words: 31,436 - Reviews: 245 - Favs: 1,553 - Follows: 689 - Updated: 4/12/2015 - Published: 2/16/2014 - [OC, Tom R. Sr.] Albus D., Tom R. Jr. - Complete
The Princess Knight by slytherin-nette reviews
As the youngest General of the Royal Army, Jade remembered nothing about her past. All she knew was that she lived only to protect him, the Prince of Slytherin. As evil threatens to descend upon the Four Kingdoms, however, Jade not only has to sort out her growing feelings for the Prince, but she also finds herself edging closer to the mystery behind her true identity. AU DM/femHP.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 37,955 - Reviews: 219 - Favs: 454 - Follows: 549 - Updated: 4/3/2015 - Published: 8/28/2014 - [Draco M., Harry P.]
Voices by Sunni Dayze reviews
Aria is Jared's twin sister and was bullied by his best friend Paul for a few years. Aria despises Paul, but what will happen after he returns with her brother after disappearing for a few weeks and imprints on the one girl who hates him the most? Paul/OC
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 17 - Words: 73,089 - Reviews: 514 - Favs: 679 - Follows: 792 - Updated: 4/2/2015 - Published: 6/3/2011 - Jared, Paul, OC, Kim
Death's Son by Little.Miss.Xanda reviews
He was lying in the mud dying, the world was already dead. Voldemort must be in his grave laughing, he had been right all along and now it was to late to do anything about it. Death didn't quite agree with that and now Death's son was going to make the muggles pay for everything they had done. This story will contain slash
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Drama - Chapters: 9 - Words: 68,391 - Reviews: 1881 - Favs: 6,211 - Follows: 7,056 - Updated: 3/9/2015 - Published: 5/13/2013 - Harry P., Tom R. Jr.
Her by Stormborn Dragneel reviews
Kakashi could never take his eyes off the golden goddess that was her, not after her father had charged him with her protection. But did the whiskered jinchuriki ever need protection anyways? [ FemNaru x Kakashi] [Complete] [Post-last chapter]
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,163 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 519 - Follows: 173 - Published: 3/5/2015 - Naruto U., Kakashi H., Naruko U. - Complete
Undefined Darkness by Wherondale reviews
What would the world be like if Valentine never interfered in Jace Herondale's life. Instead, after the Uprising, he ran away with his only daughter Clarissa Morgenstern. Leaving a distressed Jocelyn to believe both are dead. AU/OOC Dark!Clary / Clace NOW COMPLETE!
Mortal Instruments - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 41 - Words: 156,674 - Reviews: 1105 - Favs: 633 - Follows: 517 - Updated: 2/22/2015 - Published: 3/31/2014 - [Clary F., Jace W.] Jocelyn F., Valentine M. - Complete
The Aftermath by Umecchi reviews
'He followed the noise, and came to what he was looking for. A red door. A bright red door. A crimson door. Apollo knocked three times. The scuffling froze. The door opened surprisingly quickly. The girl standing in the doorway had dark red hair, emerald green eyes, and pale skin. The girl looked to be about seventeen and was very very pregnant.'
Crossover - Harry Potter & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Family - Chapters: 10 - Words: 41,696 - Reviews: 985 - Favs: 4,629 - Follows: 3,836 - Updated: 2/9/2015 - Published: 3/21/2013
Seventh Horcrux by Emerald Ashes reviews
The presence of a foreign soul may have unexpected side effects on a growing child. I am Lord Volde...Harry Potter. I'm Harry Potter. In which Harry is insane, Hermione is a Dark Lady-in-training, Ginny is a minion, and Ron is confused.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 21 - Words: 104,212 - Reviews: 1673 - Favs: 8,821 - Follows: 4,123 - Updated: 2/3/2015 - Published: 9/7/2014 - Harry P. - Complete
Put my Galleons on That One by Tsume Yuki reviews
As Master of Death, Harry can't really die. What he can do is get reborn, in an alternate dimension that is so much like his old world but so different at the same time. Taking down Voldemort again? Bring it on. MoD Harry DISCONTINUED
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,337 - Reviews: 880 - Favs: 5,445 - Follows: 7,408 - Updated: 1/25/2015 - Published: 1/14/2015 - Harry P., Fleur D., Luna L., Nicolas F.
Aberration by Rin O' Gen reviews
The second she realized she was in the world of Naruto, Rae swore she wouldn't interfere. Even so, looking at the shivering 8-year-old before her, she couldn't help but hold him close. It's not like one friend will change anything, right? T for violence and some language.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 20 - Words: 113,124 - Reviews: 2805 - Favs: 7,716 - Follows: 8,163 - Updated: 1/13/2015 - Published: 8/28/2010 - Naruto U., Kakashi H., OC
Anti-Social by iPhone iNsomniac reviews
The early life of Tom Riddle and of Harry Potter was very similar, led to two very different outcomes. However, what if instead of developing a complex about killing people or saving them, it was one about simply avoiding them? And just because I am tired of the name Harry, its a Fem!Harry story, with a couple other AU elements thrown in to spice things up. T for now, maybe M later
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,951 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 120 - Follows: 179 - Updated: 1/10/2015 - Published: 1/2/2015
Ultranumb by Kushinada Uzumaki reviews
AU: Time Travel! Fem!Naru. Everything is not going well, and it seems the Fourth Shinobi War may be lost to them. Naruto has one option left, a seal which can solve everything, but with no idea where she'll land, is it worth the risks?
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 50,074 - Reviews: 401 - Favs: 2,324 - Follows: 2,561 - Updated: 1/10/2015 - Published: 9/23/2013 - [Naruko U., Kakashi H.] Team Seven
The First Flower of Spring by Evil Is A Relative Term reviews
Because every ninja comes from somewhere. Lacking a presence in any ninja village, the Haruno are a clan just the same. Beholden to the traditions of her family, Sakura is changed, as are Team Seven's dynamics. What will become of them?
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 22 - Words: 90,167 - Reviews: 1785 - Favs: 3,168 - Follows: 3,265 - Updated: 1/10/2015 - Published: 10/18/2011 - Sakura H.
Uzu no Musume by Kushinada Uzumaki reviews
AU: Fem!Naruto. Instead of being the dead last, and seen as the village idiot, Naruto decides she wont bow to their expectations of the 'demon girl'. Instead, considered a prodigy, Naruto is a genin at six. Follow her beginning as a Kunoichi of Konoha, and what changes when Team 7 has two sensei's? One of which is the last Uzumaki heir? GaaraFem!Naru.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 30 - Words: 126,738 - Reviews: 991 - Favs: 3,991 - Follows: 4,189 - Updated: 1/3/2015 - Published: 3/25/2013 - [Naruko U., Gaara] Team Seven
Saving You by e-addi reviews
"Because you're worth it." Harriet was done with all the lies and deceit. She was done being Dumbledore's Golden Girl. She wanted out from the war, regardless of everything else. So she escaped. Magic help her with her new journey into the wide world beyond Wizarding Britain. Because Harriet Potter was bringing waves with her. Focuses on Harry before eventual TMR/Fem!HP
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 34,707 - Reviews: 297 - Favs: 1,339 - Follows: 1,644 - Updated: 12/30/2014 - Published: 3/22/2014 - Harry P., Sirius B., Voldemort, Tom R. Jr.
The Many Harry Potters of Little Hangleton by VivyPotter reviews
Also known as 'Harry and Voldemort Explore Fanfiction Tropes Together'. Different Harry Potters visit Little Hangleton, and Voldemort's the only one with much sense around here. I almost feel sorry for him. Includes Slytherin!Harry, Fem!Harry, Plothole!Harry, Flamboyant!Harry, Joker!Harry, Dark!Harry and more.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 112 - Words: 64,654 - Reviews: 2901 - Favs: 2,020 - Follows: 1,262 - Updated: 12/30/2014 - Published: 5/11/2014 - Harry P., Voldemort, Peter P. - Complete
Like Pinwheels in the Wind by XxZuiliu reviews
"How funny," he finally says. "That's my name, too." [Uchiha!OC, SI OC, Second/Third War, AU]
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,888 - Reviews: 209 - Favs: 1,428 - Follows: 882 - Published: 12/29/2014 - Orochimaru, Sakumo H., OC
Epilogue, Part 2 by OCDdegrassi reviews
The Weasley's react to J.K. Rowling's "fake" epilogue/Weasley family tree. Crack.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Parody/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,879 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 4 - Published: 12/29/2014 - Ginny W., Molly W., Charlie W., Fred W. - Complete
Suna no Hoshi by Felicity Dream reviews
Fem!Naru Minato tells Kushina to flee to Suna, if something were to go wrong in Konoha after his death. Because of this, somehow Naruto is raised in the Sand. The result is the creation of Team BAMF, an awkward Kazekage, and the world at large being driven insane. "You're the Desert Prince? You look like a girl." "I am a girl." "...Oh."
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 19 - Words: 83,827 - Reviews: 434 - Favs: 1,485 - Follows: 1,457 - Updated: 12/5/2014 - Published: 3/22/2013 - [Naruto U., Rasa] Gaara
Rose Potter and the Two Faced Man by nobodez reviews
ON HIATUS. Divergence: a subtly different prophecy is given, and the world is better for it. Fem!Harry
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 12 - Words: 38,784 - Reviews: 54 - Favs: 219 - Follows: 283 - Updated: 11/23/2014 - Published: 8/15/2011 - Harry P.
Chained Maiden by Fuyutaro son reviews
What if Naruto was a girl instead of a boy? What if his mother's unique chakra was actually a Kekkei Genkai? With her mother's Chakra chains bloodline limit, can a female naruto handle the world? FemNaru! T for language
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 33,905 - Reviews: 435 - Favs: 583 - Follows: 695 - Updated: 10/22/2014 - Published: 9/6/2010 - Naruto U.
The Biggest Toad in the Puddle by Tsume Yuki reviews
In which the Master of Death finds himself reborn and Jiraiya get's confirmation of what he's always known; he has no idea what to do with a kid. Good thing this one came self-sufficient. (MoD and reborn Harry) DISCONTINUED
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Family/Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words: 20,034 - Reviews: 1125 - Favs: 6,990 - Follows: 8,050 - Updated: 10/14/2014 - Published: 9/5/2014 - Harry P., Jiraiya, Team Seven, Team Ten
On the Way to Greatness by mira mirth reviews
As per the Hat's decision, Harry gets Sorted into Slytherin upon his arrival in Hogwarts—and suddenly, the future isn't what it used to be.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 20 - Words: 232,797 - Reviews: 3899 - Favs: 11,296 - Follows: 12,474 - Updated: 9/4/2014 - Published: 12/26/2008 - Harry P.
Necromancers Anonymous by The Iza reviews
Harry Potter was a normal child, aside from that whole raising the undead thing. But what are you gonna do? Evil!Necromancer!Harry. LVHP Slash.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Horror - Chapters: 8 - Words: 20,649 - Reviews: 1692 - Favs: 3,401 - Follows: 3,761 - Updated: 8/18/2014 - Published: 11/18/2007 - Harry P., Voldemort
The Line Between Love, Hate and Womanly Pride by EllieBaby reviews
or: How To Perpetually Humiliate Yourself. "Ah, Loganberry, eager to see me, are we? I know that you fancy me, but sprinting across the platform at high speed to fall at my feet does seem a tad over the top." Revised Chapter Thirteen now posted.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 45 - Words: 100,994 - Reviews: 1052 - Favs: 859 - Follows: 935 - Updated: 8/1/2014 - Published: 8/25/2008 - Sirius B., OC
Vapors by ElectraSev5n reviews
This ninja business? It isn't for the faint of heart. Luckily Aiko is far from faint, even if she did get stuck with a ridiculously girly name. SI, OC, whatever you want to call it. Rating is for language.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 103 - Words: 670,665 - Reviews: 5339 - Favs: 4,750 - Follows: 3,000 - Updated: 7/20/2014 - Published: 11/17/2013 - Kakashi H., OC - Complete
Destiny's Game by blueicequeen reviews
Naruto found sanctuary in the presence of ill repute women. Kakashi found salvation in the presence of an ill repute young woman. In the least expected place, two damaged souls meet for a future neither expected. Kakashi/Fem!Naruto
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 48,494 - Reviews: 285 - Favs: 1,263 - Follows: 1,433 - Updated: 6/19/2014 - Published: 9/5/2013 - Naruto U., Kakashi H., Naruko U.
Deal With A Deity by SecretAnimosity reviews
When the war ended all was well, at least for a little while. For Harry Potter life without his crimson eyed madman was even worse than with him. A drunken trip to Diagon reveals why Harry feels like he's slowly dying inside and the manipulating hooks that had been pierced into him, controlling him like a marionette. Is there a second chance? *MPREG* used to be Ultimate Betrayal
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 16 - Words: 71,669 - Reviews: 1472 - Favs: 4,040 - Follows: 4,855 - Updated: 6/12/2014 - Published: 9/27/2012 - Harry P., Voldemort
Sleeping Star by Alumneia reviews
When I died, I forgot everything. Temporarily. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Being sealed away for 15 years by your new family sucks. Being sent to an orphanage is even worse. On the plus side, at least I have Naruto for company. OC, self-insert.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 33 - Words: 61,502 - Reviews: 392 - Favs: 1,590 - Follows: 1,820 - Updated: 6/5/2014 - Published: 4/19/2014 - OC, Naruto U.
Clarity by changemeplease reviews
Katniss Everdeen won the 70th Hunger Games at the age of twelve. Five years later she's being thrust back into her worst nightmare. Except this time she meets somebody in there who might just change her whole outlook on life.
Hunger Games - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 9,871 - Reviews: 44 - Favs: 103 - Follows: 145 - Updated: 6/1/2014 - Published: 4/13/2014 - Finnick O., Katniss E.
Ruins of a Heart OLD by Ambrosia Ice reviews
Crossover - Harry Potter & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 8 - Words: 10,638 - Reviews: 34 - Favs: 93 - Follows: 114 - Updated: 5/19/2014 - Published: 9/22/2013 - Harry P., Luke C. - Complete
Ombre by Silent Strikes reviews
It started with death and would end the same way. OC insert. {rewrite of Reincarnation of a Water Lily}
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 4 - Words: 22,094 - Reviews: 167 - Favs: 677 - Follows: 977 - Updated: 5/17/2014 - Published: 6/21/2013 - Shikamaru N., Chōji A., Shisui U., OC
A Most Unusual Circumstance by Sabbie reviews
Mulan and Shang's courtship through Shang's mother's eyes.
Mulan - Rated: K - English - Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,878 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 356 - Follows: 77 - Published: 5/12/2014 - Mulan, Shang - Complete
Follow You by flarsanzian reviews
Every teenager has their rebellious stage. Unfortunately, Renesmee's just had to kick in while her car literally crashed a raven-haired human nomad with a flying broom. "You're serious? You want to go with me?" She was sure that he was expecting her to back down. "Anywhere but home."
Crossover - Harry Potter & Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 15 - Words: 94,531 - Reviews: 489 - Favs: 968 - Follows: 1,153 - Updated: 4/30/2014 - Published: 1/4/2013 - Harry P., Renesmee C./Nessie
Harry Potter and the Tri-Wizard Tournament by DrizzleWizzle reviews
(4/7) Harry Potter is Slytherin's Tri-Wizard Champion. Witches want him. Wizards want to be him. Death Eaters want to kill him. Even though Harry's selection is an attempt on his life, Harry doesn't see any reason not to enjoy the benefits of being a Champion… especially when that means snogging shapely witches. But will Harry become distracted from his primary goal: survival?
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 37 - Words: 149,350 - Reviews: 854 - Favs: 1,075 - Follows: 872 - Updated: 4/25/2014 - Published: 8/30/2013 - [Harry P., Pansy P.] - Complete
To Shape and Change by This is not a FanFiction reviews
After helplessly watching the murder of his son by the hands of the civilians he had sworn to protect, Minato Namikaze is broken. When the god of Death offers the chance to walk among the living once more, he accepts. Only catch is, he has to live in the body of his son, Naruto Uzumaki. How will the world change with the Yellow Flash taking his sons place? ((No pairings.))
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 14 - Words: 48,065 - Reviews: 745 - Favs: 2,001 - Follows: 2,261 - Updated: 4/21/2014 - Published: 4/1/2013 - Minato N., Itachi U., Lee R., Kakashi H.
The Intern by CakeTops reviews
Harry Dursley was as normal as they could come. However that changes when he miraculously managed to land an internship at Stark enterprises and is thrust in to a world of advance engineering, superheroes and magic. He would discover who he really is and what really happened to his parents and maybe something more along the way. SLASH. HP/TS. Mpreg. REVAMPED.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Ironman - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 6 - Words: 15,199 - Reviews: 339 - Favs: 1,709 - Follows: 2,745 - Updated: 4/9/2014 - Published: 2/25/2013 - Harry P., A. E. Stark/Tony
Fleeting Memories by AoiTsubaki reviews
Tiera "Tia" Klein thought that her life is only for the battlefield. But now when her single ray of light and her own life at stake, she'll have to exceed every impossibilities for the truth. Fem!Teito. AUTHOR'S NOTE! Not an update but please read it guys :D
07-Ghost - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 9 - Words: 33,736 - Reviews: 100 - Favs: 145 - Follows: 136 - Updated: 3/29/2014 - Published: 1/7/2012 - [Frau, Teito K.]
Game On by PenguinBuddy reviews
When Eva Wood is named Quidditch captain, she feels ready to take on the world. But first, she'll have to take on a Slytherin captain, a roommate obsessed with her dad, and James Potter, who thinks he should be captain. Game on.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 30 - Words: 163,791 - Reviews: 1130 - Favs: 1,534 - Follows: 906 - Updated: 3/28/2014 - Published: 10/16/2011 - James S. P., OC - Complete
The Facts Of Life by bittersweetties reviews
"Let me get this straight, you're trying to blackmail an Uchiha?" "umm... Well yeah. Basically." "You're dumber than you look." "Who's the one getting blackmailed?"ItachixOC
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 75 - Words: 154,791 - Reviews: 2713 - Favs: 1,781 - Follows: 1,317 - Updated: 3/26/2014 - Published: 12/3/2009 - Itachi U. - Complete
Love Is In The Air by PabloVotesNo reviews
One-shot. Fem!Naru. "...Kakashi stole my date didn't he?" He was just glad Sakura went for carpet instead of just wood flooring. It was softer on the face. "This was a trap?" "Yep, seems like it." "Troublesome."
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,358 - Reviews: 66 - Favs: 1,456 - Follows: 457 - Published: 3/18/2014 - [Naruko U., Kakashi H.] - Complete
Bride Wars: Harry Potter Edition by canibehermione reviews
Ginny and Hermione are two best friends whose weddings get accidentally placed on the same day at the same place. Neither of them want to change their date, so they become enemies and try to sabotage each other's wedding. Based off of the movie Bride Wars. Ginny/Harry, Hermione/Ron and eventual Hermione/Fred . Rated T for possible language. Remember to R&R!
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 4,809 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 22 - Updated: 3/1/2014 - Published: 7/9/2012 - Hermione G., Fred W.
Of Artclass and Redheads by fabbiosa reviews
Ryan always has had a thing for red heads. Poor guy never did have much luck. One-shot.
Mortal Instruments - Rated: K - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,468 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 67 - Follows: 10 - Published: 2/15/2014 - [Clary F., Jace W.] - Complete
Broken Hearts by Kushinada Uzumaki reviews
AU; Fem!Naru: Over Three Thousand years after her death, Uzumaki Miyuki finds herself in the middle of another adventure. While helping to change the tide of a war against Aizen, she finds something she's been looking for in an Orange haired, Substitute Shinigami; a reason to fight and protect once again.
Crossover - Naruto & Bleach - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 27,257 - Reviews: 161 - Favs: 1,232 - Follows: 1,295 - Updated: 2/12/2014 - Published: 11/8/2013 - [Naruko U., Ichigo K.]
The Best Worst Fan Fiction Ever Written by spacecavy reviews
A parody of the most cringe-worthy Harry Potter fics Spacecavy and Auraleek have ever read. Harry and Sirius fall through the veil into a terrifying alternate dimension full of slash, vaguely pedophilic relationships, over-the-top Dursely abuse, and . . . Wait. Did someone say spanking?
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Parody/Humor - Chapters: 5 - Words: 20,883 - Reviews: 51 - Favs: 60 - Follows: 87 - Updated: 2/12/2014 - Published: 9/27/2013 - Harry P., Sirius B.
Wednesday by Madj reviews
She knew it was Wednesday, because it had been Wednesday every morning for the last four days, and she was the only one who seemed to notice. AU for the end of 3.11; Regina stops the curse, but there are consequences. Captain Swan.
Once Upon a Time - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 18,575 - Reviews: 207 - Favs: 610 - Follows: 265 - Updated: 2/5/2014 - Published: 1/14/2014 - Emma S., Killian Jones/Captain Hook - Complete
When Stars Align by Zaequeenoflazy reviews
Each starry night, Alex sang 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' to help her fall asleep peacefully. One night, a child from the stars grants Alex two wishes for unknowingly singing to the them. As a test, she wishes that she was a part of the Bleach universe. It unexpectedly came true; thus began the journey from the very beginning. SI-OC. DISCONTINUED. Please read Post-A/N in Ch. 1!
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 36 - Words: 232,031 - Reviews: 300 - Favs: 406 - Follows: 385 - Updated: 2/1/2014 - Published: 7/3/2012 - Ichigo K., OC
Fate Loves the Fearless by Crysania reviews
It's been tradition to foretell the future of those in Maurice's family for as long as he can remember. When the fairies read Belle's future they see great darkness there: she will bear the Dark One a child. At her father's request, the fairies seal her in a tower from which she can never leave. Rumplestilskin knows, however, that there's something he wants in that tower.
Once Upon a Time - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 24 - Words: 83,680 - Reviews: 252 - Favs: 285 - Follows: 191 - Updated: 1/19/2014 - Published: 11/6/2013 - Belle/Lacey, Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold, The Blue Fairy/Mother Superior, Maurice/Mr. French - Complete
Drive-By Flirtation by njwriter62 reviews
Bella Swan's commute to work is disrupted by a guy in a silver Volvo who cuts her off at the drive through coffee shop. Bella's upset, but her friend Alice thinks its kind of cute. So begins a car and coffee-based flirtation. She doesn't know who he is, and he doesn't know who she is - or does he?
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 24 - Words: 53,541 - Reviews: 641 - Favs: 705 - Follows: 444 - Updated: 1/11/2014 - Published: 5/18/2013 - Bella, Edward - Complete
Compulsion by jalapeno bagels reviews
At age 8, Harry finds out the truth about his parents - and the his temper causes his magic to explode. From then on, Dursleys go on with their lives without noticing Harry, his room, and the disappearance of food from the refrigerator. Harry delves into the world of magic unnoticed, and arrives at Hogwarts far more magically developed than anyone could've ever guessed.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 3 - Words: 7,905 - Reviews: 39 - Favs: 154 - Follows: 238 - Updated: 1/6/2014 - Published: 6/22/2013 - Harry P.
City of Shadows by myheartandocean reviews
CoB AU: Jocelyn Morgenstern gave birth to a second child, her daughter, before she betrayed Valentine and The Circle, and when she fled the Shadow World she also left both children behind in fear of what her husband's experiments had done to them. Now, sixteen years later, Valentine sends his daughter to New York City to retrieve the Mortal Cup from her mother.
Mortal Instruments - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 14 - Words: 171,608 - Reviews: 381 - Favs: 355 - Follows: 457 - Updated: 1/4/2014 - Published: 8/7/2012 - Clary F., Jace W., Jonathon M./Sebastian V.
The Lists by shirleypositive72 reviews
Just write a list, Alice says, to know what to look for in your ideal man. But I have two lists... AH, OOC
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 44 - Words: 128,980 - Reviews: 1187 - Favs: 940 - Follows: 871 - Updated: 12/31/2013 - Published: 12/4/2011 - Bella, Jasper - Complete
Green Eyes by Eye Greater Than Three reviews
Hannah Potter decided it was time to find her brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, after the death of Cedric Diggory and the treatment she received in England. female!Harry. ON PERMANENT HIATUS.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Supernatural - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 8 - Words: 62,472 - Reviews: 410 - Favs: 1,865 - Follows: 2,242 - Updated: 12/12/2013 - Published: 12/27/2011 - Harry P., Dean W.
Uncrowned Lord of Azkaban by TardisIsTheOnlyWayToTravel reviews
At the end of first year eleven-year-old Harry is arrested for killing Quirrell. In Azkaban he befriends the Dementors, meets his godfather, institutes a regular poker game and ponders the question of a union for Dementors. Crack!fic. Obviously.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 4 - Words: 8,365 - Reviews: 488 - Favs: 2,832 - Follows: 2,757 - Updated: 11/28/2013 - Published: 10/12/2009 - Harry P.
Sophia Jackson and the Sea of Monsters by WelshGirl4Life reviews
When you're a half-blood, nothing in your life can ever be normal. Especially for Sophia Jackson. Stuck in the Sea of Monster with her friend Will Solace, she must find her best friend Grover Underwood and the golden fleece before time runs out and the camp is over run by monsters. Will they make it back in time? Fem!Percy
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 21 - Words: 88,425 - Reviews: 335 - Favs: 518 - Follows: 359 - Updated: 11/24/2013 - Published: 7/23/2012 - [Percy J., Will S.] Tyson, Katie G. - Complete
Paint me a picture by Paralelsky reviews
"What do you do with a weapon who's become obsolete?" asked Harry, almost conversationally. "You disassemble it, or stow it securely away." answered Tony, voice devoid of any inflection. Sequel to 'Black is the colour' - or how Tony and Harry met. Fem!Harry
Crossover - Harry Potter & Avengers - Rated: T - English - Drama/Friendship - Chapters: 4 - Words: 10,622 - Reviews: 297 - Favs: 1,376 - Follows: 2,124 - Updated: 11/21/2013 - Published: 7/4/2012 - Harry P., Iron Man/Tony S.
Time Again by Shaay reviews
When Naruto is given the chance to change everything he decides to take it. It's just too bad Kurama conveniently forgets to mention one small detail before allowing him to make his choice. [Gender-swap. Fem!Naruto. Time-travel.]
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Family/Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 28,056 - Reviews: 498 - Favs: 3,002 - Follows: 3,336 - Updated: 11/18/2013 - Published: 10/2/2013 - Naruto U., Kakashi H., Minato N., Kushina U.
Pink Parasite by 88mph reviews
During the Genin test Sakura awakens a blood limit that could make her more hated than the Uchiha's copying ability. As her hopes and dreams for the future shatter, she finds support in an unlikely knuckle-headed teammate. She has to hide the truth even as the village scrutinizes the newest additions to the notorious legacy of Team 7. Oh and she discovers the joy of ramen.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 3 - Words: 17,427 - Reviews: 237 - Favs: 747 - Follows: 869 - Updated: 11/16/2013 - Published: 11/3/2013 - Naruto U., Sakura H., Kakashi H.
Sweater Weather by nannygirl reviews
It's a chilly day in Point Place and Jackie is without a sweater but has her eye on her boyfriend's. A short Autumn JH story.
That '70s Show - Rated: K - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,822 - Reviews: 39 - Favs: 88 - Follows: 15 - Published: 11/15/2013 - Jackie B., Steven H. - Complete
Ninja Who Lived by 88mph reviews
Harry dies at the end of Deathly Hallows and is reborn as Naruto. Now Harry is on the case of uncovering all the secrets around Naruto and deal with his enemies. Find out how Konoha deals with the Master of Death Ninja-in-training.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Adventure - Chapters: 16 - Words: 77,566 - Reviews: 1555 - Favs: 5,712 - Follows: 6,107 - Updated: 11/12/2013 - Published: 9/22/2011 - Harry P.
The Life and Times of the Kazekage's Assistant by Kitty Slap reviews
Imamura Tsubasa has no idea what she's in for when she becomes the Kazekage's assistant. All she wanted was to be a councilmember by 25 but it seems to be impossible when Temari becomes quite demanding of her and her life becomes a hectic hell. GaaraxOC
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 33 - Words: 189,430 - Reviews: 715 - Favs: 513 - Follows: 481 - Updated: 10/25/2013 - Published: 7/6/2008 - Gaara
Paradise by Lorelai Pattern reviews
AU, post-curse. She is the princess, the elusive daughter of Queen Snow White and King James, and he is just a wild wanderer, a lonely Huntsman with only his wolf brother for companionship.
Once Upon a Time - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 13 - Words: 40,865 - Reviews: 279 - Favs: 262 - Follows: 409 - Updated: 9/30/2013 - Published: 5/31/2012 - Emma S., Sheriff Graham/The Huntsman
Persephone Riddle by electra2pandora reviews
One Halloween night, Rose Potter is abducted by Voldemort and raised as Persephone Lestrange. With a prophecy that recognises her as the future Dark Lady, Persephone is slowly seduced by the Dark Lord as he moves to take over the wizarding world. Meanwhile, the Order moves to stop him any way possible as they and the Potter's continue the search for Rose, their saviour. F!Harry/TMR
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 13 - Words: 31,502 - Reviews: 230 - Favs: 1,238 - Follows: 1,345 - Updated: 9/24/2013 - Published: 9/1/2013 - Harry P., Voldemort, Tom R. Jr.
Just Add Crazy by SavannaBanana reviews
Bella breaks up with Edward when she realizes how controlling he is. On a whim, she attends a bonfire with Jake which leads her to Sam - the only thing is, Bella isn't looking for a serious relationship just yet, especially with another mythical creature
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 9 - Words: 16,296 - Reviews: 258 - Favs: 343 - Follows: 576 - Updated: 9/18/2013 - Published: 2/11/2011 - Bella, Sam
Overheard by Babsy1221 reviews
What if Mr. Darcy had discovered Elizabeth's opinion of him long before the proposal at Rosings? And how would an honest conversation have affected the story?
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 7 - Words: 55,332 - Reviews: 449 - Favs: 1,803 - Follows: 622 - Updated: 9/6/2013 - Published: 6/4/2013 - Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy - Complete
Nighttime Patrons of the Arts by silver drip reviews
Bella is a painter. The Volturi commission her to paint them. Eventually Bella/Aro. Complete!
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 45 - Words: 20,300 - Reviews: 1301 - Favs: 786 - Follows: 465 - Updated: 9/6/2013 - Published: 6/4/2013 - Bella, Aro - Complete
Meant To Be by anastasia.black101 reviews
Fem!Harry/Tom Riddle After Holly Potter defeated Voldemort she felt empty inside, when she finds out why she does all she can to go back to a time where Voldemort was still alive, little did she know that she would find true love when she arrived. Time travel.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 3 - Words: 9,960 - Reviews: 130 - Favs: 573 - Follows: 718 - Updated: 9/1/2013 - Published: 8/17/2013 - Harry P., Tom R. Jr.
Harry Potter and the Dementors of Azkaban by DrizzleWizzle reviews
(3/7) Harry Potter is thirteen years old, and suddenly there's plenty of flirting at Hogwarts. Flirting with witches, flirting with trouble, and even flirting with dark magic. When Sirius Black escapes from Azkaban, Harry's quest for revenge brings him dangerously close to the very darkness he's been trying to defeat. AU, Slytherin!Harry.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 28 - Words: 70,169 - Reviews: 402 - Favs: 803 - Follows: 448 - Updated: 8/30/2013 - Published: 4/5/2013 - Harry P. - Complete
White Hair by alterego94 reviews
During the fight with Mizuki, something happens. The short exposure to Kyuubi's chakra alters Naruto's dormant genes, making them more dominant and unlocking his Bloodlimit. But how will Kimimaro react when he recieves word that another Kaguya lives?
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 7 - Words: 50,709 - Reviews: 702 - Favs: 1,834 - Follows: 2,026 - Updated: 8/17/2013 - Published: 12/23/2007 - Naruto U., Kimimaro K.
Hades' Daughter and the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by Dr Fororak reviews
Rose Potter is the Girl-Who-Lived, a witch and a demigod daughter of Hades. Follow her journey through the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Fem!Harry
Crossover - Harry Potter & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,339 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 227 - Follows: 291 - Published: 8/3/2013 - Harry P., Hades
I Volunteer by MoonOfPluto reviews
"I volunteer," I shout as soon as his name is called. Gale volunteers for Peeta in the Hunger Games so that he can protect Katniss. Will the star-crossed lovers and rebellion still exist?
Hunger Games - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 26 - Words: 51,664 - Reviews: 142 - Favs: 157 - Follows: 118 - Updated: 7/11/2013 - Published: 3/14/2013 - Gale H., Katniss E. - Complete
Andy Swan's Twilight: My First Sunset by RogueMetamorph reviews
For Andy Swan falling in love is easy, especially if her heart's desire is the vegetarian vampire, Edward Cullen. But with her days numbered, she knows their love can't last. For Edward Cullen accepting Andy's immanent death is hard, especially when their romance is new and his morals keep him from saving the one person he can't live without... A Twilight rewrite! OC/Edward Cullen.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 15 - Words: 62,529 - Reviews: 189 - Favs: 579 - Follows: 294 - Updated: 7/9/2013 - Published: 10/2/2011 - Edward, OC - Complete
Natural Order by silver drip reviews
A month before their wedding Edward asks Bella to run away with him without giving her a clear reason why. She agrees out of love. What is Edward hiding? Bella/? Rated M. COMPLETE!
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Mystery - Chapters: 150 - Words: 68,086 - Reviews: 1635 - Favs: 200 - Follows: 178 - Updated: 7/6/2013 - Published: 8/25/2012 - Bella - Complete
Lessons in Loss by wickedlfairy17 reviews
"You never know what you have till you've lost it."―Alyson Noel When you lose everything that made you, you, how do you go on? Does the absence of everything you had ever known destroy everything you are? What is left after that? Given the chance to be great, would you, could you take it? Jiraiya was reckless, she was an accident, and now it was all messed up. SI OC
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 6 - Words: 19,332 - Reviews: 138 - Favs: 548 - Follows: 689 - Updated: 7/2/2013 - Published: 5/28/2013 - Naruto U., Jiraiya
Inconceivable by CrownsofLaurels reviews
Because not even Tsunade would have made the bet that Kakashi and Naruto would wind up together. Which is probably why it happened. Kakashi/FemNaru
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 9,421 - Reviews: 199 - Favs: 2,234 - Follows: 631 - Updated: 6/26/2013 - Published: 12/9/2012 - Naruko U., Kakashi H. - Complete
Reincarnation of a Water Lily by Silent Strikes reviews
If you got a second chance at life, what would you do? - What happens when an ordinary girl wakes up to find herself stuck in the body of a baby in the world of Naruto? - Life as a ninja. OC insert. [warning: marysue according to internet trolls] REWRITE IS UP!
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 18 - Words: 75,188 - Reviews: 505 - Favs: 1,307 - Follows: 1,402 - Updated: 6/20/2013 - Published: 4/12/2012 - Shikamaru N., Team Seven, OC
Perplexing Revelations by Xo Bella Italiana oX reviews
When Bella gets ready to distance herself from her life in Forks months after the Cullen's leave, she gets a phone call from a vamp named Peter who desperately needs her help. Jasper has slipped up & is having Major trouble coping. Only Bella can bring him back to himself once again. During her hectic stay, many secrets are revealed, a romance blossoms & an adventure begins! Jas/Be
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 21 - Words: 76,669 - Reviews: 1301 - Favs: 2,400 - Follows: 2,453 - Updated: 6/10/2013 - Published: 8/10/2011 - Bella, Jasper, Charlotte, Peter
Out of the Darkness by J.D. Wolf reviews
Mary Alice Brandon's human history was a dark mystery. Now that mystery comes to light, albeit a dark light. One as dark as the hole her father buried her in. dark. Contains strong language, violence, rape, death. Rated M for a reason.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Supernatural - Chapters: 27 - Words: 98,339 - Reviews: 161 - Favs: 65 - Follows: 64 - Updated: 5/25/2013 - Published: 6/17/2011 - Alice, Jasper
Nothing Like the Sun by Miss Poki reviews
In 1999 Dean Winchester picked up a girl at a bar: a girl with dark hair, green eyes, and a hippie friend. Nothing will ever be the same again. Dean/Fem!Harry. Pre-series.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Supernatural - Rated: M - English - Drama/Supernatural - Chapters: 3 - Words: 22,001 - Reviews: 129 - Favs: 855 - Follows: 1,097 - Updated: 5/24/2013 - Published: 1/4/2013 - Harry P., Dean W.
Saving guardian by NekoChanPetr reviews
Kakashi is an angel who are supposed to save Sasuke from himself. What happens if he gets interested in a certain blonde haired girl? Who will he actually choose? And what does his 'boss' think of all of this? FemNaru, Language, KakaFemNaru ;) Ja ne...
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,148 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 34 - Follows: 31 - Published: 5/20/2013 - Kakashi H., Naruko U.
Astonished in Derbyshire by OnlyaNovel reviews
Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy do not see each other in Kent, but she visits Pemberley with the Gardiners, only to find many surprises await her there.- Complete!
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 21,564 - Reviews: 308 - Favs: 1,099 - Follows: 431 - Updated: 5/8/2013 - Published: 4/25/2013 - Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy - Complete
What Is Right by luckycomet09 reviews
[DISCONTINUED] Charlotte Lily Potter just wanted to rest, but she should have known that would have been too simple, too mundane a task for the Girl-Who-Lived turned Master of Death. AU.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Avengers - Rated: T - English - Friendship - Chapters: 3 - Words: 11,486 - Reviews: 278 - Favs: 1,244 - Follows: 1,723 - Updated: 5/7/2013 - Published: 4/2/2013 - [Harry P., Captain America/Steve R.] [Iron Man/Tony S., Pepper P.]
A Shocking Inheritance by Haley-Belle reviews
Azalea Potter wakes up on her 14th birthday to a shocking revelation in her inheritance. Warning: Fem!Harry and mentions of abuse.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 10 - Words: 13,520 - Reviews: 198 - Favs: 991 - Follows: 1,142 - Updated: 5/1/2013 - Published: 11/11/2012 - Harry P., Charlie W.
She's Everything by maxipoo1024 reviews
Bella has spent her whole life thinking something was wrong with her, that there was a glitch in her brain. A chance encounter with the Winchesters confirms her suspicions. With a hole in her heart and an apocalypse on the horizon, can a certain Winchester brother save the world, the girl, and heal his own heart in the process? Takes place beginning of New Moon
Crossover - Supernatural & Twilight - Rated: M - English - Suspense/Romance - Chapters: 28 - Words: 146,815 - Reviews: 1229 - Favs: 1,308 - Follows: 845 - Updated: 5/1/2013 - Published: 6/4/2012 - Dean W., Bella - Complete
Las Vegas Mishap by DragonKnightRyu reviews
Ever have those mornings where you have no idea where you were or how you got there? Well... Jade Potter is having one of those days and... wait, is that a ring on her finger? Fem-HarryxOC, starts off in the fourth year, will try and bring as much humour in as possible.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 34,029 - Reviews: 72 - Favs: 450 - Follows: 454 - Updated: 4/22/2013 - Published: 1/8/2013 - Harry P., OC
Anna Jones's Diary by Miss.A.Jones reviews
It's Monday morning and Anna Jones has woken up with a hangover, an unfinished assignment, and her Professor. To make matters worse, the Daily Prophet's just arrived and her mother's on the front page... SB/OC, L/J, RL/OC, OC/OC
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 47 - Words: 273,268 - Reviews: 1020 - Favs: 489 - Follows: 438 - Updated: 4/21/2013 - Published: 7/2/2010 - Sirius B., OC
The Imp Has a Heart by Child of Mars reviews
"You're very careful to call it a trifle…what exactly is it you need so badly?" The tongue came out and rested between his teeth; if David didn't know better, he'd say it was a sign of nervousness. The Imp smiled, still biting his tongue, "A cup," the corners of the smile faded ever so slightly, "a chipped cup." Rumplestiltskin makes a special, special deal with Prince Charming.
Once Upon a Time - Rated: K+ - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 9,218 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 89 - Follows: 12 - Published: 4/6/2013 - David N./Prince Charming, Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold - Complete
Harry Potter and the Heir of Slytherin by DrizzleWizzle reviews
(2/7) The Heir of Slytherin stalks the halls of Hogwarts, and suspicions have turned toward Harry Potter. Harry is certain that he is not the Heir. He'd remember if he were petrifying students... right? But why is Harry's best friend, Draco Malfoy, so excited to discover that he can talk to snakes? A/U, Slytherin!Harry. Sequel to HP and the Slytherin Selection.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 16 - Words: 37,171 - Reviews: 260 - Favs: 844 - Follows: 421 - Updated: 4/5/2013 - Published: 12/28/2012 - Harry P. - Complete
When you believe by KaiaRay reviews
This is the sequel to my story Just a kiss. Emma has been the curse but everyone is still in Storybrooke an unsure why. Emma is happily married to Sheriff Graham and pregnant with his baby. They are trying to find a way home with the help of their family and friends.
Once Upon a Time - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 14 - Words: 69,408 - Reviews: 214 - Favs: 116 - Follows: 160 - Updated: 3/21/2013 - Published: 11/17/2012 - Emma S., Sheriff Graham/The Huntsman
To Which Fate Binds by Electryone reviews
When her father gets caught stealing from Mr. Gold, Belle is forced to make a deal with him.
Once Upon a Time - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 38,864 - Reviews: 180 - Favs: 130 - Follows: 223 - Updated: 2/24/2013 - Published: 11/17/2012 - Belle/Lacey, Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold
And Shut Up! by haliad reviews
A story following the sixth year of Kate Nolan, the only teenage girl who seems utterly repelled by Sirius Black. Then again she is best friends with Lily Evans, who has perfected the art of being tempestuous. SiriusOC, LilyJames.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 22 - Words: 54,143 - Reviews: 414 - Favs: 370 - Follows: 194 - Updated: 2/13/2013 - Published: 12/14/2008 - OC, Sirius B. - Complete
The Blue Bird by TPOK reviews
She had always saved them, even at the cost of her happiness. So when given the chance to change the past, will Naruto take it? Even if it meant sacrificing the precious bonds she made through sweat and tears? Though, how was she going to do that when she's reduced to a four and a half years old child? In addition, little Kakashi seems intent on driving her crazy. Eventual K/Fem!N
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 13 - Words: 80,963 - Reviews: 269 - Favs: 1,094 - Follows: 1,250 - Updated: 2/6/2013 - Published: 6/13/2012 - Kakashi H., Naruko U.
Bewitched by WickedlyAwesomeMe reviews
"None of us can choose our destiny, Merlin. And none of us can escape it." She had always been an unfortunate little thing, with a penchant for danger and an obvious love for clumsiness. Merlin wondered if life was purposefully being unfair to her. Born-a-girl!Merlin; Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Merlin - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 56,124 - Reviews: 122 - Favs: 979 - Follows: 336 - Updated: 1/31/2013 - Published: 1/23/2013 - Arthur, Merlin - Complete
Newborn Swan by Voldivoice reviews
On the way back from her father's funeral, 18-year-old Bella is in a car accident and bitten by an hostile vampire. Abandoned, newborn, and with no living family, she picks a direction and runs. Fortunately she crosses paths with a certain Alaskan coven.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 11 - Words: 24,700 - Reviews: 226 - Favs: 276 - Follows: 307 - Updated: 1/8/2013 - Published: 2/19/2012 - Bella, Edward
Turn Back Time by Phyren Ice reviews
The curse is broken & magic has been unleashed, which results in something no one expected to happen...time is being restored. Takes place right after 1x22.
Once Upon a Time - Rated: K+ - English - Family/Drama - Chapters: 14 - Words: 35,320 - Reviews: 190 - Favs: 254 - Follows: 204 - Updated: 1/7/2013 - Published: 9/7/2012 - Emma S., David N./Prince Charming, Snow White/Mary M. Blanchard, Regina M./The Evil Queen - Complete
The Master of Death Wears Hawiian Shirts by The Architect Project reviews
In which demons discover why you shouldn't summon the Master of Death while he's on vacation.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Supernatural - Rated: T - English - Parody/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 782 - Reviews: 88 - Favs: 1,376 - Follows: 474 - Published: 1/7/2013 - Harry P., Sam W. - Complete
In Waking and Dream by staringatthesky reviews
With you in waking and dream I shall be, In the place of shadow and memory... Because once there was a little girl who saw things; whose dreams became nightmares and turned into reality; whose reality became the shadow world of the vampire and the fey. This is the story of Alice, who left humanity behind to become a vampire and search out her Jasper and her family. Canon compliant
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 37 - Words: 92,905 - Reviews: 179 - Favs: 135 - Follows: 53 - Updated: 1/6/2013 - Published: 11/17/2012 - Alice, Jasper - Complete
Savior by history00 reviews
After the ballet studio, Edward leaves Bella. Soon after, the Cullen family disbands due to the rifts between Jasper, Alice, and Edward. Jasper loves Bella, and nothing years isn't going to change that. Even if she hates him, even if he has to fight her tooth and nail to win her heart, her trust. Even if he has to save her from herself.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,610 - Reviews: 51 - Favs: 69 - Follows: 122 - Updated: 1/2/2013 - Published: 7/10/2012 - Bella, Jasper
You're Poison, Running Through My Veins by history00 reviews
After Jasper kills a human, everything changes. The Jasper that everyone knows has been pushed aside by his dark, dangerous beast that had been caged up for so long. While the Cullens are disgusted and try to "fix" him, Bella is intrigued. She loves this side of Jasper, and she wants more.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 9 - Words: 30,135 - Reviews: 552 - Favs: 656 - Follows: 837 - Updated: 1/2/2013 - Published: 4/15/2012 - Bella, Jasper
The Wanderer by Darth Malleus reviews
She remembers little of her past life, all she remembers was running, collapsing and dying. She was found by a wandering Samurai, taught in his ways, and received a sword. She is Naruto Uzumaki, a wanderer forced onto a greater stage.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 12 - Words: 74,396 - Reviews: 237 - Favs: 718 - Follows: 461 - Updated: 1/1/2013 - Published: 5/7/2012 - Naruto U. - Complete
Deals made with the Devil by wickedlfairy17 reviews
The Dark One has the ability to grant the deepest wish or darkest desire, but all magic comes with a price. Harry has a wish, freedom from his relatives, a dark desire for something beyond his ordinary life but is he willing to pay the price? Trade one master for another? Rumplestiltskin is always willing to strike a deal, but is Harry ready to make one? Once Upon A TimexHp
Crossover - Harry Potter & Once Upon a Time - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 6 - Words: 21,599 - Reviews: 172 - Favs: 552 - Follows: 644 - Updated: 12/28/2012 - Published: 11/9/2012 - Harry P., Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold
All of me by KaiaRay reviews
This story AU of sorts. Regina didn't crush Graham's heart in Lonely is the Hunter. Graham and Emma kissed in his office but she had been avoiding him and refusing to talk to him about anything but work ever since. Graham hasn't told anyone that he remembers his other life in fairytale land.
Once Upon a Time - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,396 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 31 - Follows: 18 - Published: 12/27/2012 - Emma S., Sheriff Graham/The Huntsman
Playing With Fire by Dance Elle Dance reviews
Just as Jacob is starting to become Bella's "personal sun," he imprints on Leah. Heartbroken, Bella finds solace with another werewolf - a more volatile, hot-tempered werewolf who doesn't put up with her pity party. PaulBella, JacobLeah, New Moon AU
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 24 - Words: 78,365 - Reviews: 1599 - Favs: 1,859 - Follows: 2,246 - Updated: 12/21/2012 - Published: 3/3/2010 - [Bella, Paul] [Leah, Jacob]
All Sorts of Wrong by PenguinBuddy reviews
James thought that Fred daring Al to kiss the next girl to walk into the common room would be a laugh until the next girl to walk in was Eva Wood. Prequel to "Game On."
Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 8,761 - Reviews: 56 - Favs: 195 - Follows: 68 - Updated: 12/19/2012 - Published: 5/27/2012 - James S. P., OC - Complete
Flower Girl by chronicxxinsanity reviews
Gai challenges Kakashi: whichever one of them can guess the name of the girl at the flower shop, gets to go on a date with her. No one knew what that one little challenge would uncover - surely not an illegal runaway in the form of a shy girl.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 11 - Words: 38,656 - Reviews: 479 - Favs: 354 - Follows: 386 - Updated: 12/18/2012 - Published: 6/27/2010 - Kakashi H.
Sisterly Love by OcChronicler reviews
What would happen if Naruto was adopted by a kuniochi and becomes a sister to him? How would she be apart of the events in the manga? future naruhina nejiten kureasuma kakashiXooc not extreme AU
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Family/Romance - Chapters: 36 - Words: 130,404 - Reviews: 102 - Favs: 174 - Follows: 151 - Updated: 12/17/2012 - Published: 3/23/2010 - Naruto U., Kakashi H.
A Madman's Mercy by Amethyst Jackson reviews
New Moon AU - After leaving Bella, Edward gradually loses control of his ability. When he is led to believe that she is dead, Edward cracks, leaving Bella as the only one who can pick up the pieces. Co-written with Jacyevans.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 14 - Words: 55,639 - Reviews: 2759 - Favs: 2,734 - Follows: 2,898 - Updated: 12/13/2012 - Published: 4/9/2009 - Bella, Edward
Southern Comfort by Muse2488 reviews
You wanna know what happens when a small town girl gets shipped over seas to a school she's never been to? Chaos, that's what happens. Unfortunately it's the story of my life. The name is Paislee Hayes and I'm about to go to Hogwarts. Insert sigh here. FINAL CHAPTER UP!
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 22 - Words: 102,992 - Reviews: 146 - Favs: 254 - Follows: 145 - Updated: 12/7/2012 - Published: 3/2/2012 - OC, James S. P. - Complete
Just a kiss by KaiaRay reviews
What if Graham didn't go to Regina's house after kissing Emma for the first time in episode 7 The Heart is a Lonely Hunter? One event could set off a whole new chain of events. Emma S/Sheriff Graham
Once Upon a Time - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 34 - Words: 143,091 - Reviews: 322 - Favs: 264 - Follows: 243 - Updated: 11/17/2012 - Published: 1/19/2012 - Emma S., Sheriff Graham/The Huntsman - Complete
Firewhiskey Kisses by Amelia Letter reviews
"He's fit all right, but he's as dumb as a post." "I heard he snogs better than firewhiskey." "Nothing is beter than Firewhiskey. Nothing." Rachel Fredricks can't believe her ears. Sirius Black's snogs were not better than Firewhiskey. Of course, Rachel has been wrong before. SB/OC
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 39 - Words: 69,405 - Reviews: 403 - Favs: 317 - Follows: 236 - Updated: 11/5/2012 - Published: 4/26/2012 - OC, Sirius B. - Complete
The Undiscovered Country by AngelQueen reviews
When Hunith comes to Camelot seeking help against Kanen, one of the nobles recognizes her. AU of The Moment of Truth, also featuring born-a-girl!Merlin.
Merlin - Rated: T - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 26,928 - Reviews: 96 - Favs: 1,145 - Follows: 301 - Published: 11/3/2012 - [Merlin, Arthur] [Hunith, OC] - Complete
Second Nature by eton blue reviews
Marcus lost his mate a long time ago. Bella just happens to resemble her. A dark romance between a vampire with a dead heart and Edward's clumsy lamb. Told from Bella's perspective.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 5 - Words: 10,391 - Reviews: 127 - Favs: 267 - Follows: 327 - Updated: 11/3/2012 - Published: 1/25/2012 - Bella, Marcus
Bad Company by maxipoo1024 reviews
Bella's worked hard, busting her butt at the Police Academy and rising the ranks to become a detective at the young age of twenty six. Her new boss, Sheriff Mills, insists she take a month leave before taking on the heavy case load of unsolved crimes at the Sioux Falls Police Department. During her visit to Forks, Bella discovers she's not the only one with secrets.
Crossover - Supernatural & Twilight - Rated: M - English - Mystery/Supernatural - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,030 - Reviews: 39 - Favs: 119 - Follows: 79 - Published: 10/31/2012 - Dean W., Bella - Complete
All Hallows' Eve - Konoha by Whispering Darkness reviews
The sky had already given up on daylight and was slowly but surely succumbing to the shadows of the night when a darkly clad figure with a pale countenance and fangs appeared out of nowhere...
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,508 - Reviews: 90 - Favs: 1,119 - Follows: 359 - Published: 10/26/2012 - Harry P., Naruto U. - Complete
All Hallows' Eve - New York by Whispering Darkness reviews
Harry Potter had never really managed a normal, peaceful Halloween, so he really shouldn't have been surprised when he was suddenly displaced from the grocery store and found himself in front of a maniacally cackling man in a very dramatic outfit.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Avengers - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,763 - Reviews: 525 - Favs: 6,898 - Follows: 1,962 - Published: 10/26/2012 - Harry P. - Complete
A Price To Be Paid by Sparks reviews
"What is your price? Please, tell me. I mean it. I will give anything that is mine to give, if it will save my people." "Alright, dearie," he says softly. "My price is you."
Once Upon a Time - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 41 - Words: 114,045 - Reviews: 911 - Favs: 1,301 - Follows: 538 - Updated: 10/18/2012 - Published: 9/8/2012 - Belle/Lacey, Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold - Complete
The Mark of Q by leDaph reviews
Sixth year wasn't supposed to be anything out of the ordinary for Alex - well, 'ordinary' is relative when you have international spies for parents and a secret identity to maintain. But her days of thwarting the Marauders are up... they're fighting back!
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 26 - Words: 55,443 - Reviews: 288 - Favs: 249 - Follows: 152 - Updated: 10/16/2012 - Published: 5/18/2008 - Sirius B., OC - Complete
Terms of Engagement by SnarkySimaril reviews
ABANDONED! Love sometimes hides, stuck behind cold hearts and lost dreams. But when it's found and recognized, there no going back. Peter found it, but keeping it is another thing entirely. Peter/Bella AU
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 19 - Words: 68,102 - Reviews: 850 - Favs: 582 - Follows: 657 - Updated: 10/13/2012 - Published: 3/26/2011 - Bella, Peter
An Unobservable Entity by Mortissues reviews
I look like you, but I'm not. I see your world, but I'm not a part of it. I could be the college kid sat across from you in the coffee shop, the young runaway beside you on the bus, or the beauty you're admiring on the dance floor. Pray that I'm not ..
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 66 - Words: 150,108 - Reviews: 3077 - Favs: 1,476 - Follows: 786 - Updated: 10/11/2012 - Published: 3/4/2012 - Bella, Jasper - Complete
Small Lie and a Lost Bet by Naruhime reviews
It was just a small lie to get Ino of my back. Then came the bet which I lost. Than HE came back in time for the festival. All would have worked out if he didn't say it. But he did and we were doomed. Let's just hope Tsunade doesn't hear about it.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 35 - Words: 85,859 - Reviews: 271 - Favs: 317 - Follows: 232 - Updated: 10/1/2012 - Published: 8/12/2010 - Kakashi H., Sakura H. - Complete
Bleach Blonde by imagination junkie reviews
Sequel to The Natural Blonde. After Aizen's betrayal my life has changed forever. Now I have to deal with the return of people from a past that isn't mine, the monster growing inside me, and my worst nightmare. Will I ever catch a break? IchiOC
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 27,276 - Reviews: 73 - Favs: 79 - Follows: 85 - Updated: 9/22/2012 - Published: 5/8/2012 - Ichigo K.
The End by Rosellyia reviews
Harry Potter died. The end. —Or not? Given a second chance, Harry seeks justice and, more importantly, truth. But what truth is ever pretty? Not those of the past, and certainly not those of Tom Riddle. Beneath it all, what of the truth about Harry? Clichéd, we know, but not everything is as it seems. Who needs black and white when there's so many shades of grey? fem!HP/TMR
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 4 - Words: 24,310 - Reviews: 182 - Favs: 430 - Follows: 599 - Updated: 9/18/2012 - Published: 6/26/2010 - Harry P., Tom R. Jr.
A Chance to Change by Pandesme reviews
TimeTravel Fic! Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny decide to go back to change it all. The catch? They won't be able to speak to eachother ever again. Their plan? Divide and conquer, Slytherin Harry, Ravenclaw Hermione, Hufflepuff Ginny, and Gryffindor Ron.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Angst/Friendship - Chapters: 9 - Words: 18,634 - Reviews: 294 - Favs: 428 - Follows: 677 - Updated: 9/12/2012 - Published: 6/22/2010 - Harry P., Ginny W.
Dealing with the myth by Yaro85 reviews
Jan was pretty sure Paul had become a pod person. Or he was an alien in disguise. There were no other explanation to why he was suddenly being somewhat nice to her. Because Paul "I hate him" Lahote did not do nice.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 71 - Words: 161,826 - Reviews: 652 - Favs: 829 - Follows: 750 - Updated: 9/5/2012 - Published: 5/12/2012 - Paul
Separation Anxiety by abbyepic reviews
Sequel to 'Hero Complex.' Once upon a time, Harry Potter walked away from Little Whinging and out of muggle Kate Foster's life. Now, five years later, Harry is leading an investigation into a new magical extremest group, and Kate just happens to be the key witness needed to unravel the whole thing. Protecting her is crucial - which is why she's moving in with him. Harry/OC
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 24,311 - Reviews: 223 - Favs: 337 - Follows: 428 - Updated: 8/27/2012 - Published: 2/21/2012 - Harry P., OC
The Wayward Plan by blackmagic0203 reviews
When Lily and James Potter were told of the prophecy by Dumbledore, the 3 of them came up with a plan all in the name of the Greater Good; A plan that would almost ruin the life of a young girl. But, all plans go wrong.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 9 - Words: 23,778 - Reviews: 160 - Favs: 481 - Follows: 600 - Updated: 8/21/2012 - Published: 12/26/2011 - Harry P.
Jewel Amongst Stones by Eschient reviews
AU, Slash LV/HP– Voldemort attained immortality through his bloodline of Slytherin. Entering the Ministry of Magic, he rose through the ranks quickly. In 1978, he hears of a prophecy and leaves his job, successfully entering Hogwarts… becoming their DADA Professor. HIATUS.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Mystery/Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 74,063 - Reviews: 1037 - Favs: 2,600 - Follows: 3,186 - Updated: 8/18/2012 - Published: 2/5/2012 - Harry P., Voldemort
Nottingham by Lioness Amythest reviews
Forced into a double date with Petunia, Vernon, and his troll of a friend, Lily spots James at a cafe in Diagon Alley and convinces him to accompany her on the date. Between awkward luncheon small talk, sisterly feuds, and crashing thunderstorms, we see how the two went from surnames to first name basis...among other things. R&R please
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,872 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 26 - Published: 8/14/2012 - Lily Evans P., James P.
The Girl Who Died by sakurademonalchemist reviews
Captain Zaraki of Squad Eleven isn't as heartless as one would think, especially when it comes to small children. So when he comes across a child drawing in her own blood, he takes her in. Chaos ensues as they learn that Hana is really the girl-who-lived...now dead! Will Hogwarts stand or is Dumbledore in for more than he bargained for? Fatherly Zaraki!
Crossover - Harry Potter & Bleach - Rated: T - English - Humor/Family - Chapters: 3 - Words: 8,499 - Reviews: 255 - Favs: 2,186 - Follows: 2,251 - Updated: 8/11/2012 - Published: 7/31/2012 - Harry P., K. Zaraki
Psycho by VetaButur reviews
"That's right; the Cullens are psychos. I know they are. And I think that they want to kill me." Recruiting the help of the men of La Push, Bella is ready to kick ass and take down the local psychopaths- the Cullens.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 6,510 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 47 - Follows: 64 - Updated: 8/6/2012 - Published: 7/21/2012 - Bella, Paul
A Forks Night by sweetlilsunshine reviews
Bella looked at her new little brother as he rested in the arms of the social worker. "He's so tiny." She breathed, reaching out to touch his soft down of black hair. Charlie, her father, tousled her hair and let out a laugh. "You were once tiny too."
Crossover - Harry Potter & Twilight - Rated: K+ - English - Family/Fantasy - Chapters: 8 - Words: 10,149 - Reviews: 302 - Favs: 712 - Follows: 1,110 - Updated: 7/30/2012 - Published: 7/19/2010 - Harry P., Bella
Brain Jinx by Paralelsky reviews
"Those Winchester boys, jinxed them are. Sooner or later everyone winds up dead around them." - Harry was actually hoping that was the case. Fem!Harry
Crossover - Harry Potter & Supernatural - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 913 - Reviews: 85 - Favs: 664 - Follows: 312 - Published: 7/23/2012 - Harry P. - Complete
The Kunoichi's Heart by blueiceland reviews
What if Iruka was a female? She wasn't a little girl anymore but she wouldn't couldn't let go of her past. Follow the Naruto story from the very beginning... IC KakaIru SasuSaku NaruHina Fem!Iruka Chapter 18 is UP!
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 19 - Words: 89,238 - Reviews: 302 - Favs: 410 - Follows: 363 - Updated: 7/12/2012 - Published: 10/16/2007 - Kakashi H., Iruka U.
My Dying Wish by peters.kitten reviews
Listening to Jasper tease Edward about 'finally having a female on top of him' and hearing Edward's hissed reply from underneath my bed was more than I could take. "I've heard of monsters under the bed, but this is just ridiculous." AU, Bella x Peter
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 33 - Words: 67,728 - Reviews: 2419 - Favs: 2,035 - Follows: 1,173 - Updated: 7/10/2012 - Published: 12/27/2010 - Bella, Peter - Complete
Another Life by FamilyRose reviews
After his epic journey Harry Potter finds himself living again. Harry Potter as Sakura Haruno? Let the good times roll. A self challenge fic. Harry is not canon and Naruto will become very AU.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 6 - Words: 25,948 - Reviews: 264 - Favs: 1,260 - Follows: 1,545 - Updated: 7/4/2012 - Published: 3/5/2012 - Harry P., Sakura H.
This Is Gonna Be Good by lifelessvampire reviews
Charlotte 'Charlie' Swan is transported into the book - Twilight - as Bella Swan. She swears, doesn't tollerate anything, and is a little bit crazy. This Is Gonna Be Good - Give it a shot, if you don't like it, don't read it. R&R
Twilight - Rated: K - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 25 - Words: 43,536 - Reviews: 181 - Favs: 133 - Follows: 95 - Updated: 7/3/2012 - Published: 3/17/2012 - Bella, Edward - Complete
Chesper's Candy Adventures by Trixmade reviews
What if Willy Wonka hadn't sent out just five golden tickets but six? Join Chesper in her adventure into the chocolate factory. Will she make it out unharmed? Will she reach the end of the tour with Charlie? Will she capture the candyman's heart? Wonka/OC
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Rated: T - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 34 - Words: 48,842 - Reviews: 335 - Favs: 474 - Follows: 251 - Updated: 7/1/2012 - Published: 2/4/2009 - Willy Wonka - Complete
Actions Have Consequences by nmegirl reviews
Overprotective brothers, Wimpy Boyfriends, Insane Best Friends and Stupid Mistakes are just a few of the things I have to deal with. And all of them come with Consequences. Especially the last one. Just Perfect. As if my life can't get any worse.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 52 - Words: 131,172 - Reviews: 239 - Favs: 112 - Follows: 127 - Updated: 6/30/2012 - Published: 4/5/2011 - James S. P., OC
Numb by Team-Jazz reviews
Sequel to "Not In The Job Description". After the events of the past year, the world seems to be a much darker place for Maddy. But as things seem to be tumbling out of control, realisation hits. Some people are just too important to live without.Jane/OC. On Indefinite Hiatus due to writers block. Sorry!
Mentalist - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 13,880 - Reviews: 183 - Favs: 129 - Follows: 182 - Updated: 6/29/2012 - Published: 2/22/2010 - Patrick J.
Lily's Changes by arekay reviews
When Harry is killed by Voldemort in book 7 he wakes up at Kings Cross Station and meets Lily instead of Dumbledore, and she's really angry with him.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 26 - Words: 86,841 - Reviews: 2854 - Favs: 9,075 - Follows: 4,516 - Updated: 6/28/2012 - Published: 5/15/2011 - Harry P. - Complete
The New Life by Onwind reviews
Riley hated newborns. Hated them all. Especially the new one he finds crying over the breakup with her lover, Edward. But no. He's not allowed to leave her be like the other newborns. Victoria wants her to be his 'special' newborn. A Bella/Riley story
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 25 - Words: 67,660 - Reviews: 685 - Favs: 520 - Follows: 320 - Updated: 6/24/2012 - Published: 10/30/2010 - Bella, Riley - Complete
Second Chances by Tsume Yuki reviews
Time-travel. Naruto's back in the past, and not only is she given a second chance to fix things, but she's gonna give everyone a second chance. Watch out world, because Naruto the number one unpredictable, knuckle-head kunoichi is here! FemNaruto AU
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 27 - Words: 71,617 - Reviews: 722 - Favs: 2,720 - Follows: 1,433 - Updated: 6/22/2012 - Published: 2/27/2012 - Naruto U., Kakashi H. - Complete
A Play on Predator and Prey by silver drip reviews
Aro meets Bella in an Italian store. Bella knows nothing of vampires, but their encounter will leave a mark on Aro. No longer a one-shot. Complete. R&R
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 13 - Words: 21,785 - Reviews: 456 - Favs: 715 - Follows: 377 - Updated: 6/21/2012 - Published: 11/29/2009 - Bella, Aro - Complete
Jealousy by FangsTrashcanOfDoom reviews
Unfortunately for Konoha men, to Minato, they were all threats. And he'd been taught to eliminate all threats. Oneshot. MinaKushi. Pre-series.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 955 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 171 - Follows: 36 - Published: 6/18/2012 - Minato N., Kushina U. - Complete
Temporary Teammates by Whispering Darkness reviews
Not many people knew that the most powerful wizard in the world lived in America. However, Director Fury made it his business to know these things, especially since he seemed a prime candidate for his Avengers Initiative. Unfortunately, the wizard in question didn't quite agree. One-shot
Crossover - Harry Potter & Avengers - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 998 - Reviews: 243 - Favs: 2,958 - Follows: 990 - Published: 6/15/2012 - Harry P. - Complete
A Spark in the Darkness by random.chick.heart reviews
Our lips meet somewhere in the middle in a passionate kiss, and our message is as clear as that of the crowd when they raised their hands in the traditional salute: We will not be broken. AU version of the 74th Hunger Games. GalexKatniss. Lemons inside.
Hunger Games - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 33 - Words: 136,288 - Reviews: 981 - Favs: 1,022 - Follows: 449 - Updated: 6/9/2012 - Published: 4/15/2012 - Katniss E., Gale H. - Complete
There's this Saying about Curiosity by skyflyte12 reviews
"You should be dead!" the old woman that had healed her after almost killing her days earlier shouted hysterically. Holly pouted. What was it about people and proclaiming her Imminent Doom? HP/Naruto, fem!Harry
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 5 - Words: 18,440 - Reviews: 135 - Favs: 704 - Follows: 912 - Updated: 6/5/2012 - Published: 1/4/2010
More Than This by IDreamOfBlueSkies reviews
17 yr old Alex is forced to spend the summer with her Dad in LaPush who left seven years ago. She is more than willing to give him a piece of her mind.She soon realizes there was more to this trip then she thought and finds out why her father really left.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 9 - Words: 16,184 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 17 - Follows: 22 - Updated: 5/29/2012 - Published: 4/20/2012 - Paul
After Death by wickedlfairy17 reviews
Living forever isn't all that pleasant and it certainly wasn't in Harry Potter's plans. It seems Harry never does anything the normal way. Given a new lease on life, dealing with Tom Riddle, Dumbledore, and a new body shouldn't be that hard...right?
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 14,170 - Reviews: 143 - Favs: 681 - Follows: 865 - Updated: 5/29/2012 - Published: 5/16/2012 - Harry P., Tom R. Jr.
Our Scars Define Us by EJ 12212012 reviews
Death would be too kind for Bella. Plus, what's in that for Victoria? No, Victoria has other ideas, and none of them look good for Miss Swan. Here's a hint... "It has been constant war in the South, constant war for centuries, without a moment of truce."
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 61,816 - Reviews: 242 - Favs: 543 - Follows: 280 - Updated: 5/28/2012 - Published: 12/28/2011 - Bella, Jasper - Complete
Sequel: Naru, What the Heck are You Doing? by miku89 reviews
Back from her training trip/mission with Jiraiya, Naru & co. prepares for the upcoming maelstrom. Supported with many allies, how would the outcome of the 10th of October be? FemNaru, Time Travel, SEQUEL
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 15,591 - Reviews: 281 - Favs: 1,053 - Follows: 1,213 - Updated: 5/26/2012 - Published: 3/29/2012 - Naruko U., Kakashi H.
Destiny's a Witch by Giselle Pink reviews
Meet Merline, a girl with a great destiny. She's a bit rough around the edges, weak like a newborn bunny and hopelessly clumsy. But who cares about that? She might be the greatest witch ever. Fem!Merlin, with Fem!Merlin/Arthur in later chapters.
Merlin - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 35,538 - Reviews: 40 - Favs: 146 - Follows: 203 - Updated: 5/14/2012 - Published: 2/11/2012 - Merlin
The Natural Blonde by imagination junkie reviews
I'm definitely not a normal Japanese girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, and the ability to sense the dead. After a literal run-in with an orange haired guy and black haired girl...well let's just say things are about to get a little weird. IchiOC
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 22 - Words: 99,351 - Reviews: 166 - Favs: 172 - Follows: 125 - Updated: 5/8/2012 - Published: 6/25/2007 - Ichigo K. - Complete
At the Burrow by Savy13 reviews
The December after the last battle, Jess Potter goes back to the Burrow ready to share a secret or two...
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,207 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 484 - Follows: 162 - Published: 4/26/2012 - Harry P., Charlie W. - Complete
Death, Rebirth, and The Returning Marauder's Pride by Haiirogitsune no Michi reviews
Instead of death awaiting her, Prisca Caelum fell into the dying body of Haruno Sakura. In an orphan's body with her magical powers of a witch, Haruno Sakura is about to rock everyone's world.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 25 - Words: 37,477 - Reviews: 246 - Favs: 401 - Follows: 392 - Updated: 4/23/2012 - Published: 2/27/2011 - OC, Sakura H.
Harry Potter at Camp Chippewa by SonoftheClown reviews
After his third year Harry is sent to Camp Chippewa with Dudley. There he meets the Addams Family, and more importantly their daughter, Wednesday. After fighting Voldemort, a basilisk, and a hundred dementors, has he finally met his match at camp?
Crossover - Harry Potter & Addams Family - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,555 - Reviews: 349 - Favs: 910 - Follows: 1,042 - Published: 4/21/2012 - Harry P., Wednesday A.
Beauty and The Huntsman by LadyThinksalot reviews
A deal is made between two of the Queen's most valuable prisoners. Belle vows to reunite the Huntsman with his heart; he in turn promises to reunite her with the beast who'd stolen hers. Belle/Rumple Emma/Graham
Once Upon a Time - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 20,486 - Reviews: 76 - Favs: 48 - Follows: 109 - Updated: 4/19/2012 - Published: 3/19/2012 - Belle/Lacey, Sheriff Graham/The Huntsman
Audacious Passion by AMessofPickles reviews
Just like his namesake, James Sirius Potter is determined to win Arianna's heart. Detentions will be served, dares will be told, and pranks will be played. But will James and Arianna ever stop arguing? Will they ever fall in love? A next generation fic.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 16 - Words: 36,075 - Reviews: 224 - Favs: 152 - Follows: 185 - Updated: 4/19/2012 - Published: 10/3/2011 - OC, James S. P.
Of Broomsticks and Boys by Adnama reviews
"No way. Absolutely not. That broomstick is worth more than Pete's life." "Hey!" Peter exclaimed. Sirius ran his hand through his hair. "There's no way I'm letting you on my broom." He suddenly smirked, "Well, at least not that broom."
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 9 - Words: 20,874 - Reviews: 52 - Favs: 66 - Follows: 115 - Updated: 4/17/2012 - Published: 1/12/2011 - Sirius B., OC
The Difference Between a Chuunin and a Jounin by Mirror and Image reviews
There is one notable difference between Chuunin and Jounin. Then there's the difference between Kakashi and everybody else.
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,208 - Reviews: 101 - Favs: 873 - Follows: 164 - Published: 4/13/2012 - Kakashi H., Iruka U. - Complete
Who Dares, Wins by Fox Sannin's Concept Corner reviews
She was the perfect soldier. Smart, strong, skilled, deadly and charismatic were just a few of the words you could use to discribe her. This is her story. A chronicle of the life of the greatest leader Konoha has ever known: Uzumaki Naruko. FemNaru.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 133,903 - Reviews: 716 - Favs: 1,909 - Follows: 1,906 - Updated: 4/7/2012 - Published: 1/12/2010 - Naruto U., Tenten
Naruto, What The Heck Are You Doing? by miku89 reviews
I somehow traveled back in time and stumbled upon my sensei's old team. To make things worse, I saved Obito. Oh wait, now my life is officially screwed, seeing as how I'm falling in love with Kakashi! Did I mention that I was thirteen again? Kaka/Femnaru
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 18 - Words: 64,844 - Reviews: 549 - Favs: 2,514 - Follows: 1,438 - Updated: 4/6/2012 - Published: 12/25/2011 - Naruko U., Kakashi H. - Complete
Escaping From Fluffy by Super Robot Malinarlen reviews
Due to an unspoken family debt, Dawn was raised from birth to be 'friends' with the neighbors' uncontrollable idiot son. "I want to get out of here," she mutters and dreams. Barry, though, just wants her attention! Scarfshipping
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 10 - Words: 30,839 - Reviews: 114 - Favs: 129 - Follows: 117 - Updated: 2/27/2012 - Published: 11/22/2010 - Dawn/Hikari, Barry/Jun
Come Back to Me by BeautifulMessenger reviews
"Alice," My voice was trembling even as I attempted to sound severe. "You had damned well better come back alive, or I will be following right behind Edward." She laughed. But it was a forced laugh that sounded halfway like a sob. Canon, A/J
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Suspense/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 7,190 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 71 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 2/25/2012 - Published: 2/21/2012 - Jasper, Alice - Complete
Unknown Witch by Coke4Life reviews
Every child starts a journey at their tenth birthday, Hilda Potter, moved from her real Universe at fifteen months old, is just one of them. Fem!Harry
Crossover - Pokémon & Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,111 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 139 - Follows: 149 - Updated: 2/24/2012 - Published: 2/22/2012 - Harry P.
Eternal Hope, When Jasper Met Alice by BeautifulMessenger reviews
"You've kept me waiting a long time," she said. Her voice was soft, enticing, playful even. I was astounded. I had no frame of reference for this behavior or for the emotions she was drowning me in. Canon, Jasper & Alice, One Shot
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 14,721 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 123 - Follows: 25 - Published: 2/16/2012 - Jasper, Alice - Complete
Green eyed lady by lady blood bath reviews
Holly Potter is sent back in time to Camelot and in the arms of prince Arthur, what will he do when he finds out she's a witch from the future? Fem!Harry/Arthur. please read!
Crossover - Harry Potter & Merlin - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 3,512 - Reviews: 237 - Favs: 457 - Follows: 541 - Updated: 2/8/2012 - Published: 5/10/2010 - Harry P., Arthur
Harry of the Six Paths by Laputian-Blackwriter reviews
Harry had only imagined he could have powers like from the Naruto manga. But when he unleashes the Rinnegan during a traumatic event, it opens a world he never thought existed, for him to change as he saw fit. "We are Pain... we are God!"
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 4 - Words: 23,578 - Reviews: 248 - Favs: 874 - Follows: 893 - Updated: 1/14/2012 - Published: 11/25/2011 - Harry P.
Sakura Kuchiki by sakurademonalchemist reviews
Byakuya has just learned of his niece. Yuri, his missing twin sister, has finally been found after forty years. How will the soul society react to the missing Kuchiki heir being found? FemHarry, slight OOC Byakuya. Possible Ichigo/Sakura in later chapters
Crossover - Harry Potter & Bleach - Rated: T - English - Humor/Family - Chapters: 3 - Words: 8,481 - Reviews: 115 - Favs: 1,160 - Follows: 1,155 - Updated: 1/13/2012 - Published: 12/31/2011 - Harry P., Byakuya K.
The Twilight Hater by Everlasting Purple reviews
Isabel Ferguson was not amused. She hated twilight, would always hate twilight, and now she was in the stupid thing. "What did you do stab Cullen with a pencil?" "No, but I really really wanted to." Different take on turning into Bella.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 14 - Words: 24,227 - Reviews: 179 - Favs: 204 - Follows: 205 - Updated: 1/6/2012 - Published: 5/24/2011 - Bella
Meeting Sirius Black by Mari605i reviews
We always end up falling for the one person we're not supposed to, don't we? In my case, I sorta fell for Sirius Black - an arrogant womanizer, who also happened to be my best friend's best friend. Family secrets, crushes that really shouldn't be and a rising darkness just made life at Hogwarts a lot tougher. And then there's still potions with Slughorn - yuck!
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 22 - Words: 49,675 - Reviews: 165 - Favs: 82 - Follows: 112 - Updated: 1/2/2012 - Published: 12/25/2010 - Sirius B., OC
Hero Complex by abbyepic reviews
When muggle Kate Foster first met Harry Potter, he saved her...by breaking her fall. She knew then and there that he had a major hero complex. "I hope that you don't make a habit of this saving people thing. You aren't very good at it." She didn't know that he was a wizard, or that he was destined to save the world. Very slight Harry/OC.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 45,601 - Reviews: 206 - Favs: 619 - Follows: 296 - Updated: 12/31/2011 - Published: 6/10/2011 - Harry P., OC - Complete
Gun Show by peters.kitten reviews
"Out of all the vamps in the world, I just had to run into a retarded one. And, really, sparkling vampires? So lame. Whats next-meowing werewolves?" What happens when a bored vampire meets a cynical human with nothing left to lose? Peter/Bella
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 12 - Words: 21,216 - Reviews: 974 - Favs: 908 - Follows: 1,081 - Updated: 12/16/2011 - Published: 6/15/2011 - Peter, Bella
An Exquisite Pain by Not Enough Answers reviews
Tom Riddle/OC. An ordinary witch stumbles upon a Time-Turner and sends herself seventy years into the past. But will she return completely unchanged?
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 45 - Words: 150,500 - Reviews: 1282 - Favs: 2,216 - Follows: 1,058 - Updated: 12/10/2011 - Published: 8/28/2010 - [Tom R. Jr., OC] - Complete
The Moth and the Flame by IntoTheBlue25 reviews
Jenna Potter defeated Lord Voldemort, but she can't take the publicity anymore. So, she moves to the tiny town of Forks, hoping to live a normal life. But when she meets Edward Cullen, all chances at normalcy are thrown out the window. Fem!Harry/Edward
Crossover - Harry Potter & Twilight - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 16,554 - Reviews: 186 - Favs: 830 - Follows: 955 - Updated: 12/10/2011 - Published: 10/19/2010 - Harry P., Edward
Eternal Nightmare by Lady Moonwolf reviews
Aro laughed again and his smile returned although it was more menacing than inviting. "That is where you are wrong, dear child. I'm quite sure that you could be persuaded. Are there not more members of the Cullen family?" A horrifying AU ending to NewMoon
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Horror/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,062 - Reviews: 359 - Favs: 340 - Follows: 318 - Updated: 11/21/2011 - Published: 10/24/2009 - Alec, Bella - Complete
Rewriting Twilight by Goddess of the Multiverses reviews
Allison is a dedicated Twilight fan,fanfic author,and has always believed in the Bella/Jasper what happens when she gets sucked into the Twilight Saga as Bella's sister?Does she make her changes or let the saga go out as it was written.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 17 - Words: 45,093 - Reviews: 222 - Favs: 370 - Follows: 380 - Updated: 11/20/2011 - Published: 11/14/2010 - [Jasper, OC] Bella
Missteps by Willow-Bee the Cat reviews
After Fifth Year, Hermione agrees to go on family vacation with Luna. How it changed from searching for imaginary creatures to attending a tournament Hermione doesn't know. Or, Kakashi and a foreign civilian do something very stupid while inebriated.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 7 - Words: 43,239 - Reviews: 190 - Favs: 429 - Follows: 505 - Updated: 11/19/2011 - Published: 8/24/2011 - Hermione G., Kakashi H.
Hi no Ishi by Yukihana Hisako reviews
As Orochimaru threatens to topple Konoha, Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke are becoming the leaders of their generation. The question is, will they survive the war or end up like the previous Sannin? AU at the Chuunin Exams, FemNaru. Team 7 centric.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 9 - Words: 56,614 - Reviews: 99 - Favs: 366 - Follows: 379 - Updated: 10/12/2011 - Published: 2/17/2011 - Naruto U., Kakashi H.
Harry the Hufflepuff 2 by BajaB reviews
Lazy!Harry is back, and not doing very much at all...
Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 4 - Words: 23,642 - Reviews: 986 - Favs: 5,102 - Follows: 1,926 - Updated: 10/5/2011 - Published: 8/28/2011 - Complete
Can you help me find a way to carry on? by The Goddess Sabelina reviews
Kakashi isn't acting like himself, and Izumi aims to find out why. But who leaves the mysterious note on her door? Who knows her better than she knows herself? Cute little one-shot. Kakashi/OC
Naruto - Rated: K - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,727 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 37 - Follows: 7 - Published: 9/20/2011 - [Kakashi H., OC] - Complete
Shockingly Unsubtle by Blu Rose reviews
BeaconShipping.Oneshot. Compared to other men who did this sort of thing in front of the public eye, Volkner's one of the few who takes it up to eleven when it comes to showing his affection.
Pokémon - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 528 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 44 - Follows: 8 - Published: 9/14/2011 - Dawn/Hikari, Volkner/Denzi - Complete
Deadheads by Lady Salazar reviews
Voldemort has a little fun with the Elder Wand before he dies, and minds are screwed with afterward. Potters always go for redheads. The Peverells were necrophiles. So Harry likes…? Crack, light Gryffindor/fem!Harry, DH AU oneshot
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,026 - Reviews: 96 - Favs: 995 - Follows: 294 - Published: 9/5/2011 - [Harry P., Godric G.] - Complete
Broken Lights on the Freeway by Chibi-Kari reviews
"This is more important, Char! There are rules and she is proof someone is going around breaking them! We should have just killed her." "I think there is a better question, Peter. How she's still alive." Will be Bella/Jasper. R&R!
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 27,342 - Reviews: 1286 - Favs: 1,190 - Follows: 1,525 - Updated: 8/24/2011 - Published: 12/1/2009 - Bella, Jasper
Popular by lbd89 reviews
A/U starting during Special Education. Rachel stands up for herself and transfers to Carmel. As the star of Vocal Adrenaline, she is suddenly popular. But, Shelby is a teacher at Carmel. Shelby/Rachel. Puck/Rachel.Kurt and Rachel friendship
Glee - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 28 - Words: 98,587 - Reviews: 428 - Favs: 304 - Follows: 403 - Updated: 8/22/2011 - Published: 2/24/2011 - Rachel B., Shelby C.
A Second Chance by Christobel Cullen reviews
What if Laurent changed Bella in the meadow? Bella would get a second chance to be what she was always meant to be - a vampire. Would she also get a second chance at love? New Moon AU COMPLETE
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 32 - Words: 53,211 - Reviews: 1197 - Favs: 1,789 - Follows: 763 - Updated: 8/12/2011 - Published: 11/14/2010 - Bella, Jasper - Complete
Secret Heartaches and Blackmail Material by Alohaemora reviews
Ten-year-old Rose Granger-Weasley finds a very old magazine clipping. "Rosie," Mum said in a stunned voice. "You don't honestly believe this rubbish, do you?" She seemed to gather the worst from Rose's sheepish expression.
Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,173 - Reviews: 61 - Favs: 143 - Follows: 20 - Published: 8/8/2011 - Hermione G., Rose W. - Complete
Out of Time by MysticArt reviews
Several months after Edward left Bella comes to several conclusions about their time together. In an effort to move on, she finds herself in his meadow, and somehow transported to the past. She meets up with a familiar face and works towards her future.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 87,993 - Reviews: 512 - Favs: 687 - Follows: 708 - Updated: 7/25/2011 - Published: 9/1/2010 - Bella, Peter
A Funny Mash Up by punk monkey reviews
Becca is constantly tormented by the jocks. But she finds comfort in Glee. What happens when the jocks come onto her turf and she starts to see one of them in a new light? Will he feel the same? Puck/ OC Please Review
Glee - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 65 - Words: 106,740 - Reviews: 413 - Favs: 155 - Follows: 187 - Updated: 7/16/2011 - Published: 10/22/2009 - Puck
Tunder And Sparks by Mihashi-Harumi-chan reviews
A VolknerxOC oneshot. Your boss, your friend, the only one you love doesn't seem to be interested, but what if the sparks come back when you least expect it?
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,720 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 3 - Published: 7/12/2011 - Volkner/Denzi - Complete
Hidden by The blackdash reviews
[KakashixOC]A new girl befriends Kakashi and she finally moved in Konoha. As the two become closer, more things are revealed about the girl. What will happen to the two? Will her past come back to haunt her? What about the people she loved and loves?
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 27 - Words: 57,379 - Reviews: 258 - Favs: 134 - Follows: 119 - Updated: 7/9/2011 - Published: 3/17/2006 - Kakashi H.
Alternate Universe by jesicka309 reviews
Jen has led a miserable existence until a train accident throws her into Twilight. Jen finally has the twin sister she always wanted, but will Jen's presence screw up Bella's life? Or improve it? Is there really a place for Jen in the Twilight AU?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Family/Romance - Chapters: 23 - Words: 114,880 - Reviews: 277 - Favs: 221 - Follows: 206 - Updated: 7/1/2011 - Published: 8/1/2010 - Bella, Edward
Closer to God by Mrstrentreznor reviews
Bella is alone after Edward has left and she decides to go out dancing. She meets a strong silent man and their first encounter is unforgettable, for more reasons than one. M AU Warning for language, underage drinking, teen sex
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 43 - Words: 74,212 - Reviews: 2220 - Favs: 2,691 - Follows: 851 - Updated: 6/27/2011 - Published: 9/22/2010 - [Bella, Paul] - Complete
What Happens At Charlie's Wedding by velvetbutterfly reviews
Charlie's best man has Bella Swan moaning and melting everywhere, but no string attached sex suddenly becomes complicated. And what will happen when Bella meets someone else? Someone who just happens to be the best man's son. -COMPLETE-
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 20 - Words: 125,212 - Reviews: 1106 - Favs: 1,506 - Follows: 715 - Updated: 6/22/2011 - Published: 7/12/2009 - Complete
Not Again! by jbh14 reviews
One minute Harry's dueling Voldy in the Graveyard, the next he's back in the Great Hall having his name read out of Goblet. Not Again! The effects of the brother wands was far stranger then making some ghosts show up. Harry stuck in a time loop fic.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 15,305 - Reviews: 166 - Favs: 726 - Follows: 682 - Updated: 6/19/2011 - Published: 4/18/2011 - Harry P.
My Mr Ukki by mapplepie reviews
"My Mr Ukki's sick!" Kakashi wailed quietly, in a room full of ninjas. So naturally, everyone heard him. Then began, a galore of misunderstandings. Just who is this mysterious Mr Ukki and what is his relationship with Kakashi - a secret lover?
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,692 - Reviews: 170 - Favs: 1,672 - Follows: 370 - Published: 6/18/2011 - Kakashi H. - Complete
Unspoiled by forthright reviews
Something goes awry during a trip through the Well, and Kagome is stranded in the distant past where she encounters a familiar face. When a very young Sesshoumaru decides to keep her, the consequences ripple through time. SK. COMPLETE.
Inuyasha - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 100 - Words: 167,228 - Reviews: 11788 - Favs: 10,121 - Follows: 4,158 - Updated: 6/13/2011 - Published: 9/1/2009 - Sesshōmaru, Kagome H. - Complete
What if it were Different Yet Again by Darcylover reviews
What if Mr Darcy had no opportunity to propose to Elizabeth Bennet at Rosings Park? What if he had made the worst fault and compromised her reputation instead? Would he attempt to repair such a fault or allow the Bennet family to fall into disgrace?
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 22 - Words: 34,096 - Reviews: 371 - Favs: 436 - Follows: 280 - Updated: 3/18/2011 - Published: 1/24/2011 - Complete
On a Train, Switching Tracks by Mede reviews
First year: "Celebrities," Harry said. "Fame makes them mad. I take it the wizarding world doesn't really have them, then?" Draco and Ron exchanged glances. "No, not really." AU, assorted oneshots and snippets.
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 9 - Words: 21,534 - Reviews: 851 - Favs: 3,948 - Follows: 3,196 - Updated: 3/3/2011 - Published: 1/22/2009 - Harry P., Ron W., Draco M., Neville L.
Ibiki's Apprentice by May Wren reviews
The Academy's teachers thought they were getting one over on the Hokage, graduating an ill-prepared Naruto while Iruka was sick. The Hokage knew he was getting one over on the entire village when he assigned Morino Ibiki as Naruto's Jounin sensei.
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,419 - Reviews: 1264 - Favs: 9,097 - Follows: 3,474 - Published: 2/27/2011 - Naruto U., Ibiki M. - Complete
What If by Silent Cries of the Night reviews
What if, instead of being born a boy, Ichigo was instead a girl? What would that change? A lot. Follow our strawberry headed teen as she faces hardships other teenagers don't normally face as she struggles to be thought of as a boy.Soul Society Arc begins
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Romance - Chapters: 12 - Words: 63,244 - Reviews: 147 - Favs: 225 - Follows: 195 - Updated: 2/6/2011 - Published: 2/1/2009 - Ichigo K.
Major Changes by Sabi'sSookie reviews
Alice never found Jasper but never stopped looking. Edward never came back after Bella's first day at Forks High. Away at college, Bella drunkenly stumbles across the Major and her life is turned upside down. AU. Whitlocks, Cullens, and Wolves, Oh My!
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Humor - Chapters: 13 - Words: 51,223 - Reviews: 1262 - Favs: 2,098 - Follows: 1,104 - Updated: 1/26/2011 - Published: 11/1/2010 - Bella, Jasper - Complete
Waiting in the Sunlight by blueboarderchick reviews
Bella and Edward are having relationship problems. As she pulls away from Edward, she finds herself moving closer to Sam after meeting him in La Push. She feels a connection with the bronze god, but will she leave Edward for him?
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 34 - Words: 101,916 - Reviews: 2369 - Favs: 1,353 - Follows: 1,323 - Updated: 12/31/2010 - Published: 11/11/2009 - Bella, Sam
Midnight Shadows by chica1978 reviews
Prequel to my story Endless Dawn. Starts in 1843 and follows the lives of Jasper and Alice as they become vampires, meet each other and join the Cullens. Continues up to the beginning of Endless Dawn, which obviously is up to Twilight too.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 65 - Words: 143,942 - Reviews: 490 - Favs: 210 - Follows: 74 - Updated: 12/10/2010 - Published: 8/22/2010 - Jasper, Alice - Complete
Teacup Tempest by Wingwyrm reviews
Naruto has been hiding something since the time she was ten. Now she's finally graduated from the Academy only to find that the guy she's sorta-kinda been dating is her sensei. All Kakashi knows is that Naruto is scarily familiar. Kakashi/Fem!Naruto, AU
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 45,800 - Reviews: 869 - Favs: 6,031 - Follows: 1,675 - Published: 12/4/2010 - [Kakashi H., Naruto U.] Naruko U. - Complete
Shoot the Sky by Majesta Moniet reviews
After their bizarre encounter her first day in biology, Bella was certain that Edward Cullen was the most intriguing aspect of dreary Forks. Until she met his brother. Jasper/Bella
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 27,401 - Reviews: 234 - Favs: 1,597 - Follows: 286 - Published: 11/21/2010 - Bella, Jasper - Complete
Bleach: The Twisted Flower by Sir Godot reviews
AU. The Shattered Shaft revealed something even Urahara did not expect: Ichigo is the reincarnation of Shiba Kaien. With Nejibana at his side, Ichigo sets out to save Rukia and to find out who he truly is. A struggle for his own identity begins... [DISCONTINUED]
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 2 - Words: 8,261 - Reviews: 122 - Favs: 552 - Follows: 530 - Updated: 11/12/2010 - Published: 8/26/2010 - Ichigo K., Kaien S. - Complete
The Darkness of Light by ToraTaroMeetmeonthe'Marrow reviews
Centuries into the future a Savior is fed up with life and the manipulations of his society. Instead of ending everything he decides to go back in time to set things right. There he takes his vengeance, balances the world and finds love in his enemy. HPLV
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 9 - Words: 29,742 - Reviews: 469 - Favs: 980 - Follows: 1,294 - Updated: 11/9/2010 - Published: 4/17/2009 - Harry P., Voldemort
Right of the Fallen by BlAcK-vAlEnTiNe reviews
ItafemNaru KakafemIru After their mission in Wave Country, Sasuke was training with the Sharingan when he caught sight of Naruto. Why did he see different sources of chakra on Naruto's shoulder and stomach? Is a secret about to unravel?
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 31,152 - Reviews: 179 - Favs: 387 - Follows: 420 - Updated: 10/25/2010 - Published: 2/27/2008 - Naruto U., Itachi U.
Harveste Addams and the Goblet of Fire by kyaru-chan reviews
Let's have a little FUN this year, shall we?
Crossover - Harry Potter & Addams Family - Rated: T - English - Family - Chapters: 5 - Words: 36,416 - Reviews: 673 - Favs: 3,663 - Follows: 1,134 - Updated: 10/2/2010 - Published: 9/27/2010 - Harry P. - Complete
Harveste Addams and the Chamber of Secrets by kyaru-chan reviews
Parselmouths, the Chamber and Lockhart. Well, well, well...
Crossover - Harry Potter & Addams Family - Rated: T - English - Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,236 - Reviews: 320 - Favs: 3,868 - Follows: 933 - Published: 9/23/2010 - Harry P. - Complete
Harveste Addams and the Sorceror's Stone by kyaru-chan reviews
A little death can change so much. Delightful, isn't it?
Crossover - Harry Potter & Addams Family - Rated: T - English - Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,370 - Reviews: 365 - Favs: 4,477 - Follows: 1,143 - Published: 9/22/2010 - Harry P. - Complete
Harveste by kyaru-chan reviews
He's done it. He's just five years old, but he's finally done it. The Dursleys are gone. And now he's with a new family who seems just as twisted as he is. How strange.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Addams Family - Rated: T - English - Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,160 - Reviews: 560 - Favs: 5,693 - Follows: 1,981 - Published: 9/21/2010 - Harry P. - Complete
Harry Potter and the Reluctantly Paternal Uncle by PenRifle reviews
Vernon Dursley likes to drink. Harry uses this to his advantage. Soon, between mixing drinks and discussing cars, they form an unlikely and somewhat disturbing bond. Chaos is sure to ensue. Featuring Happy-Drunk!Vernon and Smart!Harry. AU. HP/LL, RW/HG.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 3 - Words: 11,676 - Reviews: 276 - Favs: 916 - Follows: 1,110 - Updated: 7/28/2010 - Published: 11/4/2009 - Harry P., Vernon D.
My Perfect Match by blueboarderchick reviews
Jared never complained about becoming a wolf. He accepted his changed fate, but he felt as if something was missing. Jared sees Bella upset in the woods through Sam's mind, now Jared can't seem to stop thinking of the girl the vampires left behind.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 36 - Words: 99,226 - Reviews: 1377 - Favs: 1,346 - Follows: 640 - Updated: 7/26/2010 - Published: 10/10/2009 - Bella, Jared - Complete
Girl Code by Spirit of Fox reviews
Harry wasn't too amused when an overzealous fan changed him into a girl. He is determined to change back and his best bet is to find the demon who made the deal with the idiot. Sam and Dean are just along for the ride with the new she-male. Discontinued/RewriteOrDeletion
Crossover - Harry Potter & Supernatural - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 3 - Words: 17,869 - Reviews: 57 - Favs: 172 - Follows: 280 - Updated: 7/1/2010 - Published: 5/28/2010 - Harry P., Dean W.
Deadly Decisions by Alrissa reviews
Haruno Sakura that actually caught a glimpse of the real world and woke up to smell the blood. Basically a 'what if' preview of what could have happened if Sakura didn't revert after the Chuunin exams. No princess to be rescued here. No pairing.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 17,819 - Reviews: 200 - Favs: 1,399 - Follows: 546 - Published: 6/9/2010 - Sakura H. - Complete
You're My Favorite Guilty Pleasure by Trebla reviews
Emily Berretta has an secret obsession: Naruto. She thinks that it's just ink and paper, until she's sucked into the world of Naruto itself. Now, Emily has to find her way home while learning about her mysterious new powers and unocking her past.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 19 - Words: 58,494 - Reviews: 173 - Favs: 140 - Follows: 123 - Updated: 6/1/2010 - Published: 7/31/2009 - Kakashi H.
Sasuke's Sister by DecidedlyPositive reviews
"Sasuke-kun! I didn't know you had an older sister!" In which Itachi is thoroughly amused, Sakura is horribly mistaken, and Sasuke wonders if introducing his brother and best friend was the brightest idea. AU / ItaSaku /one-shot/
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,217 - Reviews: 256 - Favs: 366 - Follows: 85 - Published: 5/31/2010 - Itachi U., Sakura H. - Complete
Shut Up and Kiss Me! by slytherin-nette reviews
In the middle of all their silly fighting and childish rivalry, there was only one very simple solution that always seemed to bring Draco Malfoy and Harriet Potter back together. DM/femHP. SongFic - Oneshot.
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,212 - Reviews: 93 - Favs: 774 - Follows: 220 - Published: 5/29/2010 - Draco M., Harry P. - Complete
Yeah, Thanks for that by skyflyte12 reviews
AU fem!Naruto. Demons and time travelling- She could have laughed herself sick were it not for a distinct lack of time with the Akatsuki extracting Kyuubi and all. So she did it, damn the consequences! But now things aren't how she remembered...
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 11,048 - Reviews: 101 - Favs: 334 - Follows: 403 - Updated: 5/21/2010 - Published: 1/6/2010 - Naruto U.
Icha Icha Annoying by tumbleB reviews
Maikio Kouin just could not believe he had gotten her to read yet another of those corny ‘romance’ novels as he put it. Of course, she would never openly admit to him, that she actually liked them. And maybe she pretended that reading them was overrated..
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,967 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 3 - Published: 4/2/2010 - Kakashi H. - Complete
Nothing Like the Legend by writing-at-random reviews
After making an innocent wish on a shooting star, Jen gets plummeted back in time to Camelot where she encounters Merlin and the prat of a prince, Arthur. She must find a way to get back home while helping Merlin keep his magic secret. Arthur/OC
Merlin - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 20 - Words: 53,117 - Reviews: 192 - Favs: 197 - Follows: 117 - Updated: 3/20/2010 - Published: 11/22/2009 - Merlin, Arthur - Complete
It's For a Good Cause, I Swear! by Sarah1281 reviews
After receiving a time travel jutsu as payment for a mission, the original four members of Team 7 each get a chance to go back to one event in their life and change it. Surely they will use such an awesome power responsibly...right? Don't count on it.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 36 - Words: 114,594 - Reviews: 6508 - Favs: 13,482 - Follows: 5,329 - Updated: 3/5/2010 - Published: 9/28/2009 - Team Seven - Complete
Not In The Job Description by Team-Jazz reviews
Maddy Clark is desperate for a job at CBI, but to get into the area she wants, she has to start somewhere. She just never thought she'd be baby-sitting Patrick Jane. Eventual Patrick/OC. COMPLETE
Mentalist - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 25,667 - Reviews: 100 - Favs: 118 - Follows: 76 - Updated: 2/22/2010 - Published: 8/5/2009 - Patrick J. - Complete
The Prince by snarryvader81 reviews
With Lord Grindelwald's horcrux gone, Harry Riddle expected his second year to be more normal than his first. That was, until his father's diary happened to find its way into the hands of one of the student body. Sequel to my other story, 'Harry Riddle'.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,255 - Reviews: 181 - Favs: 340 - Follows: 587 - Updated: 2/3/2010 - Published: 7/26/2009 - Harry P., Tom R. Jr.
Jack of Spades by Zarunak reviews
Uzumaki Kushina was one of the greatest interrogators the Leaf had ever seen, now years later the Legendary Sadist of the leaf finally meets his teacher's only child. Naruto grows to learn that torture isn't about sadism, its just business.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 8 - Words: 21,693 - Reviews: 320 - Favs: 1,656 - Follows: 1,765 - Updated: 1/10/2010 - Published: 1/21/2009 - Naruto U., Ino Y.
The Game of Life by skyflyte12 reviews
AU femnaru. Our favourite bull-headed ninja is a female; but what was that about intelligent? Crafty? Pink, sparkly jounins? In the words of Naruto Uzumaki: "Keep smiling. It makes people wonder what you're up to." abandoned for now
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words: 28,007 - Reviews: 179 - Favs: 622 - Follows: 687 - Updated: 1/9/2010 - Published: 9/19/2008 - Naruto U.
Plan B by VampNyx reviews
Sybil always dreamed of becoming a Pokemon Breeder, but her mother's opinions were imposed on her. Luck allows her to go through seven badges, but come the eight, she's in big trouble! Humor/Friendship, VolknerxOC - Horrible summary, sorry.
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,800 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 12 - Published: 12/30/2009 - Volkner/Denzi
Oh God Not Again! by Sarah1281 reviews
So maybe everything didn't work out perfectly for Harry. Still, most of his friends survived, he'd gotten married, and was about to become a father. If only he'd have stayed away from the Veil, he wouldn't have had to go back and do everything AGAIN.
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 50 - Words: 162,639 - Reviews: 15045 - Favs: 23,766 - Follows: 9,692 - Updated: 12/22/2009 - Published: 9/13/2008 - Harry P. - Complete
A Knock on the Door by Lady Salazar reviews
Ron and Slytherin have a conversation. Why Voldemort is a madman, why Death Eaters act like animals, why Hermione would make a scary dark witch, why Harry makes a good one, and why curiosity is a bad thing when Harry's your best friend. SFFPverse oneshot.
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,761 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 242 - Follows: 74 - Published: 12/20/2009 - Ron W., Salazar S. - Complete
The Book of the Hidden Leaf by Lynn Richards reviews
When a fangirl gets stuck in the Naruto world, she begins to realize that her actions could affect the storyline in the real world. Will she be able leave? Or will she become a part of this world forever? KakashiOC
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 16,161 - Reviews: 78 - Favs: 73 - Follows: 80 - Updated: 12/18/2009 - Published: 11/8/2009 - Kakashi H.
Blood Choice by ABitOfBlack reviews
Ava's life is completely changed after her parents make their choice. And now Ava has made hers. Friends with the Weasley twins, she joins the Order, finds a new family, new friends and Sirius. Also has: Tonks, Remus, Draco, Charlie. NOT DH compliant.
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Drama/Humor - Chapters: 18 - Words: 47,008 - Reviews: 115 - Favs: 34 - Follows: 53 - Updated: 12/13/2009 - Published: 2/9/2007 - Sirius B., OC
Doubting Thomas by Lady Azar de Tameran reviews
One Shot. AU. After all, every child deserves a mother who loves them. Even those who grow up to be monsters. Luna just never imagined things would turn out this way. Time Travel.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,556 - Reviews: 375 - Favs: 3,110 - Follows: 632 - Published: 11/5/2009 - Luna L., Tom R. Jr. - Complete
Like a Concussion by Araceil reviews
For the lols. Slash. After the War Harry ended up hunted by Vamps. Can he ever get a break? Apparently not when he ends up in Forks and dragged kicking and screaming to school for the first time in over a decade.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Twilight - Rated: K - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 11,349 - Reviews: 663 - Favs: 4,250 - Follows: 1,043 - Published: 10/22/2009 - Harry P., Edward - Complete
Type O Negative by quothme reviews
When the Cullens move to Forks, Bella thinks that the creepy new kid, Edward, has freaky yellow eyes. And that he's insufferably rude. Good thing he's in love with someone else. An AU dark comedy.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 13 - Words: 54,164 - Reviews: 1376 - Favs: 1,983 - Follows: 564 - Updated: 10/11/2009 - Published: 5/3/2009 - Bella, Edward - Complete
You've Kept Me Waiting by Mandi1 reviews
Seeing the future is one thing. Knowing how to get there is another. Alice knows that Jasper is the key to something better. If only she can get - and keep - him in her life. Alice and Jasper's story. Reposted by request.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 43 - Words: 139,102 - Reviews: 1410 - Favs: 1,674 - Follows: 527 - Updated: 9/18/2009 - Published: 5/17/2009 - Alice, Jasper - Complete
An Odd Twist of Fate by Agni reviews
Itachi was gay but when he finally did manage to fall in love, his object of affections turned out to be a girl. An energetic, blonde vixen of a girl, but a girl nonetheless. Fugaku is not complaining. AU. Female Naruto/Itachi.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 2 - Words: 13,615 - Reviews: 406 - Favs: 1,656 - Follows: 1,851 - Updated: 9/11/2009 - Published: 7/13/2009 - Naruto U., Itachi U.
The Honeymoon Mission by The Mother Rose reviews
Sarutobi is at his wits end with team seven. Each one of the members are doing their level best to avoid their own duties and destinies and he's tired of it. Come see him solve his problems.Light-hearted for me. Female Naruto/Kakashi
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 11 - Words: 64,223 - Reviews: 156 - Favs: 1,487 - Follows: 456 - Updated: 8/29/2009 - Published: 8/28/2009 - Naruto U., Kakashi H. - Complete
The Art of seduction by Ichimaru Gin by Tinni reviews
Captain Ichimaru Gin of the 3rd Squad has a new column in the Seireitei Communication Magazine. What's it about? Why it's about how to seduce the shingami of your dreams of course!
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,609 - Reviews: 79 - Favs: 250 - Follows: 38 - Published: 8/8/2009 - G. Ichimaru - Complete
Kittens Don't like Rain by YourAverageObsessiveGirl reviews
By some twist of fate Akiko ended up as Kakashi's teaching assitant. It's not the worst thing ever, but seeing as how Kakashi is also helping with a string of murders in Konoha, things could get intersting. KakashiXOC.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 36 - Words: 75,938 - Reviews: 233 - Favs: 83 - Follows: 68 - Updated: 8/3/2009 - Published: 1/30/2008 - Kakashi H.
Harry Riddle by snarryvader81 reviews
What if Tom Marvolo Riddle was Harry's biological father?
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Humor - Chapters: 46 - Words: 80,525 - Reviews: 992 - Favs: 1,933 - Follows: 1,059 - Updated: 7/26/2009 - Published: 1/29/2007 - Harry P., Voldemort - Complete
Misunderstandings by The Master Weaponsmith reviews
KakashixOC...that funny little book of his...
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 29 - Words: 66,677 - Reviews: 649 - Favs: 728 - Follows: 592 - Updated: 6/29/2009 - Published: 7/17/2004 - Kakashi H., Gai M.
The Beginning Of Everything by D'MoNiQ reviews
It wasn't Kurosaki Ichigo who Rukia first met but Karin. However, there is more than meets the eye when it comes to the Kurosaki family. FEM.ICHI & ShinigamiKarin. CHAPTER 11: DEFEAT!
Bleach - Rated: K - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 11 - Words: 24,664 - Reviews: 132 - Favs: 278 - Follows: 272 - Updated: 6/23/2009 - Published: 4/11/2008
Don't Take the Girl by nannygirl reviews
Steven Hyde never wanted anyone to take this girl. Very loosely based off the song by Tim McGraw.
That '70s Show - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,099 - Reviews: 41 - Favs: 132 - Follows: 25 - Published: 6/10/2009 - Jackie B., Steven H. - Complete
Accidental Hero (aka, The Absentminded Ravenclaw) by Nia River reviews
ABANDONED. Freaky connections aside, does anyone else think it strange that Harry survived a Killing Curse with little more damage than a scar? Well, what if he hadn't come through so unscathed? And what if the other damage was more mental than physical?
Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 4 - Words: 6,341 - Reviews: 672 - Favs: 2,085 - Follows: 2,074 - Updated: 5/16/2009 - Published: 11/21/2008 - [Harry P., Luna L.]
The Unlikely by swabloo reviews
Naruto Harry Potter crossover! There's more to the Hatake white chakra than meets the eye, and combined with a deadly curse the effects are improbable, at best. When realities and timelines merge, a deadly, lazy, porno addicted assassin is born.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 32,277 - Reviews: 258 - Favs: 673 - Follows: 890 - Updated: 3/10/2009 - Published: 11/4/2007 - Harry P., Kakashi H.
Cheaters Prosper by drakensis reviews
What's with all this fighting fair? Naruto's going to win ninja-fashion, by hook by crook and all within the rules... technically.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,178 - Reviews: 589 - Favs: 6,345 - Follows: 1,907 - Published: 10/12/2008 - Naruto U. - Complete
Harriet Potter by Tiki Rane Gobell reviews
AU. Things were overlooked that should not have been. Haste turned assumptions into facts, and, while the whole world was trying to find Harry Potter, Harriet was trying to discover her purpose. Not crack. HPxLV/TR. Darker, powerful Werewolf-Harry.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 6,091 - Reviews: 90 - Favs: 298 - Follows: 417 - Updated: 9/6/2008 - Published: 9/5/2008 - Harry P., Voldemort
Steps Far From Paradise by Lady Salazar reviews
Grimmauld Place is a house that has seen many wars, and as Harlas Lily Potter discovers, some magical wars never truly end… Slytherin/fem!HP. Sorta. OotP-era AU, Dark themes
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Drama/Horror - Chapters: 1 - Words: 19,174 - Reviews: 139 - Favs: 1,322 - Follows: 528 - Published: 8/20/2008 - [Harry P., Salazar S.] - Complete
I got captured by Deidara by Terrier Zii reviews
Some people might give up when they get captured by Sranked criminals...not me! For the betterment of humanity I plan to go down fighting! Never underestimate the power of idiocy and people like me in extraordinary situations...! DeidaraXOC
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 21 - Words: 66,780 - Reviews: 629 - Favs: 267 - Follows: 224 - Updated: 6/9/2008 - Published: 5/17/2007 - Deidara
What's Dearest to a Man's Heart by Melody of the Storm reviews
Sequel to Curse of the Self Insert. After a fourteen-month-long exile, Kate's back and ready for DMC. But this time, she's putting everything she's got into stopping that kiss...Jack x OC x Norrington, rated for language and implied citrus.
Pirates of the Caribbean - Rated: M - English - Parody/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 12,620 - Reviews: 238 - Favs: 289 - Follows: 325 - Updated: 3/8/2008 - Published: 3/1/2008 - Capt. Jack Sparrow, James N.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Self Insert by Melody of the Storm reviews
Completed! Kate Cooper is just your average teen...that is, until she gets a medallion that looks strangely like the one in CotBP...In the blink of an eye, Kate is sent into a the world of Pirates, ready to begin the adventure of a lifetime! Jack x OC
Pirates of the Caribbean - Rated: T - English - Parody/Romance - Chapters: 16 - Words: 66,769 - Reviews: 229 - Favs: 489 - Follows: 201 - Updated: 2/24/2008 - Published: 11/16/2007 - Capt. Jack Sparrow - Complete
Deathly Hollows by AirElemental101 reviews
On October 1981, Harry James Potter died... and Kuchiki Raiden became the newest member of the Kuchiki clan in Soul Society. 16 years later his would have been life catches up to him. But death fears no man, not even Lord Voldemort.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Bleach - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,994 - Reviews: 74 - Favs: 343 - Follows: 507 - Published: 2/23/2008 - Harry P., Byakuya K.
Sabotage by therealesther reviews
When her fifth date got food poisoning, and her sixth date cancelled in over the phone in a tone bordering on hysteria, Sakura decided things were getting out of hand. KakaSaku
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,637 - Reviews: 345 - Favs: 2,116 - Follows: 290 - Published: 6/14/2007 - Sakura H., Kakashi H. - Complete
Black and Twilight by Feneris reviews
The Potters, a long line of the darkest of the dark lords. The Dursleys, The Weasleys, and Hogwarts now has to survive a boy named Harry Potter. Who comes from a family even more feared then Voldemort himself.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 10 - Words: 13,666 - Reviews: 230 - Favs: 372 - Follows: 512 - Updated: 3/29/2007 - Published: 9/5/2006 - Harry P., Ginny W.
Honored Promises by Cherazor reviews
P&P Darcy had been a young boy when he'd given the promise, but he intended to honor it. He would only ask one woman to dance, and one woman only: The one he intended to marry.
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: K - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,008 - Reviews: 61 - Favs: 311 - Follows: 53 - Published: 2/11/2007 - Complete
Dance by Rathloriel reviews
A fourth small, intimate interlude between Elizabeth and Darcy.During a ball at Pemberley, Darcy finds that Elizabeth is the main attraction and feels quite alone. But not for long.
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,571 - Reviews: 83 - Favs: 202 - Follows: 32 - Updated: 2/3/2007 - Published: 1/18/2006 - Complete
Family Gift by Lady Salazar reviews
An attempt at destroying a Horcrux backfires, landing the Trio in the past... 1000 years in the past to be exact. And now, Harry's learning the hard way that he can't always get off scot free with running his mouth.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 4 - Words: 8,314 - Reviews: 107 - Favs: 457 - Follows: 229 - Updated: 1/17/2007 - Published: 1/14/2007 - Harry P., Salazar S. - Complete
Live, Laugh, and Love by Kirara reviews
KumikoOCis a fullfledged shinobi running from her past,in search of a new life. She is attached to team seven, roomed up with a jounin, just across the road from the silverhaired man who teaches her to trust again and love? KakXOC
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 46,101 - Reviews: 86 - Favs: 63 - Follows: 49 - Updated: 7/30/2006 - Published: 12/10/2004 - Kakashi H.
A sky, far, far away by remind me to breathe reviews
AU. What if a Muggleborn, a Weasley, and the BoyWhoLived were sorted into Slytherin? Six hours, three desperate children, and a revolution was born.
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 6 - Words: 14,224 - Reviews: 774 - Favs: 1,552 - Follows: 1,860 - Updated: 6/10/2006 - Published: 4/17/2006 - Harry P., Severus S.
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Ain't Never Had A Friend Like Me reviews
The concept of Death was stalking her, she was bound to a lamp, and for some reason, everyone thought she was a magical genie - but that wasn't even half of her issues. FemHarry. Currently being Rewritten - on Chapter 2.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Family - Chapters: 18 - Words: 173,492 - Reviews: 1117 - Favs: 3,556 - Follows: 4,368 - Updated: 11/5/2018 - Published: 3/29/2015 - Harry P., Naruto U.
History reviews
Jade Potter was like a mini-Lily in every way, just with black hair. So, of course she needed an 'arrogant, toerag' of a boy to make her Hogwarts life unbearable. Collection of short moments in the lives of Jade Potter and George Weasley, the *Cough* Stalker *Cough*. Taking Requests! FemHarry!
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 22 - Words: 31,055 - Reviews: 338 - Favs: 1,767 - Follows: 883 - Updated: 11/25/2014 - Published: 7/19/2013 - Harry P., George W. - Complete
The Hidden Countries reviews
Of course of all the things Rose Potter had done, jumping through dimensions and meeting a bunch of Ninja wasn't all that shocking. Being related to one of them, though, was her cursed amount of luck. Before that though, she managed to kill a snake, save a few kids, and met an oddly cute guy with spiky silver hair, and a porn addiction. Fem!Harry/Kakashi. Hermione/Iruka. Ron/Ayame
Crossover - Harry Potter & Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 75,405 - Reviews: 346 - Favs: 2,034 - Follows: 1,008 - Updated: 10/6/2013 - Published: 11/25/2012 - [Harry P., Kakashi H.] Ron W., Hermione G. - Complete
Believe reviews
Alicia Jamie Cooper liked to think of herself like a pixie, short and mischievous. When this old Lady came to her house claiming tales about her becoming a witch and going this Hogwarts place (which sounded vaguely traumatizing) she hadn't realized what she was in for. For the betterment of annoying people like her, though, she'd go down fighting. DNRP -CHAP 4 Under Renovation.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 71 - Words: 238,210 - Reviews: 370 - Favs: 629 - Follows: 366 - Updated: 6/13/2013 - Published: 4/8/2012 - [Harry P., OC] [Ron W., Hermione G.] - Complete
Mini Skirts reviews
Blaise had high standards. That didn't mean he doesn't notice Hailey Potter running around in a skirt so short it should be illegal. Fem!Harry/Blaise. Year 6. OneShot.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,492 - Reviews: 40 - Favs: 1,283 - Follows: 498 - Published: 4/27/2013 - Harry P., Blaise Z. - Complete
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