Hello everyone who is reading this!

Sorry for taking so long to update but I had a rough college semester but now that is behind me and I am on winter break relaxing and catching up on everything including writing this fanfic! Unfortunately I won't be able to update until after Christmas because I will be in CA and wont have my laptop with me. But please enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimer is in Chapter 1: Prologue!

Thank you for all the reviews and placing this story under favorites/story-alert!



Mission Failed!

"So where are they Maiko-chan?" Kakashi asked as he raced behind her and Pakkun who was on top of her shoulder.

"Ironically enough, they are heading straight to 'the valley of the end'." She responded but there was no humor in her voice, just this sadness that Kakashi couldn't understand. Why he couldn't understand was because he couldn't read her mind or else he would have known that Maiko drawing parallels between Naruto and Sasuke to the reason why that part of the border was called "the valley of the end". She was left to her own thoughts.

"You are worried about Naruto." Kakashi summed up as to why she was so quiet.

"Not in the way you are thinking." She stated solemnly because she had a very bad feeling about what was going to happen.

"How so?" He asked wanting to keep some form of conversation going because he did not like the look on her face whenever she was left to her own thoughts.

"Sasuke-san is talented but if Naruto-kun is pushed to his limits then I am afraid that he might just access the Nine-Tails' chakra. He was able to use it in a fight against Neji-san in the chunin exams and if Naruto-kun uses it now then he might just get more than he bargained for because he isn't in the right state of mind. And if that happens, I am afraid of the after effects it could have on Naruto-kun and not just what could happen to Sasuke-san." Maiko explained still focusing on her chakra net to track her little brother and his teammate. They were still running as well which was good news in her mind because if Kakashi, Pakkun, and she could catch up to them, they should be able to find a way to resolve this situation without Naruto and Sasuke fighting each other.

When Kakashi digested Maiko's words, he was overwhelmed by this sense of guilt. He should have thought of that as well, especially since he knew about the fight between Naruto and Sasuke beforehand and how out of control the two were. He thought he had talked some since into Sasuke that night but he guessed he was wrong.

"I'm sorry; I should have known this was going to happen." Kakashi admitted aloud and both Maiko and Pakkun turned their heads to look at him with wide eyes.

"Why would you say that Kakashi-kun?" Pakkun asked for the both of them making Kakashi sigh.

"Because I caught Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun fighting a few days ago, about a day after you left Maiko-chan." He explained and Maiko visibly softened as she placed her hand on the top of his arm like before. But continued to run side by side

"Those two always fight, you couldn't have known it could have gone this far." She tried to comfort him but that wouldn't work as he shook his head.

"Maiko-chan, they used the rasengan and the chidori against one another." He stated seriously and Maiko gasped alongside of Pakkun. Neither of them could believe that they would do such a thing but it must have been true because Kakashi would never lie about that.

"I thought I had handled Sasuke-kun and Jiraiya-san was supposed to talk to Naruto-kun about what happened but I guess I didn't do a good enough job on my end." Kakashi said gruffly and it was clear as day that he was frustrated about this. Because Maiko's hand was still placed at the top of his arm, she squeezed it to regain his attention.

"Kakashi-kun, we need to forget about what happened in the past and focus on retrieving the two boys safely because right now they have stopped and are fighting. So stop feeling guilty, especially since no one would blame you for this. I know I don't." She told him with a small but grim smile at the part where she informed him that Naruto and Sasuke are fighting but it brightened at the end about him. That last part had the desired effect of comforting Kakashi as the two ninjas began to applying chakra to their feet to quicken their speed.

Maiko wasn't able to watch the fight, so she wasn't sure what they were exactly doing, but she could feel the flares of chakra from producing jutsus. Just by reading these and knowing the two genin pretty well Maiko could guess what jutsus they were using. Based on this Maiko knew that this battle between Naruto and Sasuke was getting out of hand and fast. Her guesses were correct when she felt Sasuke release enough chakra to create a chidori that seemly hit Naruto's chakra and after a slight pregnant pause Naruto's chakra turned from blue to bright red. However Maiko underestimated how quickly and how much Naruto would tap into the fox's chakra. It was on a whole new level compared to when he tapped into it to summon Gamabunta and when he went up against Neji. It was so powerful that it made Maiko stop abruptly, yelp in surprise/pain, and reach up to clutch the base of her neck, accidently knocking Pakkun off.

"Maiko-chan?" Kakashi asked as he stopped as well right in front of her to look her in the eyes despite the fact that she clenched them closed and began to breathe slowly to get used to the pain. Although because of the shock and pain she received this time from Naruto, Maiko lost her hold on the chakra net so she was cut off from knowing what was happening and because of this her pain lessened.

"Hey, are you alright? What's wrong?" Kakashi questioned some more as Maiko finally opened her eyes to see Kakashi looking at her in concern.

"Check something out for me will you?" She countered and before he could respond, her one hand that was once clutching the base of her neck now unbuttoned the top of her shirt in the back, the other raising her hair, as she twirled around to show Kakashi her scar.

"Wha-?" He began to say but stopped himself once he saw her scar. Kakashi remembered this scar vividly seeing how it was the scar that the Kyuubi has given to her all those years ago. He couldn't believe that the paw print with nine claws was still as black as coal; he would have thought that it would have dulled over the years.

"Kakashi-kun, tell me what do you see. Is it pink or red or my normal skin tone around the scar?" She asked breaking Kakashi from his thoughts but his fingers still lightly traced the scar like he did the first time he ever saw it when Maiko first received it. She shivered at his touch but he still didn't respond to her question.

"It's a dark shade of pink Maiko-chan, does it hurt?" Pakkun answered for Kakashi as his master continued to stare intently at the scar.

"There is only a light stinging sensation but nothing unbearable. I figured this was the case." Maiko sighed and turned away from Kakashi so she could re-button her shirt and place her hands back her sides. Kakashi's one visible eyebrow furrowed at this.

"What do you mean?" He asked her, not understanding where she was going with this.

"I'll explain as we run but we have to get going before Naruto-kun and Sasuke-san do something they will both regret." Maiko replied instead and didn't wait as she started running once more. Kakashi and Pakkun had no choice but to follow her and when they caught up she began to speak again.

"Before Naruto-kun became a genin, he was used by Mizuki unknowingly to steal the sacred scroll of forbidden seals. Naruto-kun was going to be framed by Mizuki who was going to take the scroll to Orochimaru." She began her explanation as she promised. Kakashi had heard about the incident but he didn't know the particulars and was surprised to hear that Naruto had successfully broke into his past sensei's house and was able to obtain the scroll. No one should have been able to get into that room without being blood related to the Yondaime or know how to unseal the seal that was locking the room like Kushina, the Yondaime's wife. But Kakashi couldn't ask this question for Maiko continued to talk rapidly.

"The Sandaime, who at the time didn't realize this but, only knew that Naruto-kun had stolen the scroll, sent Iruka-kun and I to find Naruto. When we did we happened to find Mizuki as well and during that scuffle Naruto-kun learned about the Kyuubi that resides in him. That night he accidently tapped into that power. Nothing noticeable, I don't even think that Naruto-kun realized that he did. But Mizuki, Iruka-kun, and I did for a small part of Naruto-kun's facial features changed. His eyes turned red, his whisker marks lengthened and darkened, and his chakra turned deadly with an added increase in pressure that only we would notice since we were in the area. However, I also noticed the change in Naruto-kun because of the small prick I felt from my scar." Maiko summed up that night for them.

"The next time I felt pain from my scar is when Jiraiya started training Naruto-kun for the finals in the chunin exams and that is when I realized that the pain I was feeling was connected to the scar and whenever Naruto-kun accesses that nine-tailed fox's chakra. I believe that when the Kyuubi saved my life and healed my wound it also sealed some of its chakra inside of me. Nothing that I can use like Naruto-kun but it gives me the ability to sense its chakra which is when it activated my kekkai genkai that I inherited from my grandfather further so that I can identify jinchurikis so as to explain how I can feel Shukaku in Gaara-kun and the fight between Gaara-kun and Naruto-kun during the Sound-Sand invasion." Maiko stopped to take a breath while still running allowing Kakashi and Pakkun to finally pose their questions.

"Wait you said the next time your scar hurt in reaction to Naruto-kun releasing some chakra from the Kyuubi was when he was training for the chunin exams?" Pakkun asked and Maiko nodded her head.

"Then you didn't feel anything when Naruto-kun loosened the seal in the Land of the Mist?" Kakashi then questioned.

"No, I believe distance also plays a key part in my ability to sense the Kyuubi's power or even a normal jinchuriki because I didn't know Gaara-kun existed until the chunin exams when he was here in Konoha. Basically the closer I am to Naruto-kun and the power of the Kyuubi he is accessing the more I feel it from my scar. That's why I reacted so strongly earlier ago because despite the distance currently between Naruto-kun and me, my chakra net was touching him. So it was literally as if I was touching the Nine-Tailed Fox's chakra." She further explained and Kakashi became worried at this.

"You don't have your chakra net up now do you?" He didn't want her in pain just to keep an eye on Naruto. He didn't want her in pain period.

"No, my scar is starting to throb just from getting closer and I need to be able to stand without flinching when we arrive there to stop the fight. Pakkun, could you take over for me and follow their scent to make sure we don't deviate or if they move from 'the valley of the end' we won't lose them?" Maiko asked to the ninken that was running on the other side of her easily. For such a small dog he is quite nimble which Maiko could appreciate. Kakashi sure knew how to pick his ninken.

"Hai Maiko-chan," Pakkun nodded and Maiko gave the pug a small smile, trying to ignore the increasing pain from her shoulder like she stated earlier ago as it went from uncomfortable pinching to stinging to full out throbbing. Kami only knows what sort of pain she would have experienced if she kept her chakra net up.

"Maiko-chan," Kakashi began seriously.

"Yes Kakashi-kun?" Maiko replied with an exasperated sigh.

"If the pain becomes too unbearable you have to tell me." He ordered her and Maiko flushed slightly at his concern for her but she also knew that he was also saying this from the position as her comrade who needs to know what condition she is in if they are heading into an unknown fight. He was going to know all the variables that he can before figuring out the best strategy for the situation at hand. Maiko just nodded her head before letting out a hiss in pain, reaching out to Kakashi to steady herself as a rack of pain erupted from her shoulder.

"Maiko-chan?" Both Kakashi and Pakkun exclaimed as they stopped with her, Kakashi grasping her arm and stepping forward so that his other arm would grasp hers. Maiko leaned forward at this to rest her head on Kakashi's chest as she struggled to breathe slowly in and out. It was haggard but she was doing it and adjusted herself to become accustomed to this whole new level of pain she was feeling.

"Maiko-chan, you're burning up." Pakkun stated as he lifted her pant leg to press his cold nose to her leg and felt the heat radiating off of her. What they didn't fully realize yet is that the heat is coming straight from her scar at the base of neck and shoulder.

"I don't feel feverish, just the pain. But I think I can handle it now." Maiko replied steadily as she back and away from Kakashi but was still held by his arms.

"Are you sure?" He asked her and Maiko nodded.

"Hai, but Naruto-kun is escalating quickly, we need to get to him and Sasuke-san and fast." Maiko told him with conviction so as to put any doubts Kakashi had about her continuing aside and they kept running. He hesitated but nodded before they began running towards "the valley of the end" which was the last place they knew where Naruto and Sasuke were located. However this time Kakashi and Pakkun kept close to Maiko's side. But she didn't really notice as she tried to keep the pain bearable and tried to keep her focus on the issue at hand which was that Naruto was using more and more chakra from the Kyuubi. If Naruto continued to do this then he might accidently allow the Kyuubi enough wiggle room to remove the seal and that would even be worse than the situation right now.

Then there was this huge explosion of terrible chakra that stopped all three of them dead in their tracks. The shear force and the feeling that blew past them was horrendous. With one glance at each other they knew that whatever was happening between Naruto and Sasuke had gotten worse if that was even possible. None of them needed to say anything as they started moving again and Maiko didn't notice at all that her scar had stopped burning and pulsating like before the explosion. All she cared about was getting to Naruto and making sure that he was still alive. It then began to rain.

"Rain!? Have you lost their scent?" Kakashi asked Pakkun as the three of them were pelted by rain drops, quickly getting drenched.

"It's alright. I still have it… They're here!" Pakkun replied and Maiko let out a shaky breath in relief. However it wouldn't be for another ten minutes until they finally made it to "the valley of the end" to spy an unconscious Naruto lying on the ground facing the sky filled with gray clouds pouring rain.

"Are we too late…?" Kakashi mumbled under his breath as the three of them stopped to catch their breath briefly. Maiko was the first one to break away from the group and went immediately to Naruto's side. Her hand was trembling as she focused chakra into it, making it glow green, and then hovered it over Naruto's chest. As she felt his heart beating steadily Maiko let slip a few tears and she laughed uneasily as she then hugged Naruto's unconscious body.

"He's still alive!" She exclaimed, still laughing uneasily and holding Naruto close to her. Kakashi and Pakkun joined her but both looked solemn as Kakashi picked up the scratched forehead protector that could only belong to Sasuke seeing how Naruto still had his across his forehead. Maiko was somber as she looked at Kakashi and saw the emotions play across his face as he probably thought about how it could have come to this. Kakashi noticed her watching him so he quickly placed Sasuke's headband in his flack vest pocket before motioning for Maiko to hand Naruto over to him. She nodded and helped place Naruto on his back knowing that Kakashi wasn't ready to talk about this just yet.

"The rain stopped…" Pakkun stated as he waited for them while looking up into the gray clouds. Maiko and Kakashi carrying Naruto on his back piggy-back style walked over to join Pakkun as they stared at "the valley of the end".

"That rain… I can no longer follow the scent. Anyway, Naruto-kun is more important than following Sasuke-kun." Pakkun continued as if he was not met with heavy silence.

"Yes," Kakashi agreed but his mind was far away from the tone in his voice. Maiko exchanged a look with Pakkun before they started to run through the forest once more, but this time towards the village hidden in the leaves. They continued in this silence until Naruto woke up and shifted slightly on Kakashi's back surprising everyone that he was awake so soon.

"Kakashi-sensei…" Naruto rasped.

"What about Sasuke?" Naruto continued when they didn't respond. Maiko, Kakashi, and Pakkun hesitated. They weren't sure what to say to ease Naruto's pain, especially when it was just going to make it worse for him. However they were saved by the arrival of team of medic-nins.

"Kakashi-san! Maiko-san! What is Naruto Uzumaki's condition?" The leader called out and stayed one step ahead of Kakashi, Maiko, and Pakkun as the rest of the team surrounded them.

"He's alright." Maiko replied as she glanced slightly at Naruto.

"Uchiha? Where is Sasuke Uchiha?" The leader asked making Kakashi and Maiko shake their heads. She noticed Naruto look down at this and she knew her brother was disappointed and felt guilty for not being able to stop Sasuke from leaving. Maiko knew how big of a toll this was going to be on her otuoto.

"What's the situation with the other genin?" Kakashi asked, bringing her attention back to everyone else who was there.

"Yes! By the Hokage's order, the first and second medic teams were dispatched. They have already recovered scattered injured genin. They have been taken to receive urgent medical treatment." The leader answered.

"What's the situation?" Maiko questioned this time, hoping to hear good news in regards to Choji and Neji as well as the others.

"Yes! Shikamaru Nara has a minor injury. Kiba Inuzuka has a deep wound, but there's no danger to his life. Neji Hyuga and Choji Akimichi are in critical condition, for the moment their situation is uncertain." The lead medic-nin relayed and Maiko stole one more glance at Naruto. He simply closed his eyes and Maiko knew that he felt infinitely more guilty; one for not being able to bring Sasuke back and now for his comrades to get injured so badly.

Maiko moved in closer and placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder which she rubbed gently. At her action Naruto's eyes bolted wide open to stare at her and she knew her previous assumptions about how Naruto was feeling was true as those emotions were displayed in his big blue eyes. Maiko tried to give him a comforting smile as she continued to rub small circles on his shoulder. Her otuoto gave her a tired one back that didn't reach his eyes like his smiles normally did but Maiko would take it. When Naruto closed his eyes once more Maiko stopped, glad to know that she at least eased her brother's distress even if it was a minimal.

"How did you know where to look for us?" Pakkun asked the leading medic-nin and the man who had half his face covered by a medical mask and was wearing a hooded doctor's cloak with billowing sleeves that seemed to disguise any distinguishing features such as his body shape.

"Maiko-san's clone that returned with Choji-san had located you after nearly collapsing and then dispelled violently. Lady Hokage naturally was concerned and sent us as soon as she could gather us." The lead medic-nin explained while he looked at Maiko apprehensively as if he was afraid she would do the same at any moment. She got weird looks from everyone save Kakashi and Pakkun who knew probably what happened. Even Naruto had one eye open to look at her but Maiko didn't say anything as she looked through her memories and realized that she did in fact receive the clone's memories but she was too worried about Naruto to notice. She guess that was going to be another thing she was going to have to explain to her cousin and not just how she was able to track all the genin down with her chakra net.

"There is no need to worry, I just experienced some trouble and must have dispelled my clone on accident." Maiko told them, not wanting to worry Naruto. Kakashi gave her a look but didn't say anything thankfully as they continued their way back to Konoha and straight to the hospital so that Naruto can get a proper check-up. However Maiko, Kakashi, and Pakkun were stopped short at the front desk as the medic-nins took Naruto off of Kakashi's back and placed him onto a stretch which was a bit extreme in Maiko's opinion.

"Wait right here please Maiko-san and Kakashi-san. The receptionist will tell you which room Naruto-san will occupy once we have given him a look oven and heal any wounds he may have." The lead medic-nin explained to them and then left without further word. Maiko and Kakashi shared a look but before either one of them could say a word they were cut off by Maiko being tackled to the ground by one of her tiger summons.

"Maiko-chan we were so worried about you!" Tora announced as he nuzzled her chin and purred. Byakko then came up to her and did the same but with the top of her head. However Tora moved his head so that he started to tickle her neck which made her giggle uncontrollably.

"So that's why Tora and Byakko bolted here, they must have smelled your scent entering the hospital." Saburo stated with a small, amused smile and crossed arms as he stood beside Kakashi and Pakkun. By now Maiko was able to sit up on the ground and petted Tora and Byakko who were still nuzzling her. Again it was both sweet and exasperating how worried her summons could be but if they saw her clone violently dispel then their worries weren't totally misguided.

"I'm glad you guys are alright too. Where's Gaara-kun and the others?" Maiko asked as she officially stood up, Tora and Byakko on either side of her.

"Kankuro-san is with Gaara-san in Rock-san's room and Temari-san is with Nara-san. How's Naruto-san?" Saburo countered and Maiko sighed along with Kakashi and Pakkun.

"He wasn't successful but at least he is alive." Maiko replied and her hands immediately went to rest on Tora and Byakko's head to be reassured by them as they nuzzled her hand.

"There is that, I'm happy that you are safe now." Saburo said as he stepped forward and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, capturing Maiko's green eyes with his brown ones.

"I have to send a letter to Ichiro and Kenji to let them know what is going on. But if you need me then don't hesitate to call now that we are comrades. The same goes with Ichiro and Kenji when they come back from Suna. Later Maiko-chan," Saburo told her, squeezed her shoulder one last time, and then departed before she could even respond. But Maiko at least gave him a smile that showed her appreciation. She then looked to Kakashi and Pakkun who were watching her; Kakashi remained aloof but Maiko could see slight irritation while Pakkun was curious.

"Let's go find Gaara-kun, Temari-chan, and Kankuro-kun to pass the time until we can see Naruto-kun." Maiko suggested and left to find Temari first with Kakashi, Pakkun, Tora, and Byakko following in her steps.