Terrier Zii
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Joined 05-12-07, id: 1277291, Profile Updated: 09-03-08
Author has written 1 story for Naruto.


Hello, I welcome you to my profile! On FanFiction I only have one story, which in general I’m quite proud of! I have quite a few other works, but they aren't fanfiction so they are posted elsewhere.


September 3rd


So, yeah, new pen-name... For my own reasons I had to alter my pen-name a bit. Sorry if this causes any confusion- to both old fans looking for me, and new ones confused about anything- but it was critical that I alter it. Hopefully this will not change anything! Hugs to you all!

July 9th

Am I inspired? No. Will I updated again? Maybe- but currently leaning towards a 'no'. It has been a year, and I have to say that I am different from when I created this story. Naruto isn't as intresting to me anymore, though I still read it on a weekly basis. Writing to me is entertainment, I am not going to write a story when it becomes work and I'm forcing myself to do so. So the chances of my story being updated are low- very low. I felt obligated to tell people at least this much so they are not waiting on updates. And I do apologize to the people who have been cheering me on since the beginning. Sorry.

DO NOT post reviews in response to this. If you do so I will be upset; reviews are ment to critque a writer, not beg and ask for updates.

--About Me--

Name: Terrier to my internet pals.

Age: Still can't drink.

Location: Earth. I'm not too proud about my current residence- the weather is horrid and the people even worse... D:

Current Favorite Words Include: Mirth, Cheschire, Gossamer, Conspiratorialy

I deleted the other stuff...it was too long and it was irrellavent...


Story: I got Captured by Deidara

Chapter Count: 21

Word Count: 63,000 ish.

Status: Hiatus?

Summary: Some people might give up when they get captured by Sranked criminals, not me! For the betterment of humanity I plan to go down fighting! Never underestimate the power of idiocy people like me in extraordinary situations! DeidaraXOC

--Ending Note--

I think that should be enough for now...Feel free to message me with any concerns, comments, questions or if you just feel like talking. Enjoy my story!

I got captured by Deidara reviews
Some people might give up when they get captured by Sranked criminals...not me! For the betterment of humanity I plan to go down fighting! Never underestimate the power of idiocy and people like me in extraordinary situations...! DeidaraXOC
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 21 - Words: 66,780 - Reviews: 629 - Favs: 267 - Follows: 224 - Updated: 6/9/2008 - Published: 5/17/2007 - Deidara