HI, If you like my story, please review/fave/follow and all that jazz! If you want me to carry out a series of one shots I will and feel free to send my prompts! X

Disclaimer- I don't own anything Dc or suicide squad

The Joker couldn't keep his eyes of his Harley as her hips swayed and her legs snapped in time with the music. She wrapped herself up around the chain that hung in her cage, her smile wide. Her eyes flashing and her hair cascading down her shoulders as she danced. Her costume was minimal and multicoloured revealing her tattoos and hard flat skin

A few serious looking men watched his girl dance with looks of mild interest, and he didn't like it.

Why are they so serious?

He grinned manically and slid out behind them, he placed his hands on the taller one's neck, his head resting on the suited shoulder.

"Now why look so serious?" he laughed and taunted with his wicked smile in place.

"We are here to do business, not to joke around," the shorter man replied, not joke around? Then why do business with the Joker? Mr. J shook his head at their lack of humour.

"No-No-No, we can't have that!" he whistled sharply and the beautiful Harley Quinn slipped between the bars of her cage and swung herself over to him to the applause of the crowd that clambered at her mismatched stilettos.

Her pale skin caught the light blushed with pink and blue makeup and brilliant red lipstick, her grin flashed as she settled herself beside the Joker. He draped an arm around her waist and twirled her as if she was a manikin on display.

He grinned as he showed off his Queen.

"Now Harls, these men don't look like their having fun. Now we can't have that can we Harls?" he laughed manically and licked his red stained lips.

"Sure can't Mr. J," she giggled and slinked over to one of the men draping herself around his neck, her hand made its path down his neck onto his chest. he looked down at her with little interest, his eyes flicked between her and the Clown King on Gotham.

"Mr. Joker, I'm here for business not the cheap attention of a common whore," he said sharply but immediately understood this as a mistake when the Joker's grin vanished. Harley looked slightly ruffled and detached herself from him.

"Common? Alright then I won't bother,"

She slipped back to stand beside the Joker who was playing with the gold plated gun at his waist,

"Ah you don't recognise her, do you? Don't recognise my Queen? My deadly partner in crime, my beautiful Harley Quinn." He declared his eyes malicious as he watched the businessmen. They paled, they had been warned never to insult the Joker's girl,

She curtseyed playfully,

"Can I play with him Mr. J?"She giggled as she reached for a large wooden hammer covered in playful doodles. She swung it in her grasp, her eyes wide.

He grinned and laughed along with her,

"Not yet Harley, are friend has to learn some respect for their Queen," he chuckled,

"Bow down to the Queen clown Harley Quinn," the two men looked terrified and slowly they kneeled before Harley who smirked.

"Pay homage boys," no one disrespected his queen, if he had her nothing else mattered.

"Hail Queen Harley," they grumbled in unison, the Joker shook his head in disapproval of their monotone voices

"I can't hear you," he teased as he played with the golden handle of a gun.

"Hail Queen Harley," they shouted,

"Good," his silver grin was wide and taunting; he cocked his head to the side before putting a gun to each of their heads.

"What? But we- you can't-," they stammered, eyes wide and fearful. Harley laughed again as the Joker played with his victims.

"You know the price for disrespecting the Queen of Gotham? Death," he pulled the triggers and both men collapsed in a heap at his feet. Harley steeped over them and wrapped her arms around the Jokers neck. Her lips met his in a heated battle for dominance and passion. His hands found her waist, holding her to him.

Blood pooled around them but neither really cared about the dark crimson stains.

He had his queen, and he was going to keep it that way.

"I Love you Harls," he said as he held her in a tight embrace, he inhaled the bubblegum scent of her dip dyed hair, she nuzzled at his neck

"I love you too Puddin,"

Thanks for reading! Please leave prompts for more and feedback would be great! XX