Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.
On Sunday morning I was rudely woken up at five-thirty in the morning by Bella having a nightmare. She shouted NO so loudly I'm sure the neighbors heard. I groaned and rolled over, it was way too early to deal with her freaking out over vampires so I went back to sleep.
After waking up at a more reasonable time of ten-thirty, it was the weekend I'm allowed to sleep in. I got ready for the day and called Angela up for a study session. I wasn't going to stick around for Bella to ask me any questions. She had presumably already googled the crap out of vampires, and was actually currently not in the house so I left her a note.
Gone to work on the English essay with Angie. Also, you probably forgot but I'm getting my boot off today. Don't worry about it, Mike's taking me. I should be back by eight, but if I'm not back by ten then you have permission to freak out.
Gossip Girl
Just kidding. It is I, Penny, your favorite (and only) sister!
Angela picked me up and we had a nice study session at her house. We both got our Macbeth papers done, I helped her with a history paper, and she modeled for me while I sketched her in various poses for art. Overall I'd give it 10/10 for productiveness and friendship bonding. Angela was a pretty fun girl once you got past the shy layer.
Mike picked me up from Angela's around five. It was nice to hang out with him and not have Jessica looming over our shoulder. He brought me to the hospital where a Doctor Fitz treated me. I got my boot taken off and a warning to take it easy for the next two weeks, after that I should be good to go. Mike ended up treating me to dinner at the diner, it was a nice end to a pretty peaceful day. I could only hope Bella kept with the peace theme and didn't ask me any questions about vampires.
"I'm baaaack!" I shouted out as soon as I stepped through the door.
"Hey Penny," came the voice of my father. "How's your ankle?"
I made my way toward the living room, where I found Charlie sitting on his recliner.
"Hey Dad. It's good, I got the boot off." I showed him my boot free foot. "The doctor said I need to take it easy for the next two weeks since it'll still be a little fragile but after that I'm good."
"Good, good." he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Bells said you were with the Newton boy today?"
I stifled a laugh. "Mike's just a friend, Dad. No need to get the shotgun out. Anyway, I'm pooped so I'm going to bed. Goodnight Dad."
He gave me a small smile. "Goodnight Penny."
I made my way upstairs, debating on whether to bother Bella or have Bella come to me. Bella solved that for me by opening her door while I was standing out in the hallway.
She gave me an odd look, "Uh, what are you doing just standing there?"
I smiled sheepishly, "Enjoying the decor?"
"Riiight." she replied warily, clearly not believing my lame excuse. "Well, uh, can I ask you a question and you'll answer truthfully?"
"Sure go ahead." I replied while thinking she was going to drop the vampire bomb on me.
"Do you believe in the Quileute legends?"
"That they're descended from wolves?" I asked. "Totally, I think it's really cool too. Did you know it's illegal to kill wolves on their land?"
"No-, I mean-, ugh, never mind. Goodnight." she replied, and went straight back into her room.
"Night Bellsy." I said loudly, making my way toward my room.
"Hmm, that went better than I thought." I muttered under my breath. I'm glad she didn't question me too much. That probably means she's going to keep it all to herself and I won't be told about vampires.
I had a dream about robot wolves that night, which freaked me out a little because they were so close to taking over the world. My room was bathed in sunlight when I decided to open my eyes, which was a welcome sight. It was going to be a good day. There was sun, I was boot free, and I was going to celebrate by wearing a cute twirly dress. Getting up with a skip in my step I picked out my dress and went downstairs. I had just missed Charlie, and Bella was just about done with her breakfast.
"Let me just grab a cup of coffee and we can head out!" I called out while preparing a to-go cup.
Not willing to leave things to chance, both Bella and I brought our raincoats with us. I drove us to school, since I finally could. We arrived early and hung out near the picnic beaches that were hardly ever used. Bella plopped down on the bench and pulled out her trig homework, while I sat on the table and sunbathed. I wanted to soak up as much sun as I could.
"Penny! Bella!" I heard a guy call out, it sounded like Mike.
I looked around and realized that people had arrived while I was daydreaming. Sure enough, Mike was jogging toward us, waving.
"Hey Mike." Bella called out, waving back.
"Hiya Mikey!" I said with a smile.
"Woah. I've never noticed before, but your hair has red in it and yours has more gold Penny!" he said, twirling a strand of my hair between his fingers.
"It's my pride 'n joy." I replied with a laugh. "It's really noticeable in the sun."
He tugged on the lock a little. "So, great weather we're having."
Bella and I shared a look and I stifled a laugh. "Really Mike? You're going to comment on the weather?"
He shrugged, "It was either the weather or complain about Jessica."
I snickered. "Speaking of Jessica, she looks like she wants to kill me with her glare. We should get going before she comes over here. See you at lunch Mike, Bella."
School was uneventful without the Cullens to entertain me. I've done this all before, the only interesting thing was Angela inviting me to go dress shopping in Port Angeles. Bella was a bundle of nerves till lunch, and then she almost froze in panic when she realized that Edward wasn't in today. Angela invited her along as well, and to my shock she actually said yes. The rest of the day passed slowly, and I was happy to finally get home.
Once we walked through the doorway, Bella immediately stated to pout and mope around waiting for Jessica to pick us up, but she called to reschedule instead. Apparently Mike and Tyler organized a picnic since the weather was so great. Later, both Angela and Mike called to invite us out to the picnic but we decided to stay home instead. The Port Angeles outing was going to be enough socialization for Bella, and I just wasn't feeling it. Instead I lazed about, did some homework, I even replied to one of my mother's snippy emails.
Sorry, internet here sucks. Bella's your best bet for hearing about what's been going on. I have friends, like at least five. Woo! Suns out, guns out. Just kidding. No, but really, the sun is out so I'm going to go soak it up.
I both love and miss you. Hope you and Phil are having fun.
After it was nearing the time Charlie got home from work, I went downstairs expecting to find Bella making dinner. Instead I found her asleep, outside. I let her be and got to work frying the fish. Once I heard the cruiser's door slam, Bella ran inside looking all frazzled. She looked at me in relief, "Oh thank god. I fell asleep outside. Is everything ready?"
I laughed, "Don't worry about it Bells. I'm just about done, just set the table, yeah?"
By the time Charlie was done hanging up his gun belt, Bella had the table done and we were ready to eat. Dinner was a fairly quite affair, like it always is, until Bella spoke up.
"Dad?" she asked shyly. "Do you mind if Penny and I go to Port Angeles tomorrow to help Jessica and Angela look for dresses?"
"Jessica Stanley?" he asked.
"And Angela Weber." she replied with a sigh.
He looked between us, confused. "But you're not going to the dance, right?"
I snorted. "Please, Bella in heels and dancing is an emergency room visit just waiting to happen."
He snorted too, "Right. Safety hazard."
Bella glared at me and smacked my arm, "Haha, very funny. We aren't going to the dance, it's just for constructive criticism."
I smiled, "Yeah dad, it's like a girl's night out thing. Bonding over cheap dresses, gossiping over boys, and grabbing dinner."
He smiled at us. "Well, okay. Just don't stay out too late, it's a school night."
"Not a problem Chief, we should be back before ten."
A/N: Thanks for all the favs, follows, and reviews! Your support keeps me going! I enjoy hearing what you guys think! OMG the ship name Parrett, I love you guys! Also, poor little Penny's forgotten what happens in Port Angeles, how's that going to turn out? Dun dun duuun...