Chapter 22 - Marital Serenity?

Darcy had seen Elizabeth to her rooms that evening before retiring to his own. He sat before the fire, dismissing Barnes immediately. He had no need for his valet this evening. He was at a loss what to do, should he go to her rooms or would she come to him? He had remembered upon their wedding night insisting that he would never go to her, she would have to find him when she was ready to be his wife. He had remained loyal to that, he had never intruded upon her to further discuss their marital bed. But what should he do now? Would she possibly take offence at him going to her after what had been said between them that very morning? He clearly remembered insisting that he would not be affronted if she was to come to him, yet he was unsure if she would. Surely that was her decision to make. No he would not go to her, he would continue in his promise. If she was ready to become his wife and enter his bed then her intelligence would surely intervene. He would not be affronted if she did not come.

His worries heightened after an hour when she had not arrived. Insistent that she had taken to sleep he rose from the chair and began to undress. He threw his topcoat and cravat on the chair in frustration. He had longed for her to come to him, yet it was not to be, she was not ready.

"Foolish man!" He claimed aloud as he released his shirt, now desperately longing for his bed.

"Fitzwilliam." Her soft voice startled him, initially believing that it was yet again his imagination. Instinct however demanded him to turn toward the connecting door where he now found her stood. His surprise was obvious yet a greater emotion soon overtook him, desire. For she stood at the doorway in the most alluring gown, her hair cascading over the soft material.

"Elizabeth." His voice was raspy as he called her name, his desire almost muting him. "I thought you would not come." Elizabeth blushed slightly before closing the connecting door and walking toward him. He noted her toes as they appeared from beneath her gown as she walked. Even the sight of such a small amount of her body shook the boundaries of his self control.

"I was afraid that you would be affronted by my coming to you."

"No, never!" He claimed as he took her hands. "I would always be honoured to have you come to me, Elizabeth. Yet I did not know if you were ready to be my wife."

"I am." She said softly as she gazed up into his face with those sparkling eyes which so often inspired his desire.

"May I kiss you, Elizabeth?" She did not reply but her eyes sparkled fiercely in a silent acceptance. For Darcy, the moment that his lips finally touched hers was the greatest achievement and most exhilarating moment of his lifetime. To have loved her for so long and to be continuously tormented by her, this was a blessing.

Yet the most paramount blessing was the moment when he looked upon her ivory skin, it was just as he had imagined it. The comparison of it to the silk of his bed linen was remarkable that he almost lost all self restraint.

She did not complain as he examined every crevice of her body, his gentle touch and warm kisses inspiring an unknown contentment within her. She had never contemplated on how this moment would begin yet she would have imagined that he would be tender.

Tender was not the appropriate word, Darcy recollected the next morning as he held his sleeping wife in his arms. Her dark hair spread across the pillow, her lips parted in the most enticing way. His desire almost resurfaced encouraging him to avert his eyes from her beauty in order to afford her some sleep.

In reflection, his first night with Elizabeth was everything he had wished it to be, and more. She had been responsive and pleasing and although she encountered some pain he was pleased to be able to bring her fulfilment before his self restraint collapsed entirely. It was a challenge of course, after so long fantasising and dreaming of that intimate moment. He had found pleasure with Isabella but not to the extent that his wife had granted him. There was a distinct difference in that Elizabeth was now his alone, her beauty of body and mind always able to encourage that desire within him.

It was pleasurable for him to witness the pleasure he bestowed upon her, her eyes voicing everything that her mouth occasionally did not. The most pleasing prospect was not making love to his wife as he had so long desired, but the pleasure of holding her in his arms. The softness of her skin against his and the tightness of their bodies ensured her security and to Darcy that was all that mattered. As long as his wife was happy he cared for nothing more.

Mrs Reynolds was not surprised to find her Master and Mistress speedily returned to Pemberley. Their stay in Town had been minimal before they found it necessary to return home. Mrs Bennet was insistent of course, for an explanation as her daughter's absence. Upon Mr Bennet's quick input Mrs Bennet was silenced with nothing more than assurances that their daughter must have had a paramount reason to travel to Town. Mrs Bennet interjected of course, insisting on a further explanation before she was yet again silenced, this time by Jane who greeted her Sister home.

"I have some news, Lizzy." Jane claimed as they adjourned to the drawing room. "Mr Bingley and I are to be married." Elizabeth's joy did not need to be expressed, it was clearly etched upon her countenance.

"My dear, Jane! You have our congratulations! You shall be very happy." Elizabeth claimed as she kissed her Sister's cheek.

"Indeed, this calls for a celebration!" Darcy exclaimed. Elizabeth turned to her husband, confused as to his intentions.

"You mean to give a ball, Mr Darcy?" She jested. "An elaborate dinner I suspect?" Darcy laughed loudly encouraging mental commendation from Mr Bennet who now knew that everything was to be well. His favourite daughter could at least now have some marital serenity.

"No indeed, Mrs Darcy?" Mr Darcy claimed with a sarcastic smile. "I had every intention of finding Bingley in order to gather a shooting party!" Laughter circled the room, even from Mrs Bennet before Darcy added, "Would you care to join us, Mr Bennet?"

"I thought you would never ask, Mr Darcy!" Mr Bennet claimed as he raised his teacup I salute toward his son-in-law. "I feel that shooting would be preferable to the gossip of wedding plans which we should be forced to endure. Please let us not return before nightfall!" Darcy silently disagreed, he would indeed be home before nightfall. For he could wait no longer to hold Elizabeth in his arms. For there he could bestow upon her every emotion that he had ever encountered and entrust upon her a love that would not waver until his dying day.


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