![]() Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, and Supernatural. My name: Poki. I just added the Miss as a tribute to those long-lost days back when I was twelve and played Maple Story and thought the Marauders had something going for them with the whole Mr. Prongs, Mr. Padfoot thing. My age: Not old enough to drink (according to Americans, anyway), but just old enough to legally smoke. I ship: Anything and everything (except for Harry/Ginny) as long as it's well written and actually plausible (unless it's a guilty pleasure of mine, in which case it could be riddled with typos and horrible grammar and I'd still read it). As it is, just by going over my favorite stories you can probably deduce my favorite pairings, both Het and Slash. I read: I refer you to the first line of the comment above. But seriously, I just like competent characters. If your Harry is just a dimwitted, lucky jock then I probably won't read your story. I realize some might consider this description to be canon!Harry, but if that were the case, I can assure you canon!Voldemort (an all-around ridiculously, clichèd villain) would've probably wiped. the. floor. with said jock. Anyway, if your Harry acquired a super magical trunk with a copy of every book in the magical library of Alexandria, routinely confers with Merlin/Dumbledore/Slytherin/Gryffindor over his next moves and uses Death Eaters as daily target practice... I probably won't even read the summary of your story. The absolute same applies to published books. If the character of said book is a whiny Mary-Sue with a ridiculously low IQ and a personality-lacking boyfriend... then someone should kill the thing with fire. I mean it. And lastly, My all time favorite books: Harry Potter (lucky jock aside), Howl's Moving Castle (guilty pleasure), The Dark Tower series (because they're just too epic to ignore), A Wild Sheep Chase (no comment, just read it and you'll know) and, strangely enough, One Hundred Years of Solitude (because you realize that everything is a low-class clichè compared to this masterpiece). That's about it, Ta-ta. P.s. You can also find me on Ao3: http:///users/Miss_Poki |