Author has written 1 story for Danny Phantom. Hello im and old time Fanfiction reader and a new time Author i will be posting my first story some time in the comeing months and i hope that it gets at least a few likes im a big fan of rare pairs so expect some suprizing ones Also most if not all of my pairings will be slash ficts i will be doing my whole stories in one chapter My current focous is fleshing out the Danny Phantom archives adding new and strange pairings with Danny himself being one of the main charictors I have a form of atusim called aspergurs and it lead to a developmential problem where i struggle with spelling. Luckly i have foung someone in my home who is willing to edit and proof read my work before posting. But after i play around in Butch Hartmans Playground for a while i hope to do fanfictions in multipule diffrent areas Like Bleach -Ichigo x? and Loveless Ritsuka x ? YU GI OH! Yugi x ? and YU GI OH! GX Jaden x ? Full Metal Alchemist Edward x ? And probley many other playgrounds that i will play in all i can ask is weight and see and i hope you like them. Thank You. |