Author has written 53 stories for Mega Man, Super Smash Brothers, Rise of the Guardians, Slugterra, Danny Phantom, Star Trek: 2009, Power Rangers, Ben 10, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, How to Train Your Dragon, Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja, PAW Patrol, PJ Masks, Fantastic 4, Cuphead, Teen Titans, Young Justice, Greatest Showman, Lab Rats, 2012, Ninjago, Gravity Falls, Flash, Jake and the Never Land Pirates, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, Doctor Who, Pokémon, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, Generator Rex, and Arrow.
Well, to start, I'm a beta reader, my favourite colour is green, and I'm an American who likes to spell things in the British-English variants. I like to read and write Fanfiction as well as warm weather and snow (makes perfect sense, doesn't it?). I identify as a female (always have as I'm a girl) and prefer she/her pronouns. I have a boyfriend who I've been dating for two years and counting. I have a YouTube account, but I'm not gonna say anything about it since there're no videos on it. I also have a Wattpad account under the same name "MegaMon2580" which I'm using to post FanFics for YouTubers since FanFiction makes it hard to do that. There is currently a story for the YouTube channel "Get Good Gaming" as well as a bit of Hi5 Studios if you're at all interested.
Anyways, why are you hearing me rant? Go on! Explore! \_(ツ)_/
My Stories (on FanFiction)
Sickness of Love (K)
Ship: MegaMan.EXE and Roll.EXE (MegaRoll)
Summary: Megaman gets sick and Roll helps him get better.
Completed: June 19, 2015
Happiness is the Answer (K Plus)
Ship: MegaMan.EXE and Roll.EXE (MegaRoll)
Summary: When Roll gets sick and is going to die, can Megaman save her before it’s too late? Can he admit his love for her?
Completed: August 25, 2015
True Blue Friends (K Plus)
Ship: NONE
Summary: Megaman gets sent to Sonic’s world, sick and confused. Trying to get home, he, Sonic, and Tails come in contact with Dr Light. An accident occurs and Dr Light, Protoman, and Roll get sent to Sonic’s world. With the help of Sonic and Tails, can Megaman and the others get back home? Or are they stuck there forever?
Completed: December 29, 2015
The Flower of my Dreams (K)
Ship: Iris.EXE and Eugene Chaud
Summary: Chaud reflects on Iris.EXE and Lan shows up and they wish upon a star. Can dreams come true? Or more importantly, DO dreams come true?
Completed: October 12, 2015
Halloween Scare (K)
Ship: MegaMan.EXE and Roll.EXE (MegaRoll)
Summary: It’s Halloween in DenTech City and Megaman is scared. Can a certain pink NetNavi help him through?
Completed: October 31, 2015
Christmas Love (K)
Ship: Geo Stelar and Luna Platz
Summary: Geo is sad on Christmas Eve. Can a certain someone help him be happy?
Completed: December 16, 2015
Story Time in the Library (K)
Ship: NONE
Summary: Megaman hears a story with the rest of the gang and he wonders what it’s like to have a mother.
Completed: March 13, 2016
Sickness of Love Rewrite (K Plus)
Ship: MegaMan.EXE and Roll.EXE (MegaRoll)
Summary: It’s the same deal. Rockman gets sick and Roll helps him feel better.
Completed: December 4, 2016
Snowy Fever (K Plus)
Ship: NONE
Summary: Jack and his friends Eli and Will went to play in the snow only for Jack to get sick. And with a blizzard coming, they hide away in a cave near the lake and wait it out. Can Jack survive for two days of raging fever? Can Will and Eli work together to make Jack healthy again? Or will things go downhill?
Completed: December 20, 2016
Secret of the Prototype (K Plus)
Ship: NONE
Summary: Richard Grayson thought he knew everything about his robotic friends. Only problem with that? He doesn’t. And as his world comes tumbling down, he realizes how much Rokku (Rock, or Mega Man) means to the seven doctors who made him in the first place.
Completed: TBD (Abandoned as of 2/26/2018)
To Wish Upon a Star (K Plus)
Ship: NONE
Summary: Rocket thought he would be with his mama forever. But as we know, dreams sometimes don’t come true. Follow along as Rosalina and Rock get separated and try to find each other again.
Completed: July 18, 2017
To Find an Elemental Master (K Plus)
Ship: NONE
Summary: Eli Shane is the younger brother of Slugterra world famous Will Shane. Eli lives on the surface, Will down in the 99 caverns. But when Eli comes down by himself, it’s up to Will, his friends, and Eli to find out the secrets of the Shane family and why some people want Eli dead.
Completed: TBD (Probably gonna do a Reboot of this eventually)
Hunger Pains (K Plus)
Ship: Danny F. and Sam M. (although I didn't put it down like that)
Summary: Danny has gone two days without eating, and it's his third day. He goes to fight a ghost but collapses due to not eating. Will his friends help him? Or will he suffer in silence? And what does Mr Lancer have to do with this?
Completed: March 22, 2017
Double Secrets (K Plus)
Ship: NONE (unless you count Spock and Nyota, ig)
Summary: Jim isn’t a guy, on contrary to belief. Oh no, Jim’s a girl, and just called herself a guy for reasons unknown to anyone but her. She thought it would stay a secret, until the last mission. Due to the radiation of something they got shot with, Uhura gets pregnant with Spock’s child. When Jim finally shows signs of being pregnant, Jim realizes that he wasn't carrying one, but two kids. And they both belong to two different fathers. How will they react?
Completed: June 5, 2017
PRS: Swimming Secrets (K)
Ship: NONE
Summary: Jayden doesn’t like water, and it isn’t just because of his element either. Or how the Power Rangers Samurai found out Jayden cannot swim.
Completed: June 20, 2017
The Silent Red Ranger (K Plus)
Ship: NONE
Summary: Lauren Shiba is the talkative red ranger, while her twin brother Jayden is the silent one. When the other Power Rangers are called together to fight off the Nighlok, will they be able to get Jayden to talk again?
Completed: TBD
The Green-Eyed Scientist (T)
Ship: Ben T. and Rex S.
Summary: Love comes in different shapes and sizes. If only Rex knew he was already in love with a certain green-eyed boy he doesn’t even remember. But the green-eyed boy does. But why? Why does Rex not remember? Does the green-eyed boy know? What secrets are Holiday, Cesar, Six, the boy’s twin sister, the boy’s older brother, and the green-eyed boy himself keeping from Rex?
Completed: March 15, 2018
Bendy's Secrets (T)
Ship: Henry and Sammy Lawrence
Summary: When Henry was asked to babysit Bendy, he never expected Bendy to have as many secrets as he did. What the hell did Joey do to him?
Completed: November 1st, 2018
Rockman.EXE Rewrite (T)
Ship: MegaMan.EXE and ProtoMan.EXE (RockBlues)
Summary: What if, in the series, Rockman loved Blues? How would things be different? How would they be the same?
Completed: September 26, 2018
Inktober Writing Prompts (K, K Plus, T)
Ship(s): Hiccup and Astrid (Hicstrid, was it?), Randy and Howard, Barry and Oliver (Oliarry), Chat Noir and Ladybug (LadyChat, I think?), 10th Doctor and Jack (10Jack), MegaMan.EXE and ProtoMan.EXE (RockBlues), Ash and Gary (PalletShipping), Lan Hikari and Maylu, MegaMan.EXE and Roll.EXE (MegaRoll).
Summary: Thirty-One prompts, each story in a different fandom. Also, there are little tidbits from the story itself, usually quotes.
Completed: October 31st, 2018
Birthday Disaster (K)
Ship: NONE
Summary: It's Hilda's birthday and Sally wants to do a fireworks show for her, but something goes wrong and she runs off crying. Will her spirits be lifted?
Completed: February 14th, 2019
Helping Paws (K Plus)
Ship: NONE
Summary: Six times Ryder didn't ask for help but got it anyway and the one time he asked for help and got it. *K Plus for mentions of past childhood abuse, but nothing major*
Completed: February 25th, 2019 (Technically December 25th, 2017)
L'Histoire de Nous (T)
Ship: Eventual Ryder and Katie
Summary: Translates to 'The Story of Us'. Basically, it's the PAW Patrol's backstory. *Rated T because I'm paranoid and for mentions of past child abuse and other slightly darker themes without going too in-depth*
Completed: TBD
Questions? Ask away (I'll try to answer them, but I'm not exactly the best at explaining nor the best at getting back)! Also, I'm up for requests! As long as it's a series I've written for or favourited, I'm game for doing it! All I'd need is the characters and the main plot.