Dick's POV
The rain was pounding against my window. I saw the lighting strike through my window and my heart skipped a beat or two. I was afraid of thunder ever since I could remember. I crawled out of my bed and walked towards the door quickly. I gripped my teddy bear with dear life. I knew I shouldn't be afraid since I was Robin, the Boy Wonder. I walked to Bruce's room. I heard the thunder explode and I flinched and ran. I grabbed the handle and ran in.
Bruce's POV
Right when I heard the storm start I new Dick would be scared. When I was 7 I was scared of storms too but not like Dick was. I heard the door open and I knew it was Dick. "Bruce?" I heard his small voice whisper. "Yes?" I asked already knowing the question. " Can I sleep with you?" he asked. "Of course." I answered scooting over. Dick waddled over and climbed up. He cuddled into my side and pulled up the covers.
Dick's POV
I cuddled into Bruce's side. He started talking about how when he was little he got scarred too. I tuned it out because I had heard it before. I started to get sleepy so I closed my eyes and said "Good night Daddy."
Bruce's POV
He called my daddy! My heart just exploded!