So this whole root canal hurting like hell is definitely the truth, nya! I should know, I've had two! And no matter what I did, nothing really helped much.

It was the day after Shion had gotten a root canal and the pain was a lot worse that it had been. The white haired boy was currently sitting on the sofa in his and Nezumi's apartment, watching Batman Begins with his pet rat, Hamlet. He had a blanket draped over himself, using part of it to put pressure on his cheek and jaw, having already taken two ibuprofen tablets.

Nezumi came into the room and sat down next to Shion, his nose buried in a large book that had remedies for just about everything in it. Nezumi always looked things up online as a last resort, believing that physical books had more answers. Shion on the other hand looked things up online all the time and typically memorized everything moments later, which basically made him a human encyclopedia.

The black haired boy suddenly got up and went to the kitchen, shuffling around a bit before coming back with a glass of salt water. Shion stared up at him questioningly, prompting Nezumi to speak.

"The book says to rinse your mouth with salt water." Shion nodded and paused his movie to head to the kitchen and try the remedy his roommate had found for him.

A few minutes later the salt water seemed to be working, as the pain was not as bad as it just had been, by no means was it a miracle cure, but it was working a little.

Shion moved the blanket away from his face a little and spoke with a hoarse voice, "thank you, Nezumi." And leaned his head on the ravenette's shoulder.

"No problem..." Nezumi mumbled, blushing as they continued to watch the movie in that position.

Of course, I hate to see the one I love in so much pain... Were the thoughts Nezumi did not share with the red eyed boy, but maybe in the future he might...

Okay so yeah I found that when you root canal is hurting really bad, try rinsing your mouth with salt water, it'll make you feel better!