7 years later:

Rose and Tatsuya sighed fondly at their daughter who ran away as soon as they got to the park. Despite having Hiromi as her namesake Junior was nothing like the responsible lady like girl Hiromi had been. She was always all over the place and never listened to adults... she was a normal child and for that her parents could not be any happier.

Watching her play around they suddenly felt a very familiar warmth, one that they've been feeling a lot. The first time they ever felt it seems like yesterday:


Rose sighed tiredly, resting on the hospital bed as she cradled Hiromi Junior against her chest, with Tatsuya's arms around her. They both were so happy to have received the greatest gift on this world but they were sad too, this was their greatest moment and yet they could not share it with their best friend. They girl that made them into who they are.

But they could not complain either, they got to say goodbye which is more than many could say. And Hiromi fulfilled her word too, the pregnancy proceeded with no problems and even the birth was easy. They guardian angel protected them all.

Suddenly a warmth spread around the room, a warmth that startled the parents and woke the baby up. Hiromi Junior looked to a blank space in the room, or at least that seemed to Rose and Tatsuya, and started to giggle.

"That's a very pretty baby guys, well done" they heard the whisper of their dear friend.

Neither spoke, afraid of break the moment and realize it was all a dream and Hiromi was not there. But they kept that memory close to their hearts and never forgot it.

-End of flashback-

They were both snapped out of their memories by the sight of Junior almost being run over by a truck. Rose's scream died in her throat while Tatsuya run as fast as he could, even knowing he could never made it in time.

Then a ghost like figure of a girl with long orange like hair appeared behind Junior and pulled her back. Making her fall on her ass but in a safe distance from the truck. Hiromi then turned around and flashed her old friends a secretly smile. Winking before disappearing again.

Junior started to cry prompting her parents to hug her and snap out of their stunned state. But this time they were both much more calmer. They finally knew that it was not a dream and that they were not crazy. Hiromi has been there for them all this time, protecting them and their daughter.

They slept that night soundly knowing that their angel guardian would protect them.