
"Please tell me this isn't an actual thing that has happened," Sam pleads from her seat at the table, "please tell me you guys aren't soul mates, and that this is just a weird dream."

"Some dream." Tucker says.

"I didn't ask you, carnivore."

Tucker smiles, pulling his plate of meat closer, "At least I know what I'm eating."

"I know what I'm eating: A fresh spinach sandwich with a side of sweet potato chips," She replies, "It's healthier than whatever the heck that mush is."

"Uh huh," Tucker says, "sure."

Wes snorts, "We're soul fucking mates, miss vampire. Might as well get used to me."

"Please," she stresses, face pinched oddly, "do not add 'fucking' and 'soul mates' in one sentence while talking to me. Ever."

Danny slinks down in his seat, which had been a bit of a progress as he'd been slowly, ever so slowly slinking down in embarrassment, "He doesn't have a filter. It's impossible." he says, head barely poking over the table now.

They were sat at a secluded lunch table outside, so Danny was free to pretty much become one with the ground if he so wanted to.

That's one of the perks of intangibility.

"He better get himself a filter, or I'll get him one." Sam threatens, "Do you know how many people can be offended by cursing so much?"

Tucker laughed, "Only the children, really. And old people." he answers.

"You're not helping," Sam says, turning to him to shoot him a annoyed look, "We're supposed to be nit-picking him and giving him the shovel talk, Tucker, not encouraging him!"

"You're really going to give him a shovel talk?" Danny asks. If he slips further into the ground, no one mentions it.

Wes laughs, "Good luck."

"What even is a shovel talk?" Tucker asks, "do we just do it like pokemon and shout 'shovel' over and over again?"

Sam groans, "Tucker that's not how a shovel talk works -"

"- Shovel! Shovel, shovel, shovel, shovel! Shovel shov!" Tucker says, grinning widely.

"You really do know how to ruin a scene, don't you?"

"Sure do!"
