Hello! Welcome to the first book of my two book Izado series!

The first book is fairly short.

-M- signalizes Mikado's Pov while -I- is Izaya's


(I finally got around to editing it!)


There was one thing Ryugamine Mikado dreaded more than anything: the knocking, no – pounding on his front door in the middle of the night. One would think that it was due to the fact it would wake the high schooler up during his precious sleep but it wasn't quite that. The unannounced pounding on his door informed him that is 'best friend' Kida Masaomi had arrived.

Sleepily getting out of bed and hurrying to open the door before Masaomi woke up the entire apartment complex Mikado was greeted with a familiar but undesired sight. His friend's eyes were glazed, his cheeks were flushed. Drinking alcohol again huh? Mikado thought but nonetheless stepped inside to let Masaomi in.

Silence filled the dark apartment but Mikado could still feel Masaomi's brown eyes staring at him expectantly. Mikado looked down at the tatami mats that made up his flooring. He didn't want this, though he cared for Masaomi a lot he couldn't keep doing this. Mikado clenched his fists,

"Masaomi, I don't want to-" he was instantly cut off by the faux blond pressing his lips into Mikado's, the raven haired teen narrowed his eyes as the stench of alcohol filled his nostrils. Masaomi kissed Mikado fiercely, violently even. His movements were desperate and Mikado found himself giving in to his 'best friend', soon being pushed down onto his futon.

As Masaomi roughly stripped him, Mikado wondered exactly how many times this had happened. Almost every time Masaomi was upset he'd seek out Mikado, he never said why but the raven haired teen wasn't an idiot, from the quiet murmurs and whispers that left the blond's lips he knew he had fought with his girlfriend.

That's right, his girlfriend. Mikado let out a low whine as Masaomi begin to roughly prepare him for the oncoming assault. Tears gathered in the corner of Mikado's eyes as Masaomi slid into him, he didn't want this, at least not anymore.

The first time Masaomi arrived at Mikado's in the middle of the night, suddenly kissing and having sex with him, Mikado was overjoyed. He had always had affections for his best friend ever since they were children and he thought finally his feelings were being returned. He thought that when Masaomi acted like nothing happened the next day he wanted to keep their relationship a secret.

What an absolute moron he was. It started subtlety, Masaomi asked him to be quieter when they did it and Mikado complied, he was fairly loud when they had sex. Then Masaomi asked him not to wrap his arms around him and Mikado thought it was fair enough as it probably made it hard to move. Then Masaomi stopped kissing him, kept his eyes closed, started skipping foreplay and headed straight for penetration only loosing Mikado up at bit for his own sake.

Mikado kept making excuses why Masaomi would be acting this way, he had already guessed their relationship was purely physical on the blond's part but what really destroyed the illusion, or rather the lie he'd convinced himself with, was when Mikado heard what Masaomi whispered under his breath when they were doing it. The dark haired teen could even hear it now.

"Saki…Saki, I love you." the blond whispered accompanied by quiet grunts, even now Mikado could feel his blood turn to ice his erection that had managed to become half hard became completely limp, his body went numb he could feel nothing but the burning pain in his chest where his heart was.

It hurt; his affections for the blond were shattered long ago leaving bitterness and remorse in their wake. The other teenager passionately thrusting into his body, the blond that was meant to be his childhood friend, couldn't see Mikado. He didn't look at him or even acknowledge Mikado was below him and that was what hurt the most. Once Masaomi had finished he rolled off Mikado without a world and disappeared into the bathroom.

Mikado laid there looking at the decrepit ceiling, feeling Masaomi's essence slowly leak onto the futon. He felt empty, his tears long dried up as his mind went blank. He only snapped out of it when Masaomi came out of the bathroom and climbed into the futon without a word, his back to Mikado.

Mikado got up and went into the bathroom, grabbing his phone determined to remove all traces of Masaomi's touch. "Why do I keep doing this?" he murmured as the hot water beat down on him, no matter how much he scrubbed himself he felt so dirty. He couldn't understand why he couldn't refuse Masaomi, because he still had feelings for him? No, that clearly wasn't it. Maybe it was because the blond was his 'best friend'? Mikado's mind spun as he cleaned out his insides trying not to gag as he felt Masaomi's seed coating his fingers.

Tears once again swelled in his eyes they fell blending in with the water from the shower, small, almost inaudible sobs racked through his body. No matter how hot he had the water his body and soul felt cold, once he was as clean as possible he stepped out the shower and grabbed his phone dialling the familiar number of the only person who could fix the damage Masaomi had done.


The ringtone paired with the lighting up of the screen of his cell phone woke Orihara Izaya up in the early hours on the morning, it took him a moment to register what was happening but once he did, he frowned. There was only one person who would ring his private phone at this hour – his favourite human, his adorable little Ryugamine Mikado.

"Good morning Mikado-kun~" he purred turning on his bedside lamp flinching slightly at the bright light.

"Izaya-san…" Mikado murmured his voice void of any emotion and Izaya narrowed his eyes, he wondered how many times he had received this call since becoming close with the teenager.

"What's wrong? Did it happen again?" the informant asked quietly rubbing his eye with his free hand, he strained to hear the near silent sniffles and his eyes narrowed further, Mikado was crying. Izaya clenched his fist, this wasn't right, no one was allowed to make Mikado cry, no one but him at any rate.

The informant listened silently as Mikado sobbed through the phone; he was getting real sick of people playing with what belonged to him. He wanted nothing more than to tastefully dispose of Kida Masaomi but he knew even after all the pain he had caused Mikado wouldn't want that. But this had been going on way too long.

Izaya still remembered Mikado told him what was going on. He'd found the dark haired teen in an alleyway, curled up into a ball with blank eyes like the dead. He was wearing his school uniform perhaps on the way to school when he decided he'd rather curl up in a dark place and try to ignore the world. Izaya was instantly taken back, seeing his favourite pawn in such a state and approached the teen, helping him up and out of the damp alley, unsure on where to take Mikado, Izaya had led him back to his empty apartment – lucky for them, his annoying secretary had taken the day off.

Mikado curled up into a ball on Izaya's couch and they sat together until Mikado broke down and told him everything. Izaya became increasingly angry at Masaomi and more compassionate towards Mikado, his comforting and reassurance and Mikado's fragile state of mind ended with the both of them in bed together, Izaya putting the life into Mikado forcefully if you will.

That is how Mikado became Izaya's favourite human, the informant had already had a fondness for the boy so it wasn't hard for Izaya to claim him as his own and Mikado had no complaints happily falling into the arms of Orihara Izaya but there was a problem, people weren't allowed to play with his belongings, let alone touch them and Kida Masaomi had been doing just that for months.

Izaya looked at the time, it was two hours until dawn, that was when Masaomi would leave Mikado and do reconcile with his clueless girlfriend Saki, who had no idea her boyfriend had been fucking another man. Izaya smirked, if he couldn't attack Masaomi directly then he would have to ruin the relationship he had once put together, but first he had to strengthen his adorable Mikado.

"Say Mikado." He said quietly, "Do you want Kida-kun to stop this?" This would work; Izaya wouldn't, no, couldn't allow this to go on any longer.

"Yes but-" Mikado said weakly before Izaya cut him off,

"Shh, no buts." The informant purred, "Tell me, is Kida-kun asleep?" he asked pulling back the black covers of his bed and standing up unable to stay still as ideas flooded his mind making him excited. He would stop this and Mikado would finally be all his.


Mikado blinked at Izaya's question, was Masaomi asleep?

"Hang on, I have to go check." He told Izaya, he looked down realizing he was still naked and quickly pulled on some clean clothes before venturing into the main room to check on the blond. Mikado could hear Izaya's breathing in his ear making him calm as he walked over to the blond nudging him with foot, Masaomi didn't stir, so Mikado quietly called his name but the sleeping teen stayed the same. Tired after all that exercise huh? His blue eyes narrowed.

"He's out cold." Mikado said bitterly and Izaya chuckled at his tone,

"Say, would you feel bad if Kida-kun broke up with his oh-so-precious girlfriend?" Izaya asked his voice already bringing some warmth back into Mikado's body.

"No, why would I?" Mikado said turning away from Masaomi and walking over to his window pulling back the curtain and looking down at the empty street before. Izaya hummed, acknowledging Mikado's words.

"Then we should do something to ruin their relationship and get Kida-kun to stop pressuring you into this." Izaya said smirking and Mikado tilted his head,

"What are you planning?" Mikado asked quietly, raising an eyebrow and Izaya chuckled,

"You see Mikado-kun, though I do love humans I'm not entirely selfless. I have things I want for myself and you just happen to be one of them, I don't like sharing." Izaya's voice dropped in a mixture of danger and possessiveness that made Mikado shudder by how sexy it sounded, a blush steadily spread across his face and he stuttered,

"I-Izaya-san…" he breathed embarrassed and Izaya chuckled deep in his throat.

"I want to punish Masaomi for repeatedly laying his hand on you and because you don't want him to be physically hurt then I suggest the next best thing."

"I'm guessing, mentally?" Mikado hummed, briefly looking at Masaomi's sleeping figure with cold eyes.

"Correct~ Plus, I feel so sorry for poor Saki-chan, her boyfriend his actively cheating on her and she has no idea." Izaya said a devilish smirk gracing his face and Mikado nodded, he had thought about that before, whenever they hung out as a group, the way Saki would look at Masaomi knowing nothing, suspecting nothing. He narrowed his eyes and turned to Masaomi, who had no idea of his newly forming intentions.

"You're right." Mikado said closing the curtain and hiding back in the dark, it would dawn soon enough, "What are you suggesting?"

"Well, we should start off slow. Is Kida-kun still asleep?" Izaya asked happy that Mikado had agreed,

"Yes." Mikado said eyeing the blond, who remained motionless,

"It makes me annoyed to think of it but I want you to leave a mark on Kida-kun." The informant said in a cheerful voice that was obviously fake,

"Huh!?" Mikado hissed, he had no expected Izaya to suggest such a thing, "You mean like a kiss mark or something?" he heard Izaya chuckle,

"Yes~ I trust you know how to make one, I leave them on you quite often." Izaya teased playfully and Mikado blushed at the last comment.

"Yes, I know how to leave one but why should I?" he hissed and once again Izaya chuckled,

"To stir up trouble of course, if Saki-chan sees a kiss mark she didn't leave on Kida-kun, she will instantly become suspicious of him causing a rift in their relationship." Izaya supplied,

"Yeah but then he'll just come running to me all angry and want to do it again." Mikado interjected frowning and Izaya nodded,

"That's true. You want this to stop don't you?" Izaya said his voice suddenly becoming quiet,

"Of course I do." Mikado insisted wondering why Izaya was asking so much when he already knew the answer,

"Then when Kida-kun wakes up to leave, tell him that."

"What?" Mikado hissed his eyes widening, he had a fear of saying no to Masaomi as it might affect their 'friendship', he cared about the blond and they'd been friends for so long, what if Masaomi got angry? What if he could no long act normal around him? Does it really matter? Mikado couldn't act normal now, he was tormenting himself.

Questions and doubts filled Mikado's mind and Izaya could tell by the silence Mikado was reconsidering.

"Are you going to continue this forever then?" he asked making Mikado flinch from the icy tone in his voice, "Are you going to live your life as a cheap booty-call for your best friend whenever his upset?" Izaya realized he was being ruthless but he needed the teen to come to his senses, even he wouldn't wait around forever. "Be caught up in this mess in the years to come? Open your eyes Mikado, this isn't right." He dropped the honorific on the teen's name which told Mikado how serious he was.

Mikado swallowed loudly, thinking over Izaya's words. The informant was telling the truth and Mikado knew that. This wasn't right; his current relationship with Masaomi surpassed the limited of friendship and respect by several miles. Masaomi wasn't treating him like a friend let along a human being, using him like some sort of toy.

Mikado's eyes hardened and he glared at the sleeping blond, "You're right." He told Izaya who nodded, happy that he got through to the teenager. "I'll finish this…all I have to do is leave a kiss mark on him and tell him to stop."

"Well, the kiss mark is more for revenge." Izaya said playfully, "But he deserves it anyway so who cares. Try and leave it on the back on his neck so he won't notice it but Saki-chan will." He said with a smirk, Mikado bit his lip looking down at the sleeping blond teen once again.

"Right, I'll do it." Mikado nodded determined and Izaya chuckled,

"Good, I'm glad." He said his voice softening slightly, "Now, I will arrive at the usual time just before dawn and will wait until he leaves." Whenever this happened Izaya would come over the very next morning and hold him to warm and liven him up, he would wait normally on the top of a nearby building and wait for Masaomi to leave before showing up to comfort the dark-haired teen.

"Okay." Mikado said happy to know Izaya would be there for him, "I'll go now so I can leave this thing on Masaomi." He said leaning against the wall and Izaya chuckled,

"I'll have to disinfect you when I get there~" he purred suggestively, Mikado held in a girly giggle and chuckled instead,

"I'll look forward to it." Mikado murmured, they said their goodbyes. Mikado turned to Masaomi, walking around him to slip into the futon next to him with a sour expression, Mikado stared at the flesh in question and sighed.

Mikado nudged Masaomi a few times to see if he was still out and dead asleep, reassured Mikado leaned forward latching his mouth onto the skin on the back of Masaomi's neck. He sucked and bit with purpose until a very noticeable purple bruise appeared; satisfied Mikado let his eyes close.

At first light, he'd end this.