Author has written 9 stories for Harry Potter, and Buffy X-overs. Hi, to those that are reading this. As you can tell, from my stories, I'm very odd. I hope to those that read my work, review as I accept all reviews and would love to hear your thoughts. I have recently been bitten by the Harry Potter bug, but I do like Buffy the Vampire Slayer (mostly Faith). My favorite pairings for HP are as follows (but aren't limited to): Hermione/Draco Pairing's I've written: Hermione/Harry (good story called 'Like I Am' from 'Love's a Tricky Thing(LaTT)') My newest Story: James/OC ('Goidte Chuimhneacháin') No Pairings: Body Swap - Very, very, very interesting fic with mini-crossover with BtVS. 3-30-11 Hey everyone! I wanted to let you know if you're reading this and wondering what's been going on with me. For some odd reason I'm unable to access my stories - I can log in and view the titles and how many chapters in each story but when I click on a story to update I get a fantastic error message. I've emailed the support staff in hopes that they can fix it, but I'm just letting everyone know what's going on. As soon as I'm able to I will update! Aileen-Snape 2.21.2020 Hey Everyone! I love that I have people still reading my stories even though it's been so long since I've updated. I'm hoping life will take a backseat for a bit and my muse will come back. I have some new ideas - reset my password so that I can get into my account - and will be going over what I've have written and try and post something this weekend. Thank you for all the patience you've had with me. Aileen-Snape |
WeasleyForMe (71) |