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![]() Author has written 6 stories for Danny Phantom, and Young Justice. Hello, people Credit where credit is due. My little sister insisted I acknowledge, publicly, that she was responsible for my profile pic. So there, my little sister took the picture of the flamingo. That is all. A few things; First off, if you got a review in the past from a guest called jennn, that was me. I go by Bird now, since I got an account. Two, I have a policy. Unless I specify, I will only publish completed stories so there's no way I would ever drop off in the middle. I understand the pain of that as a reader and honestly, I will never purposefully make someone else go through that. Unfortunately, this means that multi-chaptered fics are a rarity. Meh, I'm better with one-shots anyway. Three, updates for multi-chapter fics will always be specified and scheduled beforehand, no exceptions unless it's stated in the A/N. Four, I should probably clarify that while I don't swear personally, I don't have anything against putting swear words into a character's mouth, if the occasion calls for it. The fact of the matter is, keeping all the dialogue clean seems... unrealistic. Edited, if you know what I mean. Five, if you follow and/or favourite me, I will almost certainly check out your profile and maybe stalk you a little. If you've posted any stories, I may even read one or two ;P Six, in case anyone's wondering, I'm female. Those things said I tend to hang around these fandoms, Danny Phantom (oh dear childhood of mine) Young Justice Teen Titans (and thus my superhero nose-dive begins) Alex Rider The Avengers (I'm talking all movies except Lord bless Homecoming) Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin (all caught up on the manga and everything. Man, this anime tore me apart.) Fullmetal Alchemist (both 2003 & Brotherhood) Boku no Hero Academia (welcome new obsession! It's this ridiculous mix of shonen and western comics and I love it.) Death Note (I haven't finished it but I know both L and Light dies so IDK about spoilers) (yes, yes, teenage super-dudes ... don't judge me) As well as the occasional Harry Potter (like most people) Percy Jackson (used to be a big thing for me, but it's been years...) Justice League (basically DC stuff, but in this instance, the cartoon and some of Unlimited) Spiderman (the general franchise, I suppose) Gravity Falls (it's awesome) Avatar the Last Airbender (cartoon's probably my favourite, but can't say the same for the fandom. Not a Zutara shipper, sorry.) How to Train Your Dragon (not familiar with the fandom but I must have seen the movie four times.) Rise of the Guardians Artemis Fowl Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir Naruto Bleach (I'm still upset about how this ended...) and Anything Batman related... Other stuff I'm unfamiliar with... sorry. Plot Bunnies Plot Bunnies like to mug me. Especially when I'm too busy to start a new fic. Therefore whenever this happens, I'll stick the bunny here. If anyone's interested in picking them up and adopting them, just let me know, and you can have the bunny of your choice. If anyone really wants me to get down and expand on a bunny, let me know as well (I've got a poll for this). If there's support for a particular bunny, I get more motivated to actually write stuff. Just saying... Ghost of the Mortal World, [PJO/DP crossover] Danny, thanks to his powers, is immortal. He spends his time roaming the world, training and burying his past. His activities drew the attention of the Olympians. Zeus, being his typical paranoid self, demanded the powerful anomaly be brought before the Council. Thus Danny is introduced to the Olympians and, after a lot of negotiation, he agreed to do them favours from time to time for the same in return. Hades is responsible for him, and he hangs out often with Nico Di Angelo and Bianca's ghost. Danny usually gets ordered by the gods to watch over quests, Camp Halfblood, and provide some invisible aid whenever necessary. He's more or less their secret weapon since he's gotten really powerful (godly-level) by this time and isn't bound by the Ancient Laws. The story takes him through the Second Titan War and possibly the Second Giant War. Space Program, [DP fic] Danny Fenton/Phantom, age 26, is living a peaceful, fulfilling life after the Disateroid. He has a PhD in biochemistry and mechanical engineering since finding out that he's actually a bit of a prodigy with science and machinery now that he has the time to study and isn't breaking all the beakers. He's helping his parents in their lab and mission to better understand ghosts and his powers have finally finished developing. Life couldn't get better, until Danny heard a radio broadcast from NASA, looking to recruit astronauts for the space program and realizes with a jolt that he qualifies. After some pressuring from his friends and family, Danny decides to give it a go. Besides, it's not like he'll actually make it in, there are over 200 qualified candidates competing for 2 spots. In Search of Danny Phantom, [YJ/DP crossover] New creatures are flooding the world. Beings who can pass through any attack and shoot beams of energy from their hands and those are the weak ones. The powerful ones have a whole host of unique powers, from controlling plants on a scale that not even Poison Ivy could dream of to sending their victim into a landscape of their own nightmares with a mere sweep of the blade. Ghosts, these beings called themselves ... yet it was hard for the world to believe, no ghost had ever had the ability to wreck such massive havoc. The Justice League are struggling to hold back the incoming tide, having been caught unawares and unprepared. By chance, Robin stumbled upon an urban legend. After questioning Andra Theorin, the closest living relative of the Fentons, and several elderly residents of Amity Park, the Team realizes that perhaps the urban legend is much more than just that. Just who was Danny Phantom and why did he disappear? Time is running out and the world watches with bated breath as it slowly dawns on everyone that Danny Phantom was their last hope. Owls and Felines, [YJ fic] The night Jade left, she had informed Artemis that she would take Artemis with her, but her sister would only slow her down. What if Jade did? What if Artemis grew up on the other side of the law? Tigress and Cheshire have become two of the League of Shadow's most promising recruits. To the world, they were known as The Felines. One day the sisters were commissioned by Lex Luthor to kill Lucius Fox. Batman intervened just before their attempt and the sisters knew it was only a matter of time before Batman figured out their objective and had Lucius Fox placed under high security. Worried about their reputation, the sisters sought out Catwoman for help who directed them to the Talon of the Court of Owls. The sisters had approached the Talon with trepidation and were dumbfounded to find a thirteen-year-old boy with a penchant for acrobatics and laughing. After receiving permission from the Court of Owls (promised repayment), the sisters leave with their new partner. The trio had another encounter with Batman, this time managing to best the Dark Knight and accomplish their mission (or so they believe). To counteract the new band of elite young criminals, League forms a team with Aqualad, Kid Flash, Miss Martian and Superboy (who had been found and rescued by the League after the blotting-out-the-sun fiasco). Batman investigates oddly familiar Talon while The Felines meet the Team. To Save a Life [Miraculous fic] For Ladybug and Chat Noir, being superheroes was simple business. Jump in, save the day, then get the heck outta there before their Miraculous time out. Sure there were incidents where things got just a little bit complicated, like that one time Ladybug lost her kwami and have to save the day as her regular old self or that time the Puppeteer brought back all the old akumatized victims or that other time when Chat Noir had been struck by Dark Cupid's arrow and hated Ladybug or that one time when the Timebreaker... Okay, maybe things were more complicated than Ladybug and Chat Noir would like them to be. But there is one thing that Ladybug and Chat Noir can always rely on. After every battle, every skirmish, every bruise, every fall, mistake, knocked-over building, Ladybug's 'Lucky Charms!' would fix everything without fail. No hassle, no property damage, just a really, really convenient ability that, by God, every superhero should have. It was reliable, it was easy and it was dependable...until the day it wasn't. Until the day Ladybug and Chat Noir were two seconds too late and not even the miracle of creation can bring back the little girl who didn't make it out in time. A story of guilt, growing up and ultimately, the tragedy of being a hero. Current Projects I'll be posting these once I'm finished with them. If you see anything in here you like, fire me a PM and I'll try to get them done faster. Do note, however, that there's no guarantee with my Current Projects ever finishing as that's the entire reason why I haven't posted them. Therefore, if you really like something you happen to see here, you gotta tell me before I decide to abort. One-shots Too Little Too Late (Priority #1) Fandom; Teen Titans Terra had come to America bearing in her arms the hope to begin anew and the dream of becoming a Teen Titan. She carefully planned the meeting, it would begin with a yell that would surely bring the Titans running to help followed by a demonstration of her powers and with any luck, she would be offered a home. A one-shot on Terra's origins and how they guided her actions. Multi-Chapter Alex Rider is Gone Fandoms; Gone/Alex Rider Crossover Everything had gone to hell for the kids at Perdido Beach the moment the adults disappeared. So naturally, Alex Rider, MI6's fourteen-year-old spy is caught right in the thick of it. Alex curses his life, the kids at Perdido Beach are just trying their best not to die and MI6 finds themselves flailing without their go-to weapon. Hold on, 'cause things are about to get rough. Complete Scarlet Fandom; Son of Batman This would be my first fic. I won't ask anyone to be kind, because honestly? I don't want you guys to be. And I really should get on with typing that original version... Actually no, I'll do it if people ask for it. Seriously, if one person were to review the story, or PM me saying that they want it, I'll put it up. If not, I'll just save myself the trouble. Update: Wow, compared to the other ones, this story is not feelin' the love. Anyone who's familiar with DC ought to be able to read it. You don't need to have seen the movie. C'mon, it's not a bad fic. Damian needs some attention :P Green Fandom; Danny Phantom This one came from a prompt, actually. Here's the prompt; People's lives are enriched by connections with other generations. I know. Ew. So I threw a spin at it. I mean, heck yeah, my life would be enriched by connecting with ghosts. And last I checked, ghosts are totally a different generation. See, this is what happens when I get handed a boring prompt. What Makes a Hero Fandom; Danny Phantom For those of you who read the A/N, which I hope is most of you, you'll know that this fic was dedicated to Terry Fox. Something I didn't mention was that, like Jasmine, I have little siblings as well. Being the oldest, I understood where she was coming from so it was simple for me to write from her perspective. This whole thing was just me channelling my inner, bossy, older sister self. But seriously, Jazz is so underrated... Talent Fandom; Young Justice I didn't realize this would be so well received! A small note, this fic was inspired by a friend of mine from school. She did a presentation once on how validation can only come from yourself and that skill is available to all of us if only we put in the effort. Fair point, if you work your tail off at something you love, you're bound to get better at it. Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard, right? Goodbye Fandom; Danny Phantom My first multi-chapter! I'm personally proud of it...but the crowds have spoken, this was probably not my best work. However, I still stand firmly by the sixth chapter, which is the climax of the story and my personal favourite. If you're even vaguely interested in checking out Goodbye, I would suggest just skipping ahead to chapter six and read that. Everything else was just build up. Sleepless Nights Fandom; Danny Phantom This one's a fan favourite. A fair amount of people are interested in a continuation of this and I have to say, my muse isn't being very agreeable about it (when is it ever?) Perhaps if the stars align and I find the inspiration to add to this, then sure (if I do, it'll be Dash or Pauline focused). But in the meantime, consider it completed and finished. Sorry guys. Whelmed Fandom; Young Justice And here everyone learns that I'm a real drama queen. Writing this was therapeutic, I have to say. I was upset over this small thing, then I got upset for feeling upset and then I did that immature thing where you complain and make everything sound worse than it actually is. I don't regret writing this, though. It helped me overcome that feeling and move on with my life. Also, it was effing satisfying... Special thanks to Angela Ravenclaw, a personal friend of mine who is so amazing that she would read my works despite not knowing any of the characters. If you like Harry Potter crossovers, though, give her a visit! Infinity Illusion, an excellent beta with excellent ideas who helped me out of a lot of tight spots. She's reading over Alex Rider is Gone for me which I'll publish... eventually. Hopefully before 2018? And last but not least, Three Ways Divided, with whom I shared many enlightening conversations. I'm currently playing sounding board for her latest fic, Young Justice: Deathly Weapons, which I will swear up and down will be flipping fantastic. Seriously, check that thing out. Whoa, you seriously read all that? Unbelievable. Here, you get a virtual cookie for putting up with me and my rambling. I hope you have a wonderful day. |