Reviews for A Vent Comes to Haunt
Jenna Gem chapter 30 . 7/21/2019
please spare me from any shipping with Danny...please don't ship him with Luna...
Guest chapter 14 . 7/9/2019
Vlad's speech of werewolves honestly impressed me, great job (it also has me wondering about female werewolves,,,sexy)
Guest chapter 10 . 7/8/2019
Damnnn i just realised this fanfic is 11 years old whaaaat
Guest chapter 4 . 7/7/2019
Dumbledore babe as much as i love you and trust your wisdom you can't make vlad, the horrible excuse for a creature, who's a muggle, teach dozens of students something he doesn't have(magic) , or something they don't have(ghost powers)
Guest chapter 3 . 7/7/2019
Danny : -is happy and cheerful despite his family and friends' ugly, sudden death-
Me : babe as much as i love you and i want you to be happy but you're not supposed to do this at least for the following 18 months
Guest chapter 2 . 7/7/2019
This is great,, but like half the time im like "noooo he wasn't supposed to do that his whole family and friends just died"
Makuro767 chapter 15 . 6/19/2019
Here is the thing about the Unforgivable that people often misunderstood. Re-reading fake Moody's explanation on them, spells are powered by want and intent. This is especially so for Dark spells. It is unforgivable not just because you can't stop them other than outright dodging, but because of the powerful intent behind the spell. Unlike some spells where need can be enough to power the spells, desire is very important in the unforgivables to be executed correctly. Thus to control, the easiest unforgivable, one must WANT to puppet their victim. But for Cruciatus, one must ENJOY hurting their victim for the spell to last, which explain Harry's failure to really hurt Bellatrix because ANGER powered his curse. So this lead to the Killing Curse. Moody said that Harry can curse him with the spell but without the right mindset, it won't even itch him. So what kind of mindset, what kind of intent can really power the Killing Curse? It cannot be used for mercy killing, it cannot be used in a concentrated point like a laser, it cannot be used by accident. The intent, mindset, desire and want behind the Killing Curse is enough to clue in what sort of person will be willing to use this spell and succeed. It is the reason why the Order members cannot use it, why Dumbledore cannot use it and why Snape is angry that it was asked of him.
Slenderbrine chapter 1 . 3/1/2019
I never understood this, but why are there sometimes numbers at the bottom of the chapters?
Flash Beat chapter 55 . 2/11/2019
Oh how epic a journey this story has taken me on! I have never really read Harry Potter fanfiction, never really interested me much, but this crossover with Danny Phantom had my attention nonstop, I read it all in 2 days! I'll probably even re-read it as well many times over.
I am kinda sad Draco never got to know about Danny being a half-ghost, but it doesn't matter anymore, since Draco turned over a new leaf on the views of magical half humans. I do love how you ended this for Draco thou, I love the cousins vibe he was so overjoyed to have with Danny.

Ron kinda got on my nerves, but he always has. Harry well...well done in your execution of Harry and Snapes guardianship turnt Father-son relationship, it made so much sense and made me so happy to read it!

Anyways A fabulous well done to you! This is definitely favorited and followed and whatnot c:!

-Angelic Destiny Awaits-
Tina Saliceti-Irizarry chapter 1 . 1/22/2019
So loving it!
etherealtulip chapter 21 . 10/20/2018
Danny completely spilling his guts seems a little farfetched and off, but I can see that as a product of either him being stressed, or some inexperience on your part. (which, of course, is not! bad! your writing has improved since then, and not being perfect is human)
etherealtulip chapter 1 . 10/20/2018
user 'Astromormy's reviews are repetitive and relatively unhelpful. grown men do giggle, and grief does stay for a while. I do agree that his misery is drawn out a little, but all they've done is paraphrase the same response to it over and over again.
Astromormy chapter 34 . 10/7/2018
Again, I just have to say how spineless you keep making Danny come off as, and several of characters as well. I know that he lost his family and all that, but it's been months since then and he clearly isn't depressed. Generally speaking, I think you pushed Danny's(and everyone else's) emotional sensibilities too far in this story such that they come off as weepy and spineless.
Astromormy chapter 27 . 10/7/2018
I said the same thing a chapter or two ago, but it feels like you are making the characters a little too wishy-washy and angsty. It'd be nicer if they had a bit more backbone. Also, you might have considered your word choice a bit more. Some of your descriptions fall a little flat and come across as awkward. The first one that comes to mind is when you describe Danny as "giggling." No offense, but too my knowledge, Danny is nearly a full grown adult male, and men don't 'giggle.'

Most of this is just personal opinion, but I feel like it would have improved the story had you been more careful.
Astromormy chapter 25 . 10/7/2018
Loving the story, and, though, I know it won't change anything given the story was completed ages ago, you seem to make Danny come off as too fragile and wishy-washy. I'm aware of the trials he's been through, but he still seems to come off as a little too angsty.
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