Hello friends,
It's been a while, hasn't it? Almost six years since the last time this story was updated. I know I said the next time you'd hear from me would hopefully be when I published something in real life. But life has a way of taking weird turns and changing your direction on you. We've certainly been through the wringer recently in 2020 worldwide. I'd like to share that after a lengthy hiatus, I've recently begun to upload a new story that is near and dear to my heart. It has been in the process of being written for years now and I felt now was the right time to write it completely and to share it. Due to the numerous situations going on in the world, I've taken to fanfic again as a sort of grounding and I hope to provide people with a little bit of joy. It would mean the world to me if you took a moment to head to my profile and check it out. Feel free to drop a review and some feedback. It's called The Pugilist and it's a ghost story of attempted Tolystoian proportions. It has footnotes instead of W4Ws, realistic depictions of New York (no dates on top of the Empire State Building this time, unfortunately), and lots of witty banter. If you liked Heart by Heart, there's a strong chance you'll like this one. I'll leave the description below. It's a chance for me to work on my creative writing skills that have been collective cobwebs in the attic for the past few years. And I'd like to say that, if anything, those skills have gotten better, aging like a fine wine. Or so I hope. But you can be the judge of that and let me know. :)
I'll only keep this notice up for a bit longer on this story but I wanted to notify everyone properly as I have gotten many PMs over the years to let people know if I ever decide to pick up the pen again.
You all are so lovely and I have missed this community dearly. I hope everyone is safe and well.
Synopsis: The Pugilist
Annabeth Chase continues to buy milk even though she forgets to drink it. She also counts the last water droplets in the bathtub and goes on long walks with the express purpose of getting lost. At the same time, she is a straight-A senior in college in New York City who believes that life was so much better in ancient Athens and finds herself disillusioned with modern society. All the while, she's trying to deal with annoying feelings for the boy with green eyes in her art history class and she just wants to finish undergraduate work to move on with her twelve-step plan for her future.
Luke is the ghost of 10 Lewis St who cannot remember how he died or even what his last name is. He sits at the window and counts how many cars pass by each day and has memorized the song the girl in the room next to him plays on repeat every day at six pm. All the while, he's trying to piece together the story surrounding his life and death and what it means to no longer be alive yet not be gone. He just wants to have someone actually look at him instead of seeing right through him.
When these two meet, two worlds collide and a friendship is born between a historian and a writer. Luke takes it upon himself to convince Annabeth that life is hardly boring while Annabeth decides to find out the truth of Luke's past. Nothing will ever be the same for either of them.
This is not a story of romance and love at first sight. This is a story of trust. Of faith in humanity. And most of all, a story of a rare sort of friendship that stretches across dimensions of time and space, across life and death.