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Author has written 39 stories for Metal Fight Beyblade/メタルファイト ベイブレード, Death Note, Yuri!!! on Ice, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Avatar: Last Airbender. Hello there!!! I am goctyudicbdkvhb175749674, but you can call me gocty for short. Name: Not telling you Hobbies: Drawing, spending time on my computer (does that count?), driving the people around me insane by talking about Beyblade, posting embarrassing stuff online, dwelling on the past, and I sometimes knit Race: Asian Gender: I'll get back to you on that one . . . Ten Relatively Non-Interesting Facts About Me: 1. I have two pet turtles. One is four inches long and lives in a 55-gallon. The other is a 1.5-inch baby who I adopted from someone unable to take care of her, and she has a nice 29-gallon all to herself. If any of you turtle enthusiasts are concerned for the well-being of my turtles, rest assured that they have the proper lighting, temperatures, diet and vitamin ratios, and basking platforms, and that I have serious upgrade plans for once my turtles get bigger. 2. I love turtles. They're my favorite animal. 3. I like reptiles in general. 4. Did I mention that I like turtles? 5. Alright, I'll try and think of something else. 6. I don't like pickles. 7. But I do love turtles. Did I tell you that I really like turtles? They're the cutest animal on earth! 8. I have crooked pinkies, and no one really knows why. 9. A sweet potato a day keeps the doctor away. 10. I'm too boring for a tenth fact. My DeviantArt account: goctyudicbdkvhb360 WHAT TO DO IN AN EXAM…… 1. Get a copy of the exam, run out screaming "Andre, Andre, I've got the secret documents!!" 2. Talk the entire way through the exam. Read questions aloud, debate your answers with yourself out loud. If asked to stop, yell out, "I'm SOOO sure that you can hear me thinking." Then start talking about what a jerk the instructor is. 3. Bring a Game Boy. Play with the volume at max level. 4. On the answer sheet find a new, interesting way to refuse to answer every question. For example: I refuse to answer this question on the grounds that it conflicts with my religious beliefs. Be creative. 5. Run into the exam room looking about frantically. Breathe a sigh of relief. Go to the instructor, say "They've found me, I have to leave the country" and run off. 6. 15 min. into the exam, stand up, rip up all the papers into very small pieces, throw them into the air and yell out "Merry Christmas." If you're really daring, ask for another copy of the exam. Say you lost the first one. Repeat this process every 15 min. 7. Come into the exam wearing slippers, a bathrobe, a towel on your head, and nothing else. 8. Come down with a BAD case of Tourette's Syndrome during the exam. Be as vulgar as possible. 9. Bring things to throw at the instructor when s/he's not looking. Blame it on the person nearest to you. 10. As soon as the instructor hands you the exam, eat it. 11. Every 5 min. stand up, collect all your things, move to another seat, continue with the exam. 12. Turn in the exam approx. 30 min. into it. As you walk out, start commenting on how easy it was. 13. Get the exam. 20 min into it, throw your papers down violently, scream out "THIS IS STUPID!" and walk out triumphantly. 14. Arrange a protest before the exam starts (ie. Threaten the instructor that whether or not everyone's done, they are all leaving after one hour to go drink.) 15. Show up completely drunk (completely drunk means at some point during the exam, you should start crying for mommy). 16. Comment on how cute the instructor is looking that day. 17. Come to the exam wearing a black cloak. After about 30 min, put on a white mask and start yelling "I'm here, the phantom of the opera" until they drag you away. 18. If the exam is math/sciences related, make up the longest proofs you could possible think of. Get pi and imaginary numbers into most equations. If it is a written exam, relate everything to your own life story. 19. Try to get people in the room to do a wave. 20. Bring some large, cumbersome, ugly idol. Put it right next to you. Pray to it often. Consider a small sacrifice. 21. During the exam, take apart everything around you. Desks, chairs, anything you can reach. 22. Puke into your exam booklet. Hand it in. Leave. 23. Take 6 packages of rice cakes to the exam. Stuff at least 2 rice cakes into your mouth at once. Chew, then cough. Repeat if necessary. 23. Walk in, get the exam, sit down. About 5 min into it, loudly say to the instructor, "I don't understand ANY of this. I've been to every lecture all semester long! What's the deal? And who the heck are you? Where's the regular guy?" 24. Do the entire exam in another language. If you don't know one, make one up! 25. Bring a black marker. Return the exam with all questions and answers completely blacked out. 26. Every now and then, clap twice rapidly. If the instructor asks why, tell him/her in a very derogatory tone, "the light bulb that goes on above my head when I get an idea is hooked up to a clapper. DUH!" 27. From the moment the exam begins, hum the theme to Jeopardy. Ignore the instructor's requests for you to stop. When they finally get you to leave one way or another, begin whistling the theme to the Bridge on the River Kwai. 28. After you get the exam, call the instructor over, point to any question, ask for the answer. Try to work it out of him/her. 29. In the middle of the test, have a friend rush into the classroom, tag your hand, and resume taking your test for you. When the teacher asks what's going on, calmly explain the rules of Tag Team Testing to him/her. 30. Bring cheat sheets FOR ANOTHER CLASS (make sure this is obvious... like history notes for a calculus exam... otherwise you're not just failing, you're getting kicked out too) and staple them to the exam, with the comment "Please use the attached notes for references as you see fit." 31. Stand up after about 15 minutes, and say loudly, "Okay, let's double-check our answers! Number one, A. Number two, C. Number three, E..." 32. Wear a superman outfit under your normal clothes. 30 minutes into the exam, jump up and answer your phone, shouting "What? I'm on my way!!". rip off your outer clothes and run out of the room. strike a pose first for added effect. 33. Tailgate outside the classroom before the exam. 34. If your answers are on a scantron sheet, fill it out in pen. 35. Bring a giant cockroach into the room and release it on a girl nearby. 36. Complete the exam with everything you write being backwards at a 90 degree angle. 37. Bring one pencil with a very sharp point. Break the point off your paper. Sharpen the pencil. Repeat this process for one hour. 38. Make Strange noises... get people to stare... look at the person next to you as if he/she did it. 39. Dress like the professor. 40. If your a boy wear a hot pink dress 41. If your a girl wear a tux 42. Use Invisible Ink to answer the whole exam. 43. Order catering. The catering company should come in about halfway through the test, and should include at least three waiters, eight carts of food, and five candelabras Repost this if you laughed Top Ten Favorite Metal Fight Beyblade Characters: 1. Dynamis 2. Nile 3. Tithi 4. Rago 5. Kyoya 6. Tsubasa 7. Madoka 8. Dashan 9. Toby 10. Yuki What would you do if 1 woke you up in the middle of the night? (Dynamis) Me: OMG!!! Dynamis I love you!!! *Hugs him* Dynamis: Why am I here? Number 3 walked into the bathroom while you were showering? (Nile) Me: *throws shampoo bottle but misses horribly, and it somehow rebounds back, thus bonking me in the head* Number 4 announced he/she's going to marry 9 tomorrow? (Rago and Toby) Me: *is teary-eyed* But . . . Rago . . . isn't Dynamis your true love . . .? Rago: *is just kind of confused* Me: *sulks in the corner due to devastation* Number 5 cooked you dinner? (Kyoya) Kyoya: *Hands me a raw fish* Cook it yourself. Me: *accidentally sets the kitchen on fire* Kyoya! Save me! Kyoya: *picks up Nile instead and carries him out bridal-style* Me: So you want him to live and not me?! Kyoya: Well, I actually love him! Me: *sighs in both defeat and happiness* At least one of my favorite ships was realized. Number 6 was lying next to you on the beach, sleeping? (Tsubasa) Me: *Writes "Kick Me" in sunscreen, then leaves* Number 7 suddenly confessed to being part of your family? (Madoka) I . . . I'm afraid that I'm at a loss for words. Number 8 got into the hospital somehow? (Dashan) Me: Did it have anything to do with training? Dashan: Yes. Me: I knew that the safety of your training was mildly questionable at best. Number 9 made fun of all of your friends? (Toby) Me: Why would you do that, Toby? Toby: Sorry, that wasn't me; it was Faust. Number 10 ignored you all the time? (Yuki) Me: Are you ignoring everyone because you and Dynamis got into an argument about the stars? Yuki: . . . Your on vacation and 2 managed to break your leg. What does 2 do? (Nile) Nile called an ambulance, but he left the scene to resume his and Kyoya's vacation. They're in love, right? I've been seeing it since Metal Masters! It's your birthday. What does 3 get you? (Tithi) Tithi: *gives me a book Dynamis gave him written in an ancient language no one can understand* Me: Do they have this on Google translate? I can't even learn French, much less this. In fact . . . I'd dare say that my English skills aren't that good, either . . . You're stuck in a house on fire. What does four do? (Rago) Rago: *Leaves* Me: Save me or I'll write a fanfiction about you being a good guy when I someone else saves me. Well, I've already done that. How about I put you in my next truth or dare? Oh! I know! I'll write a story where you fall in love with Dynamis! Rago: Okay, okay, okay! I'll save you! You're about to do something that'll make you fell extremely embarrassed. What will 5 do? (Kyoya) Kyoya: What do you mean that she's going to do something embarrassing? She's always an embarrassment to hang around! Her very presence is a liability for your reputation. Me: *tries to argue, but knows that it's true* You're about to marry 10. What's 1's reaction? (Yuki and Dynamis) Dynamis: What?! How come I never saw that in the Will of the Heavens?! Me: What?! I wanted to marry Dynamis! This isn't fair! You got dumped by someone. How will 7 cheer you up? (Madoka) Me: Forget being dumped; I can't even find a date in the first place! You compete in a tournament. How does 9 support you? (Toby) Toby: Just aim to be number 1.! And hope that legendary bladers aren't competing. They'll destroy you; you know that, right? You can't stop laughing. What will 10 do? (Yuki) Back away slowly. Number 1 is all you've ever dreamed of. Why? (Dynamis) He's probably the most interesting character within the entire series with some of the highest potential for character development and a really intriguing arc. But no, the creators decided to waste such a valuable opportunity and developed the other characters to a much further extent than they did Dynamis, and I'm totally not bitter and resentful that they gave Dynamis a dark side without any further exploration! Like, come on! Tsubasa got a dark side arc that was actually really emotion to watch, and the pay-off was huge! For anyone who wants to see more character development from Dynamis, even though I've only PMed her, like, once, I really recommend that you read Whispers in the Dark by FleetingButterfly. In my opinion, it's one of the best Metal Fight Beyblade fanfics out there and is hugely underrated, and I honestly wish that the people in charge of Dynamis's character had taken some pointers from her version of the character Number 2 tells his/her deeply hidden love for number 9. (Nile and Toby) But . . . Nile . . . Aren't you in love with Kyoya? You're dating 3 and he/she introduces you to his/her parents. Would you get along? (Tithi) Me: *gets the chills because Tithi is was too young for me* It makes me uncomfortable just thinking about it. Number 4 loves nine as well. What does that mean? (Rago and Toby) Rago: But I'm in love with Dynamis! Will 5 and 6 ever kiss? (Kyoya and Tsubasa) Tsubasa and Kyoya: *are currently fighting over a bagel because both of them just have too much pride to give up and split it in half* Me: Me thinks that's a no. Number 6 appears to be a player, breaking many hearts. What will you do? Tsubasa wouldn't do that. Would he? You had a haircut and 7 can't stop looking at you. What goes through your mind? (Madoka) I mean . . . I don't care . . . ? Like, really, I don't mind . . . I guess? Do you want a haircut, too, Madoka? Number 8 thinks he/she'll never get a girl/boyfriend. What do you tell him/her? (Dashan) Me: Don't worry. You have plenty of fan girls. If you can't find any, cross over to my world! We can find you a guy, too, if that's what you're interested in! Number 9 is to shy to face you and confesses their love by sending an e-mail. Now what? (Toby) Me: *Types back: I'm sorry, but I think that your true love is Zeo* You spot 10 kissing 1. How will you react? (Dynamis and Yuki) Me: Um, I know you guys are friends and love astronomy, but this is plain awkward. I have never came across that pairing before. You have noticed that 3 and 4 have been inside that hotel room for MORE than a few hours. What are you thinking? (Tithi and Rago) Their likely to be arguing on who's more evil, Pluto or Rago. Tithi isn't that happy about Pluto turning Dynamis evil during the episode "Orion's Whereabouts", while Rago thinks that he's the more evil one. Could 1 and 6 be soul mates? (Dynamis and Tsubasa) Maybe. . . Hey, they have a lot in common, and the eagle is often associated with Zeus. Would 2 trust 5? (Nile and Kyoya) Yes. They probably even have a cool fist bump that they give only to each other. Kyoya: *has a closet full of love letters to Nile, but he's too embarrassed to actually mail any of them over* Number 4 is bored and poke 10. What happens after that? (Rago and Yuki) Yuki: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY CRAP, I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD! 5 and 1 are forced to go back to school together. What study will they pick? (Kyoya and Dynamis) Dynamis: Astronomy! Kyoya: What's school . . . ? Seriously, though, why does the Beyblade universe have absolutely no mention of school? Doesn't Ginga need to study in between saving the world? If 6 and 3 cook dinner together, what would they make? (Tsubasa and Tithi) Tsubasa would spend most of the time dragging Tithi and Yu from the ice cream. 7 and 9 apply for a job. What job? (Madoka and Toby) I thought Madoka already had a job. And Toby practically already has a job at Dungeon Gym. 8 gives 5 a haircut. Is that okay? (Dashan and Kyoya) Kyoya: You're not touching my hair. It's too beautiful! I'll still have it, even in Zero G! 9 sketches what 6's perfect girl/boyfriend should look like; will 6 be happy? (Toby and Tsubasa) Toby: I'm a blader, not an artist. Alright, I warned you. *draws a stick figure* Told you. 10 and 9 are blushing while they talk. What is their conversation about? (Yuki and Toby) Embarrassing stories. I don't think they're in love, unfortunately. 2 sent a message to his/her Gf/Bf but 9 got it. What will happen? (Nile and Toby) Nile: OH NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Toby: Wait, he's dating Kyoya? I did not know that you swung that way. *waves rainbow pride flag* I'm proud of you! 6 noticed he/she wasn't invited to your birthday party? (Tsubasa) Me: I think the invitation got lost in the mail. Check your neighbors. The mailman has delivered our mail to the wrong house before. 7 win the lottery? (Madoka) She donates the money to the WBBA, because she's a better person than me. 8 had quite a big secret? (Dashan) Dashan: I'm not telling you that. It's called a secret for a reason. Mei-Mei: Dashan, why is Chao Xin laying suggestively in your bed? Dashan: Dammit! You were supposed to lock the door! Chao Xin: I'm tired of hiding, goddammit! *whips out rainbow flag* Mei-Mei: Well, I don't think anyone's surprised. 9 became a singer? (Toby) I didn't know he had a nice voice! 10 got a daughter? (Yuki) Me: Yuki, you're twelve. What would 1 think of 2 (Dynamis and Nile) Dynamis: I mean, I saw him for, like, two, maybe three episodes on this new-fangled television. I don't know him that well, alright? What would 4 envy about 5? (Rago and Kyoya) Rago: His dad isn't sealed in the earth. What would 5 dream about 6? (Kyoya and Tsubasa) Kyoya would dream about defeating Tsubasa, which he has done before. What do 6 and 7 have in common? (Tsubasa and Madoka?) They're both not legendary bladers, which means that they have to deal with the collateral damage caused by the legendary bladers. What would make 7 angry at 8? (Madoka and Dashan) Dashan not properly taking care of his bey. Where would 8 meet 9? (Madoka and Toby) They already did that when there was about to be a spiral core melt down and when they where searching for the legendary bladers. I know each other pretty well from what I've seen. What would 9 never tell 10? (Toby and Yuki) Toby: Yuki kind of looks like a geek. What would make 1 scared of 10? (Dynamis and Yuki) Yuki telling him that the stars are just balls of gas and can't tell you the future. How do feel right now? A little tired of typing and wishing that I could visit the beyblade world. Welp, I used to have a little religious snippit posted about God and Christ and all that good stuff here, but I don't believe in him anymore, so... This is really awkward...I was a different person than I used to be, which is reflected within the drastic change in my style and quality of writing... ocs: Name: Blossom Gender: Girl age: 14 Appearance: She has a tannish brownish skin tone and brown, slightly spiky hair she cut short with dark purple highlights, a muscular yet lean frame, and a scar from her neck to her chest. Her height is 5ft 3in. Cloths(her outfit may change from time to time): She wears a black T-shirt with a grey vest. Her pants are a pair of blue jeans with several tears. She also has a brown cross-belt, black and white Converse, and brown fingerless gloves. Personality: She's stubborn, loves to drive people crazy, and can get very angry. Blossom also has a very strong personality, very loud spoken, might creep people out with what she says, and often uses her temper to mask what she actually is feeling. Also, her ego is huge, and people say she can get quite over-confident and cocky. Crush: (She and her previous crush, Kyoya, have broken up because they found dating each other too awkward and feel more comfortable as close friends, but Blossom will have a crush on another person. You'll have to wait to find out who! The person Blossom's currently crushing on will be revealed by chapter 5 of Tales Underneath a Purple Umbrella.) Beyblade: Galaxy Cygnus Special Move(s): Whirlpool, Arrow Strike, and Black Hole(most powerful move) Likes: beyblade, sports, skateboarding, places with water, the colors black and blue, heavy metal music, alterative rock music, guitars, videogames, horror movies, anything gory, skulls, swans, dogs, family, friends, punching people that are evil Dislikes: evil people, battling weak opponents, losing to anything, school, math, and homework Strengths: She is a very loyal friend and will fight for the people she cares for never giving up or backing down, and she can do very well when it comes to her physical abilities and can help you if you are feeling down with plenty of creativity in her and is good at problem solving, standing up fiercely for other people. Weaknesses: Blossom is very quick to get angry, and once she's mad at you, she's mad at you. She is also always getting into trouble and sometimes acts out of rage and is very impatient. She has a hard time recognizing when she needs help and is very stubborn. She sometimes gets a little violent when she either hates you or is really mad at you and procrastinates. The fact that she talks a lot may lead to people thinking that she's a loud mouth, and she has a very inflated ego. Plus she's pretty impatient. Trivia: Blossom actually wears contact lenses because she's near-sighted, but occasionally, she runs out of them and has to spend a day or two wearing her glasses, and people are shocked every time she shows up wearing them. She is also bisexual, so while she did date Kyoya in the past, they've since broken up, and her new love interest will be revealed (if I ever get around to updating it) in chapter five of Tales Underneath a Purple Umbrella. Name: Misty Gender: Girl Age: 14 Appearance: Misty has pale skin with blonde hair that is dyed brown on the bottom third and faint freckles with hazel eyes. Her height is 5ft 4in. Cloths(her outfit can also change from time to time): She wears black jeans with a blue T-shirt and black vest and a brown cross belt. She also has two sliver piercings on her left ear and has black sneakers. Personality: Misty does take a few things seriously but has a tendency to ignore people she dislikes and can get very annoyed if she hangs around people that are too hyper and/or bubbly for too long. She is relatively calm most of the time, but can really do some damage if she is mad at you. She needs time to herself as well. A LOT OF IT. And don't ever disturb her when she's spending some along time. Ever. She is also very negative and enjoys consuming sad/emotion heavy media, but she actually does care. Crush: Chris Beyblade: Aqua Poseidon Special Move(s): Grand Storm(most powerful move), Whirl Wind, and Tidal Wave Likes: Family, friends, her computer, YouTube, math, the ocean and beach, Beyblade, mythology, books, sad movies and stories, and rain/thunderstorms Dislikes: Evil people, people that are too hyper and/or bubbly, not having enough alone time, loud people, loud music, and parties that have too many people Strengths: She is a very clear about her goals and will work very hard if she has too and is headstrong with an excellent ability to plan ahead and strategize. She often keeps her temper in check and accepts people for who they are even if they are annoying. Weaknesses: Misty gets cranky if she doesn't have enough alone time. She gets really stressed when things don't go according to plan and has difficulty facing unexpected problems. Misty also can appear as cold-hearted even if she is concerned, she just has a hard time showing it with some problems when it comes to communicating with other people. She also fears large crowds. Trivia: She hates ketchup because one time, her friend Blossom started a food fight that got so much ketchup in her hair, it took three days to get it out. Name: Jen Gender: Girl Age: 14 Appearance: Jen has really dark brown hair that either appears as really dark brown or black depending on the lighting that extends past her shoulders but not quite to her waist. She has a medium tone skin and brown eyes with a earring made of a tiny black meteor stone that she chipped off from a larger meteor she found while doing an experiment. She is 5ft 3in in height. Cloths: She wears a white tank-top with a brown leather jacket, jeans, and red and white Converse with white ankle length socks. She wears a fedora hat with it, too. She wears the same outfit literally every single day and points out that Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs did the same, also stating that she's too lazy to waste time in the morning on deciding what to wear. Personality: Jen is very intelligent and over thinks everything. She always has to figure things out or else she will go insane with extremely unpredictable behavior and interests. She isn't very athletic but often whacks people with random stuff such as clipboards and books. She is very nerdy and proud of it, and she is very hard to work with and get along with due to her unpredictable behavior and actions. She shouts a lot as well and is very detail oriented. Many people say she's eccentric, but that's just Jen being Jen. She treats life as a game of chess, carefully planning certain events. Jen often problem solves through picking apart and analyzing every single detail. It can mean that she's very slow to solve any problem, if it be a hard question on her math homework or the need to destabilize an evil organization, but once she solves said problem, she is overwhelmed with relief and happiness. Crush: It's seriously up for debate, as Jen is someone who experiences practically no sexual attraction. Beyblade: Sun Ra (but she's self-admittedly not very good at bey-blading) Special Move(s): Blazing Sun Inferno (she only has one because, again, not that effective of a blader) Likes: Science, anything that can be explained with science, technology, computer programming, biotechnology, math, jazz music, YouTube, her friends and family, motivational speaking, giving speeches and going on rants, crossword puzzles (although she rips the puzzle to pieces when she can't figure it out), talking about herself, giving people pep talks, and, for some odd reason, movies with subtitles Dislikes: Evil people, things that can't be explained, slow computers, when people call her nicknames or think that her name is a nickname, and people who hate science and/or math Strength: She can both plan for stuff and problem solve when things go wrong. She is very smart as well with a knack for figuring things out. She works hard and knows how to take on a leadership role. She doesn't care what others think of her, and that often leads her to having unusual yet effective approaches to life. Weaknesses: Jen often over-reacts to stuff and slowly looses her sanity when she can't figure something out and is constantly paranoid about absurd stuff often making a big deal out of little things. She is very hard to work with and hard to get along with due to her unpredictable nature. She experiences plenty of mood swings, too. One minute, she's fine, but the next minute, she's in rage mode. When she was a child, she spent a lot of time alone since no children shared her interest in trying to build a particle accelerator, so naturally, it leaves her oblivious in many social situations. Trivia: Jen individually names all her fedora hats and treats them as if they're her children. And she rides a motorcycle. Controversial Issues: 1) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, liposuction and air conditioning. 2) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall. 3) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract. 4) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal. 5) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britney Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed. 6) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children. 7) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children. 8) Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America. 9) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children. 10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans... Re-post this if you believe in legalizing gay marriage Re-post this if you believe homophobia is wrong. Please do your part to end it: I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian. I am the prostitute working the streets because nobody will hire a transsexual woman. I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights. We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time. I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner of twenty-seven years into the room. I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had. I wish they could adopt me. I am one of the lucky ones, I guess. I survived the attack that left me in a coma for three weeks, and in another year I will probably be able to walk again. I am not one of the lucky ones. I killed myself just weeks before graduating high school. It was simply too much to bear. We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men. I am the person who never knows which bathroom I should use if I want to avoid getting the management called on me. I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed, and raised. The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman. I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman. I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male. I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men. I am the home-economics teacher who always wanted to teach gym until someone told me that only lesbians do that. I am the man who died when the paramedics stopped treating me as soon as they realized I was transsexual. I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I did not have to always deal with society hating me. I am the man who stopped attending church, not because I don't believe, but because they closed their doors to my kind. I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most, love. I am the person who is afraid of telling his loving Christian parents he loves another male. I am the person whose best friend suffers just from being associated with a girl who swings both ways. UPDATE: AS OF JUNE 26, 2015, SAME SEX MARRIAGE IS LEGAL IN AMERICA!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAS! IT'S ABOUT TIME COUNTRY I LIVE IN!!!!!!! AT THE TIME OF THIS MESSAGE I JUST FOUND OUT MOMENTS AGO! |
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