Reviews for The Fragment Betrayal
legendary blader chapter 2 . 3/3/2018
nice, but was it necessary to mention sora and ryuto? and why is tithi a girl here? anyways keep these good chapters up. see ya!
Hi chapter 18 . 1/24/2015
Ong! I love this so much I haven't checked out this story in a long time and I have to say this was an awesome story. Most stories disappoint in plot lines. This was a total thrill ride and I had no idea what to expect next. Thank you,
Dark Anime chapter 18 . 12/4/2014
Boom, baby!
YAY! You are making a sequel!
*Sniff* I always knew this day would come and I regret nothing!
Good luck on the sequel!
I'll be reading it in about 30 seconds, Bye!
goctyudicbdkvhb175749674 chapter 18 . 11/29/2014
PLEASE I NEED TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS IN THE SEQUEL! This left me... kind of sad... And I am pretty sure that a person talking at that tombstone was Dynamis. Why does Dynamis have to be in hiding?! It's not really easy for Dynamis to go into hiding... it's really easy to recognize him... I'm feeling kind of sorry for Hyoma... I think what he did was forced on by someone else... PLEASE I NEED TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS! I really hope for the sequel to be released soon! I'm so excited! This. Chapter. Was. AMAZING! It stirred up so many emotions in me! I just really hope that Dynamis can get back into contact with his friends... I really love him, so I don't want him to be so lonely! This fanfic was amazing, and I love it! There were so many twists ad turns, and it was so unpredictable making it so much fun to read! In short, I really enjoyed reading this, and I would like to see the sequel!
Eternal Nexus Warrior chapter 18 . 11/29/2014
OH MY- Was that Dynamis and Ryuga!? Now I'm excited for the sequel. This has to be the biggest and most epic cliffhanger ever!
niconiconyx chapter 18 . 11/29/2014
NOOO! It's over? :( Why?! Anyway this was an amazing story, can't wait for the sequel :)
Dark Anime chapter 17 . 11/29/2014
Sniff* I think I could cry of joy right now! For multiple reasons!
1. You updated
2. I got to read about evil Tsubasa
3. I think I might now what the hint means! (Most likely wrong)
Ohhhhh! I'm soooo exited!
keep up the amazing work!
goctyudicbdkvhb175749674 chapter 17 . 11/24/2014
Wow, 5,000 views, that's so many views! The most views my stories have ever gotten is 4,000 views so far. This chapter was epic as usual! I JUST LOVE THE ACTION SCENES! I'm still mad at Hyoma for killing Dynamis, but I am feeling a little, tiny bit happy that Hyoma got away, he sounds like he had a pretty sad life from the way you describe his emotions. The way you describe the thoughts and feeling of characters, it's just amazing! All the details are excellent! This chapter really had the amount of drama I was looking for! I just felt all sorts of feelings while reading this, and poor Tsubasa! Having to deal with that dark side! DARK I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN IT YOU WERE NOT IN MIDNIGHT'S STORY SINCE MIDNIGHT PROBABLY NEEDS YOU FOR THE REST OF THE STORY PLUS MIDNIGHT IS KIND OF IN CHARGE OF YOU! I really hope you can update soon! This chapter was very nice, and I just LOVE it!
Midnight Mayonaka chapter 17 . 11/24/2014
TO. Lol
Hmmm, maybe.
Lol chapter 17 . 11/24/2014
Its Ryuga. 10/10 for my logic and I bet you. My account it is.
niconiconyx chapter 17 . 11/24/2014
:) great job on this chapter!
ThatChristianGirl chapter 16 . 10/31/2014
Claudia: Jeez, talk about-crazy Tsubasa

Lindsey: Can I record this?

Claudia: I DON'T CARE! Actually don't, if anyone else sees it, would be a long story to explain

Lindsey: We always have time for explaining things

Claudia: No, Lindsey, just no

Lindsey: FINE! I won't *in a naggy tone*
epicness chapter 16 . 10/22/2014
Something to do with kyoya.
HAckeR741 chapter 16 . 10/18/2014
goctyudicbdkvhb175749674 chapter 16 . 10/17/2014
This was awesome and amazing! I love it when bladers have an inner struggle with themselves! It's so much fun reading about it! But I am starting to feel a tiny bit sorry for Hyoma and really sorry for Ryuto and Tsubasa. TSUBASA! WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU?! Ah, the Dark Power, these scenes of struggle are so enjoyable to read!
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