Serious Writers' Block.. _
And Schoolwork... _
...Yes there aren't anymore victims.. :-|
I love your reviews!
A time where most people would be asleep.
One of those people would be Tsubasa Otori.
But not tonight.
Because something interesting was going on downstairs that night...
"Fetch." a certain Silver-haired young man simply said.
A ball rolled across the room, and a certain Orion blader scrambled across the carpet to get it, almost receiving carpet burns in the process.
Tsubasa let out a snicker, "Good boy~"
Now, if you were anyone else, you'd find this rather... strange...
But it wasn't.
At least, Tsubasa didn't think so.
Besides the Orion Blader, Six other guys were crowded around him, dying for his attention.
"Master, is there anything I can do to please you?"
"Back off, he's mine!"
"Wha-what did I say?! I was just..."
"You do realize he loves all of us, right?"
Tsubasa just watched them, his eyes darting to whoever was speaking.
"This is perfect! All this attention, mine alone!" He thought.
However, those weren't exactly HIS thoughts.
"N-No... This isn't what I wanted! Why did... You!"
His dark self was the one who had these thoughts.
"This is what you wanted, right~? I just gave you a little... push."
"No! I didn't... I didn't.. want this.."
"I know you do~, I know your vain, everyone is!"
"Shut up! You don't know. I am not vain!"
"We're the same person! Of course I know, your just in denial."
As Tsubasa waged war with the demon in his mind, his hypnotized servants took notice of their Master's odd behavior.
Especially Kyoya.
"Master, Is something not pleasing you?" Kyoya asked, his voice lined in concern.
Tsubasa's dark self stayed quiet long enough to answer.
"I'm fine... don't concern yourself, okay?" Tsubasa said.
Of course, he knew the answer before they even said it.
"Yes, Master..."
His Dark Side just snickered.
Madoka stared at her laptop, deep in thought.
"It doesn't make sense, how does seven guys just go missing?!"
She had heard news from the EU and Chinese teams that one of their members suddenly disappeared or never came back from some journey.
Just before that, she heard that Hyoma, a close friend, was not in Koma Village.
Neither Chris or Dynamis had responded, and Benkei was blubbering about Kyoya and Nile not coming back from...wherever they went...
It stumped her. it truly did.
But she did hear something interesting.
The last person to see each of them was Tsubasa...
But he couldn't have done anything to them.
Her eyes widened.
"No, Tsubasa would never!..."
She had to know.
But if she just approached him, he could lie through his teeth about it.
He WAS, after all, very talented at lying.
Madoka slumped down in her seat, trying to figure out how she could figure out what he was doing, without Tsubasa knowing it was her.
A Smile appeared on her face as she picked up the phone conveniently placed next to her.
"Hey Yuki, Um...Could I borrow something? It's really important..."
He felt the Greenette placing kisses on his neck, progressively moving upwards, before planting a firm one on his lips.
The Eagle blader moaned softly as he felt someone run their fingers through his hair, before licking a soft spot behind his ear.
They were all doing it, begging for his attention.
And he was taking it.
All of it.
Lust hazed his mind, ecstasy flooding every part of him.
He didn't care.
He wanted it.
Well, part of him anyway.
It would've gone farther, if the doorbell hadn't rung just then.
Tsubasa pulled away from his hypnotized servants, earning groans of disappointment.
"Shh... I'll be back in a minute, just stay quiet, alright?"
"Yes, Master..."
The Eagle Blader dragged himself up the stairs , made his way across the living room, and stopped in front of the front door.
"Why would someone come here this late at night?" He thought to himself as he opened the door.
Yuki, of all people, was standing there, staring at the floor.
"Why is he here?" Tsubasa questioned mentally.
"Here's an idea, Hypnotize him!"
"What?! are you out of your-"
"It wouldn't hurt to have another, would it?"
He thought about it "Fine."
At least, he THOUGHT it was Yuki...
(Change in perspective)
Madoka stared at the concrete, hoping Tsubasa would be tricked by her disguise.
She nearly sighed in relief when the Eagle blader answered the door.
He stared at her for about a minute.
At least, she thought he was staring at her.
But when Madoka saw that he was staring off into space, she felt a bit relieved.
"Hi Yuki, what are you doing here?" Tsubasa said.
"Oh! I was just stopping by Mr. Tsubasa, can I come in?"
Madoka was trying her best to imitate Yuki, hoping he would buy it.
He did.
Tsubasa smiled warmly at her. "Sure."
As she stepped into the house, Madoka couldn't help but feel uneasy.
"Wait in the kitchen, I have something to take care of downstairs..." Tsubasa said as he turned and left.
As soon he was out of her line of sight, Madoka began looking around.
"I have to know for sure if he had done it. There's gotta be something!"
Her eyes darted over to the table.
A book sat there, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
She facepalmed, surprised she didn't notice it in the first place.
What really surprised her was the title.
"Hypnosis? Why would?..." She mumbled quietly to herself.
A voice spoke.
She froze.
(Change in perspective)
Tsubasa stood in the doorway leading into the kitchen.
Yuki was turned away from him, looking towards the table.
The Eagle blader mentally panicked.
"H-He wouldn't had... did he... see it?"
"Here's your chance! Hypnotize him! Do it now!" His dark self screamed at him.
He had no choice.
"Yuki..." Tsubasa said as he walked towards the brunette, placing himself in front of the table to block the (Supposed) Anubius blader's view of the book.
The Eagle blader placed a finger under the younger teens' chin, gently tilting his head upwards.
"Look into my eyes.., you'll feel so much better... you can trust me, can't you?" Tsubasa said, an alluring tone lining his voice.
(Change in perspective)
Madoka just stared at him.
If she had a watch, she'd be looking at it now.
Was something supposed to happen?
If there was, it wasn't happening.
She stared at Tsubasa for a few more seconds until it dawned on her.
"Maybe THIS is how he hypnotizes people... I have to throw him off or he'll get suspicious!.. Let's hope I'm a good actress..."
Madoka lowered her eyes and put on a fake drowsy tone, while still trying to imitate Yuki. "Yes, I do... Master..."
She hoped Tsubasa would fall for it.
Her conscious sighed in relief as she saw a smile appear on his face.
But then it gulped when she saw how sinister it looked.
(Change in perspective)
Tsubasa smiled darkly as he (Supposedly) Had (What he thought was) Yuki under his hypnotic control.
But just as he was about to issue out the commands, he was pulled into a sudden embrace, the (Supposed) Anubius blader's face buried in his chest.
Tsubasa was surprised, to say the least.
But the Eagle blader didn't pull "him" off.
Instead, He wrapped his arms around the younger teen, making the embrace tighter.
"Mmm... so warm... don't stop..." The older teen mumbled, clearly lost in ecstasy again.
(Change in perspective)
Madoka wasn't very comfortable in her current position.
She only did it to try and grab the book sitting on the table.
But Tsubasa made it harder for her as she couldn't exactly breath with him embracing her like that.
His moaning didn't help, either.
She felt relieved when her fingers touched the books' cover and immediately snatched the book up, pulling out of Tsubasa's grip.
"Aha!" Madoka shouted, not disguising her voice anymore.
"Wha-Madoka?! But how?... I thought..." Tsubasa tried to make sense of what was happening.
"Why would you do this?! This isn't like you!" Madoka said as she smoothed her hair back to it's original shape.
The Eagle blader stayed quiet.
"Um... Tsubasa?" The Mechanic questioned.
Tsubasa looked at her for a few seconds, then...
"GET HER!" The Eagle blader screamed, pointing in her direction.
Madoka felt the house tremble as seven guys busted the door to the basement open.
She made a run for it.
Unfortunately, "Hypnotized" is drawing near the end, and as my most popular fic, I'm sad to see it end. :-(
Review, my loyal viewers! :-D