Chapter 20

"Are you sure you want to battle this time?" Nichi, asked for the hundredth time.

"Yes, I'm sure, I got this alright." Frieda reassured her friend.

They had just walked into the local European Beyblade stadium. Frieda had already applied into the competition beforehand. Now she was just waiting for the starting announcement.

"I'm just being cautious," Nichi replied, as she looked around.

Frieda, noticed this, "Hey are you okay? You seem a bit jumpy."

Nichi, started to say something, but she straightened instead. With a forced smile, she remarked. "No, I'm fine.

That was a lie

Frieda looked as if she wanted to voice something; however, the starting announcement halted her.

"Will all contestants move to the waiting rooms; the tournament is about to begin."

"Well time to win," Frieda declared, her voice both confident and excited.

Nichi put on a strained smile for her friend. "Good luck out there."

Nichi watched Frieda walk away, pacing towards the waiting rooms. Soon she was out of view from Nichi.

The smiled Nichi bore fell off her face. With a sigh, she mumbled.

"This is going to be a long day."

Frieda was on a winning streak, round after round. She and her bey Incandescent Aphrodite blazed through the competition. After what seem liked many rounds, they ended up in the finals. However, she couldn't say she was all there. Through the mist of battle, her mind was swirling. She was thinking about the previous night. Nichi was getting distant yet again, and with that she was positive something happened yesterday. Unfortunately, Nichi was being uncooperative. How could she help her, if she doesn't let her in?

That very thought brought Frieda's attention on Lisa Sutton. Last night she had looked up that name in the WBBA's database. She wasn't surprised to find very little data on the girl. The only thing she had discovered was that she is highly skilled and of French descendant.

Frieda, all but assumed that the rest of the missing details were the work of Vortex. It wouldn't shock her that Director Patterson had purposefully deleted the information, to pose as a disadvantage. Clever.

"Señor and Señoritas welcome to the final round!" The Italian DJ announced loudly.

Frieda blinked, and realized she was standing in the central arena. She hadn't remembered walking up to the bey stadium, her body moved into auto-pilot.

Frieda tilted her head to the DJ silently, urging him to continue. He seemed to understand her signal as he continued with his words.

"To our left, we have the beautiful and equally luxurious Frieda Ai Love Belvini Ebina of the WBBA!" DJ yelled proudly.

Frieda giggle at the huge praised, she waved at the crowd. It certainly didn't surprise her when they started to cheer louder.

"And to the right, we have the ambitious Frenchwoman Lisa Sutton of the Vortex Agency!"

Frieda giggles halted

In her seat in the stands, Nichi cringed.

With anxious eyes, Frieda turned and watched as Lisa took her position across from her. Frieda examined Lisa's features: She was tall, about 5'8, her skin tone was tan. She had black curly hair, that went down to her shoulders. Frieda noticed she had piercing light brown eyes, and lush lips. Her clothing was casual, nothing too fancy or lazy. She wore a white long sleeve shirt, with blue bootcut jeans. Her shoes were very simple, just plain white vans.

"It doesn't surprise me that you're here." Lisa drawled as she took out her bey.

"Likewise," Frieda replied dryly as she got into launching stance.

"Alright ladies, time to start the show! Let's count down crowd! DJ exclaimed.




"Let it rip!"

The bey stadium was lit ablaze bey yet another clash of the powerful beys.

"Grandiose Sirius!" Lisa exclaimed, her light silver and blue bey hit the stadium floor. Its rotation not slowing at all, in fact it seemed faster.

Inscandent Aphrodite," Frieda commanded her balance bey. It charged towards Sirius in flash.

The beys connected once again. However, this time, the results were vastly different. Instead of Sirius being flown back it was Aphrodite.

Sirius defenses seemed to have increased since their last clash. The blue bey moved to the center of the stadium, its surrounding glowed bright. It was as if, it was creating a fortified bubble.

"A defensive type." Frieda thought. "With that information, attack power won't cut it this time. However, if I could wear it out, with stamina that could work."

It wasn't going to be the glorious win, it was a win nevertheless.

"Aphrodite!" Frieda commanded. Her bey also went to the center, spinning steadily.

"You figured out that Sirius is a defense type." Lisa remarked. "And your trying to out stamina me"

Lisa's posture was confident, unworried. This made Frieda uneasy, for several reasons.

"You WBBA agents are something special," Her voice was lazily bored.

"You have quite the mouth on you. Do you ever stop talking?" Frieda snapped. Throughout their battle, Lisa frequently sent Frieda jabs. Although Frieda was naturally gentle and patient person, even she had her limits.

"I'm afraid not," Lisa replied, she then looked to the crowd as if searching for someone. "Hey where's the other agent that came with you? I know you WBBA agents love to travel in packs. You guys are probably too scared to travel by your lonesome."

Frieda growled and then she frowned. "Nichi-"

"Yes, that's her!" Lisa exclaimed, cutting Frieda off. "How she's doing, she seemed quite shaken from our conversation yesterday.

In the stands, Nichi eyes widened. Lisa was planning on telling her.

Oh no

Below it all clicked for Frieda.

Nichi rubbed the bridge of her nose. "I encountered a Vortex agent earlier today."

"What?" Frieda said surprised. "Where?"

"In the market and she mentioned some things."

"She" Frieda mumbled, her eyes narrowing in confusion.

"Yes, her name was Lisa Sutton. A real prick if you ask me."

"You-," Frieda gulped, her temper unexpectedly rising. Aphrodite seemed to react to her master's emotions. It glowed a bright pink, as its energy floated through the air.

"You said something to Nichi, didn't you?" Frieda snapped, "What did you say!?"

Lisa put her hands up in a mocking manner, "Whoa, calm down redhead," Lisa exasperated, "All I did was tell her the truth."

"And what truth is that?" Frieda spats.

"That's she weak of course. I mean if you can't defend yourself from an attack, then there's something wrong," Lisa spat.

At those words, Frieda snarled quietly.

"Special Move, Aphrodite Illusion!"

The luxurious bey powered up, almost eagerly. Its face bolt pulsed, and its beast emerged. It was a woman whose aura color was basically light pink. Her hair is golden-blonde, and she wears a simple Greek-Goddess dress. she also wore a silver crown on the top of her head. Her eyes are baby blue. Not to mention, she has a peachy (somewhat pale pink) skin tone.

The entire crowd watched, as Aphrodite danced gracefully around the stadium. As it moved, they noticed that it was creating versions of itself. There was about 30 plus and they seem to crowd Sirius.

However, Lisa seemed unconcerned about this. In fact, she even smirked a little.

"Sirius," Lisa commanded, her bey lit up with a brilliant light. "Special Move, Cosmic Warp!

Suddenly, time seemed to slow and warp. The air got heavy, and even a bit humid. Frieda winced, suddenly getting a bad feeling in her stomach.

Before Frieda could even command Aphrodite, a bright white light flooded her vision.

Nichi barged out of her seat, now standing. Her eyes peered into the stadium as the light covered her friend.


With a gasp, Frieda opened her eyes. The very first thing she realized was that she was floating. She was in a navy blue foggy place, through the slight openings she could see twinkling stars.

"A reality marbles?"

She had heard about these. They were special pocket dimensions created by the raw energy of a bey. They were quite difficult to control. Even some of the Legendary Bladers, haven't mastered it quite yet.

Frieda gulped, it suddenly dawned on her how strong her opponent was. If Lisa could create a reality marble, then what else did she have up her sleeve?

A dull spinning noise dragged her out of thoughts suddenly. She turned ahead of her, and to her surprise. Aphrodite was spinning steadily a few feet ahead of her along with Sirius. They were glowing with aura, however Sirius seemed much brighter. Their beys were the only noticeable light, in the foggy void.

"Where's Lisa," muttered Frieda. She gazed around slightly anxious.

"Right here," Lisa's voice rang out.

Frieda watched with narrowed eyes, as Lisa materialized in front of her. Her posture was relaxed, her eyes were laced with startling determination. Her expression was stern, and even slightly stoic.

The WBBA agent raised an eyebrow, at the change of attitude from previously. She was about to ask about it, however Lisa before she could.

"Sorry, about earlier I had to make it look good." Lisa apologized.

"What?" Frieda, spoke very confused, "This has to be some trick." Her words were doubtful. "Why are you apologizing?"

Lisa scowled, looking frustrated. "Look "princess"

Frieda frowned at the nickname.

"I had to make it look good. Vortex has spies everywhere," Lisa said as she gazed at Frieda. Her expression showed interest and slight animosity.

"I'm here to tell you, that there's a major storm coming."

Back in the stands was Nichi, watching Freida and Lisa. They weren't moving or even talking. Their beys were still spinning steadily. They were glowing brightly with their respective auras. Sirius seem a bit brighter than, Aphrodite though.

This made Nichi conclude

A reality marble.

Usually they were used for extremely symbolic battle. However, Sirius and Aphrodite won't moving, so that could mean only one thing. They're having a conversation.

Nichi wondered what they were talking about. The thought of it, caused her stomach to knot. Her palms got sweaty with anxiety. She was about to think on this, but suddenly Aphrodite moved.

Frieda's bey moved with fierce speed. Nichi didn't believe it was capable of that, it surprised her.

A loud clanking noise rebounded in the stadium. In stunned shock, the crowd and Nichi included watched as Sirius bounced at Lisa's feet.

Lisa and Frieda blinked, just as the crowd started to cheer. It was a roar that filled their ears.

"Frieda Ai Love Belvini Ebina wins!" The Italian DJ announced, a proud smile dawning his face.

Nichi watched curiously as Frieda exchanged some very heated words. However, she couldn't hear them over roar of the crowd.

I wonder what that was all about.

"I'm sorry," Nichi stated on their ride back to Frieda's estate.

The other WBBA agent blinked looking up from her WBBA laptop. She was in the process vg of updating the director of their progress.

Nichi and Frieda hadn't spoken ever since Frieda won her battle.

"About what?" Frieda replied, closing the laptop for a moment.

Nichi grimaced "About telling you what Lisa said to me yesterday."

Frieda folded her hands in her lap. "Look," she exhaled. "You shouldn't apologize for that. I know you were going to tell me when you were comfortable telling me."

"B-but Lisa told you, you heard it from a prick like her," Nichi protested. "I don't understand you sometimes. You're this perfect woman, and it pains me."

Frieda's face darkened at that sentence. Nichi could see something in her eyes, it looked like disagreement. But it was gone in a flick of a blink.

Frieda was silent for a minute, before she finally spoke. Her voice strong "First of all, it would have been nice to hear it from you then from Lisa.

Nichi's shoulders sunk a bit at her words.


Surprised, she straightened.

"I had no problem hearing it from her. Even if she was a bit forced with the delivery. I was just glad to know. And about that second part, no one is perfect, I have flaws just like everyone else.

Nichi was silent as she soaked in her friend's profound words. "I guess you're right. There should be no secrets between us on this journey.

"Right." Frieda agreed.

No secrets

Another bites the dust! These chapters may have long periods in between updates. I'm not really connected to his fandom anymore; however, I'm determined to finish story.

Anyway, if you liked it, leave a comment, favorite, or even follow.

~Midnight Maynoka