Kiddy Kyoya

(Thanks to Destened-Star-Girl for the idea with her story, Back to Five) {PS. READ IT, It's really good.}

(Contains new character who will be officially introduced in another story. Raven Parker is the character and is owned by me. She is a friend of Tsubasa and Yu, having met them on their training journey.


"Yo-Yo, will you please battle me?" Yu asks over and over as he bugs the Lion Blader. The older sighs and places his head in his hands. The younger blader continues bugging him until the older snaps.

"FINE! I'll battle you."

"YAYAYAY!" The little boy dances around in excitement. The blondie pulls on the older blader's arm and yanks him forward.

"Why did I ever agree to this?" Kyoya mutters to himself. "He is so annoying. He would have annoyed you until you agreed." He shakes his head.

"Wait a minute!" A voice says behind them. The two bladers turn and see a man standing there. He dresses in a magician's outfit and glares at Kyoya.

"Yeah, what do you want?!" The older blader says. The man steps towards them. He points his wand at Yu.

"You said this little boy was annoying, correct?" Kyoya nods and asks why the man cares.

"Let's see how you like to be his age or younger, hmm?" He points the wand at the lion blader and says a magic spell.

"Younger teased by old

"Nothing here close to heart of gold,

"Til Lesson learned and taught.

This boy shall be few years older than a tot."

A purple smoke comes out of the wand and covers the two boys. When the smoke clears, Yu looks around. The magic man is gone and he sees a little boy standing next to him.

"Yo-Yo?!" Yu freaks. The little boy looks around and only sees the little lion blader beside him. Yu guesses his new age to be about 5.

"Hey Yu," A voice sounds behind the Libra wielder. The boy turns and see his friend, Raven. The teen girl is dressed in a light purple sundress with some boots. Her long black hair blows out behind her.

"Rae-Bey, something happened to Yo-Yo!" Yu cries. He turns back to the little version of the angry blader.

"What did you do, put him in the dryer to long?" Raven teases.

"Rae-Bey, this is serious."

"Alright," She loses the teasing tone and becomes serious. "Yu, go upstairs and tell the director what happened. I get bring him up." The little blader's tummy rumbled loudly.

"Are you sure?" Yu asks.

"Yeah, I'll bring him up after I get him something to eat." She smiles. She winks and sends the Libra Blader on his way.

And that's what happened." Yu says breathless. He thinks to himself how great of timing this was. The director had invited some of the teams from the World Championships over for the weekend. Wang Hu Zhong, Excalibur, and Wild Fang were there, along with the Legendary Bladers and a few others.

"So let me get this straight, Kyoya's a little kid now?" Benkei the bull blader almost shouts.

"Yeah." Yu says dejectedly.

"B-B-B-Bull! Kyoya pal, how could this happen to you?!" The Bull Blader cries. Dyanmis stands up and reassures Yu that they will find a way to fix this. The door knocks and Chris, who is closest, gets up to answer it. Before he can, the door swings open and Raven starts to enter.

"Raven, what are you doing?" Chris asks as everyone watches her struggle with something.

"I'm tryin….Offf, hey no kicking." She says. She finally enters with a little Kyoya kicking and throwing a tantrum.

"Kyoya pal?" Benkei says seeing his friend.

"See, Yu, I got him up here. It took…Ow!" She says as the Kyoya bites her hand.

"Kyoya!" Demoure says in shock. Raven runs after the little terror and grabs him before he can leave.

"Kyoya, stop it, please." Mei Mei tries. The little blader frees himself from her grip and tries for the door again.

"Kyoya Tategami, if you don't come sit down right now, you have to sit on Benkei's lap the entire time." Raven says as the little boy reaches the doorway. The boy stops and looks over to Benkei, who smiles a little.

"But, I wanna go play!" The mini version of the Spring Constellation Legendary Blader whines.

"And you can't battle with Gingka for the rest of the day!" She adds on. The little boy looks to his rival who is still in shock. He pouts and walks over. He takes a seat on Raven's lap.

"Kyoya, that's really him, huh?" Nile says, eyeing his old teammate.

"Yep." The girl says as Kyoya wiggles on her lap. He finally gets out and crawls over to the seat beside Gingka. He sits in the seat exactly like he normally did.

"Kyoya…" Gingka says with a smile.

"Alright, then." Dashan says as he nods to the little blader. "Let's figure this out."

"Before it become permanent." Sophie adds.

Please Review and Tell me if I should keep going or not….Thanks.