![]() Author has written 68 stories for Fullmetal Alchemist, Last Exile, Samurai Champloo, One Piece, Scryed, Psychonauts, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Lupin III, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Trinity Blood, Scrubs, Final Fantasy XII, Saiyuki, Hellsing, Xenosaga, Transformers/Beast Wars, Star Ocean, Thor, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Kuroshitsuji, Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人, Man From UNCLE, Thunderbirds, Final Fantasy XV, and Supernatural. Hi! I feel that it's time to update my profile again. I have recently gotten into Hetalia and I have to say I enjoy the show a lot... like I'm obsessing about it all the time :). I haven't given up on finishing any of my fics some of them I have a mean case of writer's block and the others I simply haven't had the time to work on them due to work and life. Seriously being an adult kind of gets in the way of writing. I will try to update some of my stories as soon as I can but I'm not making any promises. I plan on writing a continuation to Tells of a Nobody I'll begin to work on it once I get Those Who Once Were finished. I am 26 years old. I own my own car now, and I named him 'Sanzo' after the Saiyuki character. My name really is Erin if you care and my last name isn't Elric (In case it wasn't obvious I'm a huge Full Metal Alchemist fan.) I am female and a slightly obsessive fangirl (I will admit to that) I started writing Fanfictions back when I was in the eight grade (I'm now in college that's a long time) The old fics are not and never will be posted because they are bad in my opinon, I keep most of the fics in journals so if I say I have them written down that's where they are, I prefer to write them so I know where the story is going before I post it. In my younger days (when I started writing) I wrote Thousand Arms fics, then it changed to Jackie Chan adventures, then Thunderbirds, Last Exile, then FMA (started this account about that time) and well the rest is history. I refer to large amounts of inspirations I have as muses. My former muses are: The Evil Mecha Five (of Thousand Arms), Jackie Chan adventures (mostly fics about the Dark Hand), Thunderbirds (Usually fics about John or Virgil not so much the other three), Last Exile, FMA, S-cry-ed, Samurai Deeper Kyo, then Organization XIII of KH 2. I haven't really had any muses since then. I play video games aside from watching anime. My favorite games are (in no order): Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy XII Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Solid 3 Metal Gear Solid 4 Persona 2 Persona 4 Shin Magemi Tensei: Nocturne SMT (same as above to lazy to type it again) Digital Devil Saga one and two Kingdom Hearts II Thousand Arms Wild Arms Wild Arms 3 Wild Arms 5 Escape from Monkey Island Psychonauts Clock Tower 3 Fatal Frame 2 Silent Hill Silent Hill 3 Xenosaga one and three Persona 3 Phoenix Wright Ace attnory Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Star Ocean: The Last Hope Half-Life 2 (episodes included ;)) Bioshock Tales of Symponia Tales of Vesperia Tales of Graces Tales of Xillia Xenoblade The Last Story The Last of Us Arc Rise Fantasia Ar Tonelico 2 Resonace of Fate Project X Zone There are others but my mind is drawing a blank right now. I love animes! My top ones ( in no order) are: Full Metal Alchemist (including FMA the Brotherhood) Last Exile Ouran High School Host club Hetalia Black Butler Vampire Knights Nana S-Cry-Ed Samuria Deeper Kyo Saiyuki Trinity Blood Paradise Kiss Space Dandy Soul Eater Vampire Princess Miyu Gun Sword Hellsing Other animes I like (in no order) are: One Piece Gungrave Read or Die Avatar the Last Air Bender Ghost in a Shell: Stand Alone Complex (along with 2 gig if they are considered two sperated shows) Cowboy Bebop Rahxephon Samuria Champloo Cromartie (I think I mispelled that) High school Lupin the Thrid Chrono Crusade Rouni Kenshin Gunslinger girl Basilisk. Honey and Clover There are a few others but I just think they're okay. My fav mangas are: Black Butler Full Metal Alchemist One Peice Samuria Deeper Kyo Vampire Knight NANA Naruto Hakura No Go Shaman King Chobits Saiyuki Honey and clover GodChild I do watch other things besides anime. My favorite T.V. shows are: Thunderbirds NCIS CSI NY Dr. Who (the new one since I didn't see the old one) Scrubs MASH Torchwood Psyche Sadly to admit it I do watch cartoons my favs are: W.I.T.C.H Jackie Chan Adventures American Dragon Jake Long Kim Possible Veiwtiful Joe (though its not as cool as the video game) Empeor's new school Young Justice Transformers Avengers: Earth's Mightest Heroes My favorite characters (in no order) in the things I have listed are: FF 7: Yazoo, Cloud, Sephiroth, Kadaj and Vincent FF 8: Irvine, Zell, Seifer, Quistis FF 12: Balthier, Fran, Basch, The Judges, Larsa. MGS one and three: Snake, Liquid Snake, the Fox hound unit (meaning the boss type people then realizes Liquid goes along with them...) the COBRA unit, and young Ocelot Persona 2: Tatsuya, Katsuya, Maya, Boafu (sp? I never spell his name right) Ulala SMTDDS: Cielo (Sp?), Serph, Heat, Gale KH II: Organization XII, My fav Nobodies being Demyx and Zexion. Riku Persona 3: Junpie, The main character, Mitsuro, Akihiko (however it's spelled :P) Persona 4: Yosuke! the main character, Naoto, Kanji In Animes: Last Exile: Lucciola, Claus, Dio, Alex, Delphine FMA: Ed, Winry, Roy, Riza, Hughes, Envy, Wrath, Greed S-Cry-Ed: Cougar, Kazuma Samurai Deeper Kyo: Benitora, Kyo, Saizo, Yukimura, Akira, Hotaru Saiyuki: Sanzo, Goyjo Trinity Blood: Abel, Tres, Hugue, Issak (sp?) von Kompher Gun Sword: Van, Ray, Wendy Hellsing: Alucard, Integra, Seras, Anderson Hetalia: Italy (duh), America, Prussia, Germany Black Butler: Sebastian, Grell, Will, and Ronald In TV shows. Thunderbirds: Alan, John, Virgil, Scott, Gordon (so pretty much the five sons) NCIS: Tony, Gibbs, Kate, Ziva, Abby, Mcgee Dr. Who: The Doctor, Jack, Rose Scrubs: Dr. Cox, JD, The Janitor Normally I'm polite or at least try to be as long as you don't make me mad first. Oh if one of your stories was on my favorites list and it's not any more. I'm sorry I like so many fics that sometimes I have to delete some to make room for more. If yours is one of the ones deleted I'm sorry. Okay I know most people on the planet have done this all ready but I'll do it to. Here are some of the stupid things I have heard in the last year or so. Stupid things I my self has said: When talking the weird code names in Trinity Blood. "I don't know why they called Hugue the Sword dancer. That looks like a pole not a sword. They should call him the pole dancer." My mom gives me this funny look then my brain realizes that's another word for a stripper. Then I add "That explains why he keeps ending up shirtless." Talking about the names in Gungrave. "He's name is Brandon Heat. I think his last name should be hot and his middle name should be is." So his name would be Brandon Is Hot behold my fangirlyness. Once me and my friends were driveing aorund. My friend Ashley had taken us to a mountain to see the veiw. Me and another friend was in the back seat and we both noticed these cows int he distance. They were talking about the veiw while I was distraced by the cows then Ashley says. "That's why I brought you up here." then stupid me adds. "What the cows?" when she was talking about the veiw. Yes I felt really stupid. At home: Talking about Christmas presents. mom: "Most of those presnts are yours." Me: "I know." Dad "And those that aren't yours are mine" Me: "Duh Dad we haven't bought moms yet." Note he said that to try to prove that I had more gifts than him double note that I didn't know the number of how many he had so the coment sounded stupid to me. When talking about TV: "Oh so the husband killed the wife and here I thought it was going to be something searious." My dad when talking about an episode of Rains While watching a movie. A certain character my mom hates come on there. Mom started making fun of her and when she ran out of stuff to say. "Oooh... she makes my butt hurt." Apperently that's another way to say they are a pain in the butt XD With Friends: Lissa: "If I knew Cloud (ff 7 Cloud) then I'd let her met him. Of course it'd be like a bottle of ketchup you know how some people hog it then you have to be like 'Hey uh can I have that back'" Lissa: Cloud Smith? xD...Cloud anything sounds odd, actually. Once again, I wonder what his mom was thinking.I mean, who looks down at a blonde, blue-eyed infant and thinks of loose collections of water vapor in the stratosphere? O_o (She said this well we were talking about how strange Cloud's last name is... and his first name XD) "If your feeling depressed go buy underwear, trust me it makes you feel less depressed." A quote from a fellow college student don't ask me why she said this o_O it was weird random but very funny XD At work: "I'm going to shill some one" shill now meaning a cross between shoot and kill. Guy one: "Don't just toss those in there I named them all." Guy two: "really." throughs one bag in there. "I just put Jim on top of Bob." Guy one: Points sink sparyer at guy two. Guy two then says. "Mine's longer and harder than yours" Talking about the hose he had at the other sink. "How could you not like Spongebob he's such a gay little fellow." I laughed. "No I mean happy." "I don't want him to die. I just want it so he can't work here any more." this was said after a coworker said they wished some one would get hit by a train o_O Stuff from t.v: "Thank you for confussing me." Danny from CSI NY "People are bastard covered bastards, with bastard centers." Dr. Cox Srcubs "I'm Gavomiting." Dr. Cox again (a cross between gaging and vomitting) "Well either this kid has a lightbulb shuved up his butt or his colon has a good idea." Dr. Cox again. "Did you check every where? Even under the kitchen sink!?" Jack from Dr. Who when he had a bomb on his ship. He was looking for an escape pod. "Excuse me do you mind not farting while I save the world." The Doctor from Dr. Who "It's amazing what you can do with duck tape and a mean look." Jonus (sp?) from the Unit "I thought we could get to know each other better. And what better way to do that then get naked in the hot springs together" Benitora from Samuria Deep Kyo (the anime) "Who are you saying that's so small you can't see them with a magnifing glass!" Edward Elric from FMA "It's a long story well not really but it's sad." Wolfwood from Trigun I might have quoted that wrong but... at least I'm close. "I feel like I've been cheated on." Rains From Rains when he found out a friend of his went to dinner with his ex-wife I think... not sure but it was followed by... "You friend whore" (i laughed for the longest time over that one) "Gentleman I wash my hands of this weirdness" Jack from Pirates of the Caribbean "In that scenero guess who's dog gets kicked." Stockwell from The A-Team In video games: "Objection!" yelled Edgeworth. "Yes what is it?" asked the judge. "... I thought I'd have a question by the time I yelled that objection." Judge "Oh well okay..." "Objection! I have one now." "I'm going to renovate your ass!" Kanji during his Social Link conversation About some of my fics: Three have been complete recently: Sick in mind and Body (Full Metal Alchemist), Tells of a Nobody (Kingdom Hearts), and How much trouble can one Nobody get into (Kingdom Hearts) My Lupin fic: The curse of the Underwater ruins: I will update one day. I have it written down but I have to change the ending because it's bad and I think that's why it's takeing so long to up date it. My two Samuria Deeper Kyo fics: Such Greif and The Chance meeting: I do not know if I'll update due to the lack of reviews. But both fics are written down so I might update. My FF 7 fics: When the President is bored I have ran out of ideas, really I have. Beging Dawn I have also ran out of ideas and I'm burned out on it I don't think I'll ever update it soon. I'm sorry please forgive me. Future projects: I have many future projects floating around in my mind. I just need time to write them - |