A/N: And here is the last chapter folks, thanks again for reviews, faves and follows.
Castiel in Pieces
Chapter 13
Castiel smiled contently. He watched Dean as he eagerly ate his pizza, drank his beer, and chatted with everyone. He felt peace, peace at last. It finally felt like things were going right. There was nothing trying to destroy the world, or them, he could remember everything (which was a blessing and a curse) but most of all he could see Dean smile. The hunter he gave up heaven for, the hunter he chose to stay with rather than his fellow angels. He slowly reached out and took Dean's hand that was resting on his leg under the table. He gave it a soft squeeze and Dean returned the action.
"So what are you going to do now?" Sam asked Gabriel which broke Cas out of his 'Dean trance'. He couldn't help but smile at that, that term that Sam had used once when he talked about the two of them staring at each other for long spaces of time.
Gabriel gave a small smile. He was in the middle of eating at a piece of pie. Castiel often wondered how he got past the molecule taste. He decided he would ask his brother about it sometime. "Well Cas told me that heaven needs me. I think," He slung his arm around Rowena and the witch giggled. "I'm taking this lucky woman out on a few dates then I'm going to make my way back upstairs. Some ones got to fix what my brothers did."
Dean nodded. "Well just so you know you always got a place to stay in the bunker. After what you did for me and Cas I think it's the least we can do." He sipped his beer.
"Aww." Gabriel squealed with a large grin. "Little Deano likes me."
Dean frowned. Cas could sense he regretted telling Gabriel he had a home in the bunker. "No I still remember how you killed me like a hundred times and trapped me in a TV world, I'm only being nice because you helped us and you're Cas's brother and that's all." He responded and finished his beer.
The archangel shrugged. "Okay then can I keep the same room I had before?"
"The one where you wrote about the porn stars? Sure" Dean said with a laugh
Rowena shot Gabriel a dirty look and the archangel just laughed and said. "I couldn't talk they had to know what happened. Besides I'll ease it." He got up from the table and extended his hand to her. "My lady are you ready to go?"
She nodded and wiped her mouth with a napkin. She took his hand and stood up. "Well Winchesters it was nice." She put on her usual fake flirty smile. "But try not to need more for a while." She gave a stretch. "Spending on that time holding that portal open, the pouring through books and making that recovery potion is just too hard on a lady. I'm not a young witch you know."
"Later guys," Gabriel gave a half wave and a wink then vanished with Rowena
"Dude your brother is weird." Dean muttered to him.
Cas nodded in agreement when he suddenly heard Gabriel in his head.
"Oh hey Cassie, I forgot if you need help with Jack just call me okay. After all you know I am good with fledglings. Take care and remember you were my favorite little brother."
Cas smiled to himself. He seen Dean notice it and raised an eye brow. Cas called back to Gabriel.
"So now you're admitting I'm your favorite? Don't go telling the other angels that they might get jealous, and don't worry I'll contact you if I need help with Jack. You try to stay out of trouble and remember you're my favorite older brother."
"Angel radio?" Dean asked
Cas blinked. "Yeah how did you know?"
Dean chuckled. "Because man you make a really weird ass face when you use it like you're trying to poop or something."
Cas rolled his eyes. "Dean," He started but was interrupted by Mary.
"I hate to leave you boys now but I and Bobby were going to go." She folded her hands and blushed for a minute. "Dona is going to let us use her cabin and well…" She looked at Bobby who smiled at her and she smiled back. "We are going to go and have some alone time."
Sam got up from his chair when Mary and Bobby got up. "It's fine mom we understand." He said. He walked over to her and hugged her.
"Thank you Sam." She said.
Jack got up and hugged her as well. "Be careful Mary," He looked at Bobby. "You too."
Bobby nodded. "Yeah kid, you take care of these idjits."
Dean hugged Mary. "Don't be a stranger. You both have a home here too."
Mary smiled. "I know Dean. This is only for a little while. We'll be back before you know it." She walked up to Cas and hugged him too. "Take care of my boys."
"Of course." He responded.
Mary and Bobby left in the direction of the garage. They had long packed their bags with the intention of leaving for a while.
Sam gave a small sigh. "Guess I'll start cleaning up." He started picking up plates.
"I will help." Jack said. He started to pick up plates too.
Dean suppressed a yawn.
Cas rubbed his back and Dean leaned into. "Maybe you should go back to bed." It was getting late. It took the family a long while to find a cure for him.
Dean shook his head. "I'm fine." He yawned again as he picked up a plate.
Sam took the plate out of his hand. "Dean just get some sleep okay. I and Jack can take care of this." He gestured to the mess on the table.
Jack nodded. "Yes fathers you should both get some rest. A hunt may come up tomorrow so you should both get some rest."
Dean frowned. "I'm fine."
Cas rubbed his back and Dean leaned into it more. "Dean you barely have your eyes open." He wrapped his arms around him. "Let's go and get some rest okay."
Dean nodded and started towards his room. They bid the other two goodnight as they went down the hall.
Once they made it to Dean's room Cas pulled down the covers of the bed.
Dean rolled his eyes as he kicked his boots off. "Going to tuck me in Cas?" He asked. He didn't change out of his lounge wear so he was pretty much ready for bed as is.
"If you want me to I will Dean." Cas said. He smiled at him. He wanted to take care of the hunter.
The boots hit the ground with a thud. Dean laughed. "Okay then Cas, since you're having a maternal moment I'll let you do it." He said. He crawled into bed.
Cas reached to the covers. "I don't do this for just anyone you know." He teased.
Dean grabbed his arm. "Forget tucking me in, just get in bed with me."
Cas raised an eye brow. "But I do not acquire sleep, Dean."
Dean stared into his eyes with intensity. "Come on please, Cas."
He shrugged. "I wasn't planning on going anywhere but if you insist." He crawled in the bed beside him. Dean laid his head on his chest and Cas began to play with his hair.
"Hmm feels good." He mumbled as he buried his head further into his chest. "Hey Cas," He started.
"Yes Dean?" He asked in Dean's hair. His lips brushed against Dean's forehead.
"Could you stay all night tonight? I don't think I want to be alone tonight."
Cas nodded. "Of course Dean, whatever you need."
Dean ran his hand up his chest and let out a content sound. "You know I was thinking… maybe we should take a vacation."
"Vacation?" He asked as Dean planted soft kisses on his chest.
"Yeah you know vacation, time off, a holiday. Don't they have those in heaven?"
He ran his hand along his back. "No Dean, to an angel our job is everything. We never take breaks."
"That sucks." He looked up at him. "I was thinking about how mom and Bobby took off for some alone time maybe we should do the same."
"You and me?"
"Yeah of course you and me, we can go to the beach or maybe we can break into some cabin somewhere. Or go camping." He ran his fingers along his jaw. "Would you like that Castiel?"
Cas blinked at him using his full name. It was rare Dean ever did it; it warmed his heart to hear him say his full name. "Using my full name you must want something." He said. He grabbed Dean's hand and pulled it to his mouth and kissed it. "Of course I would love to go on this vacation with you Dean. But would you truly take a vacation?"
Dean nodded. "Yeah I would, nothing is trying to kill us now. I think I need one." He sat up and moved closer to Cas. He cupped his face and ran his fingers along his face. "I mean it just you and me and some quality alone time. Not just lying in my bed with pillow talk, like I am talking full on dates and public displays of affection."
Cas laughed. "Are you finally getting over being affectionate in public?" He teased. Most of the time when they were out it was on a hunt and Dean had told him that two FBI agents wouldn't be holding hands during an interview. When it came to around town, Dean would often give him soft kisses on the cheek or wrap his arm around his. It wasn't much but Cas would take it.
"Hell ya you're my boyfriend. Plus I'm tired of chicks checking you out. I want anyone that sees you to know that you're spoken for." Dean laid his head on his shoulder. He's hand ran up and down Cas's chest. "I'm serious Cas let's take a vacation."
The angel ran his hand along Dean's back. "Of course Dean let us take a vacation. I have never had one before and it would be nice to take some time off for us." Cas could feel Dean smile in his chest.
"Thanks Cas." He whispered. He's breathing became steady and Castiel knew that in that moment that Dean had drifted off to sleep.
He kissed the top of Dean's forehead softly. "I love you Dean." He whispered in his hair. The hunter is fast asleep on his chest and in his arms. His heart filled with hope that nothing will ever change this. He holds the man close to him and listens to his breathing. He reached for the phone in his pocket and begins to search for a nice place to take a vacation. He smiled when he finds the perfect place and saved the website to show Dean in the morning. He buried his head into Dean's hair he may not sleep but he finds complete peace in these moments with Dean. He studies the hunter as he spaces out into his own little world day dreaming of the vacation they will take together. Everything will be okay he knows that in his heart.