The Blood Spiller

Chapter 1: Terrible News

Edward walked down the dark streets of Central, kicking at anything in his way. He was trying to make as big space between him and Head quarters as possible. Mustang as usual had offended him and then made the mistake of letting an insult about Al slip out of his mouth. That was when Ed had given him a punch in the jaw… with his right hand. Al was in the dorms sleeping in his bed. He was human now and was enjoying the sleep, but went early because the bastard colonel decided to put him down about his entire being.

Ed figured that leaving after that incident was required due to Mustang throwing his hands to his jaw, blood leaking from his lip like a running Fawcett. He ran out of that office door as fast as his legs would allow him to. That was how he now ended up walking alone. Ed continued walking, keeping his head down, and an empty mind trailing with him. He sighed as he looked up at the moon. He let a tear slide down his cheek, remembering something he had learned of earlier that day, which triggered the assault.

Stopping in his tracks, he sunk to his knees, sobbing hard. He covered his face with his metal hand and continued, thinking about his recent lost loved one. Suddenly, a hand placed itself on his shoulder, making him look up to the stranger with a tear stained face. The stranger was his brother. Alphonse looked down at him with pity in his eyes. "Brother, it's gonna be alright." He then knelt down beside his elder brother and hugged him. Ed continued to bawl and choked out what was weighing so heavily on his mind. "Why, Alphonse? Why Winry! She did nothing to be kill..." He stopped and buried his face in his younger brother's shoulder. Al tried to calm him down. "Ed, we should go back to the dorms, you need to get some sleep." Careful not to upset him, Al helped Ed up off of the ground and started walking him back to H.Q. The whole walk was silent. The only thing heard were the silent whimpers coming from Ed. Al felt saddened too by Winry dying, but he wasn't as close to her as his brother.

Reaching the tall white building, Al walked Edward up the stairs and to the dorms. Once they reached their beds, Ed dropped down on his, face down in the pillow. Alphonse walked to his bed and lay down, facing the opposite direction. He didn't like to see the eldest Elric depressed like this, it made him upset as well.

Ed shut his eyes, trying to stop his sobbing, knowing that it was not the best way to solve this. He took calming deep breaths and he felt his body relax. He then thought things thru. He saw her face in his mid, smiling and waving at him, her blue sapphire orbs staring into his golden eyes. He brushed the thought away, knowing that he would never see her beautiful face again. Feeling exhaustion take over his body and mind, Ed accepted sleep, dreaming of Winry all thru the night.

Waking up the next morning, Ed saw that Al was gone. He then looked at the clock above his bed. "Dammit, I have to catch that bastard colonel!" He then hopped out of bed, running out of the room with everything already on, considering he didn't feel like taking his shoes or coat off. Running down the halls, Ed saw the door to Roy's office was wide open. He peered inside to see him sitting at his desk, head down, a paper sitting in front of him. Ed walked inside and to the front of the desk.

"Colonel?" He peered at the seemingly unconscious man and then heard a groan. Roy lifted up his head, revealing a swollen jaw, a stitched lip, and an angry glare. Ed backed up a bit and looked at him, glaring right back. Instead of being yelled at though, Ed saw him give a look of pity. "I heard about your loss, Fullmetal." He straightened up, taking the paper into his hands. "Well, lucky for you, I have a mission that is in your hometown." He handed the slip to him, and then he reared back in his chair. Ed took one look at the paper and threw it on the ground. "I can't go." He said with a hoarse voice. He tried not to show fear and sadness on his face, but he couldn't help it. Roy looked at him. "You might want to. There is an alchemist on the loose killing anyone he desires, and he happens to be the one who killed Winry."

I hope you like the first chapter of my new story. Boy the ideas are coming so fast! If I keep this up, I'll be stuck with so many unfinished! Well, anyway, tell me what you thought. Please review! Thanks much!