I am currently advertising for my friend! you should read her stuff! and check out her newest story, " Outlaw Inu Yasha"! its funny! XD i love it! and not just cause shes my friend either! shes good! check her stuff out! she needs reviews! too many people are hitting but not leaving their feedback on her works...so please! do this author a favor and leave some flippin reviews! MMKAY! MMKAY!

(chapter 1)

Someone once tried to tell me that everything that happened was my fault. Of course, he was a cold-hearted, humorless jerk, but I believed him. Everyone believed him. But in a way, that was good. I wouldn't be where I am now had it not been for him.

Or any of them for that matter. He won't let me back, but I think his friends are trying to persuade him otherwise. That's cool too, ya know?

Damnit...been around Raijin too long. He seriously needs to learn how to talk right...He's ruining my speech ability.
...damn him...

I saw the messenger girl today. Hanging onto the cowboy as though she'd die if he wasn't there. I wonder if she sees how he looks at every other girl?

Oh well...none of my business.

I've heard that Chickenwuss found himself a chick. No pun intended. The really quiet girl from the library finally asked him if he would go out with her for soda...and he added hotdogs, or so I heard. That's what Raijin said.

He also told me that Puberty Boy is engaged. To Rinoa. My ex, Rinoa. That's okay, really! She's a spoiled brat. Doesn't know what work is.

I saw Quistis the other day. I tried to get her attention, but it seems that I wasn't loud enough. And do you wanna hear something funny? I could've sworn that I saw the Ice Queen crying. HA! Her cry...yeah right...but still...Quistis was crying. I wonder what was wrong. Musta been pretty bad.

You'll probably never believe me, but...I have a thing for the icy instructor.

All the cutting up in class was just to get detention...with her.

The Garden Policy is...was...whatever...that whichever instructor assigns you to detention is the one you'll be stuck with that day. It was fun, too. I made her even angrier with me then. I couldn't help myself. She just looked so cute being so flustered.

Oh, and when I said I have a thing for her...well...that's got to be, like, the biggest understatement of the year. I'm crazy about her. Have been since we were bedwetters. Funny, ain't it? Quistis Trepe, Ice Queen of the century, used to be a bedwetter. And when she did, she'd tell Matron, then come into the boy's room, crawl in my bed, WITH ME, and sleep.

I remember waking up the first time it had happened. She was crying because she thought Matron would be mad at her. Needless to say, I freaked! I was the new boy that day. I had just arrived, and I already had her comin' to me.

But then when she opened her eyes, blue and glittering with tears, she gasped. She had tried to crawl out of bed, but I held her back. I guess I wasn't exactly who she was looking for. Hmph.

" Quistis-" mind you, I didn't know her nickname yet," what's wrong?" I'd had a small lisp due to the missing tooth I had. She was there, lying in my bed. Now, normally, any other person would have dreams about sharing a bed with Quistis Trepe, and I must admit I'm guilty. Of course, though not everyone can say they've held a Trepe, or slept in the same bed with her...MULTIPLE TIMES! Oh well...it was fun while it lasted.

Oh and if you were wondering, that happened more than that time, obviously, as stated above. She always knew she could come back to me, not that heartless jerk. He ignored her. Practically denied her very existence. Bastard. Shame on him.

And she still went for him. Shame on her.

Yes, that's it. Shame on her. Tsk, tsk for not seeing that I actually gave a damn about her, whereas he didn't. She's so much better than Rinoa. I don't know what he sees in her, honestly. I don't know what I saw in her. Whatever it was, it ain't there no more. She's spoiled. Everyone calls her princess and all this crap, but whoever looked to the Queen? The only one who had enough admirers that she has her own fan club.

No one. No one except me, that is. Of course, we humans always want what we can never have. How nice.

The Loyal Knight wants the Ice Queen, but the Queen has no reason to pay attention to someone under her. Plus, the Queen's heart belongs to the Ice King, who has the princess of another kingdom. Making her a queen as well. The queen of his heart...wow...I'm really into this. Now, let's try to make this more amusing!

The Jester (Zell) has the commoner (LG).

The Messenger Girl has the Kingdom Womanizer, but he still loves her anyway.( I don't think he'll cheat...they're to...them to do anything.)

The Knight's assistances have each other to love (which, in a way, is kinda disturbing).

What's lefT?

The Knight.

The Queen.

If everyone else has each other, then it should only make sense.

The Knight should be with the Queen. It sounds like a great idea to me! They're the only ones left. But, of course, kingdoms exist only in fairytales. As do happy endings. I once thought I'd get a happy ending. Actually, twice. The second one was with the sorceress. The first, however, was when I was little. Still at the orphanage. Another night that she had come to me.

She'd had a nightmare.


" Seifer, it was weally bad. Day wer gonna get me! Day wer tasing me, and wouldn't stop! Can yoo beat dem up for me?" she asked, tears falling down her chubby face. How could I resist when she put it like that?

" Quisty, I'll pwoteck yoo! Day won't know what hit'em! Day'll never come after yoo again!" I claimed, pounding my puffed-out chest once in emphasis.

She hugged me. I think that was one of the happiest moments of my life. And when Matron came to wake us up, Quisty wouldn't let go. She said," How are yoo s'posed to pwoteck me when day come for me?"

Matron looked at us and smiled.

" Quistis, sweety, Seifer will always keep you safe, just like the rest of us. We'll all protect each other. Isn't that right, Seifer?"

I pouted." Nuh-uh! Only I can keep her safe! I know dat tattle-tale Zell will be too scared to keep Quisty safe!"

Somewhere in the background, a " Not twue!" was heard.

" Dumby doesn't care! And Selphie and Irvy are too busy finding seashells, so dat just leaves me!"

"...And me." a voice said.

I looked up past Matron and saw her husband. I guess now that I think about it, I should probably call him Patron. Ah ha ha! I watched Matron look back and smile before looking back to me and Quisty.

I guess they could see that I was trying to show off. I bet they thought it was cute, too! Hmph. Guys can't be cute. Guys are unbelievably hot and sexy. Seductive and strong.


Like me!

End Flashback

I sigh.

I don't think they took me seriously when...


There she is again! She's standing at the harbor...next to...him. Sigh. I continue watching from afar. Then I see it. The perfect moment to come. He's yelling at her. The bastard. I run to them. He'd better not make her cry, or he's gonna get it!

" Hey! Puberty Boy! Over here, stupid!" I yell.

Both people look back. Ha...I got'em both to look at me. I finally make my way to them.

" Yo."

He glares. She gapes.

" My dear Instructor. I hope you haven't resorted to eating flies."

She closed her mouth and glared. Ah. There we go. She does show emotion. Anger. Grr.

" What's with the yelling?" I ask.

She finally stops glaring. About damn time. I look to him. He's still lookin' pissy.

" I was telling Squall how I thought it would be nice to have everyone back at the Garden."

I look at her skeptically.

" Everyone is back at the Garden."

She gave me a small smile. Me! Not him! ME! YES! One point for the knight!

" Not quite everyone."

I think I get what she's sayin'. She wants me back! YES! Another point for me!

" So, Instructor. You miss me? Is that what you're sayin'?"

" No she doesn't. She just pities you." I heard the jerk say.

She looks back and glares at him. Another point for me.

" Squall, I can handle this on my own." She says darkly.

He looks at her and snorts. He crossed his arms over his chest.

" Whatever..."

Heh. Well, we know SOMEONE who hasn't changed. I sure have...I think...I hope...Anyways!

" As you were saying, Instructor?" I say.

She looks at me, and gives another small smile. Another point. I look back at Squall, and grin. He knows I'm winning. Stupid kid. Ha ha! Insert mental raspberry here! Dork...

" I was saying, that I think you should give it another shot. Provided that you don't act the same. You must follow orders--"

" 'k."

" Learn what leadership TRULY means--"

" Okay. And?"

" Not be arrogant-"

" Okay...no...wait...I might need some work on that one..."

" Humph." She let a small laugh out.

" You'll need to work on that stupidity of your's as well..." I heard him say, totally forgetting he was there.

I looked behind Quistis to see him scowling.

" No one asked you, Puberty Boy!"

I hear Quistis sigh." Now, boys. Let's not fight right now, okay?"

I look back to her and grin.

" Whatever you say, Instructor. So anyway. Back to more important subjects. You want me back, Right? And you're not screwin' with me, right?"

" Yes, we want you back; and no, I'm not 'screwing with you', as you so kindly put it."

Yes! She's on my side! Obviously, she has been for sometime! Hell yeah! Wahoo!

" Do you want me to get rid of Pubes here for ya?" I ask.

" No Seifer, that's not necessary, but thanks for the offer."

" No prob."

Cough cough. I am now the master...I got Quistis to smile...more than once! yay-yuh! Okay...I'd better calm my happy ass down unless I wanna become the next Chickenwuss...BAH! Like that's ever gonna happen...

" So, uh...Do I come now? Or wait for the word? Or what?"

I watched her think, her small, pale hands fiddling with her glasses. Damn. She's so hot...She doesn't even TRY! She just...plays with her glasses...I think I got it bad...

And you know how in every other story, there's always a part where one person thinks they're not good enough for the one they love...well...here's mine.

I tried to kill her! HER! The woman who taught me all I know...The one who I gave Hell at school during class, just so I could give her MORE Hell after school. What's wrong with this picture, people? I can say she doesn't hate me...but it doesn't mean she LOVES me!

I betrayed her...and her entire group of friends. Hell, I betrayed alot of people...the last one being Ultimecia...but that's okay...that was the only time my head was screwed on right during her control.

I had betrayed her in Time Compression. I was supposed to let them all die. Only save myself. Yeah...right...

(end chapter 1)
amazingly enough, this was gonna be a one-shot, but it got so long that i had to make other chapters too...lol! its what happens when i get carried away and i have time on my hands. But anyway...

Tell me whatcha think...i think seifer may be a bit ooc, but please keep in mind that this is my first ff8 story...

no flames...you no like, you no read! XP i do, however, dont mind getting reviews that tell me what to correct (grammar wise, spelling wise, and such)

ill update when i think ive gotten enough positive reviews, mmkay? mmkay!

neko-yuff out!