A One piece fanfic. My first one so if it sucks I'm sorry. Anywho this computer doesn't have spell check so brace yourself for many spelling errors. Read review no flames please.

Sanji's sorrow

CH 1

The young cook walked out of his room quietly. He seemed to be the only one up that earily in the morning. He made his way into the kitchen to fix breakfast for the crew. He yawned. "Why do I even get up so earily?" He asked himself.

"Sanji!" called Luffy.

"Yeah?" he asked not turning around to look at him.

"Where's breakfast I'm hungry."

"Working on it."

He look over his shoulder trying to see what he was cooking.

"Do you mind?"



He jumped back. "Sorry."

"It'll be ready when its ready."

"Fine." he said leaving.

He sighed he almost felt bad for yelling at him key word almost. He put all the food on a plater and wolked it out there for the crew. "Here." he said setting it down on the table.

"Food!" yelled Luffy as he grabed as much as he could.

"Luffy!" yelled Zolo.

"Learn to share why don't you!" yelled Usoop slapping Luffy's hand.

"Ow!" yelled Luffy.

Sanji just rolled his eyes.

Nami laughed. "Just a regular day of the Straw hat Crew." She look over at Sanji. "You okay you look a little pale."

"I'm fine don't worry your pretty little head about me."

"Okay if you say your allright."

"Would you like some coffee?"

"Yes please thank you."

He got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Nami what's wrong with Sanji?" asked Usoop

"I don't know he didn't tell me."

"He was grumpy this morning." said Luffy

"He's probably just tired."

Then they heard a loud thud, they looked back at the kitchen to see Sanji laying on the ground.

"Sanji!" they all yelled running in there.

"What happened?" demanded Luffy.

He opened his eyes weakly and didn't say anyhting.

Nami placed her hand on him. "He's burning up. Guys this is serious."

"Poor Sanji." said Usoop.

"He needs his rest we need to move him to his room."

"No problem." said Zolo picking him up and they took him to his room.

Nami sat beside his bed watching him sleep. Please get well soon Sanji.

Sanji weakly opened his eyes. "N-Nami." he said weakly.

She took his hand and said. "It'll be okay Sanji I'm here for you. We're going to get you to a doctor as soon as possible."

He tried to smile. "Nami you really do care."

She smiled as well. "Of course I do what made you think other wise. Now go back to sleep you need your rest."

She left the room when she was sure that he was alseep.

She was up on the deck. "The nearest village is Lagoon Beach that's due north of here so we're on the right track."

"Is Sanji okay?" asked Luffy.

"He's asleep right now. I think he'll be able to recover quickly."

They all sighed in relif.

"That's some good news." said Luffy.

"But what coused it?" asked Usoop

"I'm not sure."

"Well the only way we'll find out is if we get Sanji to a doctor." said Luffy

Next chapter coming as soon as I have enough time to type it. Please read review and no flames please.