I can't believe I forget to add this: I don't own Hetalia, obviously~

The poll is closed now. Thank you for all your votes~

1. If you're raising money to help a fellow country (or a human), don't let them know until the end. However, it's an option not to let them know about the good deed at all.

2. Schemes can be legal or not. (Try not to get arrested or worse.)

3. The schemes can range from a country's specialty to ideas from the news.

4. Countries can team up and work together.

5. Countries (or their pets) are allowed to crash other countries schemes, making them succeed or not. Everything is fair game when it comes to money.

The golden rule: If possible, don't spend money to make money.

Romano and Germany make it to the scene of the crime. Romano groans. "Fuck, it had to be Hungary." Said woman looks crazy. Her hair is flying everywhere as she slams the poor claw machine with a frying pan. She hits it repeatedly while shrieking. The few mall cops that are already there are standing awkwardly to the side unsure of how to calm the enraged woman down.

Germany tells the mall cops, "I have a plan. This is what I need done-"

The cowardly cops wave their arms. One of them squeals, "We're not getting between her and that claw machine."

Another one nods his head quickly. "Yeah, and we don't want to be the ones on camera man handling a woman. No matter how crazy she is." A crowd is gathering at the ticket exchange center a couple feet away. They don't get too close in fear of invoking her wrath. Multiple shoppers are recording the ongoing drama.

Romano curses in his mind. Cops look bad when they punch or manhandle a woman. If one of those bastards uploads a video of a cop punching a woman, it goes viral and the publicity is horrible. The public won't have the full story and a lot of hate gets thrown at the cop, even if the woman is at fault. He's not sure how people would react if a video of Hungary being taken down. Hell, they might even get bad publicity for hitting a crazy person and scolded for not taking a more gentle approach.

Germany sighs. "Do crowd control. Keep them away and get them to stop filming." The mall cops eagerly agree and run off. The German rubs his head in frustration. "What are we going to do now?"

Romano looks hopefully around for Austria to be miraculously nearby. Sadly, he's not there to calm her down. He does see Romania, though. He is at ice cream claw machine. He has his tongue stuck out in concentration. Romano briefly recalls Hungary's unhappy response to being paired up with the Romanian for the Secret Santa thing.

Romano goes over to Romania. He says, "Do something about your partner! Do you not notice the bitch-fit she's throwing?" The reason Romano is asking Romania is because he wants to see if he can get someone else to distract her from abusing the claw machine. He knows those two are not on good terms, so he hopes they get into an argument or something. The distraction would give Germany enough time to snatch the frying pan away from her. No one is going to want to go within a few feet of her when that frying pan is in swinging action. It's too dangerous.

The claw misses the tube of chocolate ice cream. Romania pouts at Romano for distracting him. "Did you say something important? It must be to make me miss my icecream."

An anger tick appears on Romano's forehead. "Distract Elizabeta with your countries' history like you usually do! Or something to keep her mind off swinging her weapon."

Romania weakly laughs. "I like messing with her, but not when she's like this. I want to stay away from snapped!Hungary until she cools down." There goes his brilliant plan. Even Romania doesn't want to mess with a beyond pissed Hungary. That's saying something. The man loves to rile her up.

If there weren't any witnesses with cameras, he would have shoved Romania to the furious woman and done his plan in the first place. He gladly wants to avoid unwanted publicity. The country wants to go unrecognized when he goes outside. No one remembers his face and questions why he hasn't aged in over twenty years and he wants to keep it that way.

Romano reluctantly asks Germany, "You have a better plan?" He reigns in his temper. It's difficult, but it must be done. He doesn't want to drive away Germany now. He needs the potato bastard more than ever.

Germany doesn't speak for a few moments. He sighs. "The best we can do is to talk her out of her anger. It's better we do it because we know her."

Romano gulps. He dodged one dangerous confrontation today and here he goes jumping into another one. He tries to give himself a pep talk. "If I can survive Belarus and Russia together, I sure as hell can survive talking with Hungary."

Germany says, "Elizabeta, why are you behaving this way in public?"

Hungary pauses in her rampage. She turns around to face them. She's clutching her signature frying pan to her shoulder. "I hate the new claws!"

Romano blinks. "What?"

Hungary fumes. She smacks at the machine. "I missed the old days when the claw had three arms. Now the new shiny claw machines only have two arms to it."

Germany raises an eyebrow. "That's all?"

Hungary whips her frying pan in front of her. She waves it in warning. "Two armed claw machines make it harder to grab stuff." Romano is irritated. Hungary snapped because of the new claw crane design. He admits, it makes grabbing prizes more challenging.

He notices that the claw machine that Hungary is giving a beating to is the two armed crane where you mostly have to use it to push down at the right angle to drop it. He absolutely hates these kinds of claw machines. He questions in his mind why the fuck they're still called claw machines when the actual arms of the crane are not used when it's mainly used for pushing. The claw should be a punching glove instead. It should be renamed to punching-the-little-shit-until-it-drops machine. The nickname: P.L.S (please) Drop Dammit Machine.

Romano stops his mental musings to remember he and Germany has to stop Hungary's rampage. He sympathizes a little with the mad woman, but he draws a line at throwing a bitch-fit over a toy.

In Romano's opinion, Germany's way of diplomacy isn't going anywhere. He believes Germany's wording is angering Hungary even more. If the potato bastard is the one who keeps asking the questions, they're going to get attacked. He's going to approach Hungary with differently worded questions to get the questions they both want answered. "Why the fuck are you beating the shit out of the claw machine? You're in the fucking mall! Stop wasting your time here and buy a better toy there."

Germany faceplams. "Romano, what-"

Romano jabs the German's chest to shush him. "It's my turn to talk to her."

Hungary takes a deep breath. "I saw this teddy bear and I thought Lichtenstein would love it for her Secret Santa present. The cost to play was only a dollar-" Hungary pauses in her tale. Her anger is building up again. "I didn't get it the first time. I kept playing and I realized I already spent over forty dollars. So, I have to win the teddy bear or my wasted money will be in vain."

Curse Finland. The idiotic Fin didn't realize how stupid it was to force money strapped countries on a week deadline to buy a good quality present. Didn't the bastard stop and think what would happen if already on the edge countries from their poor financial situations would snap from the pressure? Countries with no qualms stealing and the crazy ones are going to create hell wherever they go. And the mall where Romano and Germany just happen to work at as mall cops just happens to have a bunch of the results.

May whatever forces in the universe save his remaining sanity.

Romano gestures for Germany for a private conversation. The two turn their backs to Hungary. They both anxiously glance over their shoulders once in a while in case the wild beast that is Hungary attacks. Hungary loses interest in them. She engages in a glaring match with the claw machine.

Romano harshly whispers, "I say we get a giant teddy bear from the prize counter and give it to her. That'll get her to shut the fuck up." All Hungary wants is the teddy bear. So, his genius idea hit him. Give her the biggest teddy bear in the prize counter to make her feel she got her money's worth. She's angrier at the idea that she wasted so much money on a little teddy bear in the claw machine. A giant bear will feel like she finally got something out of all the money she wasted. The bribe will be worth a little less than the money she wasted, so she won't feel too ripped off from the arcade.

Germany narrows his eyes. "We're not going to reward her for her bad behavior."

Romano hisses, "We're not! We going to make her calm her shit. Do you have any better ideas to get her to calm down faster?" Romano's eyes glances at the crowd still videotaping everything. "We have to do something fast and not make her snap to attack people. These people's lives are at stack, potato bastard!"

Germany stares at him. He sighs and reluctantly goes to the prize counter. He converses with the employee. The arcade employee hands over a huge teddy bear with a red bow tied around its neck. The bear is easily beats half of Germany's size. The employee slips something into Germany's hands. He slips it into his pocket before grabbing the teddy bear off the counter.

Germany returns with the teddy bear in his arms. "Hungary, please stop for a moment. I have something important to tell you." Hungary stops her glaring match. She gives Germany her full attention. "The arcade apologizes for your….misfortune and wishes to give you a free teddy bear and reimburse you in cash."

Hungary is silent. Romano gulps. "Please don't tell me she's going on a rampage. We got you the damn stuffed animal."

Hungary squeals. She drops her frying pan. It drops to the floor with a clang. The woman launches herself at Germany. "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU! You're the best ludwig~"

Germany is awkwardly hugged with the teddy bear between them. Since it's pretty fat, Hungary is squeezing it very hard to reach her arms around it to meet Germany's body. The German blushes. "Stop, you're causing even more of a scene."

The crowd awes at them. There are multiple shouts of, "They're so cute~" and "What a nice cop!"

Romano snickers at Germany's agony and embarrassment. It's going to take a while for Hungary to stop showing her gratitude.

After Hungary finally lets go off Germany, he gave her the money the arcade generously *cough* forced to so they can get rid of the crazy lady *cough* from his pocket. They had to lock her up in a jail cell because she was making chaos and breaking arcade property with a weapon.

They couldn't technically arrest Romania because he didn't take part in Hungary's crime. He had no responsibility as a 'bystander' to take action in a dangerous situation. He already fled anyway after Romano and Germany was distracted by snapped!Haungary's rampage. With Romania not there anymore, Romano couldn't bullshit an excuse to throw the Romanian in the crowding jail cell for not preventing the situation in the first place.

Romano and Germany are currently taking a break on a bench beside the fountain. They've been actively hunting down law breakers up until 8:30. The situation with Hungary was the best they got along on. They usually got into heavy disagreements on how to handle things. He reflects back one of their disagreements.

A human dressed as Santa is begging outside the store for money. He shakes a bell with one hand and holds out a Pumpkin basket for money. People passing by in a rush usually ignore. Although there are the few sympathetic ones who drop some quarters into his out of season basket.

Romano glares at him. "Begging inside the mall instead of outside, huh."

The man winces. "I-I-"

Romano says, "You're under arrest for loitering and disrupting the flow of shopper traffic." Well, he is kind of a hypocrite. He did force his own lane when he still had that scooter he stole. He pulls out the handcuffs. "You're going to the jail cell, punk."

Germany disagrees. "Lovino, you're going too far. Handcuffs are not necessary."

Romano sneers, "You're too soft, Ludwig. You let criminals off the hook like your brother."

Germany glares. "Stop it. We need to focus on-"


"My brother is in the jail cell and paying for his crimes."

"For what? Two hours before you let him off the hook and Gilbert crawls back to your basement."

"Shut up before I gas you!"

Their glaring match is interrupted when Romano remembers something. He glances at where the crime breaker was. He already fled when they were distracted.

Their problem solving ideas are quite different. They rarely agree on anything.

Romano grumbles to himself. Just because he decided to team up with Germany doesn't mean he has to like it and let the potato bastard make all the decisions. It's difficult to one day randomly hang out with someone you despise towards a common goal. Years of animosity doesn't disappear just like that.

Germany sighs. "Break time is over. We only have thirty minutes before we can go home. Let's make one last round." Germany and Romano leave their comfy bench for tiring work. The good news: it's close to the end of their shift. There's only so much of the potato bastard he can take in one day.

The forced Secret Santa partners patrol the mall once more with Romano terrorizing shoppers along the way, and breaking out into arguments with Germany about his behavior.

Romano spots someone outside the Jungle Café's water display doing something that pisses him off. The rectangular fountain has crocodile with its jaw wide open. The wannabe country Sealand is sticking his hands in its mouth stealing quarters. The adults there take glances at him and shake their heads.

Romano storms over to the kid and yank him away. Sealand squirms in his grip. The boy shrieks, "Let go of me, kidnapper!"

Romano replies, "If I can't get money from fountains, you can't either." He is painfully reminded of the embarrassing Trevi Fountain incident. He keeps his attention on Peter to will the memory to go away.

Germany sighs in irritation. "You don't treat a child like that. Put him down, now."

Romano doesn't awknowledge him, but he sets Sealand down. "Where is your babysitter?" It's a little strange that Finland or Sweden are not around watching the kid. Then again, Sealand probably ran away to do whatever the hell he wanted.

Peter pouts. "Denmark is supposed to be watching me since Finland and Sweden are busy. He ditched me to take pictures."

Germany rubs his forehead. "We'll take you to the lost and found. I'll call him on the speaker."

Romano glares at them. "What? We're not going to punish him for stealing mall property?"

Germany says, "He's only a child. He doesn't know any better." Romano calls bullshit. They both know Sealand is around 50 years or so. (He's not sure, really. It's not that he cares enough to pay attention to his age)

Denmark walks by with a camera snickering to himself. Romano points at him. "You bastard, come over here and take responsibility over Peter." He recalls Sealand mentioning something about the Dane taking pictures. He feels something sinister with the camera. He has the feeling he's going to be pissed with what he finds on it.

Denmark pales like a deer in headlights. "Ah, I can explain."

Romano holds out his hand. "Give me the camera. I want to see if there's anything suspicious on it." For all he knows the perv snuck into woman changing rooms and took pictures. He'll assume the worst until he's proven wrong.

Sweat drips down Denmark's face. "Shit." He bolts out of there.

Sealand yells, "Take me home, coward." He runs after Denmark. Romano and Germany also follow after the runner. They manage to trap Denmark in the food court area of the mall. There are no exits or stores leading to the outside world. The three walls are covered in a variety of food stands. A Starbucks is in the center with a dozen tables around it. His only way out is to get past the only exit: running back the way he came from with Germany and Romano guarding the exit.

Sealand whines, "Where is he? I'm bored and I want to go home already."

Romano harshly replies, "I'll throw his ass in jail and he can rot in there with the other country rule breakers." Denmark is getting on his last nerve. And that's saying something with all the drama happening. He was hoping to relax, yell at a few shoplifters, and then go home when it was time to go home. But no, Denmark had to be suspicious.

Germany glares at Romano. He tries to smile at Sealand, but it comes off as awkward. "After we deal with Denmark, I'll call a ride home for you. In the meantime, buy yourself a snack."

Sealand cheers up. "Okay." He scurries over to the pretzel stand. It takes a moment for Romano to realize the brat is going to use the coins he stole to buy a snack. It's not fair a little brat can get away with stealing coins from a fountain and he can't.

Romano spots Denmark behind the counter in Starbucks. He also sees the Netherlands making a pyramid with coffee cups. He pales when he sees Russia and Belarus making a pyramid next to Netherland's.

Romano gulps. "Shit, I see Belarus and Russia."

When he finishes his sentence, three mall cops storm the food court. One of them point in the crazy countries direction. "There are the shoplifters. Surround them and take them in."

Belarus smirks. "We've been waiting. NOW!" Denmark, Netherlands, and Russia snag some coffee cups from the pyramids. They launch it into the air. The coffee cups' descent makes the loose lids fall off. Hot, steaming coffee stream from the cups. The mall cops duck out of the way. A few unlucky shoppers get hit, instead. The victims shriek from the hotness of the coffee.

The shoppers panic at the random attack. The food court erupts into chaos. Most shoppers stampede their way out of the only exit. The only ones who stick around and ducking for cover are the obnoxious people with no Christmas gifts for baggage. The groups are scattered around the Food court. They shove some tables onto the floor for their own forts. They happily join the fighting thinking it is funny there's an 'epic food fight' in a mall of all places.

After weaving through the scared shoppers, all the mall cops drop a table to the floor. The table top faces Starbucks for cover. The tables are moved together to form a line of defense. On the left side is their defense, and the other stranglers forts, and on the right is Starbucks. The middle of the table forts is dead man's land.

Romano screams, "What are we going to do now?" As they speak, he sees Netherlands and Denmark filling more coffee cups. They're making more ammo. A couple of the stranglers toss their leftover Chinese food at them. China would be happy to see people tossing Chinese food even his own people don't recognize anymore.

One of the mall cops that came barging in answers, "We'll all charge with our forts at them."

Germany disagrees. "No, it's a terrible idea." He glares at them. "You men were the reason to provoke them charging in here." As much as it pains him to say it, he agrees with him. Even he could see it was such a bad plan to run in here. You don't confront crazy countries (not that the cops know that) and give away the element of surprise. Humans don't stand a chance against countries, so their best weapon is to catch them off guard.

The cop has a sheepish grin on his face. "It took a long time to corner them. They're pretty good at hiding." Romano has a pretty good idea why they're taking refuge in Starbucks. The cops wouldn't let them escape, so they tricked the pursuing cops into thinking they cornered them. They went on the offensive to shock them. They would use it to their advantage and subdue them, and then make their escape.

Groups of employees wearing the Dunkin' Donuts, McDonald's, and Weiner Pretzels uniforms storm deadman's land. They all scream their battle cry, "For the food court!"

The McDonald's employees flank the left side of Starbucks while the other two are attacking the right side together. The front liners of each group are holding up tables. The rest behind them are either holding, a large box of donuts or a tray of coffee cups, burgers or coffee, or the lemonade of the day.

Romano's mouth, "What the fuck?!" Holy shit, humans are taking on countries and are actually winning? He was just musing earlier about sneak attacks and it actually worked. These humans have balls for taking on motherfucking Russia and Belarus. Someone must've brought alcohol. He can't imagine any sane person, country or human, attacking them without a drink of courage.

The countries in Starbucks are in a panic, not expecting the employees to take matters into their own hands. Belarus and Russia chunk coffee with more speed. Netherlands stops making the amo and joins in for reinforcement. Denmark is the only one pouring more coffee. The Dane is panicking at the amount of amo quickly disappearing. He tries to quickly make more to keep up with demand.

The coffee slams into the employees shields. Some of the coffee cups manage to soar over the table shields and hit some. They either drop to the floor screaming at the searing hotness or try to tough it out and keep moving with the assault. The employees fight back with their own amo. They toss their stand's food. The countries have to at times duck coffee or smack donuts away.

To the back of Starbucks, more employees take a stand. Employees from Panda Express, Pizza Hut, Subway, and other stands charge at the back. They all charge together. The front has tables and behind them each group has food from their own stand. They bang their tables and fists on the back door of Starbucks. They scream for them to get the fuck out of their mall.

Russia and Belarus' group is overwhelmed by surprise and sheer numbers. No one expected for the employees to stick around when the other shoppers fled. They only anticipated the mall cops to strike.

A woman sneaks up behind the mall cops. "Hey guys, are you going to arrest the hooligans or not?"

Romano jumps. "When the fuck did you get here?" The woman is wearing a Dunkin' Donuts uniform. Her long raven hair in tied up in a pony tail with a Dunkin' Donuts hat resting on the top of her head.

The woman grins. "I'm a representative of the Dunkin' Donuts, McDonalds, and Weiner Pretzels Alliance." She looks thoughtful. "Maybe the other stands should be added as well. They attacked too."

Germany asks, "What are you guys doing? It's dangerous to go up against them."

The woman tilts her head. "They not shooting at us, so it's all good~"

Romano shouts, "Crazy woman. Why are you all attacking like that. Hell, how are you all organized." These people organized fast. They must have formed this ahead of time.

The woman laughs. "This mall has faced our fair share of crazy people. Whenever shit hits the fan for the food court, we would fight back. We're sick and tired of being bullied by people like them-" she points at the countries trying to keep their stronghold in tack. "So if we could, we would strike back."

A few moments passes by in silence passing by. No one said anything. The mall must've deal with crazy shit all the time for the employees to get riled up enough to want to attack back.

Romano asks, "Why are you telling us this?"

The woman blinks. Then she smiles. "Because I can~" Romano sweatdrops.

Germany stands up. He pulls up his part of the fort. "Men, we will charge. This is the perfect opportunity. The shoplifters are too distracted by the employees numbers. We'll charge on the count of three. You too Lovino"

Damnit Germany! He's fine with standing back. The woman grabs a table behind them. She has a determined gleam on her face. Romano grumbles and gets ready for the charge too. He has to since even the civilian is joining the charge.



"Hey wait a moment. Now my charge idea is good and you stole it! Plan stealer."


"For the mall," they all weirdly scream their battle cry in perfect harmony.

It disturbs Romano. A lot…..

They charge the middle. Everything happened so fast. What happens next is a blur for Romano. All he remembers is being pelted by donuts. Germany wrestling Russia to the ground. Belarus being tackled and bitten by the crazy representative. The backdoor giving way and flooded with employees.

He can't remember the important details now. Later, when he looks back on this, he curses for not watching the epic Germany vs. Russia fight. He doesn't remember exactly how it went down or what made Germany overcome the Russian's scary aura to keep punching him.

During the chaos, a forgotten Sealand cheerful watches the drama unfolding. He raids the empty stands for free food and drinks.

Romano taps his feet waiting for Germany to come out of their temporary boss' office. He runs his hand through his hair. Hr grimaces to see there is still some donut icing in his hair. Sealand is moving around, impatient to leave.

Germany is his ride home, unfortunately. He didn't want to waste his gas money so he uses him for free rides. As for Sealand, he's going to stay over at Germany's place for a little while. Germany had called him earlier and Finland said he would pick him at Germany's home.

A shocked Germany finally comes out of the office. Romano raises an eyebrow. "What happened to you?" Well, besides the obvious bruising from the fight with Russia.

He says nothing. He doesn't look like he wants to talk about it now. They make their way out of the mall. Romano is a few feet behind Germany and Sealand is happily meeting Germany's pace.

Germany replies with wide eyes, "I'm fired."

Romano blinks in shock. "How did that happen?" This is Mr. Workaholic we're talking about. He'll put so much effort into his work he'll get a promotion. If anyone would get fired, it would be him. His foul mouth and his handsomeness will get him the boot.

Germany grumbles, "He didn't tell me much. He screamed at me to pack my stuff and leave. I only received a mumble about being reported from several people."

Romano pales. "Oh crap, did I get him fired?" There was the incident where he stole the scooter and called himself Ludwig. He also got on every shoppers bad side with his scooter lane stunt. Getting Germany fired is not what scares him. McMuscles reaction to it might have possibly been his fault is what scares him. Germany will make him run until he drops!

Romano tries to act like himself on the way back home as to not arouse suspicion.

It's the day of the Christmas party. The atmosphere is tense and awkward. By throwing countries in the mall jail, it caused an international incident. (With their bosses.) Their bosses were angry when they learned of why they were acting crazy. Finland got in huge trouble for the Secret Santa thing. Their bosses almost banned having an annual Christmas party. They're not allowed to have a Secret Santa on any occasion (party or not) ever again.

Finland puts on a small smile for the gathered countries. "Hello everyone! Welcome to our annual Christmas party." China's cricket chirps. The awkward silence is suffocating. Finland grimaces. "Anyway, why don't we have Ukraine and Liechtenstein give their present first?"

Earlier, Finland explained how he wanted the Secret Santa thing to work. He calls up a team to present their present. They call out who its for and go sit down. Then they have to open their present for everyone to see.

Ukraine and Liechtenstein step forward. Liechtenstein cutely says, "Merry Christmas England. This is our present for you." England comes forward and receives his gift. The girls go back to where they were standing with the other girls.

England opens the present. He lifts up a red scarf and hat. Ukraine smiles. "Liechtenstein and I made those for you. We spent time learning how to crochet on YouTube." A country yells cheapskates. More countries grumble how it's unfair that they make something cheap while they had to buy a pricey gift.

Finland tries to calm down the crowd. "It's fine." He places a hand on his heart. "It comes from the heart. The present is worth a lot."


"What the fuck! I could have made something cheap and it would have met your requirements?! Why didn't you tell us in the first place, you asshole."

Another country shouts, "How could you have pulled some cheesy from the heart crap on us and expect us to take it nicely?! We could have avoided all the stress this week." An angry mob forms around Finland. The tension in the air and the stress from the entire Secret Santa thing made them snap at the person responsible for this. The only reason they're not moving closer is Sweden's death stare.

Germany and Romano don't join the crowd. They both approach Italy, who is eating pasta from the buffet table. Romano shoves the present in Italy's hands.

Italy smiles. "For me? I'm so happy my best friend and brother are giving me a present." He opens it up to find a box of white knives. "These are expensive ceramic knives. I love my present even though it's not pasta, ve~" Italy is secretly happy his brother got along with Germany enough to get him a present.

He always wanted for his brother to be friends with Germany. Romano can't stand being in the same room as him. Romano putting aside his difference and working with Germany to get him a present means a lot to him.

Romano chuckles at Finland's agony. "Damn right you deserve it. Santa ruined Christmas."

He pauses. "Fuck."

Santa ruined Christmas…..

How ironic…

Extended Ending:

Finland cries into his hands. "I-I ruined Christmas for us countries! I'm a horrible Santa. I should've never listened to you guys." The Nordics are gathered in Finland's house. It is the day after the Christmas party disaster. They're in their seats trying to cheer up the Fin.

Sweden pats Finland's back. "It's alright. Everything will turn out okay."

Denmark waves his camera in Finland's face. "Look, we got the pictures we wanted in the first place."

Iceland innocently holds out his camera too. "Me too."

Finland calms himself down. "I shouldn't have listened to you two. Rigging the Secret Santa teams was a horrible thing to do."

Denmark gets up from his seat and hugs Finland. "You said you wanted countries to remember about Christmas spirit because they were too wrapped up in making money."

The true purpose for the Secret Santa teams was to bring countries together. Finland wanted to get everyone in the holiday mood and working together to lessen their burden with money troubles. Well, that's what Finland wanted.

Denmark and Iceland, on the other hand, had ulterior motives.

Denmark rigged the Secret Santa partners. He made some teams that would end in laughs for them. (Like Romano and Germany's team and Russia and Belarus.) He couldn't make too many of those kind of teams, though. The countries would become suspicious. Also, certain teams couldn't be made because it would be obvious the teams are rigged. (Let's say, France and England. What are the chances those two would get fairly teamed up in a random drawing?)

Denmark had to make safe rigs or risk dying. He placed Liechtenstein with Ukraine since she's a safe pick besides Switzerland. She's not a bad female influence. (Hungary with her violence and Belarus and all the things wrong with her.) Placing her her a male was asking to be shot.

Iceland wanted revenge on the Bad Touch Trio for the Kissing Booth without his revenge getting traced back to him. He was one of the victims. Okay, it was only a sibling kiss on the cheek. Norway was joking about kissing him on the lips. Iceland may or may not have put France on a team with America. Or suggested to America it's a good idea he might as well work McDonalds since he loves eating their burgers. He might have pictures of poor France whimpering over the poor quality of the food.

Norway says, "You'll get through this, Finland." His mind is distracted. He wants to pay more attention to Finland, but there is a matter that requires a swift solution. Besides, the other Nordics are there to help Finland.

He was annoyed when he found about the Secret Santa teams. He didn't find out until the last minute. The reason he was irritated with the whole thing: he wants England to focus on getting money for supplies to cure the 'charm' on his eyebrows. Simply covering up his eyebrows can only help so much before its yanked off by accident or on purpose. Life is unpredictable. Anything can happen.

He's uncertain whether the man has fully realized what would happen if he lets it unchecked. The charm's strength is already at what he dubbed the "Belarus Level." He's worried for the female population and England's well being. The females don't notice they're under the effect of the charm. There is also the side affect of acting violent (like Belarus) to get to England's eyebrows. They become more violent the more time passes on leaving the charm uncured.

He's pretty concerned his female citizens will get hurt from the Englishman's recklessness. A visit to his house and the bandanna falling off would spell disaster. This is the main reason Norway will make it his business. He usually doesn't barge in on someone's personal business like a certain American. He'll drag Romania into this to. It's not only his citizens who are in danger. Every countries female citizens are in danger, too. Who knows what's beyond the Belarus level? He can't imagine what's worse than Belarus, and he doesn't want to find out either.

A sniffling Finland brings Norway back to reality. He'll deal with England tomorrow. Right now, Finland's tears are more important. He'll do his best to cheer him up and get him through this. The man went through a tough time trying to make countries bond, the Christmas party disaster, the thoughts of Santa himself ruining Christmas, and getting in trouble everyone's boss, including his own.

Frugal Money Scheme: Half-Success, Half-Failure.

You can learn how to learn how to crochet on Youtube for free. There are plenty of tutorials and cool stuff to make. It's easier to understand than trying to learn from a crochet book trying to figure out the crochet terms.

When the countries found out they could've made something cheap and it would qualify as a Secret Santa present, they were beyond pissed. Finland just had to unknowingly rub it in by using the 'from the heart' cheesy speech. XD

There is a shit ton of deleted scenes for Romano and Germany's scheme. There is at least five deleted scenes. There are more, I haven't gotten around to counting them yet. Too much editing to do so at the time.

I almost made the food fight a deleted scene. It was pretty close. It made me pretty frustrated trying to edit the monster. I couldn't get the scene I wanted just right. The first draft was too boring. I found myself, the writer, skipping it to read the rest of the fic. That's a bad sign right there. That scene was the reason it took so long to release this chapter. It was supposed to come out last month.

Now I like the scene, so it's all good~ Yay for the Food Court Alliance~

Moonlight Lantern: I'll be sure to do so in the future.

Purestrongpoem: Finland stealing. Lol. The poor children are traumatized for life. They had to witness 'Santa' going to jail and Christmas being 'canceled. xD Well, Prussia and Greece were paired for a Secret Santa team. Remember the rule you had to work for your partner or else you'll get coal for the next 10 years? Finland wasn't specific on how your partner had to help and the amount of effort on their end. So Prussia just dumped Greece in their 'secret base' and had him hog it so it wouldn't be taken over by kids. (ie. Greece just took a nap.)

There's a deleted scene about Prussia trying to find a use for his partner so he doesn't get hit by the ten year coal rule. It explains what's going through his mind.

There's another deleted scene with the Nordics discussing different teams. It's the happier version of the extended ending. It includes their reactions to Greece actually being usefull. XD

Guest: Well, it did take months for me to update. Romano using Germany's human name got him fired. The scheme is a half-success, half-failure because of him. It would be chaos if it falls off. It gets worse the longer it goes untreated.

little Miss punk rocker: As long as the plot is different than mine, I don't mind. It'll be fun to see some Emperor Romano fics and different author's interpretations of Romano being an Emperor, whether that is modern day or in the past.