Chapter 9
After seeing the clip from 'EOS' aired on Saturday 16th May, I wrote the reference to '2001' before watching it. How did I know? How could I have known?
Time to get this one finished, a comment made by Daria Brooks about the 2004 movie and how it portrayed the relationship between John and his father has given me the prod I needed.
"Hey John, how's things?" Scott launched himself on John's bed.
"Good, thanks – you?" John replied.
"Weekend, little bro'. Dad says Doc has released you from your captivity so I was thinking we could go into town."
"Yeh, no attacks for two weeks and I've put on another five pounds so he's happy; so am I about no vertigo but I…I don't know I'm ready for that yet."
"What, my driving? I'm hurt John." Scott put on his best pouting face, making John smile.
"You know I don't…it's people Scott, not ready for people. Take Virgil."
"There's a special showing of '2001 A Space Odyssey. Virgil will be asking me what's happening all the way through the movie and I wont be able to enjoy it."
"Really?" John couldn't hide the suspicion in his voice.
"There is a special showing tonight. Grandpa saw the advert."
John had told his grandpa he loved the movie during one of their many trips home in the old pick up. "So it wasn't your idea."
"Hey, I don't read the paper grandpa does - and you used to go on and on about it, I figured it would be fun to see it on the big screen…and for you to get out of the house too. Perfect venue, you don't have to talk to anyone and for most of the time you wont see anyone either. You can pretend they aren't there."
"I would like to see it again."
"Come on, then. We can have a couple of hours' brat free – or rather I can. You get brat free time every day."
John smiled "Yes, guess home schooling has many advantages."
"So, is it a date?"
"No, but we can go to the movie."
"You buy the popcorn and give me a run down on what the movie is about so I don't have to keep asking all through it. Grandma says to tell you dinner's ready and to get your butt downstairs.' Scott jumped off the bed and ran out of John's room.
"She wouldn't say butt." John yelled as he followed his brother.
Scott sensed John's discomfort which increased in intensity the closer they got to town. As they passed the outermost dwellings, he pulled over.
"You really aren't ready for this, are you John?" he asked.
John shook his head. "I'm sorry Scott. So sorry. I'm useless, a complete waste of space. You'd all be better off without me!"
Scott gently touched his brother's arm. "That's Ed talking, not you John. Surely you realise by now; you're a vital part of the family. The ONLY time I've ever known dad almost break down was when you were in the coma and we weren't sure if you were going to pull through. He didn't know how he was going to keep everything together for us. Kept saying to grandma that he couldn't bear to lose you too."
"I've spoiled your weekend, you could've been out with your friends."
"I've no doubt I'll make and lose a hundred friends during my lifetime…but I can have only one brother called 'John'. Course, you did lull me into a false sense of security."
"Wha…how?" John glanced sideways at Scott
"Well, you were such an easy kid, I thought I had the 'big brother' thing perfect. I was completely unprepared for Virgil, Gordon and especially Alan."
"Nothing could prepare us for Gords and Alan."
"How about we go home and wipe the floor with them on whatever game they're playing?"
"Maybe I could Scott – but unless you've been practicing…"
Further conversation was stopped by the sound of a siren and flashing lights of a police car.
Scott lowered the window.
"Hello Officer Powell."
"Scott, you OK?"
"Yes, we're fine. We were going to watch a movie but changed our minds. We were just about to go back home."
"Ah, your brother allowed out? He OK to be around normal folk now?"
"What do you mean by that?" Scott bristled
"Scott, please I just want to go home." John pleaded, pulling his hoodie over his face and sliding further into his seat.
"Is that all right with you officer?"
"Sure Scott. Drive carefully now!"
They watched the patrol car's rear lights fade into the distance. As Scott was turning the wheel he felt a light touch, so slight he almost missed it. He turned to see John sitting upright in his seat. He'd pushed his hoodie away from his face.
"Scott, do you think he'd be pissed if we went to the movie after all?" he asked.
"Sure you want to?"
"I…I think it's time to stop being scared all the time. I've got my big brother; you'll have my back."
"Always John – OK we screwed up but never again!"
"That's in the past Scott, no relevance to now."
"You sure about this?"
John sighed, "Not really, but…let's do this."
"OK, movie it is – but now you better tell me about the plot or I'll talk all the way through it!"
Scott had been fully expecting to be utterly bored but he was hooked; from the opening bars of 'Thus Sprach Zarathustra' to the mystic appearance of the Star Child; all thoughts of popcorn and talking were forgotten as he, like John, lost himself in the story; a wondrous melding of sight and sound.
"Wow, John – Virgil has just GOT to see that!" Scott commented as they left the cinema.
"It's kinda special – still" John agreed.
Then he heard the voice of his tormentor and froze. Ed and his cronies had also decided to go to the movies that night. Without missing a beat, Scott draped an arm across John's shoulders
"Now, I know you explained to me before the movie – but what the heck was going on in that room?" adding in a conspiratorial whisper, "You know you don't really need to…right?"
John looked up at his brother, first with gratitude in his eyes but that changed in a flash to one they hadn't seen since before mom's death…the glint of mischief.
"Oh yeh!" and his arm snaked up to link with his brother's, "well, Scott…I see it like this…" as they walked to the car. John talked almost non-stop all the way home. Scott didn't interrupt, it was so good to hear his brother talking enthusiastically again.
John was still animated when they walked into the house where dad and grandparents were trying (and failing) to pretend they weren't waiting anxiously.
"Enjoy the movie? Was it any good?" Jeff asked
"It was way beyond just good, dad." Scott said while John paused to take a breath.
"Ed was there." John said quietly, "as we were leaving, Ed was there. It was OK, though, Scott had my back. Scott will always have my back. I'm kind of tired now – is it OK if I go to bed?"
"Sure, son. You've had a long and busy day."
"Thanks, dad. Goodnight everyone. Thanks Scott – couldn't have done it without you – you were awesome."
The adults waited until John had left the room.
"Right Scott, tell us what happened." Jeff demanded.
Jeff poked his head round John's bedroom door,
"Not asleep dad" he mumbled from under his blankets.
"I hope you're feeling proud of yourself, John. That was some achievement tonight!"
"Could never have done it without Scott, dad. He's the best big brother EVER!" John shuffled his way up the bed.
"He thinks you're awesome too."
John blushed, ducking his head.
"I'm sorry dad."
"What for, John?"
"If I'd just talked to you instead of trying to deal with it myself…"
"And if I'd listened more instead of working all hours. Hiding myself in my work so I didn't have to deal with all the pain of your mom and you boys. It was just easier not to think."
"When…when it started with Ed, I knew you had a lot to deal with and I didn't want to add to your problems. After a while I couldn't talk to anyone. Ed was Scott's best friend and kept telling me no-one would believe me. Seemed he was right, too, 'cause Scott changed – everyone changed and I figured it would be better if I wasn't around, so I stopped eating."
Jeff gathered his son into his arms; much to his surprise, John didn't pull away but instead, hugged his dad.
"I'll never do it again, dad. If ever I have a problem I can't deal with I'll talk to you."
"And I promise I'll always make time to listen."
"You got time now?"
"Of course. Do you mind if I make myself more comfortable though?"
Jeff swung his legs up on the bed as John plumped up the pillows so they could both have the benefit of their support.
"Mind the shelf dad." John warned – too late, his dad's head had collided with the shelf above John's bed.
The bed was pushed into the corner and the shelves overhung it…in fact shelves covered all of the walls not occupied by the bed or his computer desk. Books occupied all available space, standing to attention according to John's classification order. He was the only one in the family to share his grandfather's passion for the written word 'on dead trees'; Virgil's description.
The flood gates had been opened. John talked until he was hoarse; falling asleep in the process. When Jeff's mom looked round the door some hours later, both were fast asleep, John folded into his dad's arms, their heads together. She fetched a couple of blankets to cover Jeff, put out the light and gently closed the door.
Jeff would be stiff as a board tomorrow but he wouldn't regret a single ache. The family would be fine now, John was back.
They'd finally heard his cry and responded.