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A Wish
by Lady Dementia
I wonder sometimes, if what I do is right. But am I disloyal to think such things? I don't know. I don't have anyone I could ask. No friends, no team members I could trust. Friends in this faction only means you don't have to watch for a frontal assault. You should watch your back at all times.
I think about who I might have been, had I not been reprogrammed. Would I still feel loyalty, but only to someone else? Would that have really been any better? I don't know.
I could break through my faulty programming. I know I can. But I don't want to. If I'm blindly loyal, I don't have to think about these things. Oh, I do sometimes, but only occasionally.
This is one of those occasions, I guess. Sentry duty on such a beautiful night as this brings that part of me out. I stare up into the stars, and think of what might have been, and what could still be.
I understand more than anyone knows. I'm not stupid, or really insane, but it's easier to be that way. It's easier than making decisions or standing up to anyone. I just do what I'm told.
The easy way out is made even easier by my system errors. It's convenient that my beast mode can take over. That's probably why I seem insane.
But I don't fight it. Why should I? This war is a dead end anyway. History has already been written. The fighting is futile.
Ah, forget these questions. They only confuse me more. But, still...I wish I knew who I used to be, or who I could have been...
"Inferno!" Megatron's voice came over the soldier's comm, shattering the still night air.
Inferno shook himself out of his thoughts, throwing them into the back of his mind for another night. "Yes, My Queen?"
"DON'T CALL ME THAT! And report to me at once."
"At once, My Qu--Royalty." Inferno turned to go into the base. He cast one last look over his shoulder at the stars. One fell across the sky.
I wish...