Price of a Challenge
Chapter 7
By Catrina
STANDARD DISCLAIMER: I own nothing…really absolutely nothing…
A/N: Sorry that this took so long (again hiding from people throwing random breakables at author's head) for a while I lost inspiration for the story and I didn't want to force an important chapter…especially the ending.
Warning: Kyo will be OOC at the end of this fic, you will understand once you read it.
Thanks to those who have reviewed. I was truly honored by some of you your reviews.
"I don't think that you were listening. I said last night that it disappeared." Sasuke stated wiping his sword clean of blood and placing it back in it place.
"I don't care." Kyo started noticing out of the corner of his eyes that Yuya was now dressed and stashing her gun in her clothing. "Take me there."
"But Kyo, we can't just rush off without a plane." Yukimura stated but already suiting up as well. Red eyes noticed that he know carried his Muramasa with him. Saizo must have dropped by last night. For a moment he was concerned that he hadn't heard the ninja then realized that he had had more pressing issues last night.
"I'll come up with a plan when I get there." He growled sensing Yuya at his side as he faced the others.
"No doubt about it, something has to be done." Migeira stated the obvious.
"Well we can't just run off…" Yukimura started before Sasuke interrupted.
"But we are just letting it come up with more and more plans. It has more power, then us, besides do you think it will be an easy trip there. This freak can control nature; it will be a challenge just getting to where I got to last night."
"I'm still against it." Yukimura stated but already knew that he was out voted.
"But we have to do something," The red tiger mentioned Mahiro standing beside him. For a moment she looked unsure, but Benitora grabbed her hand and held it gently. Kyo noted that something must have happened between those two last night as well.
"This is stupid, brat, lead the way." Kyo said glaring at the rest of the crowd making sure that there would be no more arguing.
"Fine, whatever, but I still think that we should plan for the unexpected." It was less then half a mile before it started to rain, another quarter of a mile before the wind joined the rain, and the air was noticeably dropping in temperature.
"This is insane…" Yuya yelled over at Kyo looking but not really seeing her companion. He was acting so cold, so thoughtless, and last night she had given him everything, laid it all out, she had given him her virginity. She could never have that back. There was no regret in her mind, not really but there were questions. She didn't really know what to think. When ever Kyo was around others he was always colder, never giving with his attentions, but this was extreme. She pulled her wet hair away from her face as another cold blast of air hit. She wouldn't de surprised it the psychopath that they were after was trying to create a blizzard. She looked behind making sure that the others were still following. It was then that she felt a warm hand on her wrist. She turned and for the first time since they had left her jade eyes met the crimson eyes of the man that she loved.
"Stay close to me." He stated softly and she tried not to smile at him. In her next couple steps she walked closer to him and could feel slight warmth radiating from his body.
"Thank you." She stated softly, her feet had been sore at the beginning of the journey but now they were almost numb with cold. "Do you have a plan really?" She asked softly making conversation.
"Kill the bastard."
"That really isn't much of a plan. Do you know how to kill the bastard?" She asked her voice bordering on a growl.
"Are you questioning me woman?"
"I do everyday Kyo. Do you think that since we…" her cheeks blushed crimson as she spoke, "…slept together that I would be complacent?"
"We did much more the sleep," he stated with a leer and a meandering hand pinched her rear, "and I could only hope." His sensual lips quirked in an almost smile almost smirk and she realized that Kyo almost had a sense of humor.
"Oh I see, there was only that one time to see if it would help to control me…I see." Even though she was joking it was something that had crossed her mind. She was shocked out of thought when her foot caught something and she was almost on her way to the ground. Kyo's arm around her waist stopped her decent and then she heard a heated whisper in her ear.
"No it was not just last night, it will be tonight and tomorrow night and whenever else we feel the need." He bit her ear and then placed her back on her feet and continued to walk. Needless to say Kyo had found a way to make Yuya be quiet.
It was a mile into the trip when the rain had finally turned to freezing rain and the small pellets were starting the beat into the party of travelers. Needless to say they were truly starting to walk on ice. Everyone sooner or later started to lose footing and Sasuke wasn't doing better in the trees deciding to walk on the grass instead of the ice coated trees. There was really nothing they could do, but simply keep going. About the last half mile they were not only fighting the wind and sleet and snow, but the vines and trees had been interwoven to form a shield around the hiding entity. Yukimura, Kyo, and Sasuke all stayed in the front cutting at the foliage to simply get to where they were going. And while Yuya could see the sun she figured that it had already been half a day. What should have been less then and hour journey had turned into a half a day trek. She wondered when it would end. The voice in her head had not bothered her since last night but the fact that she was the only one that heard it scared her. She just was not sure what it meant. Was he taunting her somehow? Just trying to scare her?
It made no sense what-so-ever. But it didn't surprise her when she heard the voice echo in her head right after Sasuke had mentioned they where close.
Coming after me now?
She stopped and felt Mahiro bump into her from behind. She turned and looked at the dark haired girl.
"What's wrong?" She asked softly.
"We must be getting close. I can hear him in my head."
I can see you all. What a bunch of fools. Traveling through the rain, sleet, and snow. Working so hard to get to me, but you have no idea what's waiting for you.
The voice laughed in her head and she reached up with tired hand to fork through her hair as she shook her head.
"Miss Yuya are you alright?" Yukimura asked stopping the group to look at her. She felt the moment Kyo's eyes landed on her. She could feel her skin heat.
"We must be close." She stated softly looking up.
"He's taunting you again?" Kyo asked but it was more of a statement, "Did you tell him to get ready to die?" He asked again smirk prevailing on his lips.
"Its always a one way conversation." She glared at him sure she had mentioned that before. But it took a moment for her to realized that just in front of them there was an oasis. A place where none of the ice had hit, where none of the snow had formed, where everything looked normal.
"He must be there." She noticed as she raised her hand that it was shaking and laughed at herself for her cowardice. She had faced down Demon Eyes Kyo and here she was afraid of…well a deity.
Kyo was startled for a moment when he stopped having to brave the elements to walk. Their small group came to a halt when the all stepped inside of the loop. Unsure of what to expect they simply stood and waiting. Every instinct that Kyo had knew that he would go after Yuya. She was the only one that he had communicated with, and knew that while they were not all tied to each other each person here was tied to her someone. She had gained all of their loyalties. "Woman," he paused for a moment looking back to find her in the group. She was in the back pale and shivering. "Come here," he stated motioning her forward to stand beside him. She had taken no more then two steps before the limbs of the tree off to the lift literally grabbed her and pulled her against the trunk. Her head slammed against the trunk and she slumped forward in the bonds of the trees before trying to pull herself up, when she spoke however it was not her voice that came out of her lips.
"Do you have a plan?" She laughed. "Are you even aware what I have done. I am no longer bond to the laws that you mere mortals are."
"What are you babbling about?" Kyo snarled looking at Yuya.
"I am everything around you, in every tree, in every blade of grass, I am simply borrowing her form, which I no longer need to possess anyone. I am everywhere."
"So what can you do to us then?" Sasuke asked coming forward pulling his sword unsure of whether or not he would actually be using it.
"I think the question is what can you do? I don't have a form…what can you fight against?" He allowed the group to fall silent. "Do you know Demon Eyes Kyo that this girl is at my whim. I could simply make a thought and break her neck, break every bone in her body. What think you of that?"
"Let her go." He did not waver did not pause as pulled his weapon. There was no question that Kyo had something in mind, no question at all.
"And why should I, no reason to let my precious hostage go." Kyo whispered words praying that this would work and stabbed his sword in the ground. Flames slowly circled around the sword and the group took a small step back, except Yukimura who stepped forward slightly and closer to Kyo, understanding the plan and knowing his part. He kept his bright blue eyes trained on Yuya.
As the fire slowly started to spiral out from his sword, the ground beneath them started to quake and both samurais had to bend their knees to stay upright, but Kyo would not relent. As the fire hit the base of the tree, Yuya's feet dropped to the ground. Yukimura rushed forward through the flames, but the enemy was not ready to release his treasured hostage.
As soon as her feet hit the ground she felt like herself again. Looking up she could see Kyo and in his eyes she knew what his plan was. She took hesitant steps forward, but knew that he was after her when she heard the echo of his thoughts in her head.
"NO!" She opened her mouth to scream but it was too late, her world went black.
Yukimura's sword cut through the wayward branch as it pierced though her back and sunk into her flesh, twisting and cutting her delicate skin. Blood poured from the wound quickly racing down her side and covering her leg. Yukimura caught her before her body touched the ground.
Kyo heard an anguished scream but was unaware that it came from him. His sword started to vibrate as it pulsed power but not enough to quell the anger of its master. So it reached out searching for more power. There was a startled gasp as Migeira looked down to see that his Hajaou was gone in a flash of light bonding with Kyo's sword. Sasuke's sword was next followed by Benitora's Hokuraku Shimon and lastly Yukimura's as he came carrying Yuya's bloody form. From his sword the flames rose swelling upward and swirling outward form around him farther and farther until flames were all they could see. Protected by the Muramasas' they group watched as Kyo's anger destroyed the forest until there was nothing left to see.
Slowly Kyo sank to his knees powers drained, all traces of energy gone. His sword parted returning back their rightful owners.
"We need to go Kyo." Kyo looked up slightly dizzy to see Yukimura standing there Yuya balancing in his arms. "She needs care right away."
"She won't die. I didn't giver her permission." He growled, covering up his concern rising. But never the less stood shakily reaching out for her body. When he felt her blood in his hands he almost panicked. "Let's be off then." He took off at a run not waiting to see of the others would follow.
Her body was slowly healing but she had still to wake up. He sat here, in the room with her looking at her every day. No one had left the inn. After the battle they all had raced here and ordered for a healer. He came and did all he could for her. Remove the splinters and cleaned her wound, bandaged it and said that the rest was up to her. There was no major damage, not organs hit, no arteries damaged. Yukimura had gotten there in time and luckily Kyo's temper tantrum had destroyed the area in a mile radius of the oasis. Everyday he sat here and looked at her. He did not feel guilty but he did recognize this as his responsibility. He gave her water daily, and made she sure she drank the herbs to give her strength and then he waited.
But he was not known for his patience.
Some days he would yell at her.
Other days he would start to shake her.
Rarely did he threaten to leaver her here to fend for herself.
When they had first journeyed to the village he was looking for a challenge, craving something new and someone worthy of defeating. But look at what that challenge had cost him. It was lying right in front of him. The number of people that actually cared about he could count on one hand and there was no question that they person who cared the most about him was laying in front of him weak and pale. Her pulse was strong and she was slowly healing but she wasn't waking. She was laying there ignoring HIM! How dare she? Really. Not moving he glanced around the room checking that he was alone before moving closer to sit beside her.
"Woman…" He paused and waiting for anything but there was nothing. "You need to wake up." He stopped again crimson eyes looking for any sign of life other then the strong pulse at her neck. He lay down on his side propping up his head by setting his elbow on the floor. He was comforted by watching her chest slowly move up and down. It assured him that the price of chasing this challenge had not been her life. Slowly he started to drift off, he slept be her side, keeping vigil.
It was Yukimura who woke him the next morning. Somehow he felt that by staying here with Yuya he had gained the other man's respect, but truly he had no idea what that was about.
"Go and rest for a while, Kyo, I will care for her." Looking down at Yuya then back into bright blue eyes he knew that he could trust his precious possession with this comrade. He nodded not speaking. "Kyo you need to make sure that you are taking care of yourself as well. Miss Yuya would not be happy if you made yourself ill with worry."
Kyo muttered something in response and glared at the samurai and his contagious laughter filled the air.
"Go my friend and rest, I will take care of her."
A part of him hoped that when he went again that evening that there would be a smile on her face and her wide jade eyes would be open again warming his existence with love, but when he arrived she was still pale and unmoving. He vowed to never chase a challenge down without thinking over everything first. Already Yuya could be carrying his child, and then what would he had done? She would have never have forgiven him.
The routine continued for two weeks before they called back the healer. He looked over her. He stated that her body was healing but something in her mind may be holding her back. He recommended talking to her.
Kyo scoffed at the notion but watched as the others jumped in head first. He sat outside and listened as everyone talked to her.
Mahiro talked about how in love she was with the bumbling idiot and even how much he was starting to love her in return. She discussed all the stuff he figured women usually talked about under normal circumstances.
Yukimura read to her. At first he didn't believe it but then he heard Yukimura tell her that he wasn't sure what to say so he simply read fables and fairy tales to her knowing that even though she was in love with and uncouth samurai she still needed to hear of love and romance.
Benitora simply talked of nothing and laughed about everything.
Sasuke said that if she would wake up he would treat her like a sister… respect her and everything. He almost laughed at that notion.
It was three days before he actually sat down to try to have a conversation with the unconscious woman. He was surprised by the first words out of his mouth.
"I'm sorry." For a moment he balked realizing that he would never say those words again. "I was slow and careless, but never again. I realize that I have something else to fight for now." There was a moment of silence before he realized that it was really hard to talk to someone who couldn't talk back. He started to comment that she had lost weight and that her breasts were still small. That she needed to drink more and eat more. That she was slowly killing herself herself by locking away her mind. It was on his second day of talking he heard her breath hitch. He searched his brain for what he had just said then remembered to repeat.
"Woman you better wake up or there will be hell to pay." The threat is what finally stirred her mind to pull out of the prison she had locked herself in.
"Kyo…" Her voice was dry and harsh, nothing like what it should be. He watched with hidden happiness as her eyes finally opened revealing hazy green eyes. He picked up her thing shoulders and cradled her body in his arm. He tilted water back in her throat and she caught for a moment before emptying the cup. He filled it again from the pitcher and watched as she drank another cup before pulling away.
"How do you feel?" He asked slowly.
"Weak." She stated curving her body towards his and his arm pulled her tighter to him.
"You've been asleep for almost three weeks." He watched her eyes widen and she rested her head back on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry."
"Not your fault." He mumbled but he made sure that she could hear it.
"I heard you." She whispered, "I heard everything you said, when I finally heard your voice it was like you were calling out to me. I could find my way back." He could feel the tears running down her cheeks as she tried to move her limbs and it wasn't working. So he laid down on the futon and pulled her so she partially on top of him careful not to aggravate her wound. After hearing that he instantly regretted not talking to her sooner.
"You're back now." He whispered, "And you aren't ever dong that again you damned woman." He growled at her starting to get over her relief of having her awake. It took him a moment to realize that she was already asleep, for a moment he fought the urge to shake her and make sure it wasn't a fluke, but simply let her rest falling asleep himself. When he woke in the morning it was because the body next to him was moving and shifting while waking.
"Good morning." She whispered softly.
"Morning." He scuffed back.
"Why am I so sore?" She asked not quite remembering all that had happened the last moments of the battle. He took his time explaining it being brutally, gruesomely honest with it. It was really up to her if she forgave him or not.
"Wow," She paused after listening to the story, lulled by his voice and his steady heart beat. "We made it through another battle." For a moment she grappled with the concept that she once again could have lost her life.
"You've been here taking care of me, huh?"
"Yes." He admitted begrudgingly.
"You've slept with me every night, haven't you?" For the first time that morning he looked up from his sleeping posture and looked into her eyes. He notice humor there and for a moment he wondered what he was getting into.
"Yeah…" he said it slowly and watched as a smiled spread over her face. He had never actually been happy about anything until he saw that smile grace her lips.
"You care about me…" She placed a hand on his chest and raised herself, and when she trembled he reached up to steady her. "You care about me, don't you…? You really care!"
"Whatever." He grunted looking at her but not nearly as harshly that he would have in the past. "You belong to me woman, heart, body, and soul. I must make sure you are taken care of." He watched as she turned serious.
"I do belong to you, I know that but just once tell me the same thing, and do you belong to me the same way I belong to you?" He knew by her seriousness that his future, his whole life clung to what this response would be and while he feared what would happen to him if he said the truth he knew that that same truth would give him the happiness that he didn't deserve in his future.
"Yes." It was a whisper and if she hadn't been waiting for it he was sure that she would not have heard it. He helped her lean forward and she placed a small kiss on his lips. He treasured that kiss.
"Thank you."
She had never been so happy, again she bowed and looked to her host thanking them once again for their appreciated hospitality. They smiled under the young woman's praise and simply ignored the red samurai standing behind her by just a few feet. It was amazing that by after a month she was on her feet walking and healthy.
"Woman it is time to go." Kyo growled as walked towards the door, their companions waiting outside the door, waiting for her before parting ways. He turned back when he realized that she wasn't following.
"Yuya!" He growled louder and she turned and looked at him. She had gained some of her weight back, and while she was skinny she still had her curves. Her blond hair was down and flew in her face as she had turned to look at him. A smile flew across her face and her eyes burned bright at hearing her name on his lips, in public no less. As far as he knew she looked like an angel. "Time to go." He scowled fighting the smile that he would never ever show in public.
"Okay!" She turned again and bowed to their host. "Thanks again." She said as she rushed forward almost going past Kyo before latching onto his arm. "So where are we going?" She smiled as he looked down at her. She could see him still fighting the humor apparent in his gaze.
"Anywhere sounds good."
The End
Wow, once my muse hit this story again this was written in one night. You guys let me know what you think.