Author has written 17 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers, Hunger Games, Rise of the Guardians, and Akatsuki no Yona/暁のヨナ. "When Green is all there is to could make you wonder. But why wonder? Why wonder? I'm Green, and that'll do fine. And it's beautiful. And I think it's what I want to be..." -Kermit the Frog Hihi! My name is OMGitsgreen! If your coming from the HG fandom you probably know me as one of the most prolific Odesta authors on this site. I can't help it. Odesta is my OTP, and my goal is to fill the void that is the absence of Odesta fics on this site. But here are a few things you might not know about me! Name: Green, duh. Why else would my name be OMGitsgreen? :D (Jk, I have a regular person name too, but that's much more boring) Age: A young adult Gender: I think you can figure that out based on my stories. Birthday: December 27th *nudge nudge wink wink* *cough*Givemepresents*cough* Music?: I'll listen to just about everything. TV?: I don't watch TV, but when I do, I watch it on the internet. Favorites include: Lost Girl, Teen Wolf, Merlin, The Vampire Diaries, and Once Upon a Time, with the occasional rerun of Law and Order SVU and House...and anything on Food Channel. Movies: I'm into comedies. I also enjoy superhero movies, and LOTR you know, cause they're entertaining. Hobbies: Unfortunately I don't have many hobbies because my swimming career takes up a good chunk of the life . Obviously read/writing/anime/manga takes up the rest besides school. Books/Fics: I'm known to be an extremely fast reader. Lord Of The Rings has a lot of sentimental value to me since that was my bed time story every night. I'm in love with the fantasy genre, as well as science fiction. Hunger Games, obviously. Genre of Fics: You'll most likely find my fics under Romance/Angst and Modern AU, though I'm not limited to that. If there was a third genre option it would almost always be humor. Hmmm let me think...anything else about me...nothing that I can think of. I take great pride in my work, and often consult multiple theories and styles to get my messages across. Oh and along with that, I like critisim, it lets me know you care, but not too harsh please? I have an ego I'd like to keep in tact. But also keep in mind that I am just one girl sitting alone in my room writing fanfiction. I can't possibly take myself that seriously. Finally, I try to follow something I like to call "The Code Of Green" which is a doctrine of how I deal with And it goes like this! Rule #1: Review every single story you read. I mean, you have to have something to say! Rule #2: Absolutely no flaming. You don't know what kind of backround/education the author might have, or if English is their first language. Making someone feel bad isn't going to make their writing better! Rule #3: Constructive critism! If you do want to correct someone, do it nicely! Point out mistakes and tell the person how to fix it. Rule #4: Give shout outs/PMs to every reviewer on your stories! It makes everyone feel more loved! Rule #5: If someone does give critism or flame reply back calmly, argue your point, and concede if they are right! I call this The Rule Of Cool. There's no use getting angry over fanficition! And if someone is criticing you, it's good since it means they're taking your story seriously! And finally, Rule #6: Fanficition is a place to have fun! So always do that! Trust me, if you do, a lot of friends will come your way! So with that out of the way, I'll try to update every week, but I live a busy life so don't be mad at me if I don't get around to it everyday on schedule! So that's about it! I'll add anything else when it comes to mind! Nice to meet you! OMGitsgreen The Stories In Progress: Little Stars- Odesta fanfic, another Modern AU story which details love story between a girl suffering from OCD and a boy who really just wants to be free. I really wanted to try my hand at making the "crazy" Annie genre that everyone seems to write more realistic. The Net that Ensnares- A Jane Eyre Fusion AU Odesta that is my 100th LS reviewer request, most likely given five chapters if and when I get around to it. Unbelievers- My Fandom4lls submission, as well as 400th Reaching You reviewer request. Pretty Woman AU Fusion that's on the backburner for now but hopefully I'll get around to updating it sooner or later after LS and TNTE are finished. Will have more of a focus on comedy/humor then my other fics. AU Universes that can/will be extended: Adriftverse- Fantasy AU based off of my fic Adrift, has fairies and mermaids LMverse- My headcanon Fanart Oh my god really? Fanart? YAY! :D Angel England (from my story Arthur): http:///#/d4k7y54 Painting Flowers: http:///art/Painting-Flowers-309578477 Other news I've been so wonderfully blessed to have been asked to collaborate on Fandom4lls, which is basically using fanfiction to raise money to help fund a cure for Leukemia. It's their fourth year, and have raised over 10,000 dollars. Like guys seriously? You have no idea how much is means for me to be asked to do this, considering I'm just one 19 year old girl sitting at her computer writing Odesta fanfiction for the lulz. To be thought to have enough pull in the community that people would actually pay and donate for one of my fics is astounding and my contribution will be coming to a computer near you. If you want to donate or contribute please go to: fandom4lls(dot)blogspot(dot)com ...Yeah. So, if you come across this profile randomly, then please take the time to go read/review or PM me! I happen to really like my stories myself, and I've met lots of nice people and had lots of nice reviewers! Thank you! *bowing* Hope you enjoy what you read! OMGitsgreen |
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