Violent Delights


Annie's alarm went off at 5:21 on the dot. Not at 5:20. 5:20 added up to seven and Annie wasn't particularly fond of the number seven. Seven was an odd number, and odd numbers weren't even, nor could they be divided properly and orderly, and the fact that seven was a prime number made it worse. Eight on the other hand was a good number. She didn't mind the number eight, and she wasn't opposed to the number nine either, even if it was an odd number. If she had lingered in bed and the time was 5:22 when she finally got up Annie wouldn't have been upset. Nine could be divided by three, which wasn't as good as a clean even number, but it was still fine.

She had to make sure she gave herself enough time to get ready.

Annie got up laboriously and yawned, cringing at the feeling of the cold hard wood floor under her toes. Happy she had managed to get herself up on time, she moved onto the next thing in her agenda. She stripped her bed of the sheets, tapping her bedside table four times with her index and middle finger as each sheet and blanket and pillow case came off, before folding them and placing them in her hamper. She took off her pajamas, starting with her sweatpants, then her tee shirt, followed by her underwear, each folded separately and then placed in her laundry hamper. She picked up her laundry hamper, from its place at the end of the bed, turning it counter clockwise then turning it back and placing it back down.

Then it was time to decide on what to wear. She checked her calendar, reminding herself that today was Friday, so it was a pink day. She made this guideline in high school to make sure that she didn't wear the same color twice in a row, because not only was that sloppy but the not knowing made her anxious. She always liked to know, it helped her manage.

She opened her closet and went to the blue section. Annie made sure to keep her closet organized to quicken the process. She pulled out three pink sweaters because it was November and it was certainly acceptable to be wearing sweaters this time of year, and a pair of jeans. She only had two types of jeans, all of them were skinny, but they were dark wash or light wash. Colored pants were in a different section of her closet, and she only wore colored pants on white days or black days, and so she assigned colors to those days as well.

She tried on both light wash and dark wash jeans, and decided on dark wash skinny jeans. With the cream colored cami she always wore on pink days covering her bra, she tried on each sweater before deciding on her light pink cashmere v-neck sweater. She liked cashmere best of all because it didn't make her itchy, and being itchy made her skin crawl and feel dirty, which forced her to wash off. And after deciding on this sweater, she took the two other sweaters she had tried on, folded them up and then placed them into the laundry hamper in turn. Following this, she walked into the closet, walked out, turned the light on and off again just to make sure before closing the door.


Annie was doing well today.

Next part of her routine was the most stressful. Her hair always refused to behave, which was always the cause for tension. She would cut it all off, if only to lessen the burden, but Annie thought she would look strange with short hair. So Annie made sure to comb it thoroughly, taking time to undo every knot, before spraying it in place to reduce flyaway hair. She wiped down the counter to remove of her hair, because in her opinion nothing was more disgusting then stray hair. Then she took her electric toothbrush, squeezing out a pea sized dollop of tooth paste neatly upon her brush before pulling out her phone and starting her timer. She had to brush for at least one minute and thirty seconds, before flossing each tooth twice and rinsing with Listerine for forty-five seconds. She couldn't risk getting gingivitis, or even a cavity. Then her parents would have to pay for a filling, which would then put more strain on them and Annie couldn't even imagine how guilty that would make her.

She released a breath of relief as she finished that up, wiping her toothbrush on her specific toothbrush towel, and wiping clean the toothpaste from the tip of the tube, making sure that no toothpaste would congeal there before screwing on the cape and placing it back in its spot.

Annie tried not to wear much make up on the whole. It was one less thing to worry about. It was easier just to do simple things, like put on moisturizer, dab on a bit of lip gloss, and line her eyes and accentuate with mascara. She placed the containers and tubes back into their drawer, before washing her hands thoroughly. She scrubbed with exfoliating cream, rinsed, squirted exactly two pumps of antibacterial soap into her palms, lathered for a count of ten before rubbing over all the surface of her hand, making sure to get under her nails, before rinsing off.

She would be lucky to get through the day without repeating that twenty times or so, she hoped for less considering the weather was getting colder. With colder weather meant dry skin, and she would rather not use up all of the nice lotion Johanna had gotten her for her birthday today.


Still doing good.

She brought down the laundry hamper, separating out all of the laundry into darks, whites, and colors, before separating them further into delicate and not. Then she proceeded into the kitchen. To her annoyance one of the cabinet doors was open. She hated that, especially when the rest of them were closed. Her family on the whole tried to be considerate of that, except for her brother Kai, who she was sure was the one who left it open. Lately Kai had been increasingly frustrating to deal with, since he had just entered that middle school phase of not wanting to be considerate towards anyone. And also taking into account that they had been arguing these past few days, it really pointed to him.

She closed it, before taking out a bowl and a spoon from one of the other cabinets. Out of the fridge she took out her container of milk and from the pantry she pulled out the Special K cereal. She took a deep breath as she poured the cereal into her bowl, and then the milk, feeling her heart begin to pound in her chest. She had just begun to eat out of bowls and use utensils that weren't sanitized. Before she would only use disposables, but she had been really trying to get her eating habits to normal. Exposure had been working, and she was taking baby steps to her goal of being able to eat at a public setting without having to go through the embarrassment of using utensils she had brought along, or having to ask again and again for servers to take back "dirty" cups.

Her hand was shaking as she placed spoonful after spoonful into her mouth, chewing slowly before laboriously swallowing, and she knew it was coming on, the swarm of mind-wasps that simply wouldn't let her be. They rattled inside her head, buzzed in her ears, stinging her brain again and again with intrusive thoughts, not allowing for a moment's peace because she was breaking the routine breaking it breakingitbreakingitbreakingit and she was going to dirty everything, everything was going to be tainted and it was her fault all her fault. She needed to stop or else she would get sick because there were germs on everything and then she would burden her parents even more or infect them or-or-or-

She forced another past her lips. Maybe this cereal will make me sick, but maybe it won't, she told herself sternly, the odds are it won't. The body had strong protections against illness. I'm fine, I'm fine.

She continued eating until the bowl was empty. The cereal was as heavy as lead in her stomach, as she cleaned the bowl and the spoon, before putting away the milk and the cereal. She washed her hands once more. Feeling shaky, but elated by this tiny victory, she picked up her keys from their spot on the counter, buttoned up her jacket, laced up her boots, wiping them four times on the door mat, before opening the door and closing it behind her, making sure to lock it.

Annie got into her car, noting that her car was half full with gas, and making a note to fill it. She hated when the gas got below a half a tank, it didn't feel safe. Then she stuck her key into the ignition and put the car into drive.

She took a look at the radio clock.


The beginning of a good day.

Annie was a math major.

Math was good. It followed rules, just like the universe. You always knew where you were with a calculator and a pencil. It wasn't anything like English or Art, with so many different interpretations and "no right answer". Annie didn't know how people could live like that. There could be one answer or many answers or no answers in math, but "no right answers" just left this giant void to be filled. But regardless, Annie was very diligent. Just because she didn't like something didn't mean she would slack off in it. And considering her absolute hatred of all those sorts of subjects, she did fairly well in them. She accepted the B+ with considerable grace for a perfectionist, understanding that it simply wasn't her strength, and no matter how much she would've liked it, she couldn't be good at everything.

It didn't make anything better, though when she walked from her multivariable calculus class to her Shakespearean Tragedies and Romances class. She resisted the urge to growl in distaste. She had wanted to take microeconomics the semester, however when the time came for signing up for classes both micro and macroeconomics had been filled up, as Business and Finance majors got first priorities, and the only class she could fit in that would fill some credit she needed was the Shakespearean theatre class.

Sure she needed to get her Fine Arts credits anyways, but she would've rather put off the pain until later. She wasn't good at interacting with others at all in real life, let alone acting. The class made Annie want to hide under a rock somewhere. The teacher, Ms. Trinket, who wanted all of the students to call her Effie was also a nightmare. Not only was she touchy-feely, and acted like more of a friend to the students then a teacher, but she wore the most ridiculous outfits, layered on makeup, and had a voice that made her want to bash her head into the wall. Annie was sure that the only reason she had the job was because her family was the one who donated the money for the Fine Arts center to be built.

And of course once Annie had made her aware of…it, Effie was too understanding. If Annie had a lower standard of morals she would have abused that and had used it to skip. But instead, she just sat there in chairs as Effie fluttered around her muttering how tragic it was.

"Hey there Crazy! What's up?" Johanna Mason called, clapping her arm around Annie's shoulders as she walked into the Trinket Theater. Annie gave Johanna a withering look, shrugging off her arm.

"Not much." She muttered and Johanna gave her a wolfish grin.

"Oh don't look so happy to see me." Johanna said sarcastically running a hand through her pixie, "I haven't even done anything offensive yet."

"Sure you haven't. Congrats on the softball game. I heard you guys won against Umass" Annie said sincerely and Johanna laughed.

"Aw, I knew you cared. Don't act like you didn't go. Just because I was in the middle of kicking Minuteman ass didn't mean I didn't see you hiding in the bleachers, trying oh so desperately to blend in." Johanna teased, and Annie felt her face flush.

"I don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about." Annie said, and Johanna gave her a real smile, something that was rare.

"Thanks for coming. It meant a lot." Johanna said, bumping her hip against Annie, nearly throwing her off balance. "That won't be half as bad as this. Like totally fuck my life. I was hoping that there would at least be one hottie in this class, like a basketball player who needed the credits. But nope, just dumb girls, gay guys, and…worse…theater majors."

"You did say Thresh would be in this class." Annie pointed out as they turned the corner.

"I thought he would be too, but he's in the Shakespearean comedies class. I could deal with comedies. They're full of dick jokes and shit, I know that much from high school. But romances? Blech. Gag me." Johanna said sounding disgusted.

"I can understand." Annie said, tapping the door before entering. Johanna noticed, but as usual never said anything.

That's what Annie liked about Johanna. She may be abrasive, crude, and offensive, but she honestly didn't care about Annie's difficulties. When they had first met in Accounting 101 freshman year, they bonded over mutual hatred of the annoying kids in their class, who could barely figure out a calculator and were obviously just in accounting to please their parents. Due to Annie's problems, and Johanna's personality they had both had a hard time making friends at all, and had simply gravitated towards each other. Annie was grateful. She had really thought that she would have to go through college without any friends, but Johanna had enabled Annie to meet and become friends with her roommates in the quad she lived in, Katniss, Madge, and Delly who didn't mind her oddities or her quietness. In fact, they made her feel…normal.

Her goal was to live off campus with them senior year. It was a big goal, of course. Her parents had told her so many times that they would be glad to let her continue living with them for however long she needed, but she didn't want to cope any more, she wanted control. And besides, it was like her therapist said, having a goal was good. It helped her to push her boundaries.

Annie sat down in the chair next to Johanna.


Eight minutes before the start of class. Annie felt the rush of relief she always got when she got to a place early. She absolutely could not stand tardiness. She didn't even like to think about being late, because her parents were paying for her education, and a moment that she missed of class was like a dollar thrown down the drain and she couldn't handle that and it would burden her parents and-

"Hey, you're following the rabbit." Johanna told her, the code phrase bringing her back to herself. Annie gave her a tired smile.

"Sorry." She apologized, but Johanna snorted.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not apologize?" Johanna said with a roll of her eyes as more students came into class. It was like an endless march, until the last tired straggler stumbled in.


It was 11:31 when Effie finally arrived, and Annie could understand why she was late. Effie was wearing the highest heels Annie had ever seen, gaudy sparkling gold stilettos with huge pink bows, accompanied by the rest of her outfit of a hot pink pencil skirt, cream colored blouse, and hot pink wig.

"Good morning everyone! Today is the big, big day! Today is the day we start talking about Romeo and Juliet, the…shall I say it? Crème de la crème of Shakespearean tragic romances. Who doesn't love a pair of star crossed lovers?" Effie cooed, sounding absolutely ecstatic.

Everyone else…not so much.

"Oh, but before I do! I'd like to introduce a new friend who will be joining us! Finn, come on in!" Effie said, motioning her arm.

There was a collective gasp in the room.

"Finn" was tall and broad shouldered, skin perfectly tan. He had the perfect jaw, a mischievous dimpled smile, eyes the color of the sea, hair like honey with notes of gold, amber, and red, a straight nose, and a devious expression on his face, because he knew what he was doing to all the girl and the majority of the boys in this class.

Annie would've been included as well, if everything else hadn't been wrong.

His button up shirt was half unbuttoned, when it should've been one or the other, his jeans were stained with what looked like paint, his sneakers were dirty, his gorgeous curls were an absolute mess. The backpack slung over his shoulder was half-unzipped and had papers unceremoniously shoved inside.


He was just casually strolling at 11:32. 11:32 added up to seven which was a bad number.

Annie didn't like this boy one bit. Not a single bit.

"Finn O'Daire has been at a swim meet in South Africa over the past week and just got back. I hope that everyone welcomes him with open arms, and helps him to catch up." Effie said oh so very happily.

"And dropped panties." Johanna whispered to Annie, causing Annie to need to bite her lip to contain her laughter, before explaining, "That's Finn O'Daire, he's the star of the Panem U swim team. I think on the Mockingjay Weekly they said he made Olympic trials."

"That's…impressive." Annie said, vaguely impressed by that fact, not that it did much to change her opinion on him.

"Please, find a seat Finn and let's get started." Effie said, and began her lecture.

The lecture was short, and Annie blocked out the whispering of the other girls in her class as she diligently took notes. She had three different colors of highlighters which she used to delegate her notes based on content, pink being important background/history information, yellow being important diction/syntax notes, and blue for imagery. She avoided touching the margins because touching them was messy, and if it was messy then she'd have to rewrite it all later and she dated the top of the notes as Effie finished speaking. Effie then assigned the students in groups to read a certain passage and over the weekend collaborate to come up with a page report on the scene.


It was 12:31 when she left class.

If only the good could stay, she thought sadly.

Annie was sitting in the library two weeks later, trying to get some of her homework done when she noticed Finn O'Daire wandering around trying to find a desk. Annie ducked her eyes back down to her notebook, but either Finn had noticed her or noticed the fact that there was a chair right across from her because he walked right up to her.

"You're in my Shakespearean theatre class right?" Finn O'Daire asked and Annie looked up, pretending it was the first time she had seen him.

"Yeah, I think so." Annie said, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. But really she was so very distracted because his plaid shirt was buttoned incorrectly and his hair was sopping wet and she wanted to reach out and strangle him for it. She kept picturing it and picturing it and picturing it until she was forced to tap the leg of the desk in order to calm down.

"I'm Finnick, nice to meet you." He said, sticking his hand out. Annie blinked, honestly confused.

"I thought your name was Finn." She said with a frown, and he took the seat across from her retracting his hand.

"It is Finn. Finn Nicholas O'Daire Jr. My dad's Finn Nicholas O'Daire Sr. But anyways, when I was a kid, back in my eight and under swim team days whenever my mom would get upset at me for screwing around she would always call me by my whole name, eventually Finn Nicholas just sort of ran together and everyone started calling me Finnick." Finnick explained.

"That's cute." She blurted out, before biting her lip. He burst out laughing and her eyes flit over to her watch.


Not as good as an even number, but it was still fine. Maybe she had the chance to salvage the situation.

"Why thank you." Finnick said, "Now since you think my name is cute I have the ability to pass judgment on yours."

"Annabel Evelyn Cresta. But everyone calls me Annie." Annie introduced and Finnick smiled widely.

"Annie. I like it."

"It's an old person name." Annie protested and Finnick's smile got even larger.

"It's a classic." Finnick argued and Annie sighed, not finding it within herself to argue any more. "Well, since we're now on a first name basis, do you think I could ask you for a favor?"

"Depends on the favor." Annie responded curtly.

"You wouldn't happen to have the notes from last Wednesday would you?" He asked sheepishly, "I missed class because of a swim meet, and we have a quiz on that stuff on Monday. If there's any way I can borrow them-"

Annie held out her notebook.

"I can photocopy it for you, if you want." Annie said and he just looked grateful.

"Do you think I could just copy them? I learn better when I write stuff down." Finnick asked and she sighed.

"Go ahead. Just don't…get anything on it?"

"Of course! I promise." Finnick said sincerely, "You're a life saver."

Annie rolled her eyes and continued with her math homework, she just finished reading half a word problem when Finnick gasped in awe, looking at her notes.

"Holy shit. These are like beautiful, and so neat! Your handwriting is like amazing, and you've even got it color coded…with book and internet references!" Finnick said sounding ecstatic. "You're like a God!"

"Thank you…?" Annie said, unable to help her flush.

"Do you think I could just copy your whole notebook and use it as my bible for this class?" Finnick asked and Annie couldn't help but snort again.

"The class is pretty easy, don't you think?" Annie asked, "I mean, I'm not good at that sort of stuff by any means but…"

"It would be easy if I could be there more often. I'm always away at meets and shit." Finnick said before smiling sheepishly, "It's pretty hard actually. I have to go to tutoring and stuff a lot, because swimming takes up a ton of my time and I'm not good at studying at all. And this class doesn't have any tutors or anything."

Annie had no idea what sort of madness took hold of her then, but clutching her pencil she suddenly said,

"Whenever you're going to meets…just let me know. I can print you out of my notes and help you out with assignments."

Finnick blinked, totally surprised before giving her the warmest, most gorgeous smile that sent butterflies erupting in her stomach and her heart racing. In that moment Finnick looked so perfect to her, that Annie really wondered what it must be like to be someone like him. To be someone so free must be a wonderful thing. However, having lived in a world so out of her control for most of her life, she just wanted to be able to be in command of herself.

Maybe one day she could dream.

"That would be amazing, thank you so much. You really are nice Annie."

"Don't thank me. It's not a big deal." Annie dismissed, trying to calm down.


Much better.

They sat there in silence for the rest of the time Annie set out for herself to be in the library. She finished her math problems, turning it in on the website to her professor, did her computer science programs, and wrote a solid chunk of her paper for English that wasn't due until next week. It was exactly 6:45 when Annie began to meticulously pack up her things. Each pen she had used was firmly capped, and each mechanical pencil's lead was retracted before being counted. Onetwothreefour black pens and onetwothreefour pencils just like she had come to the library with. They went into her pencil box, before going into their specific place in her bag. Her onetwothreefour notebooks went were placed back in order Computer Science, English, Math, Theatre, then her lap top which was powered down, wiped quickly with a sanitary napkin, before being placed back into her laptop case which was also wiped down before being placed in her bag carefully. She zipped up her bag from right to left, never from left to right that just felt wrong. And finally she took out her hand sanitizer and squirted a bit onto her hand, rubbing it in despite the sting of her dry skin.


"You going back to your dorm?" Finnick asked, and Annie jumped having been so absorbed in her ritual that she had forgotten his presence. To her relief he didn't make a comment.

"No, I live off campus." She said and Finnick smiled.

"Have a safe trip home." He said, "Thanks for all the help. I'll see you on Monday right?"

"Yeah." Annie said quietly before shyly waving, "See you…on Monday."

Annie had forgotten how nice talking to others could be.

She drove back home carefully, making sure to obey all of the speed limits. When she got home she parked her car in the same spot she always did, tapping the door as she left and the wheel with her foot before walking inside, tapping on the door, making sure she wiped her shoes thoroughly.

It was then she heard the talking.

"Mom, I want to bring Ashley here…it's just that I don't want her meeting Annie. I want her to think that my family's normal!" Kai said sounding exasperated. "Is there any ways I can bring her over when Annie's like…I dunno, at school or something?"

"Kai!" Their mother said sharply, "How dare you even suggest something like that!"

"Annie is your sister and our daughter, and excluding her like that is intolerable." Their father said sternly.

"Besides, Kai, if this girlfriend of yours actually likes you she'll stick around no matter how weird we all are." Their eldest sibling, Cora argued.

"That's so easy for you to say Cora! You were graduated by the time Annie got into high school. Everyone at school used to bully me because of her! Why don't you understand that I just want to be normal?!" Kai shouted, "If Ashley is coming over then Annie just needs to get over herself for one night! Why can't she just suck it up already? Why do I need to baby step around her?"

Before anyone else could say anything Annie opened and closed the door, slamming it so loud that everyone in the house went silent.

Annie didn't say anything, she just walked up the stairs, and closed her door and locked it.

She put the fresh linens on her bed, tucking them in on the right side and then the left side, right to left just like what was normal. Then she put on her blankets and covers. After that Annie pulled out all of the clothes she had washed from her hamper, refolding and putting some in the delegated spots, hanging others in her closet. Then she took off the clothes she was wearing, putting on her robe and grabbing her towel, she walked into the bathroom ignoring the yelling from downstairs and tapping the door as she entered. She made sure to turn the shower on then off then on to make sure the water was clean before allowing the water to warm up. Showering was always a process, she lathered right side of her head and rinsed, then the left side, before repeating both twice. Then she smoothed in her conditioner, after this she used her soap to lather from her feet to her neck before making sure to rinse off in the exact order she had done so. Finally she rinsed her hair out completely. After this she dried off in the same order she had rinsed off and soaped up, making sure to dry off thoroughly so she would slip and hurt herself and then have to go to the hospital because that would burden her parents, before putting on her robe. Then she took her electric toothbrush squeezing out a pea sized dollop of tooth paste neatly upon her brush before starting her timer and brushed for one minute and thirty seconds before flossing each tooth twice and rinsing with Listerine for forty-five seconds and had wiped her toothbrush on her specific toothbrush towel, and wiped clean the toothpaste from the tip of the tube, making sure that no toothpaste would congeal there before screwing on the cape and placing it back in its spot then she washed her hands thoroughly shescrubbedwithexfoliatingcreamrinsedsquirtedexactlyonetwopumpsofantibacterialsoapintoher palmslatheredforacountofonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninetenbeforerubbingoverallthesurfaceofherhandmakingsuretogetunderhernailsdigdigdigdigbeforerinsingoffandthenshewalkedbacktoherroomandfoldedherrobeandputitinthelaundryhamperandthenputonuunderwearandthenherpajamapantsandhershirtandlookedatherbedand



Her stomach dropped and she felt the mind wasps swarm her brain because something was missing something was missing. What hadn't she done? What hadn't she done?

She retraced her steps in her brain, clapping her hands over her ears to focus. Onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnine eight is good, seven is bad because it is odd and prime, but nine is okay because it is divisible by three, she made the bed, with her sheets and covers, put away her clothes, put on her robe and grabbed her towel, she washed her hair right to left and her body from down to up because that was right and dried from down to up and had brushed her teeth and flossed and used Listerine and then she had washed her hands and then gotten dressed and then she was here and she was here and she was here.

Annie's eyes caught the side of the bed, where her pillow case lay on the floor. She hadn't put the pillow case back on her pillow. How could she have been so stupid? She broke the routine. She broke her routine. A sob broke from her throat as she fell to her knees clutching the pillow case. She didn't want to repeat all of that again because she was so tired and she just wanted to stop but she couldn't she couldn't or else everything she had tried so hard to keep would slip from her grasp and she was so sorry Kai, I'm so sorry I'm like this I would do anything anything anything to change because I know it's not normal I know I'm not normal and my thinking isn't normal and everything is wrong wrong wrong and out of control and I'm so sorry I'm so sorry. I'm coping not controlling I just want to be in control I don't want it to control me.


She went to bed.

I don't have anything against theater majors.

So this is…different. I tried to take a swing at a "mad" Annie Cresta…except she isn't really mad. Insanity is doing something over and over and expecting a different result. Annie is perfectly aware that what she is doing won't change anything. In fact she is aware that her thinking and reaction is complete unreasonable.

This was actually extremely difficult to write, but very rewarding. Especially the end. I would like to point out a few things to take note of.

First off, Annie does in fact have OCD though it is never explicitly stated. If that was a spoiler for anyone, I'm extremely sorry. I tried my absolute hardest to make Annie's symptoms as realistic as possible, though I in no way suffer from this terrible and debilitating condition. Though I have done plenty of research. If any wishes to make recommendations or leave feedback, please do! Keep in mind that this is a work of fiction however.

Second off, this story shall be continued. And it will end up being the fluffy happy Odesta romance that everyone loves me for. SORRY NOT SORRY YOU CAN'T STOP THE MOTION OF THE OCEAN OR THE SUN IN THE SKY

P.S It's my birthday so I can do whatever I want. I can even ignore the fact that I desperately need to update RY and start another short Odesta fic. I can also make cracky ANs. That's what everyone also loves me for…right? Right? If this is the first time you've ever read one of my fics, welcome!


P.S.S The title "Little Stars" is a reference as well as "Violent Delights". But a reference to what? So many references who can catch them all? Duh duh duh...

Please leave a review, and until next time ~OMGitsgreen