UPDATE: This story can now also be found at: inkitt dot com slash 28578 I would be ever so grateful if you could give it a couple of likes on there as well :)
On a better note a MASSIVE THANK YOU for clicking on this story! I hope you enjoy it :D
Disclaimer: As I'm sure you all know I do not own Rise of the Guardians and never will :) So without further delay enjoy :D
Before he could even register it the ice cracked and gave way plunging him into the icy water below, the scream of his name washed away with the currents as they pulled him down. His mind screamed at him to get to the surface but his body wasn't responding, his limbs floated uselessly beside him numb from the cold dark deeps of the lake.
Back on shore a twelve year old girl stood at the edge of the lake fear and sorrow crushing her heart as she watched the hole in the ice for any signs of life. She wanted so desperately to rush over and pull the eighteen year old boy out, but he had warned her of the thin ice.
With hesitant steps she slowly stood on the ice at the edge of the lake. So far so good she began to make her way towards the hole watching for any signs of movement from both the hole her brother vanished through, or the ice the moaned under her weight.
Just over half way to the gap the ice cracked loudly followed splitting from the whole past her feet, she stood frozen for a second and before she could make another move towards the hole a firm grip pulled her back onto solid ground.
"What do you think you are doing Annabeth!" The man asked. Holding his daughter by her shoulders, but she wasn't facing him, she was still fixated on the hole in the ice. The man gently shook her shoulders finally gaining the child's attention, "Annabeth! Are you listening to me?" The father pleaded.
The young girl nodded her eyes moving away from the lake entirely and up to her fathers face, tears began to flow as she took in his appearance, brown hair and brown eyes just like her and just like - her chest suddenly hurt as a sob escaped her.
In an instant the father's frightful anger melted away completely and his fear increased by the sudden was of sadness. He said nothing as he pulled the girl into his warm embrace, slowly his mind wondered from the weeping girl to his other child or lack of child, he had yet to see the boy.
His worry grew tenfold as fear gripped harder on his heart, where was his son? It was as though Annabeth could read his thoughts for not a second later he cries increased, her hold on his tick winter coat tightening.
Slowly he stroked her head begging silently for her to calm down, it was hopeless trying to talk to her while she wept, the only one who ever managed to get her to talk when she was like this was her brother.
Eventually her cries faded leaving a sniffling girl, the man braced himself while pushing the fear and worry out of his throat he dared ask his daughter the important question after all it was getting dark and they had yet to return home, surely by now his wife was panicking.
"Annabeth." The child looked up her red eyes still full of tears, it broke his heart, "W-Where is Jackson?" The man asked worry creeping into his normally confident voice.
The child's bottom lip trembled as the painful memory of not long ago hit her full force again, a sob escaped her now burning throat, she tried to speak but no words were formed, so instead she did the next best thing. Burying herself into the man's chest she pointed without looking to the hole in the ice, another cry coming from her as her small frame shook violently.
The father followed his daughter's tiny finger out onto the lake hoping that she was pointing to the trees, another glance proved how wrong he was for he was the hole that was slowly freezing over as snow began to fall, he saw the footprints of snow crushed against the ice, but most of all he saw the grooves where someone had clawed mindlessly at the ice.
His heart fell as he realised what his daughter was silently saying, and the reason behind her sorrowful state. His mouth opened and closed uselessly as though he was trying to speak, "J-Jack." The word finally left his lips but it was of heart wrenching sorrow for after he uttered it his daughter cried again her wails reaching past the trees surrounding the lake. Tears sprung to the fathers eyes as he stiffly pushed himself to his full height with Annabeth in his arms.
Numbly he turned around his heart screaming for him to do something about his son, his mind regrettably reasoning that it was too late. The first step away was the hardest he one he ever took as both his heart and mind yelled for Jack.
As the man began the trek back into the forest, Annabeth stopped crying long enough to learn that she was leaving her brother behind. The fear and sorrow she felt replaced by anger and longing as they moved away from her brothers hidden form. Her cries turning to shrieks as her father continued seemingly unaffected by her pleas to go back. Her anger turned to panic as she struggled in the strong hold, screaming she called out for her brother, begging to return to him.
The father was broken he moved without knowing his mind pushing him home while part of his broken heart remained behind screaming for the both of them to return, to return to the sleeping child under the ice.