"Alfred…Alfred…" The Angel called to him. Dream after dream after dream and he still didn't know this beautiful Angel's name. It didn't matter to him though. All that Alfred wanted was the Angel.
The Angel smiled and reached out to him, calling his name over and over. "Alfred. Alfred. Alfred." He smiled and started running towards the Angel. As he got closer, the hall extended farther and farther until he could no longer see the Angel. Not even the vibrant green of his eyes.
"No!" Alfred cried, running faster.
"Alfred. Alfred. Alfred!"
"ALFRED!" The blonde shot up in his bed, breathing heavily, a cold sweat covering his face and body. He felt around for his glasses so he was able to see his brother standing over him.
"Hey Mattie! What's up?" He asked his twin who rolled his eyes.
"You were screaming in your sleep and woke me up!" Matthew pouted, hands on hips. Alfred then noticed the maple leaf feety pajamas his brother wears and pulls off.
"Sucks. Happy Monday!" Alfred chirps. He was always a morning person to much people's surprise. Matthew groaned at his idiot brother and walked out the door. "CAN YOU MAKE PANCAKES? THANKS!" Alfred called after his brother. "Fuck off!" was his response.
Alfred laughed and got up yawning and scratching the back of his head. He couldn't help but to think about his dream. He knew just what the Angel looked like and the last dream they were so close to a very passionate kiss. Alfred was openly bisexual. What the hell happened?
Alfred dressed quickly and went down stairs. He was hungry. Much to his delight, when he reached the kitchen he smelled fresh pancakes and hot maple syrup. "THANK YOU MATTIE!" Alfred yelled, hugging his baby brother and giving him a huge kiss on the cheek.
"UGH! ALFRED GET OFF ME!" He yelled pushing his brother's face away. The older twin rolled his eyes. "That's right; you only like kissing your stupid 'Prussian' boyfriend." Matthew squeaked and Alfred smiled, knowing he'd struck a nerve.
Alfred stacked up pancakes, drenched them in syrup and sat at the island. "What does he call you again? Tweetie? Fluffy?" Alfred's mouth twisted in an evil grin. "Birdie?" A loud clanking filled the room as Matthew twitched and dropped frying pan.
Alfred almost fell off the stool from laughing at Matthew squeak and curse in both French and English. Damn Canadian! "Baiser! Merde! I hate you Alfred you putain de bâtard! SHIT! Fucking ass hole!"
"Dude! Chill your balls! I-"
"I DROP THE FUCKING PAN ON MY FOOT YOU JACK ASS!" Matthew snarled. Just the look on his face made Alfred want to piss his pants.
"That's my que to leave!" Alfred snickered before running towards the door, grabbing his World War II jacket he bought off eBay and his backpack. He slammed the door and hopped on his motorcycle.
With a slamming on his gas and revving of his engine he was flying down the street. He has a motorcycle instead of a car because heroes have cool rides and he was a hero…. And he begged his mom and dad when his 16th birthday came around.
After parking in his normal spot, he burst through the doors of his high school homeroom. "HAVE NO FEAR! ALFRED F. JONES IS HERE!"
"No one cares!" A very rude Frenchman called.
Alfred laughs and walks over to the bad touch trio, including Francis, Antonio, and Gilbert. Gilbert being the stupid Prussian that's dating Alfred's little brother.
"You're just jealous of my amazingness, Frenchie!" Alfred snickers.
Gilbert snorted. "You're funny. Hey, where's Birdie?" He looked around to find his twin. "Where's your much cuter double? Shouldn't you be the late one not him?"
Alfred shifts and avoids the Prussian's eyes. "He um, well, hurt his foot…"
"You're a dick."
"You left your brother with a hurt foot. Ass hole."
Alfred scoffs and walks away. He doesn't need this from him of all people. He sits down at the desk with his name carved into it, not that he had any part in it of course!
For the 10 minutes of homeroom Alfred sat there bored out of his mind and carving his name even deeper in his desk. After he said "Here!" in his totally awesome hero voice, he really had nothing else to do. The people in this class sucked and Matthew wasn't even there to annoy!
When the bell finally rang he was up and out trying his best to get out as fast as possible. All his friends were in the next class! Kiku, Ivan, Vash, Natalia- well not her, she's scary- and err... That's about it…
Alfred happily walked to his next class, English. It was time to get the day started with nice people. He walked into the class room with a huge smile on his face when his eyes land on someone. "No… it can't be!" He whispered to himself.
"What did you say, Alfred?" Toris asks, coming up behind Alfred.
"W-Who's that?" He stutters as he points to the boy in the corner.
"Oh! That is Arthur Kirkland. He just moved here from England. He has a brother named Peter in the 7th grade…" The rest was a blur to him. He couldn't help but stare at Arthur. He looks just like Alfred's Angel…. And those eyes….He'd know those eyes anywhere.
Alfred swiftly left Toris, even though he might have still been talking, to sit next to the new kid. "Hey newbie! How's it hanging?" He asked.
Arthur slowly turned his head and once those green circles looked at Alfred he blushed brightly. "Why are you so loud?"
Alfred gapes. This guy was so….so….rude! "Because I'm an awesome hero!" Alfred gave the answer he would have given anyone.
Arthur twitches. "A hero," He uses air quotes around the word. "Doesn't have to be obnoxiously loud all the time."
"Come on, Artie! Where's the fun in that?" Alfred laughed and sat back in his seat. "Lighten up!"
Arthur shot Alfred a deadly glare. "Do. Not. Call. Me. Artie." He hissed. "And I will not 'lighten up'. I'm stuck in this horrid country with stupid, loud, and illiterate people like you."
"Alfred shut your mouth." Mr. Ace snapped at him. Alfred always said he had evil in his eyes. "Dear lord its Arthur's first day and you're already bent on corrupting him. I'm sorry Arthur if you want to move seats I'll be happy to move you." Alfred really hates this guy…
"No sir, I'm fine." Well that's a shocker, Alfred thought to himself. He thought Arthur would jump at the opportunity, but no. He was very calm and cool, which made Alfred smile. He was so cute and up tight!
Alfred thought about that sentence for the rest of the period. Cute and up tight? Man, he had a weird taste in guys. The bell ringing snapped him out of his Arthur induced day dream. When he realized his love-at-first-sight was already out the door, he shot up and ran out the door, ignoring the teacher yelling his name.
He caught up with Alfred in the hall and smiled. "So what do you have next?"
"You again?" Arthur asked, raising those bushy eye brows.
"Yes me again, now what do you have next?" Alfred pushed, hoping he had another class with this stubborn Brit.
Arthur sighed. "I have physical education next." Alfred's chest rose and a huge grin was painted on his face. He draped his arm over the short teens shoulder. "That's awesome! So do I!" "Lovely." "Come I shall show you the way!"
"No need. A nice girl showed me around before. I believe her name was Elizaveta." A sting of jealousy pinched Alfred. What the hell? I just met this guy! "She told me everything and showed me wear to buy my uniform."
"Oh. Yeah. She's nice." Alfred said through clenched teeth. Elizaveta is beautiful, there no doubt about it. That's why Alfred has to get very close to Arthur. "So right in here is the changing room!" Alfred practically pushed Arthur through the door.
Alfred started to take off his shirt once he was through the door. As he changed he couldn't help but to let his eyes wonder over to Arthur who was taking his shirt off by the lockers with his back to him. Which is not creepy at all. Alfred's eyes were glued to the other blonde's back.
He had two vertical scars running along his back. Then, facing out towards his arms, beautiful tattoo of angel wings folded onto the back. They look like they're coming out of the scars.
Unaware of what he was doing, Alfred moved over and lightly touched the scars. Arthur jumped 10 feet in the air. "What in the bloody hell are you doing?" Arthur hissed, covering himself with his shirt.
"What happened to your back?" Alfred spoke softly, dying to touch the skin that was soft as he talked.
"N-Nothing! Absolutely nothing!" He squeaked a blush burned his cheeks. He fumbled with his shirt, pulling it over his head and hiding the tattoo's and scars. He quickly turned around to Alfred. "D-Don't we have to go?" He pushed past Alfred.
"Yeah, I guess…" Alfred mumbled to himself. His mind raced with thoughts about the scars. He's beginning to think this is all a high dream.
His Angel leaves him in his dreams then shows up in his English class the next morning with wings tattooed and scars on his back.
He was so consumed in his thoughts that he crashed into someone. "Oh sorry Yao." He mumbles. The Asians huffs and whips his long hair into his face.
"LINE UP!" The coach called. "Jones, Łukasiewicz, and Weillschmidt; your our first race!" Alfred groans. Feliks wouldn't be the problem. Gilbert was the fast little shit. But Alfred was faster.
He glares over across the track, looking past Feliks and his pink shirt, to Gilbert and his red eyes. Coach blew the whistle once, telling them to take position, twice to rise up, and shot a blank to tell him to go. Alfred takes off, leaving Feliks in the dust.
Once he could tell he was in a good enough lead, he slowed down just a little bit. Only two more laps only two more laps. Alfred thought to himself. He may be a born athlete but he hated running. If only they could do something more awesome, more heroic, something like football! He would love to play football!
The coach blew the whistle. "Lap three!" He screamed.
Okay, you can do this. Just run to the finish…
Nearing the finish line, the world felt like it was closing in. Gilbert had caught up and it was a steady run now. Since Alfred had this in the bag, he allowed his gaze to slip from the finish line to Arthur. His legs and his heart stopped dead. He could hear his heart beat in his ears. When he blinked it was gone.
He gaped. He could have sworn Arthur was just in his Angel's toga complete with halo and wings. He just saw it. Right there.
"JONES!" The coach screams, marching over to him. "What the hell are you thinking? You were in the lead! Łukasiewicz just passed you!" Alfred saw the vein pop in the back of his neck. "Ya know what? Go to the showers! NOW!"
Alfred sighed. What was wrong with him today…..
Hey guys! How do you like it? Is it worth going on? Reviews please! Thanks!