![]() Author has written 5 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Mass Effect. 'Allo there, you can call me Kitten. Or whatever else you think of. I'll probably respond. Avatar is Daemon!Arthur from my story Amor Fati by the lovely GrouchyMcEyebrows About me: I'm from the mountain west of the US of A. That means I like cold weather and snow. Most of the stuff here is USUK. I'm not really in the fandom anymore, and the stuff I write now is mostly Mass Effect or Fallout. I'm a useless bisexual. Most of my pairings are queer. All? Lots of queer's banging. Song (At time of writing): Turn up the Faders Game: Mass Effect Trilogy, Fallout Anime: Madoka Magica or FMA Movie: The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (Extended edition of course) Bad Movie: Shark Attack III: Megalodon (It's hilarious watching John Barrowman pretending to be straight) Ships I write: USUK, FemPruCan, FRUK, F!Shenko, Shakarian, Lavellan/Cullen, Handers, Amell/Zevran, Nick Valentine/Sole Survivor/John Hancock Webcomic: Homestuck Book(s): Abhorsen, The Mistborn Series, HP, LotR, Elantris, The Illustrated Man, Uprooted (I couldn't chose just one) Now onto the important things: what I am and have written, which is why you're here in the first place, or so I hope. Amor Fati (Love of Fate) This is my main project at the moment, a fantasy AU that takes place in a mortal realm and a god realm, Caelei, which overlaps the mortal universe enough for the gods to pass back and forth. Main pairing is USUK, but there are going to be a bunch of others, but you'll find them out as the story progresses. Rating: T for violence, and language, politics and religions of a fictional world, possible romantic/sexual insinuations, non-major character death. Characters/Pairings (so far): Alfred/Arthur (Main), Francis, Glibert, Ivan, Natalia, Elizaveta, Vash, Lily (Lichtenstein), Katerina (Ukraine), Ludwig, Feliciano, Antonio, Romano, OCs Summary: Born and abandon of Daemons' Day, Alfred is taken and raised by the gods after it is prophesied that he will bring the victory to the gods in their age long war against the Daemons of the mortal realm. However, though Alfred meets and befriends a Daemon named Arthur, fate marches on, and the Daemon war is ending. This fic was actually and idea I had for an original novel, but my current Hetalia obsession made it into this. Please note that there are several moderately important OCs, but honestly, I'd rather have an well though out original character than shoving Hetalia characters where they don't really fit. But never fear, there are plenty familiar faces, and they are the most important as story gets going. A note on the title: though I do take Latin, "Amor Fati" is inspired by the X Files, because I don't care what people say, the end of season six and start of season season were amazing Maps of the mortal realm, Aenea, and Drachma are here (http:// dovsari .livejourna m/ 710. html). Mmmm... Didn't turn out as well as other maps I've drawn... Oh well, I might get around to making it better, eventually. Ah! I got my first fanart! So flattered you don't even know. Thanks so much McGrouchyEyebrows for the adorable drawings of Daemon!Arthur (http:// lordofpaperclips .devian tart. co m/gal lery/#/d42ells) Absoltum This was a fun little fic that was inspired by the IMAX film Tornado Alley. And as I was in Illinois over the Fourth, I decided to do a little something with it. I couldn't get it beta'd before my posting deadline, so if you see anything, point it out to me and I'll fix it. Characters and Pairings: USUK, mentions of France Rating: Main story is K for action and flirting. Omake is T for fluffy, established relationship stuff. Summary: Arthur was skeptical when he was his agent shipped him to Midwestern America for 'inspiration,' but when he hits it off with a coffee-house worker who chases tornadoes in his free time, things get more interesting than he expected. Sanctuary Summary: In the midst of a galactic war, an impossible discovery is made. Non-human life is detected on a planet in orbit around a black hole. To get a piece of the glory, the wealthiest systems send their best, but something lurks in the light of the black sun. Characters and Pairings: mild Austria/Hungary, Germany/N. Italy; America, England, France, Russia, Japan. America/England is the main "pairing," but it turned out to be less of a romantic relationship than one that turns out to be just ridiculously co-dependent. Notes: This bloomed from a request in the USUK Secret Santa, but unfortunately it grew too big and I didn't finish it in time. I'm working on this alongside with Amor Fati. They're very different stories, so I hopefully won't burn out too badly on either as I continue to work on them. Many things in this story are inspired by the show Doctor Who, and in my head, they are in the Whoniverse, though none of those characters make appearances or are even referenced. However, things like a Sanctuary base, the kind of space suit they're in, the setting, and to a minor extent the monster are inspired by Doctor Who. I came up with this idea because HetaOni has really been inspiring me to dabble in the horror genre. I think it makes for great character dynamics and can really involve the reader in an emotional fashion. My favorite two episodes of Doctor Who, "The Impossible Planet" and "The Satan Pit," take place on a planet much like mine, and the setting and lighting and everything sent this concept stewing in my mind. The prompt for Secret Santa released it. It's finally complete! Rating: High T for horror and character death. Ending Notes: This project, with all its ups and downs (and there were many), has given me some very interesting insight on writing. Yes, this is technically a Hetalia fanfic. But it's also a fanfic of Doctor Who for some of the technology such as the Sanctuary base and the setting and villain. It's a fanfic of Firefly, with the galactic strife and terraforming. It's a fanfic of Alien and Prometheus, for the mood and atmosphere and interior of the base. It's a fanfic of Princess Mononoke for the final form of the Darkness. It's a fanfic of Edgar Allan Poe and Henry James' short stories in method of writing (The Fall of the House of Usher and The Turn of the Screw respectively). This strikes me particularly with the current media hoopla over 50 Shades of Grey. Yes, it started out as fanfiction, but when you look closely at writing, doesn't all of it? I have nothing to say on the quality of 50 Shades of Grey, as I have not read it, and don't plan to. Nevertheless, there is bad fanfic. There is also terrible original fiction. Looking at all the inspirational sources that went into this piece is a humbling experience. Sanctuary Update No, the story is not continuing, sorry… But I have some updates about it, so I thought this would be the best place to share them. As of now, I'm not planning a sequel. The next little thing is that I made a soundtrack for this story awhile back. It's a collection of music (instrumental scores) that I put together to go along with the story. It contains theme music for all the major characters and also plot related songs. It can be found here: ww w.m ediafire. co m / ?eu2xgrc3u me39em What Happens in Space Vegas... Summary: Just as she's about to depart to take down Cerberus, Commander Grace Shepard got the news: the Normandy is grounded for mandatory maintenance. Having no other choice, she spends some time in Anderson's apartment, above the Silversun Strip. But this shore leave will hardly be slow torture she fears--someone's trying kill her. And Shepard wouldn't have it any other way. Novelization/expansion on the citadel DLC, with 500% more Shenko. Characters and Pairings: Shepard/Kaidan, Joker/EDI, Blossoming Garrus/Tali, Pale!Garrus/Shepard Notes: SOMEONE made me play these life ruining games and I am so in love with this world. I'm building a longer post-game fic for these guys, but in the mean time, I wanted to write about them during the hilarity that was the Citadel DLC, except with more sex and going a bit deeper into the dates with all the characters post-plot. Rating: M for genre typical violence and bedroom shenanigans. Kitten |