Reviews for What's in a Name?
Guest chapter 15 . 5/12/2013
moocow4me chapter 19 . 3/10/2013
So freaking cute! XD I love this story so much! I have a request though :D Can you make a USXUKstory where England is turned into a child again and his memories only up to the age he's at and America takes care of him? Also I'd love a cute Ivan/Russia and child England moment in there. Please? XD
ihrtryoma chapter 19 . 12/16/2012
I absolutely loved this story! It was so unpredictable, like every chapter and the letter's and phone calls at the end were so completely adorable. I am so your fan now!
Iseal chapter 19 . 9/10/2012
Thank you from writing this story, I really enjoyed reading it.
Lucifer Lucius G chapter 3 . 9/10/2012
Geez England. Your like, sooooo nice. *EXTREME sarcasm*
Lucifer Lucius G chapter 2 . 9/10/2012
Lol Antonio WOULD be all happily patting Romano
Sacrificial Awakening chapter 19 . 1/17/2012
Time to review!

All right, for one, absolutely marvelous story. I usually don't tend to like AUs, but this one really got to me. I love the whole "gang bang" thing for some odd reason, and especially more of the "take the name of your country" type thing. The idea seems pretty simple, but I never would have thought of it. Simply genius, my friend.

Furthermore, I don't know if I might have missed it, I thought it would have been cool when Ivan and Alfred had their reunion that Ivan would have twitched in his putridly inane grin and whisperd something like, "Glad to see you're well, America."

Or something among those lines. I don't know if it was implied, or I had missed it, but was that Alfred's eh..codename? (For lack of better term)

And I was thinking in my head the entire time that Alfred would have been all "Take that ya Commie bastard!" at some point XD

Anyway, I really admire this AU. Come to think of it... I think it's the only AU I've liked since ever. Great job!

I must commend you on it because it has a lot of re-read value. Which is a lot to say because most fics, you'd really just not want to touch it again. But I want to go back and read it over and over...

In any case, excellent work. I adore it.
irelevant chapter 16 . 9/29/2011
This is the best story that I've read in a while XD

I love the rivalry between Alfred and Ivan especially when they're evenly matched and Ivan harbors some feelings for the other... now if Alfred returned the feelings that would be AWESOME! But I like how you wrote it... GO KATYUSHA!
Trumpet-Geek chapter 19 . 8/6/2011
Is it weird that I find serious!speedy!fighting!gang!Alfred sexy? Because I toooootally do.

Great fic! I noticed a few spelling/grammar errors dotted here and there but nothing major. I would totally recommend this story XD
LovelyToMeetYou chapter 19 . 8/5/2011
Lovely fic! There are many things I liked in this one, the gang being one. It was well written and hilarious in some part. Although there were some mistakes (I recall one was the mention of Arthur in the second or third chapter), this was a very entertaining read! I will keep an eye for the next ones!
Renuki chapter 19 . 6/18/2011
*cheers that they got Ivan* (And dammn, nice going Canada!)

*grins at the end*

(This was a lovely story! :D)
Empress Vegah chapter 19 . 3/15/2011
This story is awesome!

I got hooked, and I absolutely love it!

And the final part, the surprise attack of Arthur on Alfred's doorstep is just pure bliss!

But there's something about you that I absolutely like. You don't force your readers to review. I sort of haven't observed that in your chapters, and even in the final chapter, you still didn't press for reviews. And for that, you've gained my respect. Your plot is amazing, I tell you. And Alfred's just, you know, cute?

I love it when Alfred has the one who has a darker past. Makes him more of a character. Lovely, lovely story indeed!


I JUST LOVE THIS! DESPITE my finals today, I finished reading your story in my phone, lol, but I'm reviewing you today, hoping that this will make you happy! I'll check out your other stories.

I found this, by the way, in lj Comm, along with the fanart.Ü
hexa chapter 19 . 2/12/2011
Awww that's so sweet 3 love the whole story happily ever after X3
Louise chapter 19 . 12/3/2010
Ohhh myth godd~~~ that was too amazing for it's own good xD ... I've got to admit that a tear or two escaped my eyes T-T it's just too amazing. I also lovedhow you did the last cyanides with all the letters and phone calls and such... It's a really good technique to use xD I hope you continue to write such beautiful fabrics in the near future because I just loved this one. (I might also check out some of your other tics if you have got any)

Good luck for future stories!~
ZemyxDexion chapter 19 . 11/26/2010
Co ! I am so tired I'm just sitting here like yay, so sorry if this makes no sense. But I loved the story, it gave me cavities just reading, or it would've, but I'm too awesome for cavities. And this story, sweet though it may be, is also too awesome for cavities. But not as awesome as me. Because, you know, I'm Prussia. So I must be the most awesome. But I'm rambling, and awesome though rambling is, I have 'diverged' (Another fancy British word I use when I'm being a smartass) from the topic at hand. (More fancy British speech. I love your England. He sounds strangely sexy. As does your America. And Russia is really creepy. Like, I would never want to meet that guy down a dark alley. I wouldn't even want to meet him in a public square in broad daylight, because he seems mentally impaired in the morals section- but Prussia is awesome. BAD TOUCH TRIO FTW.I saw that there, don't lie. :D And I should probably stop typing and put some paragraphs in here. Oh, well. I'm gonna go to sleep now.

-ZemyxDexion, a.k.a. .
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