Reviews for Three Hundred and Sixty Five
abbbs chapter 55 . 7/22/2017
hey, i just finished reading and i was just wondering when you'll update. lol its years later but idk maybe you've forgotten
loonymarauder chapter 30 . 8/14/2016
This one might be my favorite so far.
Kate chapter 55 . 9/26/2015
Why is there no more updates? It is great! Hope you write more in the future :)
Seriously chapter 12 . 11/12/2014
You are horrible at writing these poor guys.
alynawatlovers chapter 55 . 6/5/2013
I love these! :D They're so very grand! :) Thanks!
Anon chapter 55 . 2/24/2013
Wow! I just read the whole thing in one sitting! I think it's amazing that you were able to answer all of the prompts, while still keeping the story moving in a linear fashion. It was so much fun to see Peter actually have a role in a Marauder's fan fiction, as he usually doesn't. Also, he has character in your story, and you can see how he was friends with the other three. Also, I love that you change the point of view from chapter to chapter. It's so nice to read fan fiction that has a plot and believable characters :) I would love to read more, but as a college student myself, I can understand if you don't have time. Thank you so much for the wonderful story!
RumbleRoar811 chapter 4 . 2/8/2013
Ha ha ha- Maggie Smith for the win.
Angela chapter 55 . 1/30/2013
amazing! pretty please update when you can.. i love it. :)
elmaa chapter 55 . 6/27/2012
WHAT IT FINISHED? NO. I WAS COUNTING ON YOU TO HAVE IT FINISHED AND JAMES AND LILY AND PERFECT AND TOGETHER AND NICE. NO! now i'm heartbroken... (ps i really really enjoyed it. it was light hearted and cute and lovely. if you ever update, i shall read.) thanks for writing it and keeping it up here :)
elmaa chapter 54 . 6/27/2012
lily takes him so much for granted! how heartbreaking :( also i like this more innocent version of james. it is so cute!
elmaa chapter 18 . 6/26/2012
cute :)
elmaa chapter 9 . 6/26/2012
ah these are so funny! this one especially :D
MissEMT chapter 55 . 5/28/2012
oohhh what a shame that it stops here! this is a fantastic story; i loved every chapter. i know it's three years later, but an update would be amazing!
Vipratten chapter 29 . 3/5/2012
I started reading this yesterday and I'm just stuck! I love the idea of many, short chapters and that you get glimpses from all of the Marodeur's and Lily's minds. It creates a beautiful story.

Also, the part about the big amount of Charms esseys made me laugh. The amount bugged me quite a bit before but it won't now ;)
mintygreen313079 chapter 55 . 12/26/2011
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