Reviews for Fidgeting
cookiemonster321 chapter 1 . 6/13/2012
:') That put the cutest image in my mind. I swear Pirate!England is the hottest thing ever but Father!Pirate!England is just the sweetest!
Hi chapter 1 . 11/28/2011
So cute. So true. Good job
OMGitsgreen chapter 1 . 11/28/2011
I'm honestly in love with this fic.

Your details are just superb. It makes me, the reader, feel like I'm really there. And your descriptions of Arthur and Alfred were positively drool worthy. You spent time indulging me with such wonderful sensory details that I probably could just ogle over this fic for another ten hours, picking out every beautiful word.

And then you told it from a different perspective, which was refreshing to say the least. And you didn't fall back on any of the known storylines that many fanfic writers fall back on with this idea.

An absolutely positively terrific job! Thank you for the wonderful read!

Sebastian's Servant Felicia chapter 1 . 11/28/2011
You wrote this at 2 am? Well it's pretty good I'll grant you that _