Reviews for Royal Flush A Cardtalia Tale
dauntlessmockingjay24601 chapter 5 . 7/30/2015
This is extraordinarily wonderful. Quite simply, I really love the mythology of the tarot cards implemented here, that's what drew me in. And then it was the characterization and the writing. It's very compelling, and I hope that you are still continuing the story.
Black-chalk chapter 5 . 1/5/2015
pleasssssssss update!
Guest chapter 5 . 2/15/2014
damn, this is cool... can't wait for the update!
Hada-Fiction chapter 5 . 12/28/2013
The level of detail in this story drew me in so strongly but the great thing about it as well is that the cultural and political aspects are not dwelled on so much until they go stale. The plot is evenly shared by character development (and it happens from chapter to chapter wonderfully), background information, and an underlying theme especially in this last chapter the connects all past and present events. Giving each character their own seech pattern and physical body langage take it beyond the canon and stereotypical characteristics, ironically enough, that set them apart and fleshing them out has been a joy to read; I have never once been confused as to who is speaking or what piece of narration belonged to whom. This fic is off to a great start and I thank your hardwork and imagination for sharing with us. Best wishes and patient anticipation!
Nakaion Aquette chapter 5 . 12/27/2013
I adore this. The way prophecies and gods have a part, Al's hidden intelligence, Mattie and Al's closeness (and strength), Arthur and Al's dynamic of childhood friends and now royalty... I'm excited knowing this story can only get better.
Guest chapter 5 . 12/16/2013
great story, interesting worldbuilding, can't wait for more :)
bottledinspiration chapter 5 . 12/3/2013

Great chapter; it's nice to see more of the backstory, and the interaction between Alfred and Arthur.

Thank you for updating! o/
Rey129 chapter 4 . 10/22/2013
Eh? Alfred knows the 'Old man'? Is he Old Man Fritz, or Death?
Lirumi chapter 1 . 8/30/2012
I really love your take on cardverse, and I do hope you Will continue with it! It is so hard finding Good cardverse stories, and yours are such a unique one! Please keep up the Good work
lilsis-3 chapter 4 . 6/30/2012
I'm very very interested by this story. I love the whole idea behind Cardverse, and it's very interesting seeing where people go with it. I hope for more updates soon!
Pulse of Madness chapter 4 . 5/27/2012
I love the background of this fic that you've come up with, including how well thought out the symbology of certain items chosen are. It gives a very solid foundation. I really look forward to more updates!
Helisse chapter 4 . 5/5/2012
Wow, what an amazing story. I love how you set up this complex history and mythology of the land, before the action proper started.
aria dc al fine chapter 4 . 4/30/2012
I hate ffnet for acting weird these days. I want to login and mark this story for alert and favourite!

ok, short rant over...Hi *waves* I was directed here by someone who wrote a recommendation for this story at usxuk livejournal community. The recommendation says things like 'awesome background building' and 'wonder why it doesn't receive more reviews', and I COMPLETELY agree.

It's awesome how you know so many things about symbols, and medieval. The setting of the story is very solid. And I love the characterisation of Arthur and what's shown of Yao and Alfred and Matthew so far. But the strength of this story is definitely the effort you've put to building the setting.

If I may give some concrit...may be the paragraphing is a bit too long. It puts people off reading it (and finding out how awesome the story is!). And any author who's writing about many characters have the danger of not showcasing enough depth of these characters; I've fallen prey to this one, so please be careful :)

Ah, I've fallen in love to this story and really want to read more! I'll be waiting patiently for updates! :D
OmgPandi chapter 4 . 3/19/2012
I just found this and oh my gosh I love it so much! I can tell this is going to be an awesome fic, not just because of the AU, but because it's so well written! I hope to see more of it in the future!
Kotorigaro chapter 4 . 2/1/2012
I found my way here from tumblr, and I'm so glad I clicked the link! :D You have a lovely writing style, you've put such thought into the world and you nail the characters! Good cardverse always makes my day, I do hope you'll keep on with this, I'll be stalking it! 3
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