Author has written 5 stories for Supernatural, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. My updates are a bit irregular, I usually only write when I can find the inspiration and I also have to attent Uni, so I'm sorry if there are some long pauses in between updates. Hey my name is Willona, I'm 21 years old and I like writing both fanfiction and original fiction. My favorite movies are: Pirates of the caribbean serie, Sherlock Holmes, Van Helsing, Howl's moving castle. My favorite books are: Alice in Wonderland, Percy Jackson series, Caroline, Good Omens, A song of Ice and Fire series. My favorite manga's are: Black butler, D.N. Angel, Ouran Highschool Hostclub and many more. My favorite anime are: Hetalia - Axis power, Kimi ni todoke, Kuragehime, Ouran Highschool Hostclub and many more. My favorite webcomic's are: The Suits ( http:/// ), Yaoi Tales ( http:/// ) My favorite games are: Pokemon games. My favorite series are: Supernatural, Charmed, Moonlight, Glee, Sherlock BBC, X-men Evolution, Young Justice. My favorite parrings: The Suits: Alex/Ken Supernatural: Dean/Castiel Percy Jackson series: Percy/Nico, Apollo/Hermes Sherlock Holmes: Holmes/Watson POTC: Jack/Will Dr. Who: Jack Harkness/ Ianto, Jack Harkness/ The doctor X-Men: Wolverine/Zero (movie verse), Kurt/Everyone Hetalia: Arthur/Alfred, FrUk, Italy/Germany, Russia/Canada Kuragehime: Tsukimi/Kuranosuke Inception: Arthur/Eames (this fandom of mine is actually catered by just one individual: OneWhoSitsWithTheTurtles, one of the first stories I read for this fandom was done by him/her and I was just sold, it made me cry! I just can't read anything else about this fandom if it 's not writen by OneWhoSitsWithTheTurtles. I can only hope that I might have an impact like that on someone someday *). |