![]() Author has written 1 story for Beyblade. Do people even read all this crap? Lol. Name: Um, do you really want to know? Haha. Nickname: Iz-chan. Iz. Gender: Female, and loving it. =) Age: 24 (Mid-life crisis. Boohoo.) Hiding cave: That's a pretty tough question actually. Horoscope: Scorpio Birthdate: 2nd November 1989 Likes: My cats. =) SHOUNEN-AI!! Haha. I don't mind het couples occasionally too. Hmm. J.E. KAT-TUN (First there was 6, and then 5. Now 4. It's pretty sad, really), NEWS, Tacky & Tsubasa. Shuji to Akira. I am in love with Kamenashi Kazuya. This man is just loveable. =) L'ArcenCiel (Hyde-sama is a God. Seriously. I saw him live in a concert and he simply oozes charisma.) Kalafina (3 beautiful Goddesses with beautiful voices. Saw them live in concert as well. Twice. AND then striked gold when I won this lucky draw and managed to meet them and get their autographs! I managed to shake hands with all three of them too. Bwahahaha.) Kaname-sama (Cosplay King Haha. Took a picture with him.) Harry Potter (So many endless possibilities with this fandom) Supernatural (Dean and Sam Winchester. Enough said. Bobby is awesome. Castiel is an angel. Pfft. John is awesome douchebag as well. Haha.) 10th November 2013. Anime Festival Asia. I FINALLY SPOKE TO, TOOK A PICTURE AND HUGGED KANAME-SAMA. I am so HAPPY. He is such a sweetheart and I am so thankful! I've been a huge fan of him after all since 2009 and finally meeting him properly this one time made my entire year. Hates: Too lazy to start hating things now. Takes too much effort. -Favourite Animes- BeyBlade, Digimon, CCS, Slayers, Medabots, Yu-Gi-Oh, Ranma 1/2, Spirited Away, MagicKnight Rayearth, Pokemon, Gundam Wing, Fushigi Yugi, Inuyasha, Naruto, Gundam Seed, Hikaru No Go, Prince Of Tennis, Fruits Basket, Shaman King, Gundam Seed Destiny, Naruto, Yu Yu Hakusho, Loveless, Sukisho, Kyou Kara Maou! FullMetal Alchemist! Jigoku Shoujo (Girl From Hell), Tsubasa Chronicle, Negima, Death Note, Rozen Maiden, Vampire Knight, Kuroshitsuji, Bleach, Daa! Daa! Daa!, D-Gray-Man, xxxHolic, One Piece , K Project, Skip Beat, No.6, Black Rock Shooter -Favourite Couples- Yu Yu Hakusho: Hiei/Kurama, Yusuke/Kurama Beyblade: Kai/Tyson, Ray/Tyson, Tala/Tyson Naruto: SasuNaru, ItaNaru, ShikaNaru, GaaraNaru, SaiNaru, MinaNaru (Er, if you read "Underwater" by BlueRedemption you will understand and succumb to it like I did.) Gundam Seed/Destiny: Kira/Athrun, Kira/Lacus, Kira/Shinn Gundam Wing: Heero/Duo, Trowa/Quatre, Duo/Zechs, Wufei/Sally Prince of Tennis: Tezuka/Ryoma, Fuji/Ryoma, Kevin/Ryoma, Atobe/Ryoma, Golden Pair Inuyasha: Inuyasha/Kikyo, Miroku/Sango, Inuyasha/Sesshomaru, Inuyasha/Kouga Kyou Kara Maou: Yuuri/Wolfram, Gwendal/Gunter, Conrad/Yozak FullMetal Alchemist: Roy/Edward (WHY DID YOU MARRY WINRY YOU SHRIMP?! WHY?!) Loveless: Soubi/Ritsuka Sukisho: Sora/Sunao Gravitation: Tohma/Shuichi, Yuki/Shuichi, Ryuichi/Shuichi Death Note: Raito/L Kingdom Hearts: Riku/Sora, Cloud/Sora, Leon/Sora, Leon/Cloud, Axel/Roxas, Zexion/Demyx Kuroshitsuji: Sebastian/Ciel (They're practically official since Yana Toboso wanted to make it shounen-ai originally. It would have sold. Curse her editor.) Bleach: Ichigo/Rukia, Hitsugaya/Rukia, Byakuya/Rukia D.Gray-Man: Kanda/Allen, Lavi/Allen, Tyki/Allen Pokemon: Gary/Ash, Lance/Ash, Paul/Ash Yu-Gi-Oh: Yami/Yuugi, Bakura/Ryou, Marik/Malik, Seto/Jou Digimon: Kouji/Takuya, Koichi/Takuya, Yamato/Mimi, Takeru/Hikari, Taichi/Sora, Ryo/Riku Final Fantasy: Sephiroth/Cloud, Zack/Aerith, Tidus/Yuna, Rufus/Cloud, Lazard/Cloud, Genesis/Cloud, Reno/Cloud, Rude/Tifa Shaman King: Yoh/Anna (Seems like this is the only couple that I like that got married and had a child) Hao/Anna (She was the only one whom he genuinely acknowleged as a worthy bride) -Hated Couples- Yu Yu Hakusho: Hiei/Mukoro, Hiei/Yusuke, Kurama/Kuwabara, Hiei/Kuwabara Beyblade: Kai/Ray (Seriously, WTH. They don't even talk MUCH) Ray/Mariah (She just rubs me the wrong way) Kai/Tala, Tyson/Hilary, Tyson/Max, Tala/Kenny (WTFH) Naruto: SasuSaku (OK die-hard fans, if Sasuke seriously wanting to kill Sakura and almost succeeding didn't convince you otherwise, I have nothing to say), Naru/Saku (Naruto can do so much better than Sakura. I rather he end up dying with Sasuke or...well, marrying Hinata. She's a better person than Sakura will ever be), ANYBODY with Sakura (Period.) Gundam Seed/Destiny: Athrun/Lacus, Shinn/Ray, Shinn/Cagalli, Kira/Meer, Kira/Cagalli, Athrun/Meer, Athrun/Cagalli (I know it's canon and all but I just don't like it...) Gundam Wing: Heero/Relena (Enough said) Prince of Tennis: Tezuka/Fuji, Inuyasha: Inuyasha/Kagome, Sesshomaru/Kagome Kyou Kara Maou: Yuuri/Conrad FullMetal Alchemist: Roy/Riza, Edward/Winry (WHY YOU DAMN CHIBI WHY?!) Kingdom Hearts: Riku/Kairi, Sora/Kairi, Roxas/Kairi (Wait, I see a pattern. I don't like Kairi so anybody with her is a huge no.) Kuroshitsuji: Sebastian/Grell (No comment) Bleach: Hitsugaya/Hinamori, Ichigo/Orihime, Renji/Rukia D.Gray-Man: Kanda/Lavi Pokemon: Ash/Misty (Er, I don't really see much chemistry. Sorry.) Brock/Ash (Eww.) Gary/Misty (*shoots herself*) Yu-Gi-Oh: Anybody with Anzu. Seto/Yami. Yuugi/Mokuba Digimon: Yamato/Sora (This was a HUGE F-you to all Taichi/Sora and Yamato/Mimi fans. WTFH. This came out of nowhere!!) , Kouji/Izumi, Takuya/Izumi, Jou/Mimi, Koushiro/Mimi, Daisuke/Hikari Final Fantasy: Squall/Rinoa (You either love or hate her. I chose hate) Cloud/Aerith, Cloud/Tifa (These two act more like his mother than his wife) Sephiroth/Zack, Zack/Cloud (More like brothers than lovers) -Favourite Quotes- "We are not retreating, we are simply advancing in the other direction!"--Unknown "Dying is easy. Comedy is hard." Mandy (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy) "When the going gets tough, the tough get going; this is also sometimes known as a tactical retreat!"--Unknown "I am Kai. I'm better than you. I go where I want, when I want, because I'm King of the World. Hail to the King, baby!" -Tyson Granger (Beyblade G-Revolution) "Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and then they beat you with experience."--Unknown "A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking." --Unknown "Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm."--Unknown "If all goes wrong, there's always one thing to do; put the blame on the person right beside you."--Unknown Note: I started watching Supernatural recently and fell in love with it. Haha. Basically Dean's hot and Sam's a sweetheart. Most of the time. I love to read crossovers fics nowadays though! Mostly Harry Potter crossovers. -Special Reposts- Note: I saw this and I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing and was actually planning to do some of the things written below after reading it. 16 THINGS TO DO AT WAL-MART 1. Get 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's carts when they aren't looking. Repost this if you laughed... -Stories- Fragments of a Forgotten Memory: Dumped by his boss Kai and transferred to another department, Tyson swore himself off everybody but his new manager; Ray is not making things easy for him! Sparks begin to fly between them, but Kai doesn’t like what he sees… TyKa, TyRa. (DISCONTINUED) IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT!! To all my dear readers and supporters, I am sorry to say but I think that I've reached the end of my rope. From here on I shall still read fics here but I am now officially retired from my short but sweet years of writing. It has been great here but I think that I am just tired from all of this. I thank you for all of your support. Edit: You know what? Screw it. If I get weird vibes to continue writing the next chapter of my abandoned story, I'll do it. It doesn't seem right to leave it there. XD 22/11/2013 |