


Summary: Loud, boisterous Naruto suddenly fall silent upon entering 9th grade. What caused it? Why do his closest friends treat him like nothing? Why won't he speak? Because of IT, because of THAT night. Naruto doesn't want to remember. Sometimes it's safe to be inside your head...

Warning for this Chapter: Maaybbbe some language.

Note: Let's see how much I can keep this going. I'd like to finish at least one multi-chaptered fic in my life, aha. Also, please note that when I started this fanfic, there was very limited knowledge in the world of Naruto.

Thanks for +Fav, +Alerts, and Reviews!



In English class, Kurenai-sensei had us do some free-writing for the last half hour of class after handing out a notebook to everyone. A free-write notebook for the year she says. She didn't care what we write, but that we write.

Kurenai-sensei: "Think of it as writing whatever is on your mind. It's therapeutic." She gives a reassuring smile with a slight shrug. "I won't read it unless you want me to, but I figure since you all are teenagers, I'm sure you want to get your thoughts out somewhere."

I minutely frown as I look down at the blank page, subconsciously tightening the grip on the pencil in hand. I manage to write the day's date after several minutes.

If I write, that makes it tangible. Real.

I decide to doodle instead. She is not going to read my notebook, that's for sure.

I still have the hot seat.

Dropping my backpack as I slip into the seat, I can feel that sharp stare boring holes into my head. I refuse to make eye contact. I don't know why or what I did for him to have it out for me. Isn't this discrimination or something? I can feel my brows slightly furrowing at this.

I don't know if I lucked out for once, but the people in this class, despite ignoring me and giving me that look, they left me alone for the most part. Though, I'm pretty sure no one wanted to draw attention to themselves with Orochimaru-sensei and figured I could do that for them.

A sacrificial scapegoat.


And just like every year for as long as I could remember, we went over the country's history, revolutions, and wars. At this point, I could recite it if I wanted to.

It appears Sakura found a new buddy. I think her name is Ino-long platinum blonde hair and super icy blue eyes. She's definitely pretty. Probably a Cheerleader or a Superficial Model.

Unfortunately for me, both of them are in my Algebra class. Good thing I already claimed the corner window seat in the back since day one. That way no one was behind me.

I briefly look up to follow along the lesson just to make time pass, but inadvertently see Sakura and Ino giggling and whispering to each other as one of them points to a guy wearing circular shades. The two were already so close.

My chest tightens a bit. I absentmindedly scratch at it with a small frown.

Thankfully, Jiraiya-sensei is joking about diving headfirst straight into sex-ed. Giving each student a relatively thick packet of paper, he left us to our devices with the only condition we stay busy and quiet. This packet is supposed to cover a semester's worth of material. I guess we're to teach ourselves and ask questions for clarifications.

That's fine by me. No group projects or presentation.

Of course, just as I thought of that, I could see the teacher pausing in his scribbling in a notebook and look up.

Jiraiya-sensei: "Oh. Right. Group presentation end of semester. Details on one of the pages of the packet." He waves away as if it was an afterthought. "You got a week to decide."

Well, shit. I hope it's not heavily weighted for a grade.

I flip through the packet, in search of this group project.


1. A group of 3-4 people.
2. Pick a topic based on one of the course material's topic. For example, it could be nutrition, substance abuse, sexuality, sexual health, or interpersonal skills and communication.
3. Needs to be at least 5 minutes long with an additional 3 minutes for Q & A.
4. No more than 5 bullet point per slide.
5. Complete peer evaluation of each member of the group.
6. This counts for 25% of your grade.

I'm screwed.

I internally groan as I quickly skim the class, wondering just who will grudgingly accept me as a part of their group.

Almost like the last kid to get picked for a team.

The unwanted loser.

The bell rings, signaling the end of class. Everyone is quick to leave as I take my time since I have lunch next. And besides, no one is waiting on me except Haku, but Sasuke's always with him, so he's not too lonely. Out of the corner of my eyes, I notice someone is timidly lingering behind. I'm mildly curious as to why this person is behaving this way until I take a good look.

Short dark blue hair and shifty lavender eyes. I'm not sure where she'd belong in terms of Clans. The Plains? Martha Stewart?

Girl: "Y-you can join my group, if you want."

She practically squeaks, avoiding eye contact with me and chose to stare at the floor. I blink for a moment, confuse but slowly nod, a bit grateful.

Me: "…Thanks."

Girl: "…erm…I'm—I'm Hinata."

She squeaks one last time before hurrying out of class.

I blink again, vaguely remembering that I didn't tell her my name.

I realize each time I have lunch, Haku always gives me something and Sasuke looks as sour as ever. I'm not sure why he sports such an expression, but not too particularly interested in finding out.

Haku: "You guys ready for the first real Chem and Lab class today?" He smiles a bit excitedly.

Sasuke frowns. "Not exactly."


I just realized: I'm stuck with Sasuke for two hours.

First hour of Chemistry, Ebisu-sensei is actually trying to teach some materials, prepping us for the first Lab we were to have. Something relating to heterogeneous, homogeneous, suspensions, and colloids. I guess it sounds interesting.

At least, for the most part, class is relatively uneventful. Well, probably because we're towards the back of the class, so I don't have to feel those stares boring into my head.

It looks like Haku's lab partner is that strange Sai guy I encountered during Gym. They are sitting to my right.

And then, Lab rolls around a lot quicker than I expected. On the bench between Sasuke and me, are some cylinders filled with some liquids or others displaying properties that Ebisu-sensei had been talking about. Fortunately, the things are sealed so I could inspect them without worry. I flip one of them upside, shake it, and then swirl it. As I am doing this, I could hear a snort and some scribble. I chance a quick glance over to Sasuke, and just miss the tail end of an eye roll.


Putting the cylinder down, I look at the sheet I'm to fill out and pass in with a Lab Report next Lab. I can already tell I'm not going to do so well in this class. Pencil in hand, I stare at the questions and answer what I could. I think my brows furrow enough to catch Sasuke's attention. He sighs with exasperation and slide his completed paper over to me.

Sasuke: "…idiot. One-time only."

I blink in surprise and look at him quickly before furiously scribbling the answers down lest he changes his mind.

He's…not as bad as I thought.


I push the paper back to him.

"Oh, that's nice of you Sasuke-kun!"

My head snap up to look to my right, witnessing a smiling Haku who is waving, and Sai with an unnerving smile. It's as if he's trying to match Haku's warmth but failing miserably. Just as quickly, my gaze return to the cylinder before me.

Sasuke: "Whatever. I don't need a lab partner to bring my grade down."

I take that compliment back.

Just like Jiraiya-sensei, Kakashi-sensei basically left us to work on that project while he read some book. Others who already made friends, changed seats to sit next to each other and work together. Quiet chatter and sounds of rustling can be heard.

Blank paper in front me, I decide to simply doodle the fox in various angles and position, sporting different expressions. I admit, it is somewhat therapeutic. A lot better than writing.

And then, I feel that all-too familiar stare from what feels like a lifetime ago. I bite my lower lip a bit, trying to ignore the stare, and lower my head even further so only the paper encompasses my view. For some reason, my eyes sting a little.

The intense stare moves away.

Once again, I wait until Sasuke is done with his locker and walks away far enough that he doesn't hear me. I don't really want to cross paths with him again-not if I don't have to. I'm also pretty sure he doesn't know my locker is next to him.

I dump my things and grabs what I needed before hurrying to the bus.


Well, here's a glimpse of what a full-day is like for Naruto. And projects, aha.