Hello~! I'm new to FFN , and as you may have guessed, this is my first fic that I've posted~ It's also been posted on my AO3 account.

Ever since the Mystery of Kanda Yuu arc in the manga, I've been itching to write some Yullen, because who doesn't like Yullen, amiright? No? Okay -.- This particular chapter has taken excerpts directly from the manga, and I take no credit for that. My writing isn't very good either, so please forgive any grammar mistakes, etc. So let's go!

D Gray-man belongs to Hoshino Katsura~

Broken Moonlight

Chapter 1: Rebirth

In the ruins of Mater sat Kanda Yuu, worn and haggard, but still holding gently - almost tenderly - onto the body of his first friend and reincarnation of his lover, Alma Karma. The body itself was beginning to disintegrate in his hold, crumbling to the ground.

His eyes narrowed slightly to prevent the wetness that assuaged them from spilling from his tear ducts; after all, Kanda Yuu was not weak, therefore Kanda Yuu does not cry. Despite the grief within his heart rising from the sight of seeing Alma die a second time, this time with the knowledge that Alma had been his lover, he refused to let a single tear fall.

Somewhere in the depths of his heart, when all the despair and grief had been pushed away, a fragment of genuine happiness shone through. At last...at long last, they could be free. Together. Forever. He pulled Alma's shell of a body closer to himself, spotting the tears of the boy. He allowed his eyes to slide shut.

Alma had admitted that he would not reconcile with the Black Order, but Kanda couldn't bring himself to care any less. He himself loathed that godforsaken organization that created illusory piety to disguise the ugliness of their reality. It was disgusting, and deserved all the hate it received.

Even as he felt the last wisps of life force leaving Alma, he held onto his body, not wishing to let go. Looking up, he spotted the silhouettes of his young friend and beautiful lover walking away hand in hand. A sharp intake of breath was drawn past his lips as that soft voice whispered an "I love you" into the thin air around him.

He allowed his head to fall back onto the wall of the ruins, a slight smile on his pale lips.

"...yeah," he responded simply, as the shell within his arms crumbled to the ground, shattering completely and leaving him embracing nothing but thin air. Blue eyes lidded themselves over momentarily before he opened his eyes once again. His eyes widened at the sight that met his eyes.

Lotus blossoms bloomed within his vision, taking over the expanse of the ruins with their mellow pink hue. His eyes lowered to the ground where Alma had broken, the slight smile still present upon his own cracked features. Alma had finally left his darkness and bloomed beautifully. A dry chuckle passed his throat at the thought.

He closed his eyes. Even the air around him weighed his tired body down, brutally reminding him of his own exhaustion. He fought his urges to collapse then and there, battling to keep his eyes open. At the periphery of his mind, he couldn't help but wonder why he battled so hard against the incessant languor. If he would simply allow it to take him over, he would be able to follow Alma into a peaceful place…

No...he wouldn't die. He couldn't die. Not now. Lotus or not, he wasn't about to allow a mere flower seal his fate. He wouldn't die.

The more he considered the thought, the more it antagonized him. He contemplated on whether he should allow himself to follow Alma - after all, hadn't that moyashi sent them to this place so they could fulfill what they desired and die together? A small scowl curled onto his lips at the thought. The stupid beansprout had done something completely unnecessary to actualize Kanda's own selfish wants, and was no doubt receiving the brunt end of the Order's judgement.

Why did Allen ire him so? He didn't understand. The very thought of the white-haired moyashi was causing his adrenaline to run once again, banishing whatever drowsiness in his body. Now he owed the beansprout one, and that thought made his lip curl. He dug his fingernails into the ground and began to heft up his spent body.

Almost immediately, his unwilling legs gave in on him, causing his knees to meet the ground, the rest of his body following in succession until he lay on his side, staring at his broken shell-like hand. Against his will, pale, cracked eyelids covered his rather dark orbs as a sea of blackness washed over his worn system.

Awakening to darkness, Kanda immediately scrambled into a standing position gracelessly, thankful that no one was present to see the somewhat undignified performance. He ran his slender fingers through his dark hair, removing rogue locks from his face so he could see. A soft breath left his lips as he stole a glance around himself, body tense and at the ready.

Distinguishing nothing but the ruins of Mater, he relaxed visibly although kept his posture at the ready for the unexpected, were it to occur. His memories flooded back into his mind, leaving him somewhat unsettled. Wasn't he supposed to be dead? If so, then how was it that he was in the exact place that he had last recalled?

He frowned and glanced down at himself to find that his own deteriorating body had healed over to it's characteristic perfection by reason of his Second Exorcist regenerative abilities. His hand raised itself to his chest to run over the black tattoo imprinted upon his fair skin.

Glancing back to where he had last seen Alma's remains, he found it to be completely empty. A faint smirk crossed his lips as he turned away, a spark of fondness lighting within his chest - not that he would ever admit it, of course.

"You….always doing unnecessary things," he muttered under his breath.

Slowly, he began to walk away, casting another glance around the ruins, shrouded by the darkness of night. His eyes scanned the pathways that were lit dimly by moonlight as he walked, relying on his instinct more so than his sight to guide himself.

He wondered what all had gone down concerning the Black Order and Allen during his absence. No doubt something had happened in the time that he had been transported to Mater by the white-haired boy. He rolled his eyes. Allen had most likely won the battle somehow and returned to Headquarters to empty the kitchen of any and all food, the glutton.

His feet carried him through Mater by instinct and memory as his mind had focused itself elsewhere, namely his fellow exorcists. Why his mind did that, he didn't know. Perhaps it was because he was headed back for the Headquarters. It was the most likely reason.

Leaving Mater, he immediately directed himself towards the nearest populated area. It would take a him a day or two to return, he realized, the thought causing a characteristic "Che," to pass his lips. Troublesome, but he supposed he couldn't complain. At least he had been out of the general range of that damned Order for a little while. If there was one thing that he was certain of, it was that he still bore a strong abhorrence for the organization. Even so, he was still an exorcist, and would be more than delighted to end the existence of those cursed akuma.

For how long he had trodden through barren land, he wasn't aware, but eventually, when he landed upon a small township, the sky was bright.

His eyes scanned the small populated area. The sight of quaint houses and murky smoke drifting up into the sky from chimneys creating curlicues of coal grey in its ascent met his eyes. The town seemed well populated, considering its location, but Kanda didn't care about such trivial details.

Upon entering, he immediately looked around for a place where he could receive necessary food and decent clothing. With his shirt completely tattered from the battle, his torso was left bare against the elements; clearly not ideal.

He was fully aware of the gazes that were fixated upon him, but was not in any way surprised. He knew that he was a sight to see at the moment, and dearly hoped that he could find some clothes to cover himself up and perhaps divert some of the attention that he was rather unsubtly receiving.

Stepping into a small catering establishment of some sort, he sat himself down in a corner, glad that there didn't seem to be any other customers present. Nonetheless, the scent of food being cooked was very much evident, and even Kanda found himself grudgingly admitting its appeal to himself.

Only then did he realize that he had no currency of any sort. The thought fell on him like a boulder, seeing as he despised paying debts. Nonetheless, he had no choice at the moment. Forsaking his moral, he ordered a small meal of plain stew and bread as he could not expect the establishment to cook tempura soba.

Placing the bill on himself once finished, he spared a brief thanks to the owner of the establishment before leaving. Stepping through the streets, he was quick to disappear into the shopping district of the place. Swiftly, he selected a loose pair of black pants and a white button up shirt.

Disappearing into the back of the store he had entered, he threw on the new clothes, leaving the top two buttons of the shirt undone. Absently, he took a belt and fastened it through the belt loops in his pants after tucking his shirt in. He threw a black vest over the piece and found a ribbon to fasten his hair back into place. Finally, he grabbed a coat and slung it over his arm, choosing not to wear it just yet. Once again, he had the bill sent to himself so he could pay at a later date, before leaving the store once again.

As soon as he had exited, he began to make his way out of the township. If he had assumed that the addition of clothing on his part would redirect the stares and hushed whispers of the passerby, he was most definitely wrong. If anything, he turned the heads of many more ladies, and even some men, much to his chagrin.

Nevertheless, he had not yet been stopped, so he continued on until he had left the town. His eyes trailed up to the sky as he noted the humidity that hung in the air. At this rate, regardless of how mercilessly the sun shone, there would most likely be rain. Earlier that morning, the sky had been rather red in hue as well.

His hand moved to rest on Mugen's hilt, only to pass through air and land on his hip. A frown curled onto his lips. The lack of his katana left him feeling strange. It was not often that he didn't have Mugen within arm's reach of himself. To be without it was unsettling on many different levels.

He settled on trying to ignore the alien feeling and pressed on. He had no time to waste, after all. He had a favour to pay back to the beansprout, and he would not let it slide. No matter how much of an idiot Allen was, Kanda could not allow the deed that he had done go unpaid. It would never sit well with him, as much as he was loath to admit it to himself.

Stepping off the ship he had boarded to reach the island upon which the Headquarters was located, he immediately broke into a quick-paced walk through the small town that had also called the island home. His sharp gaze idly scanned the passerby as he walked, quickly leaving the town within a few short minutes.

He then entered the length of forest that separated the Headquarters from the rest of civilization. Slowing his pace slightly, he made his way through the expanse of flora. He spared a glance at his surroundings, relaxing slightly at the familiar atmosphere. Perhaps he ought to meditate out here sometime. It was quiet enough, save the sounds of nature.

Much too soon for his liking, he broke through the forest's edge and spotted the Headquarters. He headed for the tall building that reeked of foreboding. An evident frown curled his lips downwards as he eyed the establishment. Somehow, it seemed rather different from what he had previously seen; different enough to cause him to approach with caution, at the very least.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary as he entered the Headquarters, or at least nothing visible. He swept off his coat in a lithe movement and allowed it to hand over his arm as he continued to walk. Perhaps he would spare some time for nutrition, seeing as he hadn't eaten anything for a good day now.

Upon entering the cafeteria, he realized that something was indeed wrong. Spotting both Lavi and Lenalee sitting in a corner picking at what he assumed must be their uneaten lunch, he scrutinized them. After a moment, he headed over to where Jerry was working on dinner, and ordered his typical tempura soba.


The cry knocked him out of his state of concentration and he flinched as thoughts of Alma flooded his head. Reaching up, he gripped his head, almost as if in pain. Whirling around, he glared at the audacious redhead, who had called out his name.

"Don't you dare say my first name, usagi, or I will murder you," he hissed, his eyes glaring daggers at the redhead. He stopped short as he realized that the two seemed unusually low-spirited. Turning his back to them, he rubbed at his temples before accepting his meal and taking it to an empty table.

"Kanda….you're alive…!" Lenalee's statement was shaky, as if she was on the brink of tears.

"Che," he responded tersely, not bothering to look at them. He made quick work of his meal, his mind set on retrieving Mugen.

"As rude as ever, eh, Yuu-chan?" Kanda's head whipped around to stare murderously at the redhead. "I will kill you," he snapped hotly. After what had occurred, he never wanted to hear that name lest he remember what had happened to the one that had called him such first.

Before he could turn back to his food, however, the sound of muffled sobbing reached his ears. Turning back to the pair, he was caught off-guard at the sight of seeing the girl dissolving into tears with Lavi attempting to comfort her.

Clucking his tongue, he opted to leave the room before he was dragged into whatever the affair was. As he made his way to where he knew his Mugen was, he momentarily hesitated. He could hear voices from the other side of the door, speaking in muted tones. What they spoke of, Kanda didn't bother to listen..

Not bothering to knock on the door, he opened it to find Komui and Inspector Lvellie discussing something or the other. His eyes drifted from one to the other, making note of their reactions as they spotted him.

Komui seemed much older than when Kanda had last seen him, for what reason he knew not. The somewhat absent-minded Branch Chief seemed much more somber than what Kanda was accustomed to seeing. He sighed and shut the door behind him, listening to Komui practically jump to his feet and run over to him.


An irritated expression crossed the raven's face as hands began to pat his arms and prod at him, as if to make sure he was real.

"What are you doing?" he questioned through gritted teeth, moving to slap away the hands that were still touching him. A lopsided expression that was comprised of something between a smile and a face that was on the border of breaking into tears plastered itself stupidly on Komui's face. A sigh passed Kanda's lips. That was more standard.

"Ahh - it really is you, Kanda! For a moment I thought it was some weird robot thing that your weird dad made or something-" Komui rambled.

"The only weird one here at the moment is you," Kanda snapped, his patience wearing thin. His eyes drifted over to Lvellie, who was observing him with a guarded neutral stare. His frown deepened. If there was a list of people within the order that he absolutely despised, Lvellie was definitely among those at the top.

"Alma Karma is dead, correct?"

Kanda's frown quickly gave way to an open scowl as he glared at the inspector from the corner of his sharp gaze. Even with a death stare directed towards him, Lvellie had no intention of backing down.

"The body - where is he?"

"Che." It took Kanda every shred of his self-control to not lose his temper with that infuriating inspector. "I have no intention of saying anything further," he finally stated, after sufficiently calming himself down to the point where his voice would not seem taut with anger. He allowed all the coldness possible to seep into his words, however, as they were hissed icily to the inspector. "Do not assume that I've forgiven the order."

One of Lvellie's henchmen were quick to rebuke him for his words, to which he responded with an irritated clucking of his tongue. Brainless idiot - following that inspector around like a headless chicken. That meant two things: the man was blinded by his loyalty to Lvellie, and the man would end up dead sooner than later because of Lvellie.

Ignoring them, he strode over to where a curtain hung, and moved it aside in a single graceful movement. The sight that met his eyes was rather grim, despite the fact that life still existed within the area of the room that was revealed to him.

A mop of blond hair topped by a tasseled beret moved, and Kanda caught sight of the teary-eyed chief of the Asia Branch of the Order. He frowned, but remained by the curtain as Bak quietly announced his arrival to the sleeping weapons manufacturer, Zuu.

Silently, he stepped over to the bedside, catching sight of a rusted Mugen within Zuu's grasp. As he continued to watch, not daring to retrieve his katana just yet, Zuu's eyes cracked open to stare up at him.

Bak was quick to mention that the elderly man had been asleep for quite a while, but Kanda ignored him in favour of listening to the words that Zuu had for him.

"...why...did you come back..?"

The one question was the only sentence that registered in Kanda's mind. Whatever else had been spoken entered one ear and left the other without his knowledge. He vaguely managed to understand a few words concerning the faults of the elder, but his mind whirled around the one simple question.

Why had he returned? The answer was simple to him: he had returned to repay the debt he owed to Allen. Kanda bit his tongue to prevent himself from speaking his thoughts aloud. No doubt he would gain some form of ridicule for his words, had he spoken. After all, it may have come across as a foolish reason to the ignorant beholder.

He shook his head almost invisibly to clear his mind and stared down at Zuu as he continued to speak. However, before he could continue his list of faults and blames, Kanda's flawless hand reached down and laid itself atop of the elderly man's own bony one.

A smile that almost hinted amusement but not quite adorned Kanda's face as he watched the weapons manufacturer. In a tone that could be regarded as almost pleasant, he spoke his next words of, "Well...you're also going to hell then."

Whatever Zuu had taken from his words, he wasn't completely certain, but he noted the smile that took over the old man's features.

Invoking the rusted Mugen, he watched as it began to emanate a dazzling light in his hand. His face remained calm as he observed his anti-akuma weapon return to the form he was so familiar with. He took hold of the katana, lifting it from Zuu's grasp and brandishing it.

After a mere moment of re-acquainting himself with his sword, he lowered it and sheathed it. His eyes raked across the room to meet those of all who were present before he silently stalked out. He needed to find a certain moyashi.

He made his way to the dormitory of the headquarters, assuming that Allen was within his room since he had not seen the white-haired boy with his two close companions in the cafeteria. He strode over to the door of the younger exorcist and raised his hand, knocking thrice, sharply.

He waited in silence for Allen to answer him, glaring at the door as though it had wronged him. He clucked his tongue in irritation as seconds passed, and soon, a minute. Raising his hand, he knocked again, this time with more force. "Oi! Moyashi! Open up!" he called, his voice generously laden with annoyance.

"What are you doing, Kanda?" he heard the familiar feminine voice, and turned to see the rabbit and the girl walking towards him, both wearing matching frowns: something he could not say he was accustomed to.

"I need to talk with the beansprout," he responded abruptly.

The two exchanged a glance with each other before Lenalee looked away at the cold floor, seeming to be on the verge of tears once again. Lavi turned to watch Kanda for a few moments before shaking his head.

"He's not here any more. He's joined the Noah."

The unprecedented sound of loud clanking metal echoed through the seemingly empty hall as Mugen clattered to the ground.

Good? Bad? Ugly? I'd love to hear your thoughts - please review! ^.^