Partner Series: This a series filled with all sorts of moments and headcanons about the amazing partnership between Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan and Miyano Shiho/Haibara Ai.

Theme: Rain

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(2) 雨乞い -Amagoi: Praying for rain

Shinichi sits by the window seat, head pressed against the cool window glass with his hands wrapped around a mug of coffee, content on listening to the rain. Closing his eyes, he hears the faint tick-tock of the clock, the slight creaks and moans of the professor's house as it's buffeted by the wind outside. But, the most comforting sound is the deep calming breaths coming from the woman that sits across him.

Peeking out from under his bangs, he stares at the strawberry blonde who sits with one knee drawn up to her chest as the other outstretch in front of her, the tip of her toes lightly touching his. Haibara has her hands wrapped around her own mug, filled with Earl Grey tea, the scientist's favorite.

Like him, Haibara is staring out into the street, exactly where they'd both been for the last hour. The biochemist looks tired but calm, her turquoise eyes content as she seems to focus on and follow drop after drop, each forging a path down the window pane. Every so often the blonde smiles that little half smile of hers and sips her tea. It's a nice change, Shinichi thinks.

Since their promise, it's become a lot easier to spend time with one another like this, taking comfort just by their presence and company. Just the two of them. On days when they feel like the world is too much, by unspoken agreement, they would seek each other out. More often than not, they'd pick rainy days. Both of them loving the cleansing atmosphere of the weather that grants them respite and sanctuary until they're ready to face the world again.

When their eyes meet, they exchange quite smiles, grown comfortable from their time together to look away. There's a minute shift and then, he feels their feet pressed more firmly together to which he responds by loosely tangling their ankles, grinning a little lopsidedly at the chemist. Haibara rolls her eyes, half smile widening a hair. He feels warm at the fondness that the girl fails to hide.

It is only in these quiet moments that he allows himself to watch Haibara without apology. Moments that's quickly becoming his favorite. He's safe and warm, spending time with his partner, in his favorite weather, with his favorite brew of coffee in his favorite mug. It's the simple things.

No cases, no experiments. No Black Organisation to induce fear into their veins. Just two weary souls taking shelter, tucked safely away into their little corner. Moments when shadows don't haunt them, when paranoia is lifted, allowing them to come up for air. It's within these brief precious moments, when they are the most free. He observes the biochemist at these times, grateful to see what he always hope for. Haibara, safe and happy, uncaged by past burdens and sins. It's why he's hesitant to disturb the silence that cradles them, because in these moments he is certain Haibara has never looked more peaceful, and he wants to fix her in his memory exactly like this.

Shinichi closes his eyes, making himself comfortable against the cushions. Soon, the rain will stop and they'll have to continue where they left off. To fight and survive so they may live again and when it gets too much because it will, have mercy on them, it will, they'll pray for rain and hope it lasts just a little bit longer. But for now, he sits back, feels tension bleeding out from him in stages, breathes and listens to their rain song.

He's home.